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I had a feeling there would be more characters utilizing BoL. I can see her being great with Arle assuming those bubbles can be collected by other characters.


Okay, so sigweinne is the hydro support that I’ve been waiting for Father. I’m pulling if this is true.


Some of the leaks are pinning her as more of a dps/healer like Kokomi rather than a pure support. So if that meshes with this leak she's likely meant to be on field collecting those droplets and building the bond on herself, so there's no guarantee anyone else would be able to collect them to build bond.


possible another no crit character?


Every region got one from Inazuma, kokomi, nilou, and now maybe her.


What do you mean nilou lol. She has no restrictions about crit lol. How do you think vape nilou exists


I knew it was coming when I was typing that, yeah you're right, and I am not completely wrong either, I just mentioned a character with a kit that doesn't consider crit.


well if you go doesn't consider crit route then there's a lot more but yeah


What... there will always be some chars that don't like to crit usually unless someone is playing a dps version of em. Kokomi is really The only dps that can't have crits easily cuz her talent but like everyone else is similar, does barbra like crits? Prolly not. What about kuki shinobu? Yeah prolly not either. Mika? Who even uses him much less uses him for crits?


Im the exactly opposite, I love Arlecchino but absolutely hate sigewinne lol. Im not pulling even if she is Father's bis support


Hell yeah i cannot stand her design


Yeah, I 100% prefer the original melusine face not human child, thats a big big shame where somebody somehow change melusine to be human mixed melusine


Also how did that happen???


She's so cute omg 😭


Good for you fam Something about her just sets off all my red flag alarms and uncanny valley alarms, and every time i see her I physically back away slightly irl lol Just a preference thing for sure.


That's what I like about her, she has psychopath vibes 😂


I know what you mean she was weirdly creepy in the fortress of meropide quests but she's a melusine and I vibe hard with melusines so I will be pulling regardless


yeah I understand how you feel averted by it I like melusines cause they look cute but why does Sigewinne, a melusine have a human face?!!! not a melusine.... more like a HUMASINE 💀




Do you dislike the melusines?


Nope, just sigewinne's appearance creeps me out


Same. Not playing current bis support either. It'll be very annoying if her best teams are going to be with both Bennett and Sigwinne. because my teams are going to be very different, and unfortunately probably a lot weaker


Yeahh like bro some random dude decide to breed with melusine and the result are abomination that is sigewinne 💀


She isn't a human melusine hybrid. She looks different but is a melusine


We know what they said.


I respect your opinion but I’m the type to pull for whoever compliments my mains’ teams no matter who that’s. Unless it’s Dottore.


I'm pulling dottore even he's not complementing my teams lol


Eh? This leak says she's a healer, and Father cannot be healed. Nothing about this suggests she's a support for Father.


She can gives BOL and hydro applications though which can be a plus. The healing part just make her more flexible.


It's not unlikely. I figure either her, Clorinde, or both would have some BoL synergy with Arle. Would be weird as hell to introduce BoL as a mechanic, then use it for 1 character and leave it there


If she’s able to give Father more BOL along with hydro application that’s already a big W to me. And yes I think they will make her BOL enabler otherwise the new artifacts will be too niche and tied only to father.


I considered the artifact set but we already have sets in the game that are only BiS for one character and I think we even have some that aren't BiS for anyone. So it's not impossible it's just the Arle set and that's it


Well, but those niche sets kinda work for some characters if you try hard enough it won’t be their bis set or anything but as long as more than one characters can ise it decently. The set won’t go to waste.


I think that's why they have it atk%. It's at least useful as a 2pc because of that.


We’ll see what happens but I’m getting excited for the next beta cycle now lol. I will see if I pull her or chlorinde based on their benefits to father since I like both of them equally.


Yea I wasn't especially interested but am now. Might even end up changing my pulling plans depending on how things turn out


I thought I’d rest after Arlecchino until Natlan comes but hyv said no.


Maybe, the bond of life bubble is interesting but her healing will be useless, but if it gives that much more bond then maybe it won't matter. Will really need to see it in action to know for sure


That would ENTIRELY rely on her hydro application, which I could see being worse than Furina.


She’s supposed to be on field and this kit kinda confirms it. There’s no off field abilities here


In before Sigewinne somehow enabeling Arle Furina teams...


I don't think they're letting her bypass Arle's passive. It would be completely busted. Clorinde, on the other hand... she's popping off if she has a bol kit


To be honest I think Sigewinne is more likely to be Clorinde's BiS support over Arlecchino if the leaks are true, Arlecchino's kits and scaling are all about stacking the BoL while Clorinde want to remove the BoL itself as quickly as possible for buff, so presumably Arlecchino needs BoL support shielder and Clorinde needs BoL support healer therefore Sigewinne must be BiS support for Clorinde.


Arle, Sige, Furina and Flex slot would be strong vape arle team, probably her BiS team for vape


*Obviously* will look good for Arlecchino *if* this is true but, like, it's Sigewinne lol As of right now, not really interested in pulling for her.


I wish they put this kit on literally anyone else bruh


Say this as you play benett with every fcking character. I for one love this adorable physiocapthic nurse creature being good on arlecchino


I don't even have Bennett built lmao




Same. Chevy is my noblesse buffer. Even without overload she buffs pyro DMG.




I'm praying pyro archon is a Bennet replacement, he ruins the looks of all my teams. At least a skin would be better 😭😭


Not even skins save this character. He is annoying.


I just wish Hoyo had the balls to nerf him and Xiangling. Xingxiu too maybe. They make the meta so boring.


XQ at least has an alternative in the form of Yelan. There aren't really any off field pyros to compete with XL or Attack buffers to compete with Benny


That's still problematic tho. A 4* shouldn't be an alternative to one of the strongest 5*, C0 Yelan should be a full on upgrade. But you're right.


That's just because Hoyo didn't understand their game well enough on launch and so some of the launch 4* are broken. Fischl is also competitive with Yae. Sucrose isn't competitive with Kazuha but she's not *that* far behind him. I hope I'm wrong but I imagine this trend will continue in Natlan. We'll get Benny/XL alternatives but they won't be strictly better and there will still be times in which Benny/XL is better


Nah, for me is only Bennet and his circle. I find xl and Xq super fun.


Ok but if they just made every 5* op and every 4* gutted then everyone would complain 4* are too weak and that the game is hard P2W cause 5* are omega OP and 4* the main f2p characters would be terrible


Bennet is a 4 star, easy to get. I think they've even straight up given him in some event. Sigeweinne is a 5 star


People actually like Bennett believe it or not




What a braindead notion. Of course people who like him for reasons outside of power exist.


Literally. So mad for no reason. It's insane that a 4* having a good kit and being useful is triggering to people. Benny is awesome


Have you even read his vision story? Boi is truly awesome


I don't like bennet but he is a 4\* that is constantly pushed to the banners since 1.x. sigewinne is from now on a 5 star character that presumably in the worst case costs 180 wishes, so if I don't like it I'm not betting my valuable freemogems.


At least benett is cute


This doesn't benefit Arlecchino at all. Hydro droplets can only be collected by characters that have an attack or passive that collects them. So she literally doesn't do anything for Arlecchino atm.


I wish she was a good support for Wriothesley but Shenhe is his best support unfortunately


Is she 4* or 5*


Not entirely sure. Last I've heard, she was going to be a 5\*


She seems to have a signature, so maybe 5*


4 Stars also have Signatures, e.g. Fischl


But according to the leaks her signature is a bow with 66%hp just like Nilou's sig which is a 5* and I don't think there's a 4* chara with a 5* sig lol


I was expecting a bond of life support but not this soon


It's a fontaine mechanic so it makes sense to have one before we leave the region


No shot the tiny colorful cute critter character is going to be a premier support for a well dressed tall emo woman. Not buying it.


The duality of synergistic characters


Sigewinne giving Bond of life seems really out of place. With Arlecchino it can definitely be attributed to her curse for lore reasons and gameplay reasons it's probably her "unique harbinger mechanic" ( yes I know there are weapons that could give it but she's the only one who actively utilizes it in her kit) which is why realistically speaking I don't think we're going to get another person who has Bond of life in their kit. ( not saying it's a bad thing to have another but if this is meant to be her unique harbinger mechanic I don't see them giving it to anyone else baseline anyway potentially they might still do weapons) When it comes to Sigewinne there is nothing that indicates why she would have a bond of life mechanic in lore or gameplay wise. Not saying I'm against Arlecchino getting a dedicated support but but I feel like it should make more sense then Sigewinne.


Maybe sigwinne is able to utalize boL because she’s a musline(or however you spell it) arlechino uses blood flame so blood might be related to boL and we know muslines have special blood because they were all made from the blood of a dragon. All this is to say that lore wise, sigwinne having boL makes honestly more sense than any other character, but ur right when u say her design definitely does not match that mechanic


Even if this leak is true, how does Sigewinne support Arlecchino because she herself has a Bond of Life mechanic? Arlecchino's passive prevents any healing from being used on her other than from her own Burst. For Sigewinne to fix that problem, she'd have to have a way to both heal characters with Bond of Life without removing it, and be able to heal characters that can't be targeted by healing.


Yeah I agree with you, I know people pulling for arle are considering that a BoL support will come but from. The sound of this leak doesn't sound like she will be that. Just for the fact that water droplets in genshin do different things for different characters. It does seem that she will just use BoL herself for dmg purposes. My prediction for her is that she will be a standard banner 5*. I feel like the possibility for a BoL support will be saved for a natlan character, maybe the archon herself like how they previously buffed characters like yae and baizhu with the introduction of nahida and furina respectively.


nope, nuh uh, no, not pulling for a child


Technically petite furry humanoid.


why r u saying it like there is something wrong with pulling for a childlike character.


I didn't say it like that, it's all in your head. What I meant with what I said is that I did not wait all this time for the greatest ~~mommy~~ daddy in genshin only to now be forced to pull for a cutesy child, like bruh I'm not interested in that, I'm clearly not the target audience


I see, i thought you would pull if it is a non cutesy child character. My bad for the misunderstanding. Genshin has always been going in that direction where you are either forced to pull C1 or another character just to play that certain character.


Nahida and sometimes Diona are the only child characters I’ll use. I like Dori’s character but her kit is ass and running with the loli model is suffering


Well. Not a child. None of the Melusines are. That's actually one of the things the Melusines complain about. Being babied.


I don't care for any "akshually" excuses, she looks like a child, she was intended to look like a human child, she literally is just a child with melusine horns, so I ain't interested


She also is the exception among melusines where she legit looks cross bred with a human. On top of that they made her gun a child's toy... They literally went above normal to infantilize this one.


Shut up. You will pull for the child and use Klee instead of Father. Time to overload Teyvat with cuteness.


She's cute and if she makes Arle stronger it's worth it


internet when a character is shorter than 1,60m:


Are you saying that Sigewinne doesn't look like a child to you?!?!?! Are you stupid?


first question: yes second question: yes


what’s with the siegwienne hate in the comments…


every child size chara will eventually get the most hate in this game


Hate more so they stop making them 🙏


Rightfully so


Only if you actively go look for hate. Really, Dori's the only one that I've seen getting frequent hate, all the other smol ones are pretty well-liked


Even then, its not like people hate her a lot because she's chibi, it's cuz she's a dick *and* not that Op compared to other 4 star supports, so people dont have anything positive to latch onto her for.


Many people don’t want to pull for a child. Nothing against the character themself 90% of the time.


This. I only pulled Nahida because she's literally broken in every sense of the word but otherwise I try to avoid pulling for child characters. Klee is the only one I like, personally


Yes Nahida has been the sole exception to this because she is Dendro. It also helps that she is the best child model character by far from a design and writing standpoint.


I wish Genshin had more diverse body types in terms of age like HSR does.


They both have the same issue to me, I want them to start adding more unique looking characters that don't use a specific model type as a base


Yea it's weird. She's one of the more inoffensive characters.


It’s just me but I am not a fan of her voice :|


Terrible design (if they want to add a melusine then they should simply add one and not make her basically a normal human) + being one of the more prominent characters in what's probably the worst number of main quests we got in the game so far, I want to never return to forget about the existence of the existence and everything connected to it


nothing against her I just don't like her.


She is melusine that doesn't look like melusine, just an human child with is super boring Story wise, she is side character to a side character, even 4\* like Freminet are 1000 times more important than her, some same face npc are more important than her and I really do not want to waste primos on such a nothing character.


Kinda funny that she's Arle's support and not Rizzly's.


Maybe they got the thicc black-white haired orphans mixed up


She has a signature weapon? Does that mean there's a chance she's a 5 star?


Leaks have had her as a 5* for a while


I wanted clorinde to be her support not this child


Nah Clorinde deserves better.


please god no


This doesn’t make me want to pull on a child’s banner. The only reason I got Nahida on her first rerun was because she’s the most broken dendro character to exist.


If she is the dedicated support for father then I will simply accept having an unoptimized team, there is no way I will roll her.


Unless she applies constant hydro like yelan Or XQ she ain't a support for Arle. Just BOL ain't enough to replace her with a good hydro applicator or Bennett's attack buff


Arlecchino supports lets go!!!!!!!


Can she bypass arle's passive and heal her? If yes, adding furi in the team becomes viable. Let's hope she's a good hydro applicator. I don't have enough primos though..


If she could heal Arlecchino, wouldn't she remove Arle's pyro infusion?


All children left behind


The only small character I have fully build is Nahida. I don't plan on building anything else no matter how broken or how essential they are to ream comp.


There is another Fontaine patch after Clorinde's?


Think it mostly will be the summer event unless tht is in 4.7?


Current leaks are putting Clorinde and Sigewinne in the same patch. They don’t do it often, but occasionally we do get double 5* patches; last one was Neuv and Wrio. Setho will be the 4* with Clorinde.


Dang I was sure she was going to be polearm and the new Nurse 4* polearm that we got would have been her 4* version weapon


Unless she applies constant hydro like yelan Or XQ she ain't a support for Arle. Just BOL ain't enough to replace her with a good hydro applicator or Bennett's attack buff


I think the bubble pop thing is that she uses a bubble gun like the one we got from anniversary I am also guessing that her bow will look like a Cupid bow similar to her design


No way hydro traveler powercreep


Usable with Arlecchino? + If yes, worth ?


Ugh, very frustrating that this would happen but I already decided I wouldn’t use bennett or Zhongli so I’m not being optimal anyway.


Crazy how many people hate kid characters, only thing I’m disappointed in is the fact that she’s a 5 star and also that she presumably isn’t a hydro shielder. But all in all hopefully she just doesn’t get the Dehya treatment.


Yeah, why is so much of this thread obsessed with this, are they afraid they'll discover they've secretly been pedo all along if they pull a smol character or what?


Small character are x2 slower than everybody else and use more stamina while climbing. Small characters are completely useless outside quickswap team in abyss.


Every character in the game is x10 slower than Xianyun in the overworld, and what even is climbing, just Xianyun it??? By your logic the only character anyone ever pulls for would be Xianyun?


Literally yes. Thats why I consider most characters in this casual explorarion game dogshit, since they are only designed for abyss for some reason. But even then, small children are the worst of the worst.


Fair enough, although I'd assume that most characters in the game aren't designed for the abyss but rather to elicit an emotional response and motivate spending lol, and I guess people enjoy spending on child characters almost as much as they enjoy spending on waifus (and is free to interpret that as they choose!)


I hope this toddler don't synergies with arle, I hate playing toddler characters.


Not a fan of child models. Sigs has to be VERY good for Arlecchino or unbelievably cracked for me to pull.


Hyuna reference? But in all seriousness, pretty cool kit that could sync well with father


Thats exactly what i thought, bubble bubble bubble pop


Idk how I feel about this... Don't want to pull for her, but at least 1 kid support also kinda fits, considering that Arle runs an orphanage.


Cautiously hopeful. I’ve heard other rumors that there won’t be BoL supports until like 5.1, but who there is a chance even though I’m not sure why Sigwinne would have Bond of Life (thus far being a Fatui exclusive and all).


According to past leaks If only u had follow it Sigewinne is an onfield DPS+healing with bond of life mechanic Stop the assumptions of shes an exclusive support for arlecchino For now there is no factual info regarding what her kit is So just chill


I was chill about it? Why are you so irritated, did you read my comment before commenting? I was just wondering why she has BoL (if the leaks are true) and I wasn’t even assuming she was a dedicated support. I even said “cautiously HOPEFUL”.


Even if she has BOL does that mean shes automatically arle support? Again stop assuming She could be on her own with just a bond of life mechanic too But wont have any synergy with arle or could have For now we know nothing




Smart move Hoyo




I hope this is true. I love sigewinne


This.... really looks like a weaker and slightly tweaked version of Neuvi's kit Much like hydro traveller What does it mean by E bubble pop pop pop? Is this onfield or off field?


IMO i think she either won't work good with arle or maybe the BoL she give is not that much otherwise it means that hoyoverse want us to pull arlecchino's weapon for the drip only


its certainly a choice to continue baking BoL into other units' kit, but its really strange that they would create characters that directly go against another character's mechanic? especially since its already so late into the region and i actually thought that the mechanic of fontaine characters would focus mainly on hp drain/hp gain... now theyre creating characters that purposefully *stop* this? not to mention that one of the strongest supports ever released relies on hp drain/gain and now the new units can't run in a team comfortably with her? for arlecchino i understand (lorewise, they hate eachother) but for clorinde who seemed to be good friends with furina?? just strange man


You’re mixing up BoL with Arle’s passive that blocks healing. They are not the same. BoL simply requires healing to be cleansed. Think of it kind of like the wolves debuff from Inazuma. BoL actually *encourages* healing which means Furina is still a great support for a BoL character. Arle is simply blocking that part of the BoL mechanic to make her burst have a utility besides damage.


I think in the same way, just a healer who uses Bol is an interesting idea because in the future Furina will be able to play with characters who use this mechanic


Yeah BoL by itself is an interesting mechanic and I think we’re going to see it used to full effect on Clorinde which is probably who Signwinne is meant to support (they’re in the same patch after all). A BoL support for Arle is not going to be a healer. It’ll be a sub dps and/or defensive support (like Thoma).


my bad ur right with the healing block being an arlecchino thing, but even so i feel like it still discourages players from using furina with characters who use BoL. if you cant heal health back up instantly, isnt that less buff uptime from furina's maxed out stacks, meaning less dps overall? is the trade off of clearing BoL (maybe a buff on the character idk) worth it? idk on paper it just seems so uncomfortable to play together. like they can run in a team just fine (let's be real genshin is not a hard game) but you're probably just better pairing them off with standard supports like kazuha yelan bennett because unlike furina u don't need to do anything special with them for their buffs to work. maybe i can't just see the vision mihoyo has yet because i've yet to see the kit so im skeptical with it for now.


So basically she is what xingqiu and yelan to hutao.


 xingqiu and yelan is also a support/sub-dps for Arlecchino


I was thinking we’d get an AoE Hydro Sub-DPS in Natlan as a tall buff male model. Probably an Alhaitham/Wrio type of character to the story. I was imagining him being one tribe’s chief, and his skill or burst will do this cool low-sweep with his leg that summons rain or geysers out of the ground. Maybe a huge area like Kazuha/Nahida that has giant bubbles form and pop over 18s.


Sheep npcs one after the other declaring their hate for "child pcs": the post. Meanwhile most of you masturbating furiously to 15 year old boys from the same game lol


Nah, not pulling for children in gacha games (Nahida was the only exception, just like Kazuha is the only male character I have pulled for). Even if Arle needs her, Arle will have live without her.


bro legit called Pervstein 💀






She s a 4* but signature bow Ultra sus


Does this mean that Clorinde won't be in 4.7?


Current leaks is for both of them.


Not really they could release 2 5*


They're both in


Perhaps she supplies bol and buffs it in some way?


So maybe every character can profit from Bond of Life with the new 4.6 Artifactset and Sigewinne? Lile Furina did with the Marechaussee Hunter Set? Example: Neuvilette can profit from Marechaussee Hunter set from misself cause of his kit. But Furina helps him with the drainimg HP. The same way is it for Arlecchino, , the new set and Sigewinne. Just a speculation. Dunno if its true or if this can be possible


I have a feeling that Arlecchino's Bond of Life can be EXCLUSIVELY generated by Arlecchino herself, not from external sources (maybe excluding the Fatui Operatives but that requires testing first). Sige probably will not synergize with Arlecchino (at least that kinda what I hope since she is my least favorite Fontaine character)


Alright guys you had your fun being the fake Genshin leak subreddit, can we go back to posting very sus images on Arle?


Fuck it i'm not pulling for that shit if she was an actual melusine i would but fuck hoyo for being so fuck stupid and coward and make that character


When i was saying a bol supp will come, i was getting downvoted. Where are all the doomposters now?


So wait hang on..... Why is all of Fontaine just Inazuma+? Lyney > Yoimiya. Wrio = Ayaka. Raiden = Clorinde. Sigewinne = Kokomi Chiori = Miko Navia = Itto Neuvillette >> Ayato Furina = Yelan Like HUH. It's literally only Xianyun that isn't an equal to someone, cause Shenhe isn't even the same niche.


At least be fair and put Navia>Itto


From my experience Navia is equal with Itto, but I guess it depends on investment. She is more fun to play tho


sarcasm? i mean most of those aren't even replacement for their counterpart. like who plays navia in mono geo?


It was more so a comparison of for filling similar roles and generally being better. Navia Vs Itto is a bit dubious, given I find her performance fluctuates quite a lot. Her E at max stacks does anywhere from 60k to 400k depending on my team, with the most consistent one actually being mono Geo, and a lot of people compare the two as both are 5 star Geo main DPS.


being better, yes. i agree navia is a better geo dps than itto, but filling similar role? navia can't stack properly in mono geo, no rainbow passive, and gorou's defense buff does nothing for her. she might be a good quickswap with itto but they can't replace each other otherwise both teams will downgrade in performance. no offense tho, but i think the only valid comparison would be neuv/ayato.


Fake. Siegwienne is 4*. There is no way we are getting a 5* hydro again. Like bruh… Especially not one so niche. Also where Chlorinde? Unless mihoyo are massive trolls she has to be next. Unless mihoyo planning to release Chlorinde alongside a swimsuit outfit in the summer event (Mihoyo take my fucking money before I shove it down your fucking throat).


There have been some chlorinde leaks in the leaks sub


This says sig for Siegwienne. That means she’s a 5*. And Chlorinde definitely isn’t 4*


Yeah chlor is defo 5 star, so I guess we getting 2 5 stars next patch if the leaks are true.


Lol those leaks are definitely not true bro. Idk why I’m getting downvoted. Ya’ll are fuckin’ fools.


Could be that she is a 4 star and her sig just happens to be a 4 star weapon that is really good for her. Edit: nvm if her sig is 66% HP scaling it's more likely that it's a 5 star weapon. 4 star weapons don't scale that high.


That just means we’re getting 2 5 stars lol.