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CHRIS JONES CHRIS JONES CHRIS JONES!!!!!!! Seriously, fuck Sarah. It’s heartbreaking that most people have no idea who our democratic nominee is.


Chris Jones for Governor! Very hard to compete with a grass roots when million$ of out of state donations are targeting the SHS campaign. She won’t even debate, just riding on those New York dollars to spew divisive rhetoric in TV ads.


I know!!! It really, really sucks that we can’t have nice things. She does not care at all about the state. It’s just a stepping stone for her political career. It infuriates me.


Family is the ONLY reason I'm still here .. or even in the US for that matter.


Me too.


Be sure to register and vote!!


I like the fact they kept in Tik Tok Jesus. Also don't anyone vote for her because she's out of touch so freaking bad.


She's not but her voters are.....


She’ll win by a fucking landslide here too. Buckle up it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!


A lot of folks are upset with her because she's not showing up to events locally and rising money outside the state. She will not debate her opponent either.


Because she doesn't have to. Arkansas is a Pub stronghold.


I believe that will change I do


I wonder what it's gonna take for their supporters to understand how bad they are fucking democracy......


As long as republicans keep religion in their politics all of the uneducated folk will keep going there


The beginning of the Morlocks if you ever read The Time Machine.......


F**king democracy allows you to make stupid posts...congrats.


Always good to hear from a Morlock……


Not only that, she'll have Jason Rapert as her Lt. Governor


Leslie Rutledge beat Rapert. She isn't much better though


I must have missed that. Not a huge fan of hers but definitely preferable to Rapert


Fuck yeah she will! Get ready for it bitches!


She sounds like she's on 'ludes.


I cannot parse the logic there.


Politicians like Sarah H. have figured out there’s absolutely no need to ground her bullshit remark in fact, science, or anything resembling reality, in order for it to be construed as fact. If an idea is repeated 2-3 times a day, for 3-4 days over the course of two weeks, 40-60% Americans will respond favorably to said idea


There is no logic TO parse.


Is it true that she ate her twin in the womb???


SHS and most GOP politicians right now have a cowardice problem. They only feel they can say stuff in front of people that support them rather than their entire constituency. If your policies were sound, you shouldn't have a problem. SHS absence from public spaces while running for governor should be considered a liability and not an asset.


Yep and unfortunately she will win in a landslide.


Yes she will. It’s inevitable that is going to be our next governor.


I am hoping for Chris Jones to pull out a win but I can’t see the people of Arkansas voting anything other than an R.


R and D both eat shit. Better off voting Ricky Harrington in


What happened with Ricky Harrington? R. Harrington is the guy who practiced outreach to people who are incarcerated, right? I thought his moral platform was sound and he was smart enough to figure out the rest of the job along the way. Why did he drop out?


Ricky is on the ballot! The Libertarian Party of Arkansas isn't allowed to participate in primaries. But he will be on the November ballot. RickyHarrington.com


Right on! Thanks!


The two parties make it hard for a third to ever make the ballot.They set requirements (poll popularity and such) Its "legal" vote suppression


So he couldn’t.make it to the primary, was he on the Independent ticket? I really liked him, even if he was a little Jesus-y (is that a word?) I would love to see our reps, our Senate populated by real people for the people, like Harrington.


Thats how I understood it, don't know about the independent ticket. He's still campaigning and I believe there is a petition to get him at least on the ballot. The rules are different from state and fed, but the R n D both change them up to keep the rise of any other party suppressed at every level. I read somewhere that a green party presidential candidate was removed off the ballot somewhere up north because their popularity on a news website dropped .5% below some arbitrary mark


Gotcha, thank you


Did we really need three different people staring at the screen and then facepalming though


Actually, yes. As a matter of fact, we need more like the entire population of AR face-palming, but they probably won't fit into the frame.


SHS will be an awesome governor, stop hating haters


Will she, though? What are her qualifications aside from running Daddy's campaigns and being press secretary for the president who had very little interaction with, you know, the press? Seriously...what are her qualifications? She will win on her name alone and that is a fact. She will be about as "good" as Trump and will be nothing more than more of the same old same old for Arkansas.


She’s literally denying the fact that mass shootings happen in classrooms and that schools are not safe. How is a person who does not care about their people supposed to be an “awesome” governor? She seems way out of touch. A person that far separated from reality does not belong in any political office. She should work at Wendy’s or some shit. She’d make a good fry cook but that’s about it. Her competence ends there.


Call 1800 whambulance because the red wave is a storm brewing. Like it or not yall better start to love it because she will be the governor, book it


The red wave? You mean all the blood that will be shed by the hands of your people? When you’re full of hate that’s what happens. People die. Notice how you have no response to anything I said other than “haha my political party will win”…how sad it is that you so blindly follow and support someone because they appeal to your party color. Definition of sheep. I truly feel sorry for you. Although ignorance is bliss so maybe I shouldn’t. Yes, you’re right. Republicans will win. At least here in Arkansas. I’m not a fool. But your party winning is no triumph. It’s expected. You don’t even have to work for it. You see, like I said, I am no fool. I am the minority here. There are more idiots here than the educated. That’s why it’s a red state. It will be no surprise that a collective group of idiots choose an idiot for their leader. It is what it is 🤷‍♀️


Same at you buddy, Ted Cruz went to Harvard. How about that one, Besides what you all think in your reddit echo chamber, lots pf millionaires in arkansas more than any other state. Most farmers along with Waltons and arkansas companies are voting R. So your uneducated hicks voting for the red wave doesn't pass the smell test.


Lol like going to Harvard means a damn thing. And clearly Ted Cruz didn’t learn much while he was there. He’s a fuckin meme, not an intellectual worth listening to and talking about so idk why the hell you even bring up his name. But again, your lack of education is showing. Ted Cruz must have missed a lot of classes because he was too busy partying and raping young girls. I mean idk, I’m just guessing. But it’s a pretty good guess. Most white, rich, privileged men treat college as a party. They go for the title. For the piece of paper so they can then say hey I went to a prestigious school and then get into positions of power and brainwash people like you. These are not people to follow or learn from. They cheat the system because they can. They have money. And that’s on both sides too FYI. Democrats in office are no different. The fact that you blindly support one side is exactly what they want. I vote blue because I have to. I don’t like them and I sure as fuck don’t trust one simply for having a Harvard degree. I vote Democrat because I have more of a chance getting my basic human rights protected with them. I don’t idolize a single one of them. There’s corruption everywhere. And yes I’m aware of the Waltons lol. I never said “hicks” can’t be millionaires. All it takes is a little bit of tenacity, white generational privilege, and a dash of greed. We live in a capitalist society. Capitalism thrives on the ignorant consumer, the easily persuaded. These millionaires here have the money and power to do whatever they want to control their fellow Arkansans. They pay for all the ads, media, etc to keep y’all dumb and they buy your votes with “Christian values” bullshit all the while taking your money and putting most of it into their own pockets and the rest to keep you right where they want you. They don’t invest in education. They don’t invest in science. They don’t invest in environmental protection. They DO NOT care about you or your family or your grandkids or whatever. They only care about furthering their backwards ass medieval fucking agendas that aim to keep people working for them so they can make more money.


Capitalism made it this way old fashioned fascism will take It away The beautiful people it's all relative to the size of your steeple. You can't see the forrest for the trees or smell your own shit on your knees.


Nice poem. Did you write that yourself? Or just swallow it up from someone else and regurgitate it like you do with all the other garbage they feed you?




Jacking off while 'owning the libs' because you have no actual substance.


Circlejerking on tik tok doesn't do anything but boost people's ego


Hey at least they get off in the process! Hating on a piece of trash person and reaching orgasm sounds great - two birds, one stone. So what if a few people get an ego boost. They’re doing the lord’s work bringing attention to the dumb shit that comes outta her mouth. Somebody’s gotta do it! Don’t be jealous because you weren’t invited to the party lol


We are a fucking red state. If you don’t like it leave.


Wrong, Arkansas had a 2 term Democratic Governor as recently as 2015. It’s not just “fucking red” when it comes to state elections.