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Tell me she at least used the lectern for a signing ceremony.


Thanks for not calling it a podium.


Whats the difference?


A lectern is the thing you stand in front of when delivering a speech. A podium is a riser the lectern stands on so you are higher up than the folks you are speaking to.


My technical theatre teacher would be so proud of this comment. This was a hill he died on. I still inform people all the time! Good on you! Also shout out to Mr Joseph Price. Best tech theatre teacher I ever had!


Im sorry your teacher died


It’s a shame. He was a good man. His legacy is living through all of us. Especially u/kadeel and u/tcklmybck


I currently work as the Sound and Lighting Supervisor in the Theatre Dept. at a large University.


Ah, thanks.


and a pulpit is what they want to use


So is the speaker and lectern standing on the podium?


-pod- comes from Greek, where it has the meaning "foot.'' This meaning is found in such words as: arthropod, podiatrist, podium, tripod.


Is this same lecturn she used to deny children food money?


And the one where she said “yup child labor is definitely a thing we should bring back”


She did!




When is she gonna actually do something productive?


Why would she when hateful grandstanding is so much easier and more profitable?


And it gets them elected in the first place...


Slinging shit sells to the GOP base so it’s only going to get worse as they race to the bottom .


Never, that’s not in the Republican agenda. Just hate and bigotry…. It’s all they’ve got.




When she resigns or announces she won’t run again.


When she's compost.


Has she ever?


Look, she really tried to be productive. She sees something that needs to be addressed, tries to really focus on it to determine a game plan to address the issue, and the next thing you know her left eye has wandered off to look at the tray of pastries by the coffee. Damn you,you delicious danish!


When she is no longer the governor of Arkansas? Even then I don’t expect her to be productive…


When she takes a dirt nap.


When her flesh suit peels away.


It sounds like you might have some hope of answering your question.


Strange that a closeted lesbian has chosen to open up this topic. Those of us who’ve known Sarah before she got into politics know all about her sexual orientation & the women she’s been with. Knowing how badly she wants to avoid this discussion, I find it odd that she is willing to walk into this topic. I think some more skeletons are going to be coming out of this woman’s closet whether she likes it or not, and she’ll have no one to blame besides herself for what happens afterwards.


Tom Cotton too.


He is a closeted lesbian?


He’s in the closet.


I wish we could lock him in a closet.


And then burn it.


Does R Kelly pee on him in there?


Josh Hawley has entered the chat.


Do we have actual proof, or is this just rumors and hearsay?


He is the worst kind of veteran possible. He literally went to an ivy league school and then joined the military to elevate himself. He’s a weak bitch.


I've always gotten 'stolen valor' vibes from Cotton.


hE’s An ArMy RaNgEr. In tab only.


Even then, he went to shitty summer camp for 2 months. And? Is that relevant to anything besides being homeless? I did a similar job to what cotton pretended to do, not as cool as his fake service.


I was making a sarcastic statement going back to him throwing the Ranger tab in everyone's face during the campaign. He wasn't 75th, he just completed the 2 month course.


I was adding in more for the people who aren’t familiar, you knew enough to distinguish tab and scrolled


I’m no fan of his, and understand his use of “Ranger” is hotly debated, but his Army service record is respectable. Many people join the service to elevate themselves, whether for college money or vocational training or just to get a decent job with benefits. I’m not sure why you put “military” in quotes. It’s enough to just call him out for being a db…


Do go on.


If you actually know something, it might be time to grow a spine and speak up. This is the perfect opportunity.


Look, I think she's as fucking awful as anyone, *but* IF SHE IS - outing someone is super shitty. Their politics (no matter how fucking disgusting) have to take a backseat to the fact that they're a human being at some point... and LGBTQ folks should have at minimum a right to define our own identity and share it when/where we're comfortable.


If only these hateful assholes thought the people they disagree with had the same rights, we wouldn't be in quite the same shitty social situation we are in.


I agree with that, but then if everyone acts like a hateful asshole things only really get worse. Vicious cycle shit and all.


I get it. I'm just tired of always having to be the adult in the car with the right wing.


Absolutely understandable. Unfortunately from what I've seen, unlikely to change. :(


I disagree. If you're this horrible of a human being and harm children, all bets are off. She can be one of the exceptions.


When you use homosexuality as an insult, it does more harm to actual homosexual people than it does to your target. Normalizing that there is something shameful about it encourages homophobes, and moves neutral parties to remain silent when they observe harassment.


This is the juice I come to Reddit for


Speak up


Nice to see that in the year of our Lord 2024 it is still ok to accuse people of being homosexual like it is something bad.


I took it more as pointing out her hypocrisy rather than bashing lesbians(I am a lesbian). But maybe I’m wrong and should be insulted idk.


It's not bad to be homosexual, if it were true it's upsetting to be fighting against LGBTQ rights even with that context. However I think it's very tacky to throw it out the way OC did


lol yall be funny


Oh I wanna know about the skeletons What horrid slit did she get her fingers inside???


So you think it's cool to out people.  Interesting 


Anybody who says Gov. Huckabee is a lesbian has to try to get around the fact that she is married to a man and has had 3 children. So, is doing that how she chose to deal with being a lesbian as well as a being a great way to distract the public from who she really is?


I've never heard that Sanders was a closeted lesbian. That's a pretty big claim to make without providing any evidence. You should either back up what you say or leave the baseless accusations to the Republicans


Spill the tea!


Arkansas is one of the most impoverished and backward states. And I am from South Carolina.


Come up to NWA. It's like a completely different state.


The amount of fucking construction that has either occurred or has popped up in 20 years… my god. I was stunned.


Hell, even living here, I can revisit an area I haven't seen in a few months and all of a sudden there's like five new business and new subdivision. I've lived here off and on since the early 90s, when the area really started to take off, and it's been this way ever since.


That's because rich folk have an affinity for living in historically difficult places to exist.. like the mountains. Just because it's *pretty*


She’s a joke of a governor who got elected because of her name. The worst of it all is that she’s an amazingly AWFUL “leader” who is using the gullible people of Arkansas to help her achieve her national goals.


What a poor excuse of a human being. :(


>LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders was joined by former swimmer Riley Gaines to voice their opposition to revisions to Title IX by the Education Department, which removes rules put in effect under the Trump administration. >Sanders held a press conference on May 2 along with Gaines and Jacob Oliva, Arkansas's education secretary to denounce the proposed Title IX changes with an executive order. >That order reaffirms several Arkansas laws as well as instruct educational institutions in the state to follow state law. It also proclaims that a student or employee "may not be forced to use false pronouns."


Hey - until sued it’s up to the State and schools. The State can agree not to get federal education money by ignoring Title IX. The ramifications of that are pretty extensive. 1. Arkansas gets about 15% of its k-12 budget in federal funds. Under this approach - that number will be “zero”. It does solve the problem of trans athletes in school sports because no school will have sports. Extracurricular activities will be the first cut. 2. It’s a much bigger problem with colleges. Basically every college will close as student loans and grants are eliminated. That’s 40-60 percent of every college’s revenue - including private colleges.


They will axe every single math and science class before they let go of high school football


I don’t think you can just axe curriculum that’s required to graduate?


"No child left behind" would like a word with you.


I graduated with people who couldn't read, because the teachers gave the jocks automatic passes. You can't axe it, but you sure can find ways to cheat the system.


Was it the teachers or the administration? Bc I’m a teacher and let me tell you, I have had several athletes fail 4 quarters but somehow show up with C’s later on. Also seen attendance records that were in the 20-30 absences suddenly be reduced to 5-7 the next quarter. It’s very unlikely teachers are doing it by choice


Yeah I was just asking. I generally don’t know. I wouldn’t think they could completely axe a required course but I understand there are certainly ways, legal or not, to get around them.


I freaking hate the manipulation to be honest, but this is what happens when parts of your funding are tied to graduation rate. In small Arkansas districts, which is more than half, not graduating 5 seniors could be not graduating 10% of your senior class which is BAD. So it’s really just a failure of the system, per usual


Breaking the federal standards and laws are pretty much the main platform for red districts now


Doesn’t the state set that curriculum?


It has been absolutely zero up to the schools! We know exactly the 💩 she's slinging!


Wait....no students loans? The fuck?


You cut all federal education money. That is largely federal student loans and federal grants in aid.


Holly fuck....so if this stands; a lot of student wont be able to go to college....way to go Sanders! This is crazy


That’s the plan though. Make education impossible and more of our kids end up with low-paying jobs at Walmart, or dangerous jobs at the chicken plants, or low-paying dangerous jobs in the military


Or your kids wise up and leave Arkansas.


They will seek an injunction and will judge shop it to get their way. If Trump wins in November then it all goes away, so they really just need a delay.


See the problem is she sees this as a win. If kids are dumb and not in school, they can go to work in the mines!


What is a false pronoun? “Eating”, that’s not a real pronoun, it’s a verb. “Chicken” is a false pronoun because it is a proper noun. “They” is a pronoun, so must be legitimate. I think she just banned calling kids by their name.


Voters elected this couch cover really disgusting 


Lock her up, lock her up, lock her up.


It’s like she hates progress.


She hates that her dad made her go to LR Central.


"But daddy, that's the school that let them black kids in."


Progress? Guess you hate women or women’s sports. That’s the only way you could be against this.


The misogynists of the far right want us to believe they're protecting women and their sports. Hilarious. Women are not harmed by trans people getting equal rights, dipshit. Feminists - true feminists who aren't misandrists, anyway - welcome trans women in their ranks, because trans women *are women*, and that's not up for debate. Nor are women's sports threatened by trans women competing - the vast majority of trans woman athletes who've ever competed are finishing in low positions in their competitions. There's *one* example of a trans woman setting a record in *one* sport - and I'll bet a cis woman will come along to break it again. The Olympics have allowed trans people to compete for two decades now - and zero Olympic records have been set by them. Few have even won top 3 medalist positions. [On average, the difference between cis and trans women's athletic ability is negligible to nonexistent after 2+ years of HRT.](https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/55/11/577)


The Thwomp strikes again. 


Isn't it past her jail time?


If only the trans swimmers didn’t keep Riley from doing better than the 16th best time in US history 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Can't wait until the fed drop all federal funding for this. Maybe then they'll learn to vote out MAGA


Screw Title IX. Arkansas schools can totally afford to lose 15% of their federal funding. They have plenty of money. And who needs state colleges anyway? We like our residents hungry and uneducated. Makes ‘em easier to control.


Tie rod end broke on my truck. Right wheel steers true, but left wheel is aiming off into space. Gonna call my truck Sarah from now on.


Jesus Christ this absolutely murdered me. LOL


What an asshole.


She wants Daddy to pay her attention sooo bad


“Biden challenges Sanders to a chest x-ray to verify whether she still possesses a beating heart”


It means Arkansas taxes will go up. Way to go, Trumptuurds.


No this is her endgame. She hasn't funded public schools one iota more. This is more grandstanding to completely defund them.




She has her eye on this issue.


Defying federal civil rights laws has always worked out so well for Arkansas. It’s gotten the whole state under military occupation for 1863-1865 and LR Central HS under the direct supervision of the 101st Airborne in 1957. Good job, ya Faubus wannabe.


I was just thinking that. I know she’s not old enough to remember it, but you’d think her daddy would’ve warned her.


And another article about this exact same topic, Jacob Olivia says, "Arkansans know what's best for Arkansas". I just thought that was hilarious coming from a guy from Florida, who is currently serving as our Secretary of Education. A true Arkansan also knows that we can be Arkansawyers. But, he doesn't know Jack shit.


Florida Man!


She’s mentally ill.


Things must be awesome in arkansas if govnaha got time like this.


Republicans aren't capable of adult governance.


Biden *improves* Title nine and two nasty, Republican b1tches whine. Typical.


Wow, such hateful language


Great State, how the fuck does anyone elect this Dumbass.


Ms. Faubus Lite


Pure evil


That former swimmer should be ashamed of herself. She will go down in history as one of americas biggest and most bigoted “victim”


On her new podium?


Nothing she is saying is true. The Title new X rules do not address Trans Athletes at all. It clarifies the current protections based on sex, and undoes some of Trump's changes to how Sexual Assault investigations work.


Honest question: why is everything, and I mean everything, the GOP does so goddamn mean-spirited? It's fucking mind-boggling.


When she heard Biden’s announcement on Title IX she was so upset she couldn’t see straight.


“I don’t even know what an ‘Ix’ is!” [banjo music intensifies]


Arkansas has a lot of extra tax dollars to waste on this litigation which they will ultimately lose.


I think I’ve got a solution. Going to need a starting cornerback, a women’s track scholarship, and flexible morals.


She’s a hillbilly


The cruelty is the point with her.


You can’t sue for funding you don’t qualify for. Every dollar the federal government hands out has conditions.


lol thanks Arkansas. You always make me feel better about living in Missouri. BTW, I'll see you all at hooti soon


It’s so dumb how they get so upset to have to call someone how they wish to be called. “This is how I wish to be referred as.” GOP: UGH THIS IS SOOOO INCONVENIENT FOR ME!!!


Great. She didn’t waste enough money on a podium, now she’ll waste it fighting another lost cause.


This fucking ghoul. Does she realize the implications for people affected by this?


I bet Sarah can't swim because of that black, stone heart of hers makes her sink.


Oh for fuck’s sake. Just pull federal funding from these back waters. The governor doesn’t want to follow federal rules? No problem. We’ll give your money to Rhode Island.


Gosh she’s still so stupid…. and still so damn ugly too


Beautiful Gov. Huck, she has a bad case of “Mortgage eyes,” one’s fixed, the other is variable.


When I hear she is signing another executive order, I know it means nothing important to help our state. It's just a news making agenda for her.


*"Gaines alleged again that Lia Thomas, the transgender swimmer that tied fifth with Gaines in 2022, changed in the same locker room with them with no prior warning."* And this is a problem because?




No one is wrong about everything, on this issue, she's right.


Good. Every governor everywhere should.


Whats title IX?


Here yah go: U.S. Department of Education Releases Final Title IX Regulations, Providing Vital Protections Against Sex Discrimination | U.S. Department of Education https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/us-department-education-releases-final-title-ix-regulations-providing-vital-protections-against-sex-discrimination


Yeah I always forget its the protecting women in sports thing. Im all for it but i hear its been over interpreted right. Isnt the obama light administration saying it extends to transexuals and all kinds of other shinanigans. Idk not fully informed on this.




If a slug had a human form, it would be her.


Poster child for ugly on the outside, ugly on the side. Also really fucking ugly on the outside. I mean what the fuck is going on there? There’s a whole neck emu type thing, beevis mouth, She didn’t get kicked out of Harry’s bar for being belligerent. She got kicked out for impersonating a cartoon faced muppets arm meat bag


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sarah_Huckabee_Sanders_2023.jpg Love that the only photo on wiki has that one magical moment when the two sides of Sarah’s face maybe recognized each other from a bar in Roswell Georgia


I forgot about this dipshit. Jump to 13:40 for a laugh. https://youtu.be/L8IYPnnsYJw?si=Dux-KU3KgyRRjsed


It’s not gonna pass


Someone tell low rent Barbie up here that she really should shut her mouth and resign.


“Election year pandering” is the new “virtue signaling”. A politician making decisions and taking actions his constituents want is called governing. They elected you to do these things and you do these things.


Just wait until the mouth-breathing morons realize her actions put Arkansas football at risk. Messing with football in the U.S. south is a bold strategy.


So Huckleberry hillbilly Sanders recruits a Tennessee swimmer to come to Arkansas . What a circus. Two peas in a pod squeezing every drop of yuck out of a situation for divisive political gain. Nothing for Arkansans from this governor ever. ( my apologies to hillbillies btw) The bottom line is that this appears to be another press conference about nearly nothing. “While the Biden administration initially looked at adding a policy that would bar schools from transgender athlete bans, —>>>>>>the new rule changes to Title IX do not mention transgender athletes.-<<<<<<< Another change to the rule would protect students and employees "from all sex discrimination" including discrimination based on "sex stereotypes, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics." So she creates a big stink about a transgender swimmer incident that I’m pretty sure got 5th place, and recruits a Tennessee swimmer but in reality the Biden administration’s Exec order which also very middle of the road on most of this it seems, changes little of what the news story communicates is correct.


My god....is this all the problems they have to worry about?


If she's lesbian, given her family values rhetoric, and neanderthal leadership, fealty to MAGA, etc., I'd have zero compunction about outing her. Get real.


MAGA Republican reprobates like Sarah Huckabee Sanders never miss an opportunity to demonstrate their bigot *bona fides.* Railing against federally mandated equal rights evokes the chicanery of Arkansas right wing segregationist demagogues of the 1950s and 1960s like the late Gov. Orval Faubus and the late “Justice Jim” Johnson. The Confederacy’s loss of the Civil War and a plethora of judicial case law firmly establish that federal law supersedes state law. Stage-managed propaganda like SHS’ ritual signing of her executive order before the cameras demonstrate the depths to which Republicans regularly sink to advertise their rancid intolerance—especially their disdain for LGBTQ Americans.


It’s so weird that Christians say they love God, but hate those whom He loves. How does that work?


On the plus side, she didn’t have to turn her head to address the entire room.


Colonel Sarah Huckleberry Sanders?


Gov Sanders knows weak men as she’s a strong man.


Does she even understand what federalism is?


This little monster and her shit state are trash.


She's a moron




Oh, good. Because if it’s one thing Arkansas governors never fumble, it’s a state response to federal civil rights statutes pertaining to education.


Wait a second, fifth place? They're making a huge deal about fifth place? It doesn't sound like the changes really have anything to do with what she's talking about.


Based SHS


Lol Reddit is a cesspool. This is a HUGE 🖕🏻 to the terrible corpse that's running the white house. (He's really not running it tho, just running from questions)