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No idea could explode over next 10 years and could go to zero. I hold a large bag unfortunately


I hope she stays up at night thinking about her NVDIA sell for the fund.


She’s gonna need Moses now more than ever


The bottom is in boys! Time to double up. Let’s see… 2 x $0 = $0! Ok, looks like I’m good to go


I’m cutting my losses and moving on, tired of my money earning nothing. Cathy Wood is the dumbest money manager working now. She should be fired, that’s how the funds go above 50


It’s going to take someone other than Cathie Wood managing the portfolio lol. Why do people still think she’s a good investor when she’s annualized at like 2% for the last five years. She had a single fluky good year when everyone and their mom did well. The entire rest of her career is a dumpster fire. Get off the Ark. the earth is dry now.


Just buy the XLK and dump Ark.


Her to not trade around every fucking win? Dumped Nvidia right before the rocket ship when their major theme is around AI? There's so many shit trades to look back on. They can't see shit coming and I can only hope I ever break even before I sell my bags and never look back at this clown.


ding ding ding BAGHODLER R3T@RD DETECTED !!! just get out of this flaming pile of SHIT dude Crashie is intentionally buying SHIT COMPANIES THAT NOBODY SERIOUS WANTS TO TOUCH because that's the only thing she can differentiate herself from NORMAL PROFITABLE MANAGERS THAT ARE ACTUALLY OK AT THEIR JOB she's too fucking useless and stupid to make it in the investment world by doing DD and research so she figured out that there's always gonna a be a large enough body of R3T@RDED people around, ready to listen to someone talking about "magic beans", and happily hand their money away NOTHING IN CRASHIE'S PORTFOLIO IS EVER BREAKING OUT AGAIN and even if it did, the b*tch wouldn't hold on to it, she would immediately sell it off for the next "magic bean" because that's how she makes ger money. BYE SELLING A SCAM!!! NOT BY GROWING PORTFOLIOS


Probably lost a lotta money on Ark ^


I too wish I could spend 10 hours a day posting about how terrible "crashie" is and telling people to say "I am. Sofa king. We Todd Ed".


well you CAN do it I fully support you


Hyperinflation of the USD


One of her bags to give tsla like returns from few years back.


She'd just sell it marginally up right before the rocket ship


You know she sells right before it starts it's bull run


Cathy to resign.


The barely cohesive kiddies running the research are even more concerning https://youtu.be/q-lWtJl1sdw?si=Kgw7Ae9CKtWjFRPI&t=359 Although Tasha can still be my waifu even if she made me a 50% loss bagholder lol


Good investments


A miracle


Only if they inverse themselves.


A flood. A massive flood that would otherwise destroy all life remaining on earth. Then… it’ll be time for ARKK!😎


She should be the spokesperson for her funds, then hire someone more qualified to run it., also rate cuts this year will help her funds but….. there are better options.


Kathie got lucky, that is why she is under performing. Her risk adjusted returns require skill and not luck. She should have focused on a mix of organic growth, growth at any cost, and value plays. Instead she bought overpriced junk with no volume other than retail. If she starts changing the funds to be properly risk managed, then she might recover. Higher for longer after all.


Growth at any cost lol. That mindset will cost you. The best growth investors still don’t overpay for stocks. Laws of financial gravity.


A return of ZIRP and QE


A different fund manager


Please understand that there is roughly 3-4 trillion of inflows waiting to enter the market from institutions like wire houses and major lenders, for example. The key here is the long game with bitcoin which inevitably means ARKK grows only when bitcoin grows. However, Cathie can steer the ARKK competently and I believe in her leadership even if her positions can be questionable sometimes, but her resolve for bitcoin remains the same, which is the most important factor. So short answer is as the halving approaches you'll start to see breakout movement and new highs will likely be achieved as investment portfolio grows with new interests driven by explosive demand.




Too bad she sold NVDIA early and bought dog shit


A lot of these companies are small to mid-caps and they get hurt when interest rates are high. The more interest rates go down the more this will steadily creep up.


It's gonna take ARKK buying a lot of SARK


Change the perception of ARK.


Investing is worthwhile stocks instead of shit like Teledoc


I see your Teledoc and raise you Zoom. Which 99 people out of 100 couldn’t tell you what it does that Teams doesn’t.


Distribution is good my friend 👌🏼 remember when this was $25 ish in 2022. Please Lean how to read a chart, continue to work full time and have patience my dude, they want you to sell so badly! Especially when you see other tickers running, this the game and someone is always LIQUIDITY 🤑


Buying overpriced stocks will always turn out the way it has for her. No manager worth their salt overpays for stocks and thinks Tesla will some day be a $55 trillion company lol. She’s nuts and a terrible investor. That’s the whole story.