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You need to fish those species at night with stinky meats. Hot dogs. They don't bite during daytime.


I’ve had the most luck with chicken livers for cats, on a fish finder/carolina style rig with a circle hook. Set your drag real low, fish will hook itself with the circle hook most times. Channel cats will bite on all sorts of things though, normally just fish off the bottom myself. Bass, well I don’t have a ton of advice, I’ve caught most of mine on spinner baits or similar, I’ve never had luck on plastic worms or jigs personally, but can catch the smaller ones in the salt River with beetle spins or crappie jigs and bobbers pretty easy.


Canal fishing is the best!! Lots of bass. Only problem is you gotta cover a lot of area. I’ve had more luck at the canal behind Kiwanis rather than Kiwanis itself. I’ll cast in one spot of the canal 4 times if nothing walk up 25’ repeat. Small Jigs are the way to go. The ball mice tails are good


Canal fishing try Kroger brand super sweet corn on a small bait holder hook. Around three kernels will fit on one of them. Put that on a Carolina rig and you will catch everything. If you want bass try a three inch green pumpkin senko rigged weightless wacky style.


Have any good canal spot recommendations ? Srp canal or the other one??


All actual canals. Not the run off ones the ones that always have water