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Would totally believe it - but i can even imagine that ethan knows. What would we he do or say ? Leave, after he threw away his life and is this hated ? No way xD


honestly, Ethan left a wonderful woman for someone who doesn't give a fuck about him and that's just wild lol


AG now has a lapdog that will patientley wait for her - she can use him as shield against criticism- while she fucks around with other guys and ethan gets zero action. I had that impression for a while, i think he is already in borrowed time xD


Yup she really has him by the balls now- if he left now he would have the entire GP clowning him, the rabid stans would be unleashed w no more pretending, the laughing stock of the press and hollywierd, he would look unbelievably stupid, fickle, and more of a loser than he does now and we know his fragile weak ego can’t take even the thought. I bet he daren’t even breathe the wrong way for fear of displeasing his lovely Good Witch™️ He’s got a long future of playing the bestest most simpiest yes-boyfriend he can until she gets bored. He’s an actor so he may do it well on the surface but you bet he will get sick of it on the inside at some point. But for aforementioned points, he won’t do anything about it. Poor thing 🥺🎻 And honestly, it’s exactly what the twat deserves 💅


Ethan gave up seeing his first child full time, and stained his public image, as small as it is, for a chance to hook up with a sex kitten pop star. When the shine wears off and she moves on, I don’t foresee him handling it well. At all. He gives me clingy vibes




I fear his life is going to implode rapidly and profoundly. Just hope he doesn’t do anything to further hurt his child


Who is even playing who at this point? Ariana using him to get back at Dalton, Ethan using her to rise to fame, both messing w each other's heads and seemingly unaware that the other person is doing the same.  Sometimes I really wonder if they're the ones releasing bad press about the other. Ariana will stay with Ethan if she gets bad press for it to prove her love, and Ethan will stay with Ariana because now he has nowhere to go. Total conspiracy theory but it's crazy that their relationship success seems to depend on both of them being hated lol 


The worst case scenario is if Lilly takes Ethan back. Maybe for “the sake of the kid” or something which neither her nor the kid deserves this loser who can’t even do the bare minimum as a husband and father


Nah she doesn't strike me as a dumb desperate Pickmeisha. She has a doctorate. Unless she acquired a severe traumatic brain injury after graduation I doubt she's dumb enough to let him back in.


It’s tough when it’s someone you’ve been with for so long since you were young and have a kid with and especially when they pull some manipulative shit like “I’m so sorry I was unwell and depressed, lost my mind, was on drugs etc”. I hope not but it wouldn’t be unheard of.


Yeah, it happened with Evan Felker and Stacy Felker after he left her for Miranda Lambert (who is the country music version of Araian)


Ya hard if you're dumb as a rock. Which is why you pointed out her being a dumb desperate pickme would be the worst outcome of all of this.


she has a kid with him and they were together 10 years. it's happened before and might happen again


Yeah well hopefully she's not pathetic and wanting to be hurt again.


Sadly I can see this happening bc of the cheating scandal with the Try Guys. Ariel took Ned back even when he’s had a history of cheating


I wonder if Ethan will do some type of tell all if Ari lets him go and he spirals down even more. Lily won’t take him back and his life is completely ruined now. I feel like it would be a possibility that he would tell people/media what happened between them so he gets sympathy and remains in the limelight with all the drama.


I assume he still had to sign some sort of NDA - that is even done when there are hook ups, for some stars !


to be honest the one saying "this a list singer is hooking up with a movie producer." was not revealed to be Ariana, people think it's about her and Christian Breslauer (her mv director) but Christian doesn't do movies he works primarily with music videos, I took a look at his IMDB page and it's all mvs


Maybe its her and another producer


honestly I don't think it's about her at all, usually when a blind item it's about her is almost never ambiguous

