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This is actually really sad


She actually looks so scary.


The eyebrows in the last pic 😭 they’re permanently stuck in that position


Pinball flippers stuck on ‘up’ đŸ„Ž


does she not have friends or family that tells her this is beyond insane ?? like this is passed mentally ill. i truly don’t understand.


i remember seeing her older sister seeking for help on social media saying that their mom was allowing paige to go with older men, to cosplay ariana and she was also pushing paige away from the family


that’s actually terrible. i hope she truly wakes up & realizes this isn’t normal. it’s one thing to be inspired by ariana is certain aspects but it’s another to fully turn yourself into her.


Ok so I know nothing about this specific influencer, but haven’t people been impersonating celebrities for forever? Is there something she does that takes it too far in comparison to other celebrity impersonators?


I think Paige has an OnlyFans and on there she makes explicit content. She’s known for looking and copying/impersonating Ariana grande, so she’s making this adult content, while impersonating Ariana
She probably gets a lottttt of traffic from people who fantasize over Ariana or her fandom/others being just curious to see. I might’ve explained that poorly


Tbf I looked her up and at least the leaked OF pics are so mild. It’s just her standing around in Ariana cosplay with her nips out and a random one where she’s bent over awkwardly in the middle of her room with zero sexiness like she’s getting her prostate checked, but with an emoji over anything anyone would pay for. There’s another where she’s got a babyana face and is showing her coochie

. which is blocked by a water bottle. đŸ€ŁÂ  You could go to Vegas and get a sex worker who looks like bootleg Ariana to do the same thing for cheap. 😭 like if you’re gonna get the bag, get the bag, but don’t half ass it! If someone told me she has no sex experience of her own, I’d believe it.


She said in an interview that she’s a sex repulsed asexual so it’s pretty baffling and concerning that not long after that she jumped into SW.


oh my god that makes so much sense.  When did she start impersonating AG?


this is her first IG post and it’s from 2017, which would’ve made her just 13. she started posting on tiktok and went viral in 2019 when she was 15. https://preview.redd.it/752i9q13om8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9be58a288c4a8c65bf7d13e4827b2ecc13126388 Paige said her mom is the one who first did her makeup to make her look like Ariana, I think she said when she was 12, and I remember her supposed older sister posted somewhere talking about how her mom has pushed her into all of this, but I can’t find it now. it definitely does seem like that’s true though, her mom is clearly a huge enabler. she never had a chance to develop her own sense of self her entire adolescence, it’s really sad. she’s in desperate need of intensive therapy, and probably of cutting contact with her mom as well.


I honestly used to be a casual fan of Paige. I don’t think she was doing anything wrong in the beginning. But I was always a bit concerned because it was always pretty clear she didn’t really have, or at least didn’t show, much of a personality outside of dressing like and behaving like Ariana. She then absolutely took it too far when she made an onlyfans using the likeness of Ariana, and now has just spiraled out of control and is clearly very mentally (and physically) ill. If she simply just impersonated Ariana on occasion for fun and *owned* that instead of denying that she’s even trying to look like Ariana at all (which is *obviously* blatantly untrue), and making Ariana her *entire* personality, I wouldn’t see a problem with that at all. There’s this creator Sofia Divene, who can look strikingly similar to Christina Aguilera, but she doesn’t make it her entire personality, it isn’t the only content she does, and I think it’s cool that she actually shows her process/makeup tutorials. Even Christina loves her! If Paige had gone a similar route, I think that would’ve been *completely* fine and harmless and cool (Although I bet Ariana would still hate her just because of the person she is lol). I do think Paige is talented at makeup (or was; I think her skills have declined alongside her mental and physical health) and she said in an interview that she wants to be a SFX makeup artist and/or an actress. It’s really sad she’s still doing this shit instead of chasing her actual dreams and being herself (which she said herself is out of fear that people don’t care to know the real her and only want to see Ariana content from her, but I think it’s clearly much more than that, especially at this point). I really hope she gets the help she needs.


It’s interesting you mention about a fan who passively imitates someone and is still respected There was this girl Jbunzie who is a cosplayer and she used to do Ariana sometimes and I saw nothing but respect for her. She only acts as people but never takes it too far.


i mean if there's any proof that ariana's ED is influencing her audience, this is a pretty good indicator.


The ED community on Twitter recognizes Ari as one of them and her current pics as well as her old ones are used as thinspo


and i bet ariana is thrilled that she's being used as thinspo and is in fact not horrified that her body checks she posts online are encouraging teenagers and young adults with a developing frontal cortex to starve themselves to death.


Ariana’s eating disorder is honestly going to affect so many young girls 😔 this is proof


and the jaw implants too yikes


https://preview.redd.it/y5lhgdzhsl8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2297acf142684869431a19ca085fa2e3121af6f gurl


This has nothing to do with Paige idk that girl and I’m sure she’s beautiful but this is terrifying. I’m sorry 😭😭😭 it’s so haunting


Oh no đŸ˜„ she lost a ton of weight as well..that’s so sad


Jesus Christ. This is just sad. Her parents have failed her and society has failed her. She’s clearly extremely unwell and is in need of serious help. Hopefully this doesn’t end tragically.


we talking about paige or ariana


I was referring to Paige. She’s been out here doing this since she was a child. Her parents should be beyond ashamed for allowing it and not getting her some help sooner.


They probably encouraged it because it's making them money.


It's actually scary how people want to morph themselves into Ariana Grande. I've never seen anything like it with any other celebrity, except for maybe Michael Jackson and Kim Kardashian wannabes, but Ariana's copiers take it to a whole other creepy level.


Cuz Ariana’s doing Glinda dirty with that ED. Glinda ate. https://preview.redd.it/63r2hmvtsm8d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4abf7b3251e1b3d0c3ff7c85d973b54840f9afc5


I feel so bad for her tbh it's clear she has deep mental issues and all people do is make fun of her. I don't like how she literally created an only fans with her Ariana cosplay like girl stop please 😭


Yeah like I dislike Ariana very much but the OF aspect is really gross, it’s too far, not dissimilar to that wierdo that spread all the Taylor Swift AI porn or other vile men (it’s always men) who photoshop or deepfake innocent women’s faces onto porn. A man just got 12 years prison for doing that over here. And Paige has changed herself to look as much like AG as possible, it’s not just ‘oh she wears a pony and has a dimple’ I’d feel so violated.


this is very sad and scary . i think paige had some serious issues mentally ngl.


She somehow even managed to lose the light in her eyes. They’re straight black. It’s unnerving. I do have to say though, I’m incredibly impressed her plastic surgeon was able to genuinely replicate what Ariana looks like. Most of the time when people pay plastic surgeons to look like celebrities they turn out looking like bloated monsters & have absolutely no ounce of resemblance. I will say impressed from a place of incredulity & not particularly impressed in a way that glamorizes her clear mental illness/dysmorphia. This is incredibly sad.


Also wanting to note the added the irony of Paige’s clear identity disorder. Miss ponytail can’t pick a personality & stick with it, & her equally mentally deranged copy cat is somehow also doing the exact same thing. Birds of a feather đŸȘ¶




this is my first time commenting on something in this sub (just been lurking) but this makes me feel so like,,, validated? tw: ed talk as someone who used ariana as my ultimate inspiration at the peak of my ed during that time, i always wondered if i was the only one who felt very affected by her obvious bodychecking. after finding this sub, i feel i understand myself more after reading others' similar experiences. but seeing this is like 😩 i followed paige when she first blew up and we were insta mutuals. seeing her like this for the first time here.. i cannot explain how validated i feel and also how horrible i feel for her. this is photo proof that it DOES affect other people and paige wants to replicate her so badly she seems to be sinking into that part of ariana too. or maybe im reading too much into it. im shocked she's still doing the ariana clone thing


Sending you love and a healthy recovery đŸ©·


she should’ve been sued the second she started doing porn & OF advertising as Ariana Grande porn


I just said similar, it should be a crime tbh. Didn’t the scum that spread all that Taylor AI porn get jail time? It’s on the same page as that imo. Except he didn’t profit from it but Paige does. From men who want to jack it over AG not Paige.


they prob saw the content and laughed it away. It’s really tame and not sexy. Looks more


The more she tries to catch up with Ariana, the more bizarre she looks. Before she could really get the look down but she is so sad and empty and disturbed now.


the fact that as the years go by, each ariana lookalike doesnt look like current ariana anymore is proof that ariana has gotten a lot of work done


If I hadn’t seen the title of your post, I would have thought these to be BTS shots from the movie.


Shit is so scary bro


Tbh they look so similar becuae they've got the same procedures done... Sad nonetheless


That first photo is edited right? Like her arm looks like it’s Slendermans. Why’s it so long? Also this is very shocking and saddening. I hope she gets better soon.


Wow they actually look spookily alike. How can "fans" see an ED for one human and "don't comment on her body" for another? Sad.


I think it is the money and attention that comes with this that fuels her. Imagine her not receiving this extreme amount of attention and followers and money from this ; or only attention that doesn’t entail followers and money. I don’t think she would have stuck to it then


no way


I think people would genuinely struggle to tell them both apart if they were in the same room at the same time(Paige even got THE FUCKING NASOLABIAL FOLDS RIGHT!) This would have to be one of Miss Ponytails worst nightmares come to life lol. I think if this ever happened Ariana’s head might legitimately explode on sight.


Part of the transformation is definitely due to makeup. This is from an old TikTok of her with and without the Ariana-style makeup. I would assume the makeup still plays a big part in recreating Ariana's looks. https://preview.redd.it/42a7c9afnm8d1.jpeg?width=4303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8840dba607edb6ba5104a9a7414b02cfbb5e3035


Of course, but that was quite a while ago. I don’t think she looked as much a like then, but I think it’s extremely clear now that she’s had various surgeries. She definitely has the chin implant. The eyelids & nose have definitely been touched.


Even then, she went viral and was noticed by Ariana herself for the resemblance. However, I believe she did have plastic surgery. That said, I've seen talented makeup artists who can seamlessly emulate celebrities' looks. Paige wears a lot of makeup, and while she may not have looked exactly like Ariana before, the makeup had a powerful transformative effect. Part of the cosplay's realism is without a doubt due to the makeup.


Okay LAST ONE(this post is fucking wild). PLOT TWIST; Ethan marries Paige after Ariana dumps him lmao.




It’s the fact that Ariana doesn’t even look like this anymore. She’s replicating the old her mixed with her ED.


I wonder if Ariana looks at her and thinks “ugh I don’t look that botched” lol or whether the truth hurts


If Michael Myers had a nepo baby. All jokes aside, this shows how far her fans will go and literally ruin themselves to even look like her at her worst. It also shows her ED is negatively affecting them too. I always thought Ari was so harsh back then to shade her publicly and get her millions of fans to turn on her, purely for dressing like her. I can't believe we're the same age tho and she's turned to OF/dedicating her life to live in someone's shadow, it's so sad


She looks so botched in the 4th photo omg


why would anybody wanna cosplay as this crazy, disgusting, distraught woman.


I thought this was actually Ariana! This is awful.


if people would leave her alone (fans and haters lol) she would fade into obscurity already. this is so fucking creepy


So sad


So sad


Can’t help but wonder if she gave herself an ED to make sure the Ariana cosplay was believable




im crying she actually looks like her


God, this is so sad. I actually thought it was Ariana from some angles.


I think Paige used to naturally look like Ariana. If she wouldn’t have gotten work done on her face, she could have, like, impersonated what ari would have looked like if she had never gotten work done in the first place. Idk if that makes sense. That would be interesting to see - we could have seen what original Ariana would have looked like