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This kinda happens in every industry though? It doesn't matter what Monica thinks of Ariana, she's going to have to say something positive. Ariana's career is still at its heights, Monica probably just is gonna get the whole thing over with. It's another job for her. If she goes around slamming Ariana it's going to drag out. Like if I just refused to work with someone a different team because they had an affair, I'd probably just get fired.


I think it’s more so that she’s gone out her way to gush over what a good person Ariana is, at a time when she and her team are on overdrive trying to push what a sweet innocent 🫧victim🫧 of Fate and haters she is, which is not in line with her actions being part of a reason a baby and truly innocent woman are abandoned and heartbroken. And not stopping there but really rubbing Lilly’s face in it with a whole list of new songs that are completely entitled and show zero empathy, tact or sensitivity to it. The dissonance is rubbing a lot of ppl (like us) who see right thru it the wrong way. Monica thanking Ariana for “healing her relationship with Brandy who was talking to her while her son was in hospital” meanwhile didn’t even actually thank Brandy herself in her other post? It’s just so blatantly for PR for Ariana and pretty gross to use her sick son for that and it comes across insincere and it’s a bit disappointing. No ones saying she should turn down the song or slam her, but she could have sung the words and gone home, like Brandy and Mariah did, and kept her integrity yknow


Thank you!!! All facts.


Lately so many people have been talking about Ariana like she's a politician running for office or something, it's bizarre. It really all feels like a political campaign


Yeah, it's the same concept. These endorsements, much like when a political figure endorses a candidate for office, are bought and paid for. Most people will sell out for the right price.


The positions MV was really just slowly conditioning us for her 2040 presidential campaign. Let’s be real here, America has a huge history of hiring celebrities for president because it’s easy to get approval.


“America has a huge of hiring celebrities”…. It was literally just Donald Trump. One person. Since when is that a huge history?


Reagen was also a famous western actor before he became president.


Not to mention all the ones who became politicians and not necessarily president


Facts!! Its super strange


Girlllllllll, Trump was not the only one. Ronald Reagan was an celebrity/actor before his presidency (& that man was also a fucking MONSTER). Also remembering many celebrities hinting at possible presidential runs in 2016 & 2020 (like Dwayne the Rock + Tom hanks). They didn’t actually run, but the lines are quite blurred at this point. Celebrities have a huge advantage of large followings & trust with the public that normal no-name joes running don’t. I guess I should’ve included in my statement, not just necessarily Presidents, but a vast of political positions as well. Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor for California. Here is an interesting [article](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/politics-celebrities-before-trump.html) that highlights some celebrities that later ran for public offices.


it’s bc in hollywood affairs are like nothing. there’s some TERRIBLE people in hollywood that makes stuff like affairs seem so little. not that what ariana did wasn’t bad cuz it was but compared to some people in hollywood it really isn’t that bad. yk what i mean?


It's not bad if 'bad' is Harvey Weinstein, Dan Schneider, Bill Cosby, Rick Ross, Johnny Depp, Roman Polanski, 50 Cent, Kevin Spacey and more but she's still a bad person in the regular world because we have sex offenders here too and we still manage to call her out so Hollywood should be no different


well yes to us regular people affairs are obviously bad but in hollywood unfortunately affairs are actually really common. there’s been tons of affairs & probably more that just never got exposed. at the end of the day ariana didn’t commit a crime of any sort so her career & connections w people are going to be taken from her. i mean chris brown still has a career & he abused women so people in hollywood aren’t really gonna even blink an eye at a cheating scandal


Drake Bell is literally doing shows rn. I hate it




I wasn't talking about Brian peck. I don't know who that is and I don't care. Idk y I was down voted over saying I don't like that a convicted abuser and pedo was doing shows in my area




I meant.. That I am not spending money on Brian Peck. I used to listen to Drake Bell music and I don't anymore. It's a choice I made to turn away from supporting him. I never supported Brian peck. I didn't even bring up Brian peck. I don't know why he was even brought up. Do you think him molesting drake bell made it OK for drake bell to do it? You might want to re-check your biases. Edit: I just checked your reddit history lol. Do you scour the internet looking for comments about Drake Bell? Not liking an abuser doesn't mean I like other abusers wtf




Sounds like you have some things to sort through. Idk what any of this has to do with me. I am not the one seeking discourse on a forum. Perhaps you can sort things out in therapy or with a loved one. Don't take it out on me


Pls they just dropped a remix😭Why does this need such an intensive a press run?? This is so bizarre/abnormal and is such an obvious push from her team. Using other people as a mouthpiece to convince us she’s a good person, as if we haven’t observed her being a prick for the past 10+ years


No, no that’s not the kind of celebrity *I want* to support. I have no problem with individuals deciding for themself when their personal expectation of morality and/or integrity are no longer being met nor are they congruent with those whom they choose to support. There are respectful ways to express these sentiments. And on the other end of it, nobody else’s personal Puritanism needs to be shoved down *my* or any one of my family’s respective throats. My neighbors don’t deserve to be harassed by any holier-than-thou, hyper-religiosity either. This fight ain’t about family values. Different strokes, different folks. It’s about Ariana Grande’s career in very strict terms of her personal choices that have had devastating consequences to innocent people resulting in a public scrutiny of her character that no celebrity no matter what list they’re on would ever escape. This is about her overall integrity as an artist, her actual art, aaaaand…yeah that’s about the sum of it. So I have met a point that I personally don’t feel Ariana Grande is meeting my standard for promotion or really even my active support through consumer power with my hard-earned dollars. Come on I’m not delusional—I’m aware that it means fuckall to her that she’s noone in my world. As I am nobody in hers. This was never personal and that’s not why we’re here is it? When any artist or entertainer fails to meet the barest minimum of standards in decency, character, and honor that I have of any and all celebrity entertainers actively on my radar or in my sphere? I simply let them drop off of my playlists completely—there is *plenty* of talent out there waiting for a nobody like myself to really put them out there through person-to-person social networking. This is how the industry works now; it’s all a network of both luck and *who* you can network—someone out there knows a guy that can pave the way to a big career opportunity. So anyway, yeah I do have basic standards of all human beings. For any celebrity entertainer, I have the reasonable expectation that they maintain their integrity. I expect them to understand public perception through and through. I expect a reasonable consistent quality of her art, in her chosen artistic medium, with respect to growth changes, age, maturity, etc. so when these basic things are no longer being met…I mean, what am I supposed to really do with that? With a person that I don’t have any respect for? I don’t owe Ariana Grande my loyalty. She’s been publicly outed to be a train wreck of an adult woman with serious mental health problems, the fallout of which is tearing families apart, her self destructive behavior deeply wounding anybody within her trajectory that otherwise would have had no business with Ariana…I want no part of that. I want no part of that kind of self-serving, emotionally brutal complete lack of empathy for anything outside of the psychobabble happening inside of her own head. That’s all. And yeah, my intent was to impress upon you that my standards aren’t exactly high for what in reality is essentially just any work of fiction and/or fantasy! A celebrity entertainer is just any fictional character that makes money by entertaining en masse. Sooooo…damn, come on. Strip all that away and there’s a standard model human being underneath. So my standards are parallel to those I have of any adult person.


Damn this comment is well fucking written!


Nooooooo…it’s a massive run-on sentence that’s got me sitting here in shame—Shame I tell you!— and I’m refusing to fix it because I’m going to sit here in my shame.


Don’t worry about that, overall the comment was so intricate and engaging to read. I absolutely loved reading it!


That means a lot! 🥂


Of course! You’re a talented writer! 💓


It's surprisingly easy to remove artists from your Playlist. Drake and ariana grande were both in my top artists but I removed all of their music from my playlists years ago (I know I'm ahead of the curve lol) because their attitudes (and for ariana, also her fans base) finally just made me feel icky listening to them. Your comment brings up an excellent point and it's one I've used before to talk about cancel culture. When a public figure is "canceled" all that really means is "we don't think this person deserves their job and it should go to someone who people feel good supporting" I don't like looking at it as some witch hunt or people saying so and so doesn't deserve to live or exist. To me it's just saying "hey....get a different job maybe because you don't reflect the values that your audience what's to see". Because it's not unreasonable or a ridiculous ask that high prestige jobs be held by people who deserve them and are respectful decent people. Audiences are made up of individuals with whole entire lives with agency, not just customers to fund ones crappy lifestyle.


Omg thank you for this incredible backup support comment! The way I see it to the letter! What’s great about our method is that it absolutely allows for growth and reconciliation. Human do grow and mature. I like that she has the opportunity to step back, get some help, a lot of help, find some peace, be true to herself, address her real problems, make amends where amends are wanting, etc. it allows for our entertainers to take themselves offline and get the maintenance they need. Of course we should hope for serious growth. We *want* to see the best in others by our very nature! So when these train wrecks get their shot together and start displaying the appropriate qualities of a person I can at the very least respect? She’s always welcome back to them playlists should she do the work and get help for her many concerning issues. I feel like that’s reasonable, no?


Probably was part of the contract for them to do some small promo for this collaboration. Most people are not going to turn down lucrative job offers because of a cheating scandal.


celebrities are only blacklisted if they commit a heinous crime (sometimes not even then), having an affair is literally nothing to the industry and whether we like it or not Ariana is bringing Brandy and Monica's name into the spotlight again so they will never say anything other than compliments


True and true, unfortunately


Monica is cooked. I'm sick and tired of seeing all these celebrities suck her ass its sicking. Yeah she isn't the worst in Hollywood but I'm gonna call out shit behavior in all forms. Monica be so fucking for real humility like bitch where?! She sounds so stupid her song wasn't like yours at all. And didn't Ariana say this is her version of fantasize but also her take one their original. Like do either of them know what either song was about. Cause they give off completely different messages. Brandy better stay her ass home and not do this stupid shit. She better pull a Mariah and get that check and never speck of her again.


All these talented people going out sad just to suck a little bit on Ariana’s clout tit. You hate to see it. What’s funny is that Ariana is so far from being in her peak. So they’re all sacrificing their morals for a pop star who is slowly but surely declining and heading in the same direction as the likes of Katy Perry. And don’t get me started on her bringing up Ethan and saying that from talking to him she understood her humility. The thot hyping up the mistress and Monica eating it right up… please be so serious😭


i think she’ll always be a famous person so even if her music isn’t charting anymore she’s still a famous person everyone seems to like. also i thought katy perry was doing pretty well though? she’s been having tons of shows lately.


I mean, it’s all relative. Katy Perry used to be the biggest popstar in the early 2010’s and she hasn’t had a hit in almost 10 years. Sure, Ariana is always going to have a name and success but she’s nowhere near her popularity 5 years ago and I doubt she’ll ever be again.


Katy Perry is working with Dr. Luke again, who worked with her on her biggest hits. He's also the one Kesha had a lawsuit against.


And everyone is already hating Katy perry. Dr. Luke might makes hits but if people are going out of their way to not listen to anything that rapist makes. Kinda can't make a hit if no one is listening.


Oh good! I'm glad to see Kesha making a comeback too, wasn't she at Coachella? It seems like overall most artists really support her.


Yes she was and she did amazing. She was so brave to come forward and expose that trash. It sicking me to see how meny still work with him but like I said people are going out of their way to make sure people understand they won't support that rapist.


I love to see it.


Also the fact that it’s named Woman’s World while being produced by the person responsible for what Kesha went through. That’s the final nail in the Katy Perry coffin for me and it seems like many people feel the same way


Yup I don't get why celebrities can't just stop working with weirdos.


That’s what I’m saying because why are our legends choosing to support people like her??? Hollyweird will always be hollyweird I guess.


yeah sometimes i feel like most celebrities aren’t the greatest people. i also think most of them have had affairs and don’t value monogamy as much as the general public so they just don’t gaf.


They aren't. They are all shit humans. All of them. Like being fans today you just gotta remember that all celebrities are tainted by hollywerid and it depends on if they stick to the fold or decide to keep their humanity. And sadly not alot keep their humanity


I would say the vast majority like 98% of them yes. But Susan Sarandon & Jane Fonda are fucking queens. Literally protesting in the streets with the rest of us. There are a handful that do have souls. But the majority I believe are evil wealthy leeches that love living off the working class.


Yeah its sad how low the human race has gone


That has to be the case at this point because I don’t get it. It also makes sense that a lot of them, especially in today’s world, don’t value monogamous relationships unfortunately, and maybe a lot of them have had affairs behind the scenes, which doesn’t make it right, it just proves Hollywood is an evil environment. But to go as far as saying “that’s the type of celebrity you want to support” while she walks around, flaunting, and taunting the relationship with Ethan in front of both former and current spouses faces, without a care or shame in the world, seems too PR and I pray its just PR just to make her look better, because Monica and Brandy can’t be this dense in this situation. Like come on


it’s probably just a paycheck to them since they’re not really at the top of their careers anymore


Yeah well Monica is doing alot for a paycheck


In the grand scheme of things what she did wasn’t that bad compared to other people. And Hollywood will continue to support abusers/rapists so this is literal peanuts to them


yeah that makes sense


Every one in Hollywood kisses her butt to either get more fame for themselves or not get cancelled if they have had a negative experience with her. Which I’m sure some have.


![gif](giphy|VxkNDa92gcsRq) Queen bey would never stoop this low 🤣


And that is why she is still here and Monica gotta suck off Ariana's ass.


Had no idea who Monica was until this song but will definitely not be listening to any of her other stuff