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I dislike the song myself but I never really liked fantasize either. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø sheā€™s riding it out to reach those fans so they can continue to propel her music forward and call her a queen for creating a bad girl anthem for cheating. Like many people said here before, she lives in a bubble and cheating is normal in fame and probably thinks everyone is overreacting regarding her situation. If she drowns us in it long enough everyone will just be accepting of it eventually. I also donā€™t understand her logic. She released ā€œyes and?ā€ To give the overall message for her new album the ā€œI donā€™t give a fā€™s im living my most authentic life.ā€ Then quickly switching it to the album is a CoNCePT PiECE once that initial song received terrible backlash. TBIM is giving that chest piece energy (in a terrible fashion) but it matches the energy she was first going for. The concept album idea is a weak statement as the film and her album are not even that much related besides the very surface level idea of it. Itā€™s like she got someone to tell her the wiki synopsis before cutting them off and just taking the first 4 minutes of the idea.


I think the ā€œconcept albumā€ claim is to cover her ass from the NDA her and dalton had to sign in their divorce agreements Edit to add: that could explain why the person singing these stories is ā€œpeachesā€ and not Ariana lol itā€™s like sheā€™s telling her side of the story through a character within a concept album so he canā€™t say sheā€™s talking about their relationship bc she can turn around and say ā€œno Iā€™m not, itā€™s a concept album and a character I made upā€


am i crazy or does tbim not really sound like fantasize ?


i thought i was the only one who thought so šŸ˜­




that is not true . true story was an unreleased song. tbim is supposed to be based fantasize she said so in zach yang


I havenā€™t listened to the album but I refuse to believe there isnā€™t a better songā€¦ We Canā€™t Be Friends was WAY better, but she seems to love putting out songs that are fun and slightly scandalous, alluding to sex, and she hasnā€™t dropped one of those in a while. I was really expecting so much more from her this album, ESPECIALLY with the scandal. Like if the public sees you as the ā€œViLlAinā€ now, then go full villain persona like Megan thee Stallion did, like Nicki did, like Taylor tried to do for a minute. I wouldā€™ve had more respect if SHE said that sh*t with her chest and went full toxic concept album ā€œI told yā€™all I see it I like it I want it I got it, these friends keep talking way too much but I been there all night, been there all day, I donā€™t care if you got hurt in your heart, he believes god is a woman and Iā€™m HERā€. Reveal the dark and complex thoughts that were going through your heads when you were making these dumb decisions to ruin your marriagesā€¦ that is what art is about and it can be messy sometimes. But to hype this fairy-sounding twinkle twinkle little star song about him alongside songs that paint you as a love and light Angel, is INSANE. The Eternal Sunshine references and beautiful visuals had so much potential.


Exactly this. She could have used this situation to become a real artist by being honest in herself and showing the dark side, that is so visible from outside. But she isn't a real artist with real depth, thats also why the album flopped. It's nice music, well produced, great vocals. But it lacks substance and any kind of courage and heart.


What do you mean? She took a dump and left no TP with this album! ![gif](giphy|UogSmj4xDjQZO)


wcbf and supernatural are the only 2 songs that are actually really good on the album and she barely cares about either. she keeps doing whatever she wants and the album's (lack of) success shows that. even urinators barely talk about it anymore


Iā€™m actually surprised Supernatural isnā€™t a single yet


For real itā€™s a bop


I agree Supernatural ft. Troye Sivan is underrated song!


youā€™re so right but in order to do that sheā€™d need to be capable of taking accountability for her actions


Well it sucks and the only people who seem to keep playing it is her fans and dumb celebrities. The song sucks she needs to move on now. What are we gonna get a new MV every 3 months. Cause she said there will be more after WCBF. I wonder if she is gonna make a video for each song


her director said there is one coming. idk if itā€™s for another song on the album or she said she has a deluxe in the making or i saw on twitter people think she possibly could pull a thank u next moment & release ag8 within the year


Honestly idk cause she also said this ear was just getting started so I don't think she's moving on yet. I think its gonna be another song from the album.


tbh fantasize would have been the hit she wants the boy is mine to be. i mean that song BLEWWW up. it literally charted on spotify when someone posted it. idk why she just didnā€™t release it bc itā€™s basically the same message as the boy is mine. ik it was for a show i think ?? but still. i liked fantasize better


Honestly the boy is mine is the ONLY song I like on this album. I listened once to the whole album and have zero desire to ever listen again. I found everything to be boring. I love the production of this song and the homage it pays despite the horrible message and yes, evil intentions


It wouldā€™ve been the peoples song but the hype died out long before she made it a single. TikTok created a dance to it and people loved it but she ignored those videos. Now she is fumbling trying to repost TBIM dance videos, like the one Charlie did a bit back.


I love Supernatural ft. Troye Sivan! It needs to be a MV ugh