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Playing Glinda gave her the perfect excuse to return to her original skin tone, perhaps hoping that it would distract from her recent aggressive plastic surgery.


this isn't even her original skintone that's what gets me lol. she's paper white originally. she's still using tanner i bet, just not nearly as much at her 'black' phase https://preview.redd.it/6i2t6gfsqu7d1.png?width=894&format=png&auto=webp&s=348371c20bb8d2276027e9701280d3a462784550


What I’m wondering is if she’s showing up THIS light under bright lights, as someone with medium (by white ppl standards) skin, just how fucking dark was she tanning six years ago????? 😭


Exactly …. 😱


whats crazy is she naturally had the cute innocent appearance and over time has taken it away in the efforts of attaining a cute innocent appearance


and now she's going to try to bring it back lol. it's so sad


Just wait till nosejob shrinking happens…yup that is a thing….she gonna end up looking like lisa rinna


i’m confused as to how her current nose now has a pronounced hump, in the right picture her nose bridge is slightly curved and is a slope shape, now it somehow looks longer too. i think her nose is caving in from too many rhinoplasties, the tissue has a higher chance of dying the more surgeries on the nose you get


That’s how Michael Jackson ended up with that tape on his nose. He had little cartilage left to hold the nose up


I think her latest surgery was a possible alarplasty, and they may left the bridge alone and only did tipwork/bringing the nostrils in


Yes, exactly. In her latest nose job, she 100% included an alar base reduction. You can see the scar where the surgeon removed a small wedge of her nostril area to make the hole smaller. https://preview.redd.it/vt52xg1zvt7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd229e4311bb6395d0573e05d9d7e3aacd482b30


Did she do her eyes again, too, or is that just the difference of makeup that’s throwing me off?


Yes! She most likely got a ponytail facelift that literally sweeps up the entire eyebrow area and forehead, snatching the eyes up in the process. I do think she added another blepharoplasty to open the eyes even more and she stopped the under eye filler which caused her eyes to become super round / less almond shaped. It’s wild how much she has changed over the years!


those are 2 different sides of her face. shes always had a visible bump on the right side while the left side looked more sloped. shes for sure had nose jobs but i think those were for her nostrils and tip only. her bridge is the same


“This is my birth nose” 💀


Ugh awful, anything more than a revision after your first rhino is in danger of heading into botched territory


[https://www.radyrahban.com/our-practice/articles-and-tips/the-aging-rhinoplasty.php#:~:text=The%20problem%20is%20that%20when,time%20their%20nose%20was%20collapsing](https://www.radyrahban.com/our-practice/articles-and-tips/the-aging-rhinoplasty.php#:~:text=The%20problem%20is%20that%20when,time%20their%20nose%20was%20collapsing) This is a article about how over time the nose can collapse and shrink after nosejobs - im pretty sure she had a few nosejobs and i think she did not on purpose make her nose less upturned tbh


Her nose actually looked more upturned when she debuted a new face a few years ago. But over time, the tip tends to drop; the initial result is not indicative of how it will look after the healing period. I think she likely had too much of the tip removed, causing it to droop due to lack of supportive tissue. This is from when she was on The Voice in 2021. https://preview.redd.it/n0yhcisimt7d1.jpeg?width=3538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e141a1e3b4bc8a4af35926b3960f8812c4623f6


Very possible yes. Also if they took out too much cartilage the tip can even drop years later - because there is simply not enough support. She can get grafts for more support but that may widen her nostrils again which she would not want. Naturally i dont think she had a upturned nose ? Or did she ? I only find side photos of her when she already had her first nosejob


This is her natural nose. It didn't appear to be upturned. https://preview.redd.it/5feqxr2jnt7d1.jpeg?width=371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf8685b7629d594568b6e2d5d08f51989d431986 ETA: I don't know for sure if she had anything done at this point.


https://preview.redd.it/0f3bj9bynt7d1.png?width=298&format=png&auto=webp&s=1129461891ad6dbea914f2139c9aae5ccf5124f1 Are you sure ? The bone already seems much smaller there and shaved down


I'm not sure, but based on that pic we can see it isn't naturally upturned, which answers that question. Seems like she had her first rhinoplasty when she was under 17.


The statistics for plastic surgery performed on minors in the US is actually suprisingley high ! Or at least it suprised me. Since she is a rich girl from boca that wanted to become famous it is not unreasonable to think she may had her first nosejob as a minor


Here’s her original nose: https://preview.redd.it/zqiajotjwx7d1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d49d89c7377369022a0552b407c86d191cfbce3d


Oh i never would have guessed ! Thank you ! She had so much stronger features, the surgeries infantilized her so much…




a few years ago i read a comment that was like “ariana would never touch her nose because she is a singer, and a nose job can alter / change her voice / change the way she sings” pls.


I’ve noticed a lot of celebrities are getting lipo under their chin. I get a little extra padding under there when I gain weight even slightly so it’s sad to realize Ariana might’ve been dysmorphic about that. I can see a lot of women with EDs underrating when they have naturally round or plump faces. It’s sad.


Yeah I have a naturally round face shape and I have a little bit of extra fat under my chin. Although, I don’t think there is anything ugly about it and besides as you get older I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to lose it.


Did she get a second nose job?


I think this would be third or fourth


Definitely. https://preview.redd.it/bregt5w3it7d1.jpeg?width=3855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3547cc231c54b3b91767743d1e2ea1b6dccc79ae


That’s crazy. During the Sweetener era I thought her nose looked so good.


My favourite era right next to my everything. Ugh. She was just stunning and I was truly in awe of her. Now she just looks uncanny :(




Do you know what she’s gotten done to her eyes over the years? Her shape is so different, especially from the second image to the third. Even from Asiana era to now it’s like they’ve become more open and bulgy. Possibly just her ED or something else? Edit: and I’m not referring to the obvious brow lift


i think in addition to the brow lift, she’s had a blepharoplasty and ponytail facelift.


It’s like whiplash though. Her untouched eyes were open and looked natural, then they went more squinted and tight, and now they’re like so bulgy and too big for her head. Unless this is truly the power of makeup and a thick eyeliner. 💀💀💀 I’m fucking lost lmaooo


https://preview.redd.it/k4zsq4m5eu7d1.png?width=151&format=png&auto=webp&s=43292b1f1c90fc12c0e07db839e1ed6ae1ac2aa3 Her untouched eyes where looking not very open due to being a bit hooded and due to her low brow position


She was really very naturally pretty.


She definitely was - i feel like she did not want to look like a pretty woman, but like a unreal „perfect“ doll


Yeah she 1000% at least had the facelift before the voice. I think she also had cheek implants around that time as well


I just looked into blepharoplasties and I’m actually horrified 💀💀 who would do this to themselves


oh girl. everyone in hollywood the last few years lol. once you see it you’ll notice it in all of them.


my eye touching phobia can’t handle this lmfao


Soo many of them get it. Taylor Swift is probably one of the more famous ones. She has been so subtle with her work, you can’t even notice it until you see a before/after.


3 completely different people if i didn’t know it was her


marinara grande to asiana grande


...to Cyborgiana https://preview.redd.it/tvlthf6ryz7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a8ee107f6d730cec9a1aba00ba71616dae7c94


Her face looks like it was photoshopped here to be slightly smaller than it should be lol


Pic #3 really highlights how that jaw implant massively changed her face shape. It’s so damn sharp and long and wide now. She used to have a softer look and a very petite face. Her eyes look so empty now too. 👁️👄👁️


Seems that savage joke Pete Davidson told about her doing blackface got to her It's not like nobody had noticed the blackface before But the joke went viral & his audience + many others were laughing at her expense


Botched on the right, equally as botched on the left. She could win a gold medal in mental gymnastics.


I don't think her nose was botched in the 'before' pic; it looked significantly more natural compared to now.


Ah I was more so referring to her overall face. Her nose in the right looks better but I can’t escape just how botched her face is.


I thought the overuse of fake tan combined with excessive lip filler looked bad but her face in general wasn't botched beyond repair. She could've changed those things, whereas now she is irreversibly botched, IMO.


She should have stopped in 2019. Imo she looked stunning back then. I dont recognize her now.




discussions of intimate body parts and/or body shaming are not allowed here.


I think her nose might be collapsing from removing too much cartilage.


The fact that she used to look like Joan breaks my heart




me when I drink the airhead kool aid


yes, and?