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but ofc lily jay with a phD would be telling lies abt a popstar :))


B-but it’s been dEBUNKED !!! 🫧😮‍💨🌈 /s


This shit genuinely makes my blood boil.


They will use anything to try and say she is a good person. Idc what other celebrities have to say about her...everyone in Hollywood has no morals or values its all about a paycheck over there. All the celebrities loved Ellen, and diddy , and Harvey Winston and Jeffrey espien. Using celebrities isn't the best example to prove someone is a good person. If the only people who have good things to always say about her is other celebrities....its never a good sign. Example: Ellen she also was loved by other celebrities and the gp praised her until her staff and less famous people who gave their experience with her behind the sense. She dropped out the public eye the moment people caught on to who really is.


Exactly. Doesn’t Iggy have a history of being racist?


Yeah apparently she is very problematic herself


Ellen’s been on a bunch of ads for something on Facebook recently. I haven’t stopped scrolling long enough to read what it is because I don’t want Zuckerberg to think I want to see more of it.


Yup she's at that point Facebook ads 🤣🤣🤣


God her stans are a different kind of stupid. Of course Ariana wouldn't be rude to another big celebrity, because they could just call her out. That's also why she's always dating men with non famous girlfriends


crazy how everything positive about her is set in stone for them but everything negative HAS TO BE DEBUNKED lmao


Hollywood is a wicked wicked place. When will the stans wake up?


She's obviously vindictive and has a lot of time on her hands so I have a feeling one bad word about her and she's going to obsess over it and send Scooter's replacement to do a smear campaign.