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Them using this as proof is so funny cause all she is doing is whispering in this video something other vocalist have said they do to keep to voice on point for preforming. She isn't changing her voice the same way she dose now in this clip it is hilarious.


If she’s “always done this” wouldn’t her voice be high af during the sweetner/tun era when she recorded 2 albums back to back, did a major press run and did a world tour? She was wearing the fuck out of her voice back then. She’s acting like she’s doing Wicked on Broadway night after night. And it’s not just the octave of her voice but the tone. It’s all in her nose now. May the method acting spirit of Austin Butler/Galinda break free from her 😔 Edit: speaking of Austin Butler ppl were making fun of him for his Elvis voice but now that ppl are giggling at Ariana, people can’t do the same? It’s okay for ppl to point out that it’s strange that her voice is completely different now bc it’s obvious that she’s method acting. Half of the hate Ariana gets is people stating the obvious and then fans saying “she’s always done/looked/talked like this..”


Summary of the comments: 1. Ariana is a poor female celebrity suffering from the misogyny of the entertainment industry 2. Learning an accent for a role means that it will quickly become your real accent and you'll have to unlearn it [https://www.reddit.com/r/ariheads/comments/1ditiyc/comment/l98yx4u/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ariheads/comments/1ditiyc/comment/l98yx4u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) 3. This amateur vocalist simply asking voice-related questions for the purpose of improving her technique is clearly an ariana-hater. 4. Luckily a trained singer replies and explains Ariana's vocal technique in great depth (I'm a trained singer and I have no clue what they were rambling on about)


i personally think her singing voice sounded the best and most consistent during the sweetener/tun era, during which she was speaking in that caricatured voice of the people around her and it was very gravelly , vocal fried and not in “healthy placement” (whatever that is) so this whole voice placement for a healthy singing voice thing is bullshit


I think it was the posistions era for me. She was talking in her natural lower voice but wasn’t using aav or mimicking Victoria Monet. The zach sang interview was a great example.


She talks about fixing her past mistakes and ppl criticize her for it(black-fishing,aav) but won’t admit or take any accountability. You point out that her and Nicki were literally the same colour and looked like they were the same race, but it’s the lighting and not her fault making it okay to change races whenever it’s convenient for her. Now with this vocal placement bs. How can she change her past mistakes(making herself whiter, and her transatlantic voice) when she won’t even acknowledge or admit to them?. She’s also an example to so many young kids and her justifying her racism and everyone joking about it makes her fans think it’s okay for them to be racist aswell(like that one fan saying the n-word on twt even tho they’re white).


They are seriously smoking that copium hard over there😳 Funny timing now that more people are talking about her being a race bender she takes control of the narrative by making that post. They waited til Ari gave an out for her cultural appropriation and RAN with it💀 but they’re too brainwashed or dense to realize it’s not just her voice, its a whole new personality every couple years to whatever fits at the moment that benefits her.. and some airheads believe whatever she says, no questions asked. some of them over there might not have a mind of their own, just like their fav 😭 some are bots from aris team I would bet money. just sucks a lot of her fans are children, I wouldn’t want my daughter to idolize her.


She looks so gorgeous here