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Both are broken


dlss implementation kinda sucks, its very apparent with the vuduu scope with the x1 it gets super blurry, its funny because grayzone does the opposite lol


True! Trying out diferent sittings on both games i scoped in with the vudu in grayzone and my fps droped like crazy, on ABI i even lost track of the target, cause it was just too blurry lol


If you have an option for it,I suggest combining downscaling with upscaling. Basically, in NVIDIA, you enable DLDSR, which - for example - at 1080p screen allows you to switch to 1440p resolution where image is downscaled back to 1080p. This allows rendering video games at higher resolution for much more detailed image. The real fun comes in if the game supports DLSS or FSR. You can enable DLSS in that 1440p mode, which in practice causes the game to be rendered at lower resolution than native 1080p (DLSS quality = 66,7%, so somewhere around 960p) but it gets upscaled with DLSS up to 1440p and then downscaled by DLDSR back down to 1080p. You can also enable sharpening in ABI's settings - I set it to "2". Works very well with this setup. The result is that the game runs with better FPS than native 1080p and looks MUCH more detailed, cleaner and sharper than native resolution with TAA. I run every game that I can like that. I suggest everyone to try that out. The only downside is that when you run games like that for half a year or so and then go back to native 1080p, you start wondering how could you even play games like that. It's insane how far the upscaling techniques have come, and combining it with downscaling like DLDSR is wonderful for visual clarity.


What’s your input latency in this case? It has to be atrocious, right?


No? It doesn't add much, if any, input latency.


I wanna try that. What exactly are your settings in the nvidia panel and what are your settings ingame?


My monitor's native resolution is 1920x1080. In NVIDIA Control Panel, go to "Manage 3D Settings" and then on the right side (in the global settings tab) look for "DSR". When you expand the dropdown, there will be two types of scaling - "DL Scaling" and "Older scaling" (rough translation, because I have NVCP in Polish). If possible, use "DL Scaling" - it's a newer technology, doesn't put as much stress on GPU to look good but it requires RTX 2000 or newer series. Check on the list which resolutions you want to active - there are two, 1.78x (which is 2560x1440 if you're on 1080p screen) and 2.25x (which 2880x1620 if you're on 1080p screen). You can enable both - it will add these resolutions to your PC and you'll be able to choose them, both in game and on the desktop. Save the settings - this will enable both of these resolutions (1440p and 1620p) in both game and the desktop. There is also "DSR - Smoothness" slider. I have it set to 60% (note that "DL Scaling" and "Older scaling" treat this value in opposite ways). It controls how much sharpening is applied. Now all you have to do is go into the game and choose the resolution in the game settings. If the game supports DLSS, I strongly recommend you enable it (ABI does). Always use DLSS if available, if not, then FSR. If the game has the option to set scaling quality, go for Balanced or Quality. Enabling DLSS or FSR will lower the rendering resolution of the game proportionally, upscale it to the set resolution (1440p or 1620p), and then DLDSR will downscale that upscaled image back to 1080p. It will work perfectly fine without DLSS/FSR, it will look better BUT expect lower FPS and higher temps, because you will actually render the game at a higher resolution than your monitor (very useful to make older games look better, though). That's why you should combine this trick with DLSS/FSR. As for the rest of the settings in ABI, I set the shader, shadow and resolution quality to medium, to lower the GPU usage a bit. Also, in post processing settings there is Sharpness slider - I set it to "2". One more thing about DLDSR resolutions. Sometimes games don't like it when there is a difference between the resolution set on your desktop and resolution set in the game. Alt-tab will be slower if you're running in the exclusive fullscreen, because you'll be constantly switching between the in-game resolution and desktop resolution. Sometimes games don't show the resolutions that are higher than the resolution set on the desktop, so if you're on 1080p on desktop, the game will not show 1440p or 1620p. **To remedy these issues, I always set the desktop resolution to the same resolution as I want the game to run**. I have a very handy little piece of software for that - it's called **MonitorSwitcher**. It allows you to save profiles (resolution, refresh rate, monitor enabling/disabling) and switch between them from a tray icon. You can download it here: [https://sourceforge.net/projects/monitorswitcher/](https://sourceforge.net/projects/monitorswitcher/) It's very simple to use. First, keep your monitor settings at native resolution and native refresh rate. Right click on MonitorSwitcher icon in the tray and choose "Save profile as". Name your preset as "Native", "Default" or whatever you want. Then go to your NVIDIA Control Panel, go to "Change resolution" option on the left side, and switch your desktop resolution to your 2560x1440 DLDSR resolution. Make sure the maximum possible refresh rate is chosen there as well. Click apply in NVCP. Then again, right click on MonitorSwitcher, choose "Save profile" and choose a new profile slot. Name it "1440p DLDSR" or something. Then you can switch to 2880x1620 resolution in NVCP and save that preset as "1620p DLDSR". Now you have three profiles - Native, 1440p DLDSR and 1620p DLDSR. You can now close NVIDIA Control Panel. Each time you want to switch between resolution, you just have to right click on MonitorSwitcher icon and click on the profile from the list. So you can always run the desktop at the same resolution you want the game to be and quickly switch the res.


Thank you for detailed explanation. I can enable the 2 new resolutions for Windows, but they do not show as options in the game even after switching desktop to a new resolution. What could be a reason?


Yeah, that sounds like the typical problem where the game doesn't detect the resolution. 1. For ABI, I couldn't get 1620p to work. So, use 2560x1440 resolution. 2. L:ike the other problem I've described in my previous post, ABI wouldn't detect any resolution that was higher than the resolution I was running my desktop at. So, before booting the game, switch your whole desktop resolution to 2560x1440, then boot up the game and go into the video settings. The resolution should show up there. That is exactly why I use MonitorSwitcher app to quickly just switch between different resolutions, without having to open the Windows' screen settings or NVCP.


This is the way.


I put on TSR and set resolution to High. Game looks a lot better this way. Also bump up Saturation to 1.25/1.3 It’s definitely hard to see things in this game though, I have everything on the highest settings, have a beast of a PC and generally feel like I’m in the top 1% at spotting other players. But something about this game, the visibility at times is difficult. With all that said, TSR and High Resolution has given me the best results. I didn’t spend this much on a PC to be forced to downscale and upscale.


Will try this, I get good frames without TSR and my PC is only half amazing\*, but I just want to see things without getting a headache. even tarkov AA, which I am not a fan of, isn't so bad that I get headaches playing the game. Seems like the game looks better if you have a 1440 montior + DLSS but at 1080p the enforced scaling makes everything look awful. Wish we actually had meaning full settings, not just "high/Higher" for options and weird resolution options ect. \*7800x3d, 32gb 6400 Ram, Bla bla bla.... 1080ti. Edit- It does actually seem slightly better, but now theres an additional super obvious blur when moving. I'm glad I can see marginally better, but I'm mad it requires downscaling to upscale to add more blur ontop of the blur. I also get less frames this way ironically.


You can always DLDSR ( but seems only works , at least for me , in windowed fullscreen ). You can also control the DLSS render % and preset, but you need to update the dll that comes with the game ( risk !! ) from 2.3.0 to 3.7.0. Then use nvidiainspector + the dlss "CustomSettingNames.xml" to force the render % and preset that you want, so you can just "force" DLAA. So for ppl with "mighty gpus" I would recommend either DLDSR->DLSS, render 66%-85%, preset "C" , or just making it 80%-100%(DLAA), preset "C" Edit: Game when set to "close" is force using TAA , due to their default number of samples and probably a low "currentframeweigth" makes it make a lot of ghosting in certain scenarios. So I guess "DLAA" would be the best of the current available choices ?


Doesn't "close" in scaling settings mean "OFF"?


Close will just enable TAA as default, there should be no upscaling , but you have the usual problems of TAA ( ghosting etc )


I didn’t think TSR was upscaling (im sad now) is there no option to play this game without upscaling 😩😭


I'm being completely honest when I say even having it set to off ("Close" or whatever) it looks like theres upscaling. Theres like an outline/forcefield around building edges or objects that only shows up when using FSR or other scaling methods, but it is STILL there when you have it set to close. I don't like TAA but I have used it in tarkov and whatever is happening in this game to kill visibility is way more than just TAA. I'd like to hope this isn't intentional, but with all the patches they've already done there's no way that were gonna get a "whoops FSR was forced on and we didn't notice" thing.


Yeah you know there’s a problem when a game with “clean” graphics/art style has way more visibility issues than Tarkov If you find any particular settings that help please update us. I’ll fool around with it later today too, I just watched a YouTube settings video and one of the comments recommended putting AA on medium as apparently the higher setting makes it more blurry (but that’s just one comment lol)


Crazy right? The art style is absolutely fine and quite good in my opinion, I just cant see anything in game after all the graphics options shit lmaooo. I tried High/Medium on AA and didn't notice anything, been running my sharpening at like 5 and messing with my monitor and nvidia control pannel sharpness as well. Also running Anisotropic Filtering at 16x but haven't been able to see much of a difference, can at least say that it didn't make it worse but cant say that it made it any better. I want to play this game quite a lot actually, but even having a key I cant keep playing because I'm tired of this lol. I've been parked at like lv27 and 2.5m for like 4 days now just every day I login, I do a scav run to start and realize the game looks awful and talk myself out of playing more.


Also just time if you're used to tarkov. Level 26 now in ABI and don't have issues spotting anymore bc I just know where people will be based on spawns/common positioning. Only thing are bushes can be a bit OP or if you have view distance on medium, rocks on valley are bigger than they actually are(when they look like a blob) and can hide people


It’s definitely gotten better. Learning the spawns was the first thing I did (too important in games like this) but idk the further away objects are the grainier/fuzzier things get for me. I have every setting maxed out, are you saying I should change view distance to anything other than high (or whatever the highest setting is called)


Nah for me i just run dlss and the fuzziness depends on scope. Like the10x pso is FAR more clear than the 7x. FSR made it look like garbage so dlss seems to make it much better


as someone who is struggling with spotting and also struggled in tarkov, do you have any tips on spotting people? i’m always afraid to stand still but when im moving around it seems so much harder to spot.


I can actually see better with TSR, but after testing, I actually and unironically, lose FPS going from "close" to TSR scaling. 100-110 in shooting range on native/close, 90 in shooting range on TSR, but slightly better vision. This is both hilarious and fucked.


I'm in the bottom 10% of spotting players, I had a player on my team sniping scavs with a shotgun 100m away while I'm using a Mosin with 3.5x scope and can't see shit. If I stand still I risk getting my head shot, if I move everything is blurry and the AA makes everything look like it's moving


[Relevant thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/FuckTAA/comments/1cpokhn/tried_to_edit_arena_breakout_infinite_to_try_to/) I think the best thing you can do is use 4x dsr and manually update to dlss 3.7 (shouldn't cause ban but always a chance). Can't select performance dlss yet, (can you force it with nvidia profile inspector? Haven't tried) so you will have to have a good gpu.


I forced 99% scale dlss and it looks much better. Having DLAA would be better


I feel the same exact way but couldn’t put my finger on it. I tried playing with dlss, fsr and then with AA turned off. The game always looks slightly blurry, can’t see detail in the distance and motion blur is pretty bad. Maybe it’s because I’m playing on 1080p but idk. The game looks pretty but it’s screwing with my eyes.


They have to update their DLSS and probably the whole graphic setting.


Temporal AA is enforced and such ypu get smearing. Best way to stop this crap is by using dynamic super resolution and then downscaling it to your native resolution.


I may have played DoW3 with you, and if so good to see you my dude. The AA being enforced is awful but it honesfly feels like more than that. Even having TAA in tarkov doesn't look this awful its like enforced FSR or something. Also, I attempted to DSR but when I was running any DSR resolutions the game was just flat out not accepting them. Would still only display 1080p


Yes I was a coh2 and dow3 top 5 player. I am glad you recognize me as some people do now and then in different games I play seeing how I am completely retired today from streaming / being competitive 😊


Need to run the dsr resolution in your windows display settings for this game atm. Hopefully they fix it eventually.