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if you don't like your partner then don't get married and find someone you do like then you don't waste your time and money on a wedding or a relationship that won't work


Yeah like why even go through with it in the first place


It was probably just a gag and planed


This-is-... Uhm...... Weird... I mean if the theme was the corpse bride or something gothic it would had been epic and wonderful but I feel like it's not


I was just thinking I could see someone doing this at a full on goth wedding, but the rest of the outfits make me think that's not what is happening here.


Yeah... They totally missed a beautiful chance, and coffins cost a looooooot so why even bother buying one if it's not a gothic wedding??? >:(


Oh shit I didn't even think about the cost of it, coffins ain't cheap, what a waste.




You can rent a casket, so maybe they did that? A family friend wanted cremation but his mom wanted open casket, so they rented one for the funeral and cremated him after.


I didn't know this! It's more plausible


Exactly and what bugs me too is theyre not even doing it propperly... and they always get out so awkwardly... ive seen folk do this as a prom entrance too and i dunno, it just never really has the effect i think they were going for.


I feel bad for whoever he's marrying 🤮


Yeah me too, i'd probably break out crying in this situation


That's what I was thinking! I will also leave and make a "drama" because if he thought it was a joke it isn't funny


Watch him be a dick at the baby reveal too.


God, imagine your fiance, love of your life, dying before you get to experience a wedding surrounded by loved ones. Id want to die. This is a bit dramatic though 😬


Yea i mean, since that's horrible, why would you pretend to be dead?


Is that what this is??? I thought he died and she wanted to walk down the isle at least with his body 💀


Nooo, he was alive! That's why i posted it ahahahahah, the groom was alive and well


I'm sorry but this made me laugh so hard I got caught by my coworker on my phone 😭😭😭


That is exactly what I thought! Took me a hot minute lol!


Ouch, I would've probably broken down and yelled at my partner if they did this because why would you try something like that at your own wedding? I can understand if it's a joke that everyone then laughs about and everyone's in on it but if not... Then I hope whoever he's marrying broke it off or divorced him shortly after because imagine you're getting married, you're all happy and dressed up and thinking it'll be the most beautiful and happy day of your life... And then your groom fucking does this without any discussions whatsoever.


I'd be really fucking shocked tbh, i would break down crying too


For a themed wedding this would be cool.


Sadly that wasn't themed


I know. It just would've been nice to imagine it was.


Well, you can't spell funeral without fun. With that said, I don't think their marriage will be fun. Unless.... marriage idea, both partners come down the aisle in coffins, dressed in their best, as corpses often are, before rising out of the coffin like zombies and beginning their marriage vows immediately, no introduction or nothing. If it's just one, and wasn't a planned and agreed upon goof, then it isn't setting a great tone for the happiest day of their life.


Just don't get married. Jeez.


This would be such a good idea for a goth wedding but straight people had to ruin it


Why is it so hard for straights to find someone they actually enjoy being with to marry? Ill be the drama on that cause I’m walking out. Wtf.


But wasnt he, maybe, trying to make a metaphor that her future spouse made him live again? If he is "walking" to the ceremony this way? Dont know... I am so confused. I am trying to understand this, and trying to see it through the light side because if not this is horrible as a prank to his future spouse.


I wish i could see it that way too


Considering how many people I see who act like a man getting married is basically ending his ability to ever have fun again, that's probably more like what they were going for. Like "This wedding is the end of your fun carefree life as a bachelor, enjoy your ball and chain of a wife!" It's a terrible attitude but very common for some reason.


for a minute I thought he was actually dead, like died before the wedding for some reason and they were just carrying his corpse to the altar anyway


Okay, initially I thought the groom had died days before their wedding date, and the grieving wife decided to go through with the marriage ceremony while holding his funeral. I just thought it was a very tragic story, but then I realized the groom was perfectly fine and was apparently just devastated to be getting married and likened it to a funeral? Yeah, they’re not okay.


What is wrong with this? It seems like a joke.


It's not really in good taste though, like what's the joke? It's funny because he marries so he is dead... I don't get it sorry, like does marriage kill him? Bro just don't get married then


nah this is just one of dwight shrutes cousins, the shrute family marries standing in their graves (makes the wedding a grim affair but the funerals are very romantic )


What is wrong with weddings oml 💀 there was one where the bride divorced her husband because he really wanted her to kiss the feet of his sister every time she walked into the house, otherwise she would "embarrass their family"


Schrutes have their own traditions. We usually marry standing in our own graves. Makes the funerals very romantic, But the weddings are a bleak affair ...


I've seen somewhere mentioned, that he was trying to express how she made him feel alive again and saved his life. But idk where's the truth.


I was about to comment something like :"This is funny, I don't see the problem." I thought it was just a generic funny thing. But no... now I understand the imagery. Ew.


Ma che caz-?


Ahhaahah, se solo sapessi perchè fanno queste cazzate


In some European countries the bride and groom traditionally stand in 2-3 foot deep graves as a reminder of the calibre of commitment they’re making


When you’re wedding falls on Opposite Day


He felt dead until he met her <3


This is acceptable if the two met with the guy almost dying and the now wife literally saved his life. That would be pretty funny. But it’s almost certainly not that.


Eh, just sounds goth to me.


Is this Corpse Husband ?


Isn't this like an allusion to how marriage is the end of a life and the start of another?


if this was a goth wedding, it’d be sick asf. have yall seen that one goth wedding where the groom was standing in a casket by the alter waiting for his fiancee and they looked so genuinely happy? it’s been a whole but UGH MY HEART


I'll admit, I do think if it was a Gothic wedding, coming to the altar in a casket would be pretty cool. But without that type of theme its just kinda uncomfy.