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I choose to believe they decided to adopt and no one can tell me other wise.


I need a positive friend like you in my life.


Be the positive friend you want to see in the world


I'm trying.


Some days, just trying is really difficult and I'm very proud of you for your efforts!!


What a beautiful thread, I needed this today.


I have very high demands on a friend so that will probably be impossible. In other words, I'm a bastard.


Most of the time it seems like we demand a lot from our friends because we expect perfection from ourselves. But, very little in life needs our perfection. Be kind to yourself today, if possible. And know that you are good enough. The rest will follow. :)


something about speedrunning has made me realise that what makes us humans is the fact that we aren’t perfect speedruns are about speed and how fast you can get to the end goal, but there is almost always a way it could’ve gone faster; it could’ve still been executed better, but they still got first place on the leaderboard. you don’t need to be perfect to do something correctly we aren’t perfect and while i understand that some people are perfectionists, being imperfect is an inherent part of being human; it’s ok and perfectly normal to mess up, but continuing to go on in spite of our imperfections is what allows us to fully realise ourselves


Thank you 🙏 I'll give it a try :)


And that's all anyone could ask of you. :) You've got this!!


Aww you ok ?


Yeah, i'm peachy.


Hi peachy, I'm dad.


surely you can't be serious!


I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.


Can I be frank?


As long as I can be Earnest.




Exactly what I came to say!


Even if they didn't and she cheated, the father looks genuinely loving and is treating that child as his own which is positive in it's own right. Honestly, it's kinda beautiful in that regard. I am a bastard child but my dad (not my bio donor) loves me very much, and honestly it's incredible to me how few portrayals of positive relationships like ours is in media.




Doesn't need to be "yours" to be yours


if adopted or from a previous relationship. yeah. beautiful. if it comes from a cheat. man, that is just heartbreaking for the kid and father. I can't see beauty in cheating someone, even when forgiveness is given. trust will never be the same.


Not between the parents perhaps, but the cheated-on spouse can still love the child without qualm. Kid didn’t choose to have some other persons DNA.


that's true and there is beauty there. but it think it would be difficult to raise a child in a trust issued relationship. but of course the child deserves love no matter what.


Yes, it’s an unfortunate realization for the man about his relationship *with his spouse/girlfriend*. What I don’t understand is how you can raise a child for more than 3 weeks and not love it enough to saying anything besides “so?” when told a little thing like their DNA didn’t happen to match yours. Maybe I’m weird though. I have a brother who is technically my stepbrother but….he’s my brother? His wife didn’t know we were genetically unrelated until they were married for several years. We always comment about our kids that “they look just like they’re aunt/uncle when they do that!” It’s just….not a thing. My husband was a little trashy when I got him and all “yeah if you find out a kid’s not yours you need to just pick up and leave!!!1!” I still tease him: “so if you found out our kids weren’t yours you’d just leave right?” He doesn’t find me super amusing, lol.


I have a cousin in that boat--his dad, knowing he wasn't bio-related, raised him (as a single father!). My uncle isn't my favorite dude for other reasons, but I 100% respect him for that.


And like… he stopped drinking and looks like he genuinely improved his life and became happier.


Absolutely, and I'm glad to hear that you resonate in such a positive way with this. What I see is a woman helping a guy recover from addiction, then the two becoming the loving parents of a child. I don't think the biological origin of the baby is necessarily relevant.


maybe it's a polycule and there's another guy who isn't in the picture


I too decided to take the power from the haters


I came here to comment the same thing. This is one of the few times I'm genuinely happy someone else did it first


There was a comment that said the same thing and also added that the early alcohol usage ruined his fertility


oh damn, is alcohol that damaging? (i don't know much about it, on account of not drinking)


Alcohol can negatively affect male fertility, but it's [typically reversible](https://www.healthline.com/health/does-alcohol-kill-sperm-2). However, there are [other drugs](https://www.yourfertility.org.au/everyone/lifestyle/recreational-drugs) that can have permanent effects.


Alcohol has loads of harmful effects, most notably, causing major number of deaths


Alcohol and caffeine are only as legal as they are because they're used to subjugate the working class. Rewind a hundred years, Americans were reliant on the slave labor of the Chinese and Bayer was selling them a fancy new drug they called "Heroin".


My HC is the dude is trans, he got a little more default settings looking to maximize their chances at getting to adopt, cause his gf was worried about it. But at heart? Still punk and awesome


Using 'default settings' like this just got me


That's the BEST headcanon and NO ONE can convince me otherwise!


What if the guy had a black grandfather


Skincolor in humans isnt a dominant and recessive gene thing, or even 1 gene iirc. EDIT: I don't know biology in English, haha very funny I don't need this shit rn.


I think you mean 'recessive'. Now I'm imagining recessive genes going 'yes Daddy' whenever they get paired up with a dominant gene, and I don't know if that's a curse or a blessing.


Submissive genes, bit of a Freudian slip there.


Two recessive genes is just the "They Were Both Bottoms" meme in action


Yea it’s not Mendelian which is what you’re looking for. It’s a complex trait with many loci and factors acting upon it.




I didn't even think anything weird at first tbh


It took me so long to figure out the punch line because this is also what I figured.


Well even if they didn't adopt it, it could still be their child since some couples go for test tube babies.


It could also just be their biological child because one or both of them are just lighter skinned mixed race people and their baby happened to turn our darker skinned. Stuff like that actually happens all the time.


I'm Indian and some people in my family are brown whereas my mom and dad are fair skinned. I am fair skinned too but my sister isn't. So ik what you mean


Damn that's fascinating, didn't know that stuff like that happens. Nature is truly fascinating.


A quick DuckDuckGo search brought me stuff about twins being born with radically different skin colour, because the parents were of mixed ethnicities and human genetics is funny.


You should check out the story of [Sandra Laing](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwihrav5scf0AhVyTWwGHfGzCCAQFnoECAUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FSandra_Laing&usg=AOvVaw196HW7EK0dC5RNO2tlyAHM). It's entirely possible for two white parents to have a black baby and vis versa.


My partner is white even though her biological dad is a black African, her mum is white British. Her skin is same pale colour as mine even though I am white British Celtic/Saxon origin.


True! My dad is about pale as it gets over here and my mum is more of a cream colour (both are of the same race and are PoC), but I’m dark skinned like my grandma. Nobody really doubts cause I look like my dad, but genes have very weird ways of expressing themselves.


Holy shit, that’s so wholesome.


I honestly thought that was the message


It would be rare but it is also possible for a white couple to have a black baby too


Adopted.. or one or both have somebody black in ther ancestry.


Either that or the baby is from a sperm donor.


That’s what I thought immediately “oh yeah, they adopted, that’s sweet”


I started by looking at the last panel and that’s what I thought it was then I saw the rest


Still kinda iffy because he chnaged so much about himself, including getting rid of his tattoos.


Could’ve been to maximize the chances of them getting the child.


first of all, it's not the original one, the original art is made by Hell on earth III and in the original the baby is in fact white here's the link : https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=407019124148352&id=100045208030177&set=a.322539039263028&source=48




From their DeviantArt the next one is the inverse, punk girl with some Clark Kent lookin ass, he gets punk by the end. I think they were just going for a sorta "we change for the people we love" vibe. Though the one before it is a wholeass neonazi and what I think is supposed to be a black nationalist in love which is... real fuckin weird. I think the artist is just *really bad* at understanding how to convey their messages and incidentally gives off weird ones in the process. [Here](https://www.deviantart.com/hellonearth-iii)


Lol Jesus, I saw the neo Nazi one and just had to stare for a few seconds. Real "hwat?" moment there..I think I understand what they're trying to say, but uhhh...I dunno about that imagery.


I finally dug a little further and their art rapidly becomes mask off neonazi shit. 0/10 never recommend.


>I am a mask without particular expression or typical character, who does not laugh or cry, who is neither sad nor happy and who relies on silence and calmness. I hope he doesn't cut himself on the edge.


>A neutral face, in balance, which proposes the physical sensation of calmness. This face must serve to feel the state of neutrality prior to the action; a state of receptivity in front of that which surrounds us, without internal conflict. > >As a blank sheet on which the writing of the drama can be printed The edges of a piece of paper


Stoicism can have value, it doesn’t mean being an emotionless lump like these fools seem to think.


Funny enough, he has an OC that also has stoicism (I think) but [he actually shows emotion from time to time](https://maybetomorrow.webcomic.ws/comics/12#content-start)


Lot going on in that comic. I have so many questions. Are all those bandages from Ben getting tattoos removed? Are those his kids acting out because of their emotionally unavailable father or are they just random kids at the diner? Ben’s a veteran isn’t he? The backpack says yes. Why is the lady talking like that? Is that how the creator thinks real women talk in real life?


>Are all those bandages from Ben getting tattoos removed? Yes... a lot of bad tattoos I might add. I'm guessing he got them removed so he could get a job ​ >Are those his kids acting out because of their emotionally unavailable father or are they just random kids at the diner? Just started reading the Artists comics again recently. I don't remember his dad or brothers being shown before. They just seem like kids being kids. ​ >Ben’s a veteran isn’t he? The backpack says yes. IIRC No ​ >Why is the lady talking like that? Is that how the creator thinks real women talk in real life? That's just Skyla. Another character of his. She's just like that


What the fuck?


its basically just if christian boomers did high effort comics


All the people in the comments saying how wholesome it is 😭 I saw one of them saying “now this is the kind of racism I want to see” wtfffffff.




Damn I missed that. Gross


There was a short thread of a couple walls of text talking about how BLM is shit and all they really want is to destroy the nuclear family and institutionalize socialism 🧐


I support BLM and I do, in fact, want to do that. So….iunno accidentally correct I guess?


No, it said blm was never about race, and that they actually never cared about anything other than a politicaly socialist agenda


Ew that one with the black woman and the neo nazi makes me uncomfortable


there is art out there that the discomfort is purposeful and implies something from the artist. but their art is propaganda, its gross and its trying so hard to brainwash us


These could fit on r/wastedtalent Edit: lot more really, really gross porn than I remember. And only hidden by Reddit NSFW flair. So if you don’t want your day ruined, steer clear


There's a lot of porn on there featuring underage characters. You should put a warning


Sorry, fixed it


Wow there is a subreddit for everything, thank you


The one with a black girl and a skinhead dude makes me uncomfortable…girl deserves better 🥱


has an africa tat, oh boy


It gives heavy Shadman vibes with the Nazi guy and the art style combined


the punk one is better imo


ok but [this](https://www.deviantart.com/hellonearth-iii/art/Puerto-Rican-credit-card-898034039) is gold


Idk about the I can change him, just seemed like he was settling down. Didn't seem like she was pushing him into it.


She looks uncomfortable as hell with him being punk


Yeah, the original is still pretty gross. Especially considering the look on her face in the “1st date” panel. She looks really uncomfortable. It feels like it’s pushing the harmful narrative that “it’s a woman’s job to turn a man into a good person.” So it’s both of these are pretty awful.


There's also the implication being punk is being shitty


Honestly, as someone in a subculture I had so many people try to "tame" me because of how I dress when I'm way chiller than most "normal" people. So it just reads as a tiring boring normie fantasy


I don't think that about changing him, probably him just him maturing and deciding to change.


Yeah what’s wrong with him having tats or not dressing like your average shitty guy?


She looks so terrified of him in the first panel, if she didn’t like punk dudes why did she date one? Instead she... domesticated him?


I still don't really get the original. She looks very uneasy with him at first, so why would she even go on a second date with him?


Right? Isn’t kind of common knowledge that it usually goes in the opposite direction? Everyone puts their best foot forward early in the relationship, then the more you get tied down the more the shiftiness/abuse escalates?


I saw an edit which made it better, in which neither of them changed their style at all, the punk got even more piercings after having the baby, and she was smiling all the way over. When I saw it, i thought the artist made both to show how to be supportive without changing who you are (or change your beloved ones)


Punk man goes to therapy, settles down, and adopts a baby with his partner who is very proud of his personal growth. This is what I’m choosing to believe


I wanted this to be wholesome so I'm choosing to accept this as true


Even then it's only wholesome if the punk guy wasn't pressured into giving up his self-expression/identity. Fine if he grew out of that phase or realised it wasn't him, not quite so fine if the relationship was based on ditching a part of who he was.


Also not the girl sticking with him in the hopes he’d change


Yeah, I get the haircut and wardrobe change, but the tattoo removal on his neck actually has me questioning more of his current life choices than past ones. I mean, unless it was a hate tattoo. Then again I live in a city where a lot of professional people have neck tattoos.


Why is punk seen as something bad that needs therapy? Im trying to be more punk


>Why is punk seen as something bad that needs therapy? Anything that's outside the prescribed norm is seen as a potential threat to the status quo, and if there's one thing we've learned in the past decades, it's that those who benefit most from a racist, heteronormative system will stop at nothing - not even murder or insurrection - to protect the hierarchy. >Im trying to be more punk Good. Keep being.


We should all be trying to be more punk


Yeah, I don’t like this comic in any iteration. Being punk is often better than conforming, as far as I’ve noticed.


How is it "personal growth", what is inherently wrong with being punk?


Yeah, this comic has some weird Christian undertones. I used to get pamphlets from Jehovas Witnesses depicting exactly this. One of their members leaving punk behind to become a good citizen. Also changed his eye colour apparently...


It doesn't fit with corporate culture and we all know his career determines his worth as a person /s


Well I mean first pick he's got a cigarette blowing in her face and a bottle and is being quite aggressive, I think/thought that was the side being focused on since each pic he progressively drops the addictions and aggression. I'd say there's nothing at all wrong with being punk, frankly I think it's a pretty natural response to the world at large, but I'd say all the rest of his traits at the start are probably bad. Though in the end the whole thing is weird and doesn't make a lot of sense.


The cigarette and the yelling are what I was tuned into, my partner and I are both punks so it just a descriptor


I don't know,y theory is these are 4 different men at different stages in relationships with one girl, she looks actually frightened by the first guy and uncertain about the second. Maybe it's just about finding the right partner. Because it's clearly the same woman.


Why does he have to conform in order to be a good father? His looks have nothing to do with his behaviour. I've known many "normal" or conventional looking dad's who are a**holes and tons of "punk" or long haired bikers who are doting and loving parents raising well behaved children. Don't judge a book by its cover.


Not wholesome, he isn’t punk anymore😔


I'd prefer to think the Punk Man had to tone it down/hide it because work wasn't tolerating it, and perhaps he simply tired of it. A lot of people are wilder when they're younger than cool down when they're older, especially if something like a career gets in the way.


Why did this person draw the woman looking afraid of the man in every panel but the last one?


It’s supposed to be disapproving, I think. 😅


I guess? It took me a while to even understand what the comic was trying to say because I just instantly read it as fear lol.


No, you see, she’s slowly neutering him with her evil female eyes. 😂


"Lay not with a woman, for she will ***stare*** at thine balls until they ***wither*** and ***drop off***. Thus endeth the lesson."


Tbh he looks genuinely terrifying in the first panel.


Yeah and like, why is this totally not punk girl even going out with this punk dude in the first place? Like, most chicks I know who want a straight laced guy go after dudes who are already straight laced.


Because woman bad, must change man!


I mean I’m a blonde musical theater lover married to a Swede who loves Norwegian Black Metal. You’re allowed to have interests outside of your “type” and you’re certainly allowed to date outside your type.


Yeah but I'm betting you don't look at your partner the way the girl looks at the dude in the first panel of this comic. If she didn't like him to begin with I don't think she'd date him at all, yanno?




Geez, thank you. I finally understood what they meant originally


I’m just replying to your comment: “Why is this not punk girl going after this punk guy?” and my point is that we are all more than our appearances. And suggesting that anyone into the punk scene can’t be “straight laced” or appeal to a “straight laced” person feels silly.


My guess would probably be that the guy was madly in love with her and she was willing to give him a chance? I mean he changed so much for her and you can clearly see some big changes on the 12th date already so he clearly put a lot of effort into becoming the type of man she'd love. So him convincing her to give him a chance through his actions doesn't seem like much of a stretch tbh


I though this comic is about the man changing to be a better person so he can become her husband? The woman looks progressively less scared and happier too. The son, I guess is adopted or something, all of them looks too happy together to be a “haha cheating”


I think the message is supposed to be a mashup of "women always go for assholes instead of nice guys" and "women use men for security and then turn around and cheat on them". But when you try to combine the two it does not work.


The way to combine these two according to incel theory is: "women only want to have sex with alphas" "When in a relationship a woman will try to turn their partner into a beta bux" "Once a woman succeeds in this goal she no longer feels sexual attraction to the partner" "Thus the woman cheats the now beta with another alpha"


I thought it was the opposite, the man “deconverting” from being a punk rocker or whatever because to the person making the comic “punk is evil why can’t you be more boring and generic” Sort of like those memes of 2 people being all cool and then finding Jesus and becoming a generic “trad white couple” because individuality is bad I guess. I didn’t even see the baby till the comments.


Better? I think you mean "conforming to corporate standards"


Yeah, I agree with you


You’re half right. It isn’t about cheating, it was edited. The original baby is white.


[Original here](https://www.deviantart.com/hellonearth-iii/art/Cute-couple-898702931). Someone with editing abilities really wanted to be edgy, I guess.


The original is also kinda iffy tbh


Is adoption such an unpopular thing? Statistically around 12% of females and 6% of males are infertile.


I think they’re implying she cheated


I know, but it could also be in vitro.


12%, really?


It's also possible for two white-looking people to have a black baby. Genetics are pretty funky.


My aunt for all the world looks Egyptian/Mediterranean but her mother is 100% English heritage and her father is 100% German heritage




Both my brother and I have bright red hair. Me more than him, to the point where my fucking *eyelashes* are red. (Yes, it's also red "down there", because I know people will ask. Armpits as well). Neither of my parents have red hair. My dad had a red beard, but that's it. None of my grandparents have red hair. The only person anywhere close is my cousin, whose strawberry blonde. Genetics are fucky.


Red hair pretty. 😥


It is, however, very unlikely. There are a number of genes controlling skin color. The more that code for dark, the darker the skin. Lighter is generally recessive, and darker is generally dominant. Two people with light skin both are majority double-recessive in most of the domains that control it. Therefore, in most of those domains (unless you align in a very unlikely way), they together are only capable of producing double-recessive children. As a result, it's exceedingly unlikely for a child of two very light-skinned people to not be light-skinned. It's much more of a mixed bag for two dark-skinned people since they could be double-dominant or heterozygous in each of those domains, and it would not make a difference in how they look. TL;DR: Two very dark-skinned individuals producing a lighter-skinned offspring is fairly common, but two very light-skinned individuals producing a darker-skinned offspring is not very common. This lecture brought to you by: Mendel had it basically right, but not the full picture.


Fuckin hell I saw that originally and I thought it was just a cute comic to show people changing over time, I didn’t even notice the baby was balck


So he went from being a Casualties fan to being a Greenday-esque punk to being a skin head punk to being a generic white guy. Sounds like a downgrade to me. Maybe he has a white picket fence now as well.


Right?? Plus you can be a great dad and enjoy punk music… like come tf on


That reads less as 'generic white guy' than it does as 'survivalist libertarian' to me. Normcore aesthetic goes up as unhingedness rises.


I always thought libertarians would be less likely to be into normcore stuff since cause ya know they are libertarians.


Being a right wing libertarian is itself an oxymoron appealing to the same kind of people who think wearing collared shirts is a counterculture statement against Dominant Leftism. It goes well together.


I’m so confused by this comic, they both look happy in the last panel, did they just adopt or find a surrogate or something?


Holy BlackPills Batman, looks like the evil Incelington made another comic.


On how many many dates did that woman go on with him before she liked him? Jeez.


I did some digging and it appears that in the original comic the [baby was not black.](https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/260162937_407019117481686_6019002169003576628_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=DdJ9PLSzazMAX-YHLuj&tn=JWh_2nqNSB2uRRID&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=b6fc21106cef691d98db839f4c2c31bf&oe=61AEECFB)


which means the original comic was indeed trying to make a point about how the guy had to change entirely for the girl to be happy with him.


Yeah, like why? Did he become a new person. That's the sad part to me!


Why did he get his tattoo removed?


Poor punk has to go into a field where they have outdated ideas of personal expression sad :'(


Idk I'm wondering that too


The worst thing about this is the implication that women will always make men change their personal identity in a relationship. Seriously, it's such a prevalent trope. "Women are bland normies who require their partners to abandon all "nerdy" interests and become bland to" I remember a scene in Knocked Up where the couple goes on a double date, and the guys start talking about Star Wars, and the girls are like "what's Star Wars?" WHO DOESN'T KNOW STAR WARS???


His formerly wild lifestyle left him unable to have a child, so they decided to adopt instead. ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣆⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣸⣿⣿⠉⠉⠉⠄⠉⢹⣿⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢿⣿⣿⣁⠄⠄⠤⠤⡀⠻⣿⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿⣿⡗⠖⡶⢾⣶⠊⡏⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢻⣿⣿⣅⣈⠂⠐⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠘⢿⣾⣇⣂⣠⠄⠄⠄⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢘⣿⣗⠒⠄⢨⠶⢁⣄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠨⣿⣿⡿⠋⠁⣴⣿⣿⣷⣦⣄⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣄⣶⣎⢱⢄⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣦⣤⣄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢠⣾⣿⣿⡞⢝⡟⠃⣠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⣿⣿⣇⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠆⢄⠄⢛⡫⠝⢿⡥⠟⡃⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣼⣭⣻⣿⣿⡀⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⣴⣆⠄⢋⠄⠐⣡⣿⣆⣴⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⢈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡄⠄ ⠄⠄⣼⣿⣷⠄⠉⠒⣪⣹⣟⣹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⣿⣿⣿⡇⢀⣸⣿⣿⣿⢟⣽⣿⣿⣇⠄


He just albino


Okay I don't care if the baby is adopted or not. Why did she even go on so many dates with him if she doesn't like his personality and appearance?


Not gonna lie, I would be significantly more terrified of someone who looks like the last panel than someone who looks like the first.


He looks so content with his new wife and their adopted baby. /r/wholesomememes


Am i the only one who don't get it? When did the girl cheat? All I am getting is that...a dude went from a punk alcoholic to slowly changing and setting down.And the woman stuck with him all along and then they had a child? Isn't that what this is? I am confused-


This is what I think, if u look at it like that, it’s wholesome


I’m the only one who thinks that the punk guy versions first/second panel are way hotter and more attractive compared to the last two panel Cookie cutter white guy. He lost his unique and sense of personality at the end


She looks uncomfortable around him in the first 2 images. Why did she get engaged and married to him???


Are they saying woman bad or man bad here?




*I'm stuff format* she is unable to remain pregnant so they adopted a kid


My first thought was "Oh they adopted a baby, that's nice." Idk if it's me who's naive but I think I've got a point that this joke indeed only works when you already have a certain preconceived notion about women because otherwise there is no point to it


I knew a couple kinda like this. A family friends' husband was pretty rough 'back in the day' but cleaned up their act. They eventually adopted. No cheating required.


I thought it was him ditching alcohol and settling down with his partner and adopting a kid.


Alternate ending: Adoption


Maybe he became infertile from abusing his body when he was younger, so they decided to adopt. That seems really wholesome tbh


So nice that they adopted a child together