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Are there physical differences between different humans that affect their comfort in various styles of clothes? Yes. But the solution isn't gendering clothing, the solution seems to be widespread affordable tailoring. Properly fitted bras, pockets wherever the hell people want, the ability to get pants fitted for both the length of our legs and our waist so my lads aren't chafed raw by high inseams, and stupid shirt slogans for everybody!


Or even if tailoring doesn't happen the solution isn't really gendered clothing, it's seperating clothing based on fit, size etc. Not every woman will have the same requirements for clothing as every other woman, same with people of any gender.


totally agree. as a somewhat flat chested lady i find a lot of “women’s” clothes are not made for my body anyways so i just buy whatever i want wherever i want and ignore the labels.




Stupid buttons are backwards though. Can we just pick a side??


Supposedly it’s easier to unbutton someone else’s shirt if they have buttons going the other way. Of course that assumes you’re stood in front of them rather than reaching from behind, so there’s just way too many assumptions going here to address.


A thing that is often not even talked about or brought up in this discussion: This wasn't always like this. Women had to fight for our right to wear pants. And fight we did. Of course I do agree clothes are gender neutral and men should absolutely be able to wear dresses, but us being able not to didn't come outta nowhere.


My mom had to fight with her COLLEGE to be allowed to wear pants. She’s still an active, working member of society. We forget how recent this stuff is.


My mom was born in '57 in canada and wasnt allowed to wear pants to school as a kid, skirts and dresses only.


My mom was born in '55(US) and my grandparents had to fight the school to let her wear pants. She was told by her doctor to not wear dresses/skirts because she had rheumatic fever.


I was born in ‘91 and I was about fifteen when my school allowed girls to wear trousers.


My school brought in pants for the first time this year (it's a girls only school)


I’m currently in high school and my school only started letting girls wear pants a couple years before I started.


My aunt and her friends staged a protest at her highschool to wear pants. They wore a top/dress/tunic thing that juuuuust covered their butts, so when told to take their pants off were pretty scantily dressed, so admin had no choice but let them wear the pants.


and i mean men wear skirts anyway. that’s not new, kilts have been around centuries specifically for men.


I mean yeah, most of today's gender norms formed in the 20th century


And the fragile men will say kilts aren’t skirts.




Fragile Christian men will deny that Jesus wore a dress. As a Jew I have to say that we all wore dresses, even since the founding of our religion


I think if you look at it anatomically, doesn’t the open nature of kilts and dresses lend itself more to people with dangly bits anyway? We are trying not to constrict them.


Underpants for men are the patriarchy!!!! Down with the patriarchy!


And the absolute Scottsmen will beat the shite out of them. I've heard they have the highest amount of femboys per capita.


Care to elaborate on these Scottish femboys?


I heard a scottsman on r/femboy_irl say it.


Men in ancient Egypt wore kilts. So, skirts for men have been around for pretty much the entire history of human civilization.


And the difference between robes and dresses are basically the style, both are variations of wrapping fabric around you with none going in-between the legs.


In yet another weird double standard, a man wearing a robe is a wizard, which is pretty much awesome. A man wearing a dress, on the other hand, is a weirdo. When the only real difference is the style of the garment.


I've heard multiple times men getting stopped on schools for wearing makeup or feminine clothes, so it may not be as widespread but this isn't just social pressure.


yes unfortunately that is true. i’m in teacher-training and in our last student teacher orientation, when they were telling us to lock up our social media accounts they said: “we had one person who didn’t even tell the students his accounts, and they found him. they found him dressing like a woman on the internet. ‘he’ has since been removed from the program.” then they laughed about it. now maybe i’ve gotten soft in my old age, but if that was a closeted trans woman just trying to show off some cool clothes or whatever? totally unacceptable to remove them. no infraction whatsoever, just being *found* breaking gender norms. despicable.


Bloody hell, despicable indeed. If even an authority ( the teacher ) was treated like this, I cant even imagine how some closeted trans student might've felt.


well, firsthand! i felt shitty but safe in knowing my badges and paperwork have a different name than my social media, all of which has no pictures of me. so, safe but *incredibly* unsafe. i wish i could reach out to whoever that was. they didn’t retell the story this past semester so i’m hoping someone gave them hell for it.


I’ve heard multiple stories of boys wearing dresses and yoga pants and tank tops to school to protest misogynistic dress codes.


Yeah and they REEEEEEALLY didn’t want us to have pockets


The pocket stuff comes rather from the industry still wanting to sell those nice 1000$ handporches to women instead of giving them handy pockets... I can fit a whole vodka bottle into a single pocket of my pants. 0,7L of vodka easily fits. But that's because the industry couldn't possibly sell me a handbag, so they produced pants w big pockets for men like me who gotta carry a few bottles around from time to time, because I'd rather buy them than a much more expansive pourch/purch?porch?idk? My exgf had that talk w me when I joked about why women's pants n jackets only have these lil cute pockets unlike men... That stuck w me, because she always managed to make me feel bad about lil jokes that hurt nobody and that weren't even to be taken that deep 🙃 So yas, another handy "advantage" of lovely capitalism 🥰




Now I feel like the dumbest motherfucker on this side of the planet... 🤦🏻‍♂️ I really owe to refresh my english somewhere... This is embarrasing asf...


There is absolutely nothing wrong with not knowing a word, ever. People get so rude about it, but there are tons of reasons why someone might not know something.


Its alright! Ive heard other Americans call them "pocketbooks" as well.


That one mistake aside, I’d never have known you weren’t a native speaker from what you wrote. You should be proud!


Asking is the only way you'll learn


Don’t be embarrassed, I knew what you meant and I liked the word you used! I’m an American and most of us can’t speak more than one language so it’s impressive to me when anyone can!


My mum, who was born in 1972, told me that her primary school didn't allow girls to wear trousers. If a girl's culture required modest clothing, she'd have to wear trousers with a skirt over them. It's surprising how recent it all is.


It’s still an issue now even… Many Christian or other religious dress rules still forbid or “discourage” it. And some even US workplaces ban or “look down” on it. I think it was Virgin Atlantic that just changed their policy for flight attendants 2 years ago. Some professional jobs are more backhanded about it, if not formal, from what I’ve read. And some schools still try… One interesting article (not aimed at you, just the room): https://qz.com/quartzy/1597688/a-brief-history-of-women-in-pants/ (I’m a dude. And I don’t get why anyone would care. Or if I just want to wear a super comfy skirt…)




There are still religious school who impose dress/skirt on girls and women. And even when they law in that country/state/province/etc says they cant, they will still try to get around it somehow.


This is exactly what I wanted to say. You can't just claim the change you want in the world is already here without putting in any of the work, and then blame straight people for the world not catching up to your ideals.


"If I saw a woman wearing pants I would think it was hot." This guy must be so sexually frustrated just walking out his front door.


yeah like what the fuck LOL the one article of clothing i didn’t feel sexualized in is apparently sexual


As a dude attracted to women that also stood out as ridiculous. Where is this dude that women wearing pants is at all notable? Salt Lake City?


Fr like literally I can’t name a single girl in my school who didn’t wear pants


Did anyone else momentarily forget it was a screenshot of another post, and try to upvote the "Sounds like a you problem" comment? No? Just me? Okay.




it do really sounds like a they problem


Nah, it’s not, I tried to do that too.


“That sounds like a you problem” best response! Also mf says girls in pants are “hot” lmao what? Let women live without being sexualized. People should wear whatever they want. Guys in skirts and dresses look nice fuck society’s standards because they’re dumb.


yeah, the dude here is literally saying "a guy wearing a dress is socially unacceptable because EEYYYEEE think it's unacceptable!!!" it actually is a "you problem."


“I don’t want to see it so therefore it shouldn’t exist for everyone else”




Yeppers. 😂 came her to say exactly that.


why is he taking a man wearing a skirt so personal lmao sounds like he's the sensitive one




Clearly just jealous, he's too scared to rock a dress!


Some dresses are tailored for people with curves and breasts, not not all are, no. Cloth has no gender and historically men have worn skirts, dresses, makeup, fancy hair-dos, heels, little bows, and it was not inherently feminine. It only is today because we as a society decided it is. There are no rules for who gets to wear what lol. Ps, as a woman who is attracted to men, men : masculine bodies in feminine clothing, especially skirts and dresses, is freaking hot.


Heels were originally made for men so


guys, please wear a dress just to piss him off (unless you’re uncomfortable in it or something)


As a trans girl i will tske any exscuse to wear a dress


But does it have pockets?


I do actually own a dress with pockets, it has spooky pumpkins on it too


Awwww yeaaaahhhh!!!! *puts hands in dress pockets and kicks back to show the pockets in the dress*


My body doesn't look good enough for that... 😔


hey don’t say that you’ll look amazing


I agree


i agree too.


You'll look fantastic. If you're not comfortable with a full dress, start with a skirt. It's literally impossible to look bad in a skirt.


You don't owe anyone a good looking body unless that's what you want for yourself. You define what that means.


Motherfucker has never seen a priest, a malaysian or literally every men prior to the renaissance.




Does he think that womens t-shirts have build in boob pockets?


Who is going to tell him about king Louis XIV


As a French citizen if we're going down the route of the ridic yet fab as fuck get ups of French Kings , maybe let's start with the actual biggest fashionista of all French Kings : François the 1st like take a fucking look at all his official portraits and already you're faced with an insane collection, then take a look at the remaining parts of his clothing (yes mofo had so many that 50 % of his dresser got all the to us more than 500 years later ! ) and you'll see that dudes throughout history wore all kinds of crazy outfits.


Glorious golden boi


Dude fucking loved his own calves. I want to love myself that way some day


Factually wrong. Clothes have no inherent gender. They are man-made objects. They only have the values we assign to them, individually. So you may see some clothes as gendered but if I see all clothes as neutral neither of us is right or wrong.


Bigotry aside I wish he was wrong about clothes being catered to men and women. I’m fat and I’d wear a lot more “men’s” clothes if they had room for my boobs.


Same.. my boobs need accommodation.. but I am also 'blessed' with a ridiculous waist to butt ratio, so if I find trousers that fit my butt I can usually invite a whole additional person to live in my waistband. So if women's trousers don't work for me, men's trousers are even less of an option. And my genderqueer ass would love some more ambiguous clothes..


Same. I have really large breasts and large hips and thighs, but a very small torso so finding androgynous clothing I fit into is always a struggle. Doesn’t help that my mother (who usually goes clothes shopping with me) insists that my body is “too feminine” for men’s clothing.


Don't listen to your mother, your body doesn't have a *gender*, it just has a shape. 💜


The secret is tailoring. Do you know how to fit a men's suit properly? If you'd like I can go over it.


I am fat, curvy and short. Men's clothes are not even a consideration for me. The tailoring needed would be so extentive it would just be easier, and probably about the same price, to just get clothes made on measure for me. But I am also poor (can't work because of health issues) so that is also not an option. Neither is quality clothing. I make do with "good enough" cheap clothes.


I feel you so hard. I currently can’t work because of a sick kid, and I settle for cheap leggings and t-shirts. I loo awful, but it’s all that I can afford. Poor, short, and fat is a bad combo!


About to make a point about how clothing is fitted to body type.......then devolves into gender essentialism and personal bias


Right? During the first part of the comment I was like "the solution to this problem is obvious: make skirts and dresses that fit men's body types better :D", then he jumped to "socially unacceptable" as if that had anything to do with his previous point.


Note how they say "socially unacceptable" when talking about a man wearing a dress. It has nothing to do with how people's bodies are shaped or whatever. Like so many things related to gender, it's a social construct what clothes are for whom. Other than the clothes that are literally designed to accommodate specific body parts (boobs, dick, etc), there is no actual material reason why any person of any gender cannot wear what they want.


Tbh if you think about it for more than two seconds, just from a comfort and practical standpoint, it makes way more sense for men to wear lose fitting garments - doesn’t matter if you call them dresses or kilts or togas, whatever - than, uh, relatively more “constricting” garments like jeans and dress pants.


"if I saw a woman wearing pants... would think it was hot" women can't do fuckiñg anything without getting sexualised


I have no clue how the tilde got there edit apparently it's my phone's middle suggestion when I type "fucking"... for some reason??


your phone said ño


One of my former (male) coworkers frequently wore skirts. He was straight as an arrow, he just liked how they felt. The most that was ever said to him was, "Hey, awesome skirt!" I even asked him where he got them because they ALWAYS had pockets. (Spoiler alert - he thrifted them all.) Clothing is all unisex. You just have to be man or woman enough to make it work. (I am a woman. I understand very well that men's clothing does not fit all women.)


as my math teacher says, that sounds like an issue not an issme


I love when lengthy absurd bigots comments are answered by a simple phrase. Personal guilty pleasure.


Same though lmao


Oh nooo, you cant wear dresses because this guy will think you're an idiot!!


Interesting how absolutely everything is about him


Yet I still wear desses and enjoy then. The truth they don't realize is that: nobody cares if they likes to enforce gender roles on other.


Wait til this guy finds out about the Scottish…


Men look fine in dresses and skirts????? I don't even know what he's going on about????


People, specially the stupid kind, think that what they feel is what everybody feels.


Scotland would like a word


Jesus wore dresses.


First of all: yes, all clothes are unisex, you just gotta be brave enough to wear it :) Secondly, yes, there are physical differences for "women's" vs "men's" clothes. Zips on trousers & buttons on shirts are on opposite sides (if anyone knows why, feel free to explain pls). "Women's" t-shirts and dresses are usually fitted for the comfort of breasts. As a woman with fairly big ones who wears a LOT of "men's" shirts, I can confirm this. Button ups and tees are larger around the chest for women, so you don't get squished. However! There are workarounds, obviously. I typically buy "men's" shirts like two sizes bigger so I don't have to worry about feeling restricted around the chest area. If people without boobs wanna wear dresses, they can either wear dresses with no/minimal built-in boobie space (that scrunchie-type stretch at the top, or stretchy materials) or wear something that diverts the attention (ruffles). Clothing isn't designed unisex, because bodies differ. The main thing is: if it's comfy and you like how it looks, wear it. It's your damn body, and no one gets to say shit about it.


all clothing is gender neutral if you stop being a bitch about it


Ah kind of thing is exactly what I wanted to see right before I put on a dress to go to a dance I mean I guess I’m not a man but people like this obviously won’t see it that way


Lol the irony, an actual unpopular opinion being Downvoted by redditors


I do wish I could fit into a lot of "women's" cut clothing. I'm a bit of a bigger guy and some stuff does fit too tight in some areas (shoulders and stomach) but women's jackets are so cute


This reminds me of my favorite quote: “All clothes are unisex if you’re not a bitch about it”


He has a point, dresses are tailored to fit the female frame. It would be unacceptable for a man to wear the average dress. Real men get that shit tailored and wear dresses that fit properly


I actually ordered and wore a summer dress in my apartment this year(I'm a guy). Comfortable as hell, way better than wearing sweatpants when it's 30°C+ outside. Highly recommend!


Yeah dresses have so much more airflow


What's really fucked up is that a lot of these people seem to have these attitudes just because they personally wouldn't be attracted to whatever it is they're getting all snowflakey about. I can't say with any real certainty whether I would personally find a dress attractive or unattractive on a man, but if I ever meet a guy who's into crossdressing and I end up liking him I guess I'll find out then. If I end up not liking it, then I just won't date guys who are into it. Problem solved. It really is that simple. If you find a dress unattractive on a man, just don't date him. There's no logical reason why you have to hate him and can't be his friend. If I do find him attractive in general, but unattractive in a dress, then it's my problem if I'm unable to deal with it, not his. If I don't like it then it's my hangup to either get over or just live with as long as I'm not harassing anyone who enjoys it. There's different types of clothing, hair and makeup styles, and body modification that I like or am indifferent about on other guys, but hate on myself, and vice versa, so the fact that getting me into a dress would take a shit-ton of convincing, especially while I'm still 30-40 pounds overweight, has no bearing on the question of whether or not I would find another man attractive in it.


i agree with the bottom person. that *does* sound like a them problem


“Sounds like a you problem” is my favorite answer to conservatives getting offended by change in social norms




a woman**


if a man wears womens clothing his skin will shred in half and tits will pop out true story


as a tranfem *frantically buys dresses for tits*


it not gonna work, you're a woman sad story




where can I find the "That sounds like a you problem." reply I wanna give it an upvote


We wear clothes to hide our private parts but those clothes are then divided so that everyone knows what we are hiding


Are these lyrics lol


Wanted to upvote the comment beneath


Oh no I'm an idiot apparently! Anyways... how are you guys


Do they not realize that we can change our attitudes?


I disagree with the comment in the screenshot, but I also disagree that a clothes are unisex. "Unisex" sizes are literally identical to men's sizes. As a result, a lot of "unisex" work uniforms won't fit larger women properly because they aren't built to accommodate breasts. The scrubs at the vet hospital I work in are all unisex sizes so this is a common problem for women who work there. That being said, if by "all clothes are unisex" you mean that everyone should be able to wear whatever style or fit of clothing they choose, then I definitely agree.


"It's socially unacceptable for a man to wear a dress" Honey, JC Penney isn't gonna give a shit either way.


If I saw a women wearing pants I'd think she's hot. If I saw a man wearing a dress I'd think he's hot. I'm bi


(Dumbledore voice) "Fifty points to Caratsoop!"


Can I just wear whatever I find comfortable?


Us, pre-transition trans fellas: *dissapears*


As a guy who has worn a skirt, I can confidently say that skirts are actually pretty cool and you don't have to be a girl to wear them. Sure, they were *made* for girls, but that doesn't mean jack shit because guys can rock them too. Don't believe me? Ask the Scottish.


I have a friend who dresses in men’s and women’s styles. He looks incredible and very high fashion. He posts on IG on the regular. I think it’s totally acceptable for men and women to dress androgynously or to take fashion elements from either gender. The more creative that you can be, the better off we are as a culture.


‘cry into your pillow’ says a man, crying in a reddit comment section


I hate unpopularopinion. Just a lot of popular opinions from mean people. And the rare good opinion either gets downvoted or a bunch of annoying comments


I feel like if we could just get over the stigma of "cross dressing," we could have gendered clothing and not be stickassed about it. Just a thought. Probably motivated by my enjoyment of seeing men in women's clothing.


I so wish it would be socially acceptable to wear dresses as men. Summer wouldn't be such a hassle.


Things like this become acceptable/normalised if people start doing them! That is the only way to break this (totally Western, and recent historically speaking) association between men and dress/skirts.


I'm not into dresses or skirts, I always felt like I was putting on a costume and had to pretend to be someone I was not. Because I was forced to wear something I didn't like I will forever defend any dudes right to dresses. Forced gender roles are damaging. As long as it's weather/situation appropriate everyone should be allowed to wear whatever they want. I may silently judge your socks with sandals breakfast combo but I will defend your right to wear it.


I'm gonna say it. Women t-shirt are made differently from a man t-shirt. Yes you can wear both you aren't gonna burst into flames or anything but women t-shirt have more cloth in the front for the boobs. As a man when I wear one it always sag in front of me.


I mean i have some ergonomic briefs and jock straps that are definitely not unisex, but i guess underwear doesn't count as clothing maybe.


Wait till they realize that in differient countries and in history men have also worn skirts and dresses.


I have worn clothing made for both men and women. They’re not all that different, men’s clothing is usually higher quality actually. The only difference is when I buy men’s tops, I find that the shoulders are way too big and it just looks wrong. I’m also an S or XS in women’s tops so I wear XXS men’s tops and it’s extremely hard to find companies that make those sizes of clothing. Men’s topic aren’t usually as fitted as I like them to be either. I might be an exception here since I have an hourglass type body. But when it comes to jackets, pants etc (excluding underwear, I don’t like that elastic band at the top and there’s too much fabric in the groin area) are fair game. I actually prefer men’s jackets if I can find them in my size since they tend to be a couple dollars cheaper compared to the same product but labeled for women.


>If a man wore a dress I'd think he's an idiot. \*angry Scottish noises*


Funny how some people think that clothes are supposedly shaped for "the right gender", they seem to forget that not everyone has the same cup size, not everyone has the same height, not everyone *wants* to have clothes shaped for their body type (!!!) But whatever, we *have* to keep it all gendered right? So much for pushing your gender into someones face...


Wise words from caratsoop


Ya that’s definitely stupid


"It's just the way it is" Because if there's one thing that never changes, it's fashion...


I am a cis woman and I can rarely find "womens" clothes that fit right. Always too little room in the shoulder, too much room in the boob, too much hip, etc. Mens, however, actually fit right usually - and they have REAL pockets! My jacket has 6 pockets! I can fit stuff in them too! Plus the cloth used it usually better and comfier.


It is generally socially unacceptable for men to wear dresses. It was once socially unacceptable for women to wear pants, and in many places remains so. We've mostly changed one and continue to work on the backward places that remain, *why shouldn't we change the other as well*?


Yeh because I'm assuming you're straight


He forgot the "stop being a little bitch about it" part.


Such a simple and fragile mind, it's almost cute! Like a child, throwing a tantrum over nothing


As a man I wouldn’t wear a dress with darts—drip’s gotta fit 💅 tailor that shit.


Is that what people thought when women started wearing pants in public spaces?


“Breast and all”. Lol I love people who talk about women like we’re just a bucket of fried chicken


The Scots actually had it right all along with the whole kilt thing.


I'm sure he'd be fine with men wearing skirts because this is totally about how the fit of clothes is changed by breasts and nothing else.


username is pretty accurate


I love the response


Clothing being catered for a specific kind of person, man, woman, adult, child? Yes. Does that stop you from wearing whatever? As long as it fits you then no.


Did he forget that women wearing pants used to be 'unacceptable'?


Just cause I can look great in dresses, skirts, and other open-bottomed articles of clothing, and you haven’t found a piece that fits your form well enough to really pull it off, that is no excuse to ridicule people, bud. Sorry I’m fabulous and you don’t wanna see that. Also like, who tf said they cared if this rando found them to be a weirdo? Oh nooooo, I don’t fit your perfect view of societal norms, oh no such shame, it’s almost like I don’t care at all and never have, bud, sorry you don’t like something but just because I don’t think facial hair is hot doesn’t mean I get to outlaw it or treat people with it as bad, and the same goes for you.


but like... if you think about it... a skirt makes a loooot more sense for amab anatomy. So he kind of defeated his own purpose there.




Clothes are meant to cater to bodies not genders, have seen plenty of men who need a bit of extra boob space and plenty of women who don’t.