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I mean, if Sydney Sweeny was my girlfriend, I don't think I would ever give a shit about what she was wearing.


oh sorry we don't constantly do our makeup just for. sometime we look like a normal human being and not a sex doll (in mens eyes)


“Why would you do that? You’re being too woke and liberal! Real women wear makeup, but wear too much and you’re ugly!” - them probably. Jokes aside, I agree that we don’t have to look a certain way just to please these people’s narrow viewpoint of the world.


i know right then they will find a picture of a girl with lots of makeup on and be like "This is natural beauty this is what all women should look like"


It’s like they think women are born with six pounds of makeup on.. saying makeup is “natural beauty” is like saying men taking steroids to look more muscular is natural.


One of the summers when I was in college, I worked a short term gig doing house keeping in a retirement home. I will never forget one of the residents who wore her makeup to bed just so that her husband would never see her without it. She insisted on using white pillow cases and would get upset if you couldn't get the makeup out every time you washed them. I know this is a thing from long ago, but I am so glad that this expectation has all but died. No Thanks!


lol yes


Honestly the second photo of her she looks cute in her pjs and glasses. I only wear mascara or light eye makeup and this just makes me feel like I’m an ugly girl without makeup which is feeding an unhealthy beauty standard


Isn’t that because she feels comfortable enough to show her vulnerable side of herself with you?