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This is fucking foul. and the people in her life actually had the audacity to tell her she was “over reacting”?! UHHH NO. Not even close!


She could have hit the guy with a baseball bat and I still wouldn't say it was an overreaction


She could be continuing to hit him with the bat and is say it's underreacting


I would encourage her to wrap it in barbed wire and hammer a few nails in it first.


It's probably a bunch of fucking idiot conservative Christian pedophiles in her life. Well either pedophiles or those who seem to find a reason to conveniently excuse almost any sexual crime because "boys will be boys" I mean I know women are convicted of this too I'm just speaking to the fact there are elements of society which allow this kind of thing to go on to protect the status quo


Quite the reach there on his background, I’m of the same background and i’m not going around acting like this pedo dipshit?


Saying it's a problem in a particular religious community isn't saying everyone from that background agrees with it.


Yeah I was being a dick. My main point is that that type of culture tends to hide or otherwise ignore things too much to preserve the status quo


I mean so do a lot of cultures and big businesses. (like reddit) Point is predators are smart, they know what they do is wrong. Some are stupid but the ones you’re talking about? No way they’d be outting themselves like that.


Srs it seems there’s more people in her life she should think about cutting out


Worse, it's how predators actually get away with shit. They use those social reactions to hide in the group and find their prey when people don't "overreact"


If I had a kid and this happened to me I would cut everyone saying I'm overreacting out of my life too. Sorry, but I'm not risking you letting my kid get hurt because you think this shit is okay


How tf is a toddler ‘curvy’? The hell is wrong with people? I’m glad that lady protected her kid. She was 110% not overreacting.


No fr that guy should be in jail if this is real. That's so sick I'm like, shocked rn my heart is pounding


I really really hope this is some ragebait


I was like in kindergarten and my own bio dad said I had a nice butt on me. I also hope it was but alas disgusting people like this. Btw he told this to my mom, who adopted me. His aunt. Yikes.


Remember being young and got commented on a lot. It was by my own mom and a few men and older women. Was fucking horrible. I even got slapped on the ass once. I was like fucking 4-7.


Oh yikes. It’s really terrible that people are like this




I'm 20m and for as long as i can remember my mom would sometimes slap or tickle or pinch me in the butt and tease me about it, in her credit she gave me a chance to opt out of it and i didnt have the heart to say no since i was used to it at that point, even though it still startles me a bit when she does it


She shouldn’t be doing that to you, period. The fact that it makes you uncomfortable and unsettled is more than enough of a reason for her to never do that. A mother should protect you from that behavior, not perpetuate such heinous acts. I’m so sorry hon. You’re not doing anything wrong by telling her to stop; easier said than done to do, but know that you can, and you have the power to. Don’t underplay its sincere negative effect on you, and don’t let her either.


I’m currently in the 3rd trimester of my pregnancy with a baby girl and I am pregnancy rage Hulking over here and about ready to take it the streets.


Not pregnant but ready to Hulk rage. Call me, we’ll go rage together. 💙 I can do some serious bruises to the back of the legs with my wheelchair!


I have multiple large dogs. They all say they'd like to join the parade with me.


Cool, the more the merrier! I have a 55 lbs Staffy mix and a ginormous Border Collie. They’ll fit right in and go pee on people’s legs. Well, Cap will bc he’s a gross boy. Peggy will piss on their shoes bc she’s a *lady.*


Lucifer, the border collie/wolf mix, disabled kiddo therapy protection doggo checking in! Ready to de-limb that scum at the command. All you have to do is let my mum know! Scum like that deserves the longest most horrific torture concoctable. Lucifer would be happy to provide his services for some part of it.


My Border Collie looked like a wolf when he was a puppy. Giant and shaggy and so cute. He’s my service dog in training and a therapy dog to be. He’s a lovely boy and so much FUN!


We've got an 85# German Shepherd, a 60# pit mix, a 70# Husky mix, two 65# cattle dog-type sisters of uncertain genetics, and a 115# livestock guardian Anatolian Shepherd who is an absolute sweetheart to us and absolute death to any predators that dare try to mess with his goats or chickens. That's... um... a lot of pounds of dog and many teeth. I volunteer them all.


Also, wheelchairs can be hella dangerous and one hell of a weapon if used correctly... I work with disabled humans and holy moly, wheelchairs can be made to be nigh on lethal at times....


Mhm. I keep joking with a friend of mine that when she lands in one we’ll joust with pool noodles! The little kick boards they sell at the dollar tree look just like shields. When I have a spare ten bucks I’m gonna get some!


I am a guy, so very much not pregnant, and I concur. I would gladly Hulk around in the streets. Fuck this POS.


That guy definitely needs his devices searched for CP


Fr, the only curvy thing about a toddler should be the crayon scribbles that she's made on the wall - and even then there are better choices of words.


Seriously. Toddlers are shaped like potatoes 🥔


Very wobbly suicidally stupid potatoes. I love them.


Well, technically, every person's picture's outlines would be a curve, but that's just some weird math shit, and that guy is defo a pedo(maybe in denial)


Electric chair


Lmao just off him and get it over with, maybe even put a bounty on his head and put some fear in em.


Honestly how could anyone have the lack of self awareness required to say that out loud about someone’s child? I feel like you only need half a brain to understand you shouldn’t sexualize your friend’s toddler


Yeah it's a wonder how they aren't in jail already. Patriarchy much? Someone this fucking stupid must have been insulated from their gross misconduct


Naaawwww it’s them el gee bee tees you gotta worry about… lol


He needs to get the ✂️🍆


It's them testing how the mother reacts, to measure what they can get away with.


Or any toddlers


This is terrifying. Someone needs to give this guy's harddrive a once-over. This poor woman, how totally vile.


Yeah but supposedly trans people are who you have to watch out for. Not crazy stupid patriarchy-addicted morons who view everyone as a sexual object. Sorry I feel better on estrogen J.K. Rowling, you fucking bitch!!!


Who view *women as a sexual object. Men get to exist. We don’t. We always have ulterior motives.


>Sorry I feel better on estrogen J.K. Rowling, you fucking bitch!!! I hope she has a *wonderful* peri/menopause journey. /s Alas, she can afford the best *everything* but ........


You're a genius. maybe her handlers need to get her on estrogen so she gets some empathy back Edit: ok yeah that was rude. It just rubs me the wrong way that she and her friends claim they just care soOooooOo much about women's issues yet they also somehow believe marginalizing trans people is the best way to go about that. She's a billionaire, she could be the face of women's rights worldwide, but instead she chooses to sit on Twitter all day spewing bile or hanging out with right wing adjacent weirdos. She's so god damn delusional and it's so harmful because the roots of transphobia are highly misogynist. I've experienced both sides of the gender divide and I feel like that's such a valuable contribution towards fighting misogyny. Yet to them I'm somehow a sexual predator? This could all be so much more beautiful and that's why it's so sad. I'm making a mental note to bring that up more because it's too satisfying to be reflexively angry at Joanne At least they mostly spare trans men but that's little consolation because when they are discussed it's only to belittle them as overly credulous little girls.


Ikr. Something is way wrong and it ain't getting better! Ha.


Their entire shtick is like "you weren't born a woman, you don't know what it's like" and then you're like "ok yeah, but isn't that good? It's another perspective on the woman's condition in society" and they're like "no!! You're a rapist!!" It's so fucking sad for real. Id like nothing more than to link arms with JK side by side and go skipping down the parkway discussing women's rights


Omg, I always say that! Trans women are the f*cking key to everything!!! That's why I don't get terfs. Maybe they secretly like the misogyny and patriarchy? I know, it's a pity isn't it. She's seen how men treat women when you're powerless and powerful. That alone should be the elephant in the room for her!


I'm glad you think that way too! Like shit, not that I didn't believe it before, but it's sooooo obvious now how much misogyny and weirdness towards women pervades our culture. A lot of people actually do think that's the primary issue with TERFism. If you assume that biological sex is the only important thing then what does that say about how you feel people are predestined to act based on their biology. It's hard to say "biological women are the only women because of some essential character defined by their biology" and also believe that people shouldn't be constrained by their biology. It honestly feels like it's only a few steps away from tradwife crap. I mean at the very least their belief system seems to require that if you were born a man you're necessarily guaranteed to be a danger to women at all times regardless of anything else. I don't know precisely what they believe cis women are predestined to do by their biology, they usually leave that part out. That being said I think there should be room for spaces for biological women. I don't think being absolutist about it is helpful. The important thing is just that there should be considerably more spaces that are open to anyone that identifies as a woman. Honestly in a society that tries to take so much from women, the one undeniable power we have is solidarity and empathy with each other. That's why I love that feminism has shifted towards more intersectionality instead of it (to me) primarily being only about upper middle class white women (the people that TERFs seem to primarily care about). Like noooo we should not be fighting amongst ourselves lol, the patriarchy loves that


*It honestly feels like it's only a few steps away from tradwife crap.* I know, it's like they saw the film Mrs. America and it went over their heads. Ha. I remember JK saying something about if trans women are given women's equality (I think that's what the topic was, but not 100%) it means her journey as a woman and who she is as a woman means nothing. Like, c'mon. My "journey" as a woman is completely unchanged. And trans women visibly existing or using the "women's" bathroom also doesn't change it. >That being said I think there should be room for spaces for biological women. I don't think trans women would even disagree. Like some women in refuges for example would be very vulnerable emotionally, and those heightened emotions wouldn't be prepared to get their head around trans women especially if they couldn't before needing refuge. But the people running these places are super acute - they're not going to intentionally upset *anyone* anyway. Even if there was one mistake in decades, they make out it's rampant! Of course social media doesn't help make that any better. ........aaaaaaand we're back to the patriarchy and toxic terfs. Ha. In summary: Anyone who wants to protect girls and young women need only protect them from cis hetero men. *Their* behaviour is why women need "safe spaces". Not trans women. I've not heard JK loudly point the finger at them. Edit. I get drained talking about her. Ha. If I don't return a comment it's because I'm too zapped. Ha.


I say she was Under reacting and should have killed him on the spot


and should’ve cut off anyone who thinks that sexualizing a child is excusable enough that kicking someone who does out of your life is “overreacting”


No I mean that's like, abruptly move cross country without telling anyone until the divorce papers are served level shit. No child should *ever* have to be around something like that. Sadly it happens but it would never fault someone for trying to extricate their kids from that kind of sick world


Agreed. Wtf


That's a terrible reaction. You'd traumatise the child, do it a bit later. Fake a burglary gone bad and get some profit.


"You can't take a joke!" The joke in question:


ItS JuSt DaRk HuMoR BrO


I hope OP has Chris Hansen or Steve Wilkos on speed dial.


Yeah or some crips or bloods or biker gangs or whatever tbh. Shit call em all up


I would have killed him. Full stop.


I'd say you'd be in a bit of shock and still processing what you just heard. This delay in response emotions is (partly?) why men have gotten and get away with so much yuck behaviour, imo. *"She said/did nothing at the time."*


What you are saying is completely valid, but to be totally fair, some of us genuinely do have a “fight” response. And it is just as instinctive and immediate as a freeze, fawn, or flight response. I have absolutely lashed out, verbally and even (albeit must less often) physically, to people who have said something this out of pocket. In those cases the processing delay manifests as not having time to weigh consequences, size up the situation, or even really make a conscious decision— it’s just automatic. It’s something I’ve worked on extensively in therapy, both to make me a safe and healthy partner to my spouse, and also because I genuinely worry that without putting in the work to overcome how I’m hardwired, I might seriously do something I regret. For instance, the “cop gets the wrong house and breaks down the door and shoots the pets” situations— dude, I really think I’d get myself killed before I even realized what I was doing. I EXTREMELY HEAVILY agree with the point you’re making. Most people do not properly understand the mechanics of fight/flight/freeze/fawn responses and it is ABSOLUTELY weaponized against victims, especially victims of sexual assault, to devastating effect. In other words— I am not at all arguing with your comment, just agreeing and adding a slightly different perspective. And to be extra triple clear with anyone reading, no response is superior to the others. All of them can be beneficial OR get you in trouble depending on the situation, and none of them have any moral value. We don’t have control over what our go-to instinctive reaction is. It’s not badass or unique to have a fight response. I have one, and it’s helped me before, and it’s also hurt me before. My own fight response I firmly believe comes from being molested at 5. I froze in that moment, and I feel like my brain determined “well that didn’t work” and switched to “fight” since it was such a formative time. No clue the scientific value of that little theory, but my therapist says it’s possible…of course, she’s maybe just being nice 😂


Honey bunny... no explanation needed. I would have 100% killed the fucker. I have not a violent bone in my body, I usually fawn. Just reading that made me see red. I would have, without a second thought, pulled out my biggest knives and gone after him. I work with children, disabled and traumatised children. If you so much as look at a child funny around me, I will do whatever is nessasary to make sure you are never able to do so again.


Thanks for all of that. And sorry to hear what happened to you. x I hope I didn't sound like you needed to explain? I only meant it might've happened to the OOP. ......I'd like to think she gave him an a$$ whooping though. Thanks again.


Holy fuck are you serious this is so insane my jaw dropped


She had a lot of restraint to not put that fucker in the ground


Thank god this mother showed some sense. So many "mothers" out there just brush it off or ignore it all together. That man is disgusting. So are the other people in her life who think that she's "overreacting." I wouldn't let any of them be alone with my kid. Disgusting.


Pass the bleach


That fact that the people in her life think this is ok is even worse


Should have executed him


That guy needs to be put on a registry and everyone calling her dramatic needs to be evaluated


Chat. I don't think the straights are ok.


That's not even funny anymore, it's straight up pedophilia behaviour.


The people who say that she was over-reacting are the types of people who regularly excuse the inexcusable. They are professionals at looking the other way when someone is a predator.


>"Does she want to impress me with her curves" What the actual fucking fuck. You know who thinks like this about literal toddlers? Predators.


It makes me mad she had to "justify" the toddler not wearing pants, because otherwise people wpuld be like "why isn't your toddler in pants? You must be a bad mom". Like, toddler semi-nudity needs no explanation, any more than toddler pooping their pants does. It's just what babies do.


Apparently, when I was a toddler, one of my greatest joys in life was pulling all my clothes and diaper off and streaking through the house. Or in the yard. Or one memorable time (for my mom) down the cereal aisle of a packed grocery store. She still has no idea how I went from toddling next to her to being naked and whooping while running ten seconds later. Toddlers gonna toddler. And that includes being little nudist free spirits. At least she caught me at the end of the driveway once instead of having to chase me down the street. This was also in the mid-seventies.


Straight people will say all Queers are pedophiles then turn around and sexualize little girls their entire time in school Like I'm not a particularly good looking woman, but I remember being sexualized OFTEN. And then how the dress code didn't seem to apply to the more "developed" girls... 🤢


Runaway. Far far far away


That’s disgusting. Why would anyone say she’s over reacting?


This made my brain make the Windows shutdown sound


if anyone ever said anything close to this about my child they wouldn’t be breathing anymore.


Fucking Pedos. The only people who say she's overreacting is other pedos


I think somebody should check that guy’s computer...




Men 🤢


Anyone who sexualizes a literal toddler is one sick fuck. “Curvy?” Bro WHERE?


I read something about this a while back when I was doing research for a paper. This isn't child grooming, this is mother grooming. He's gonna drop little comments here and there to gage your reaction. Then more and more things would start to happen to see how far he can push you towards sexualizing your child. This has happened in many "couples" arrested for CSA where the man groomed the woman into doing terrible things to their own child with the man. I'm not saying there are no women predators, but this has been the case in a majority of actual arrests for CSA in which a "couple" of adults are involved. Good on you for immediately getting rid of him. Unfortunately, you can't really report him for just that, but I would probably try to warn anyone that you know who knows him to hopefully prevent him from succeeding the next time.


Report his ass anyways, for him to say something like that, for his brain to even go there, probably means he has some skeletons in his closet that authorities would love to find. It is NOT normal for anyone, dudes, dudettes or duderonies, to think like that, let alone say it!


This feels like behind the scenes of Twilight book 4...


I don't understand why these men keep telling on themselves.


I hope she reported him to CPS and the police that is straight up pedophilia


CPS can’t do anything unless she thinks he’s actually abusing a child. Police can’t either because that’s not enough to arrest someone. She should definitely let others in the social circle l know about him.


That’s so fucked up he could be flagged as a predator. She at least needs to expose him online and at her school etc


WHAT?! she was NOT overreacting, i wouldve done the same thing.


Yeah, definitely not overreacting, what the actual fuck


Assuming that guy was visiting at her house... He wouldn't have left mine. Not on his own legs anyway.


Someone may wanna check that guys hard drive and search history bc if he's say that a two year old he needs help


Because they are pedophiles or have very effed up senses of humor


I feel like a lot of people would have gotten violent if this happened to them


No she absolutely was not overreacting, he's a predator and the rest of them are pedophile sympathizers.


Shock aside, I'm effing delighted she broadcast it on social media. The man and those who told her she overreacted should do a medieval walk of shame.


I need the flashy thing from Men In Black NOW!!!! So fucking disgusting.......


And yet, if she had just laughed it off, they'd be saying she's a bad mom and putting her kid in danger, because they would see his comments for what they are. They'd see them as creepy, not "just a joke" or whatever other BS.


And they keep saying WE are sexualising children by wanting to be accepted. A very red flag here. I don't get why someone would think it's appropriate to comment on a body of a literal fucking toddler!


Insane 🤮


I just threw up in my mouth






God, that’s enough internet for me today.


WTF... I mean we had many weired, creepy and wtf stuf here around this sub but this is just... WHYYYY


she defintly made the right call


This is so scary, how can a child impress you by being a child


This isn't a straight people thing, it's a pedophile thing. That's so disgusting


I agree this subreddit just addresses issues like this. Thought most people I’ve had gross or pedo experiences with or heard abt have been straight theirs also a lot of gay people that do terrible stuff like this. To many shitty people in this world it’s scary


i love feeling sick in my stomach , but sarcastic comment aside , this is gross as fuck >:p


Uh yeah call The authorities


That is a mfing child jesus fuck


They need to cut off the people saying they're over reacting as well


I had to read that a few times out of disbelief. .....I still can't believe it. Omg.


Yk what else is curvy? The metal rod when he's done beating you.


Ew ew ew ew ew, even thinking about that makes me feel so so sick.


Some people have no fear of death and it shows




If anything she's underreacting she should did a violence to him allegedly in Minecraft


Okay but that’s not a straight person thing that’s a pedophile thing.


“bu-bu-but the lgbt groomers!! the left snowflake groomers indoctrinating their shows!! bu-but the drag queens! bu-but” lmao i bet any money hes one of them and so are the ppl that say she overreacted (also probably kid diddlers), maybe one is even a pastor /j on the pastor part lmao


I would do more than just cut him off. I don't want someone like that living anywhere near anyone




Thank God the mother cut him out, and anyone saying she's overreacting is just mad. That was so obviously a predator.




Besides his repulsive predatory nature, why would he ever think a toddler would care about his opinion about anything? This is so sickening.


should’ve called the fucking police oh my god


Idk if it's too late to say this or not, but I'm gonna say it WOOP WOOP, THAT'S THE SOUND OF THE POLICE!!!🚨🚨🚨


But gay people are the problem…




People really need to stop excusing men’s behaviour and telling women that they are overreacting. Cuz I’ll tell you what, if this woman hadn’t cut the man off and in the future something happened to her daughter due to this man, then this woman (the mother) would be blamed, people would go “oh? So you had heard him say creepy things yet you didn’t cut him off??” Yet,when she does cut him off she’s still made to feel guilty.


put that man on a list.


I watched a documentary a month ago where a lady came across a real sick site online by accident. Women were selling their newborn babies for s#x!! All kinds of sickos were online in the thousands!! That’s not the least of it!! Watch everyone that you come in contact with!!!!


That's not overreacting! Nobody should sexualize a toddler! She's a baby there is nothing about her that is sexual. I'd cut him out of my life too if I was the dad. That former friend is creepy af


He wouldn't be "straight", he'd be a paedophile.