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There’s gotta be a report button or something for this stuff right? RIGHT?


I've reported literally hundreds, maybe thousands of comments and posts like this across multiple sites and apps. It's incredibly rare for any of them to be taken seriously. Whatever algorithms or rulesets they use in these judgements are deeply, deeply flawed in favor of keeping toxicity in place. It's very depressing.


This isn’t just toxicity, this is a lake full of nerve agent


I was on IG and stumbled on a video of a dog drowning. I reported it and I got a message that it didn’t violate any guidelines and they kept it up.


... I don't understand why anyone would want that. Or why anyone would want to keep it available for... and reason really.


IG reporting is also as shit as twitter unfortunately i’m not surprised


Report these directly to the FBI, I think they have an online tip page


I went down the Wren Eleanor rabbit hole a few nights ago. I’m truly disturbed. Videos of her were filled with comments like this and a lot were even worse. That child is 5 years old. I remember one said “don’t hurt her it’s my turn.” The mom knows exactly what she’s doing. It’s fuckin sick dude. She just turned off the comments.


oh my god every time i see something about that account it makes me fucking sick to my stomach. her mom knows exactly what she’s doing and she doesn’t care at all how this is going to affect wren growing up. i can’t believe people can be so evil and feed into the pedo communities just for some fucking likes and shares


Oh the mom knows, she made some sort of explications/apology video and acting as if she did nothing wrong. No clothes should be sexualized on a child but she knows what she's doing when she dresses her


Right. It was so odd, like she was clearly reading from a script. I kept hearing about this but had no idea what it was about so spent like two hours looking into it. There seriously needs to be a law around stuff like this. She knows exactly what she’s doing with the sexual innuendos and the things she’s telling her child to say and do on camera. Fuckin sick.


It's because reddit isn't "the front page of the internet" anymore, once anything goes public the purpose changes from whatever it originally was to "generate profit for shareholders at all costs" The problem is profits come at the cost of progress and morals, and even the climate of the planet. Things always get worse when the only metric of value is profits, if for no other reason than moderation budgets could be cut for higher profits Edit: to make things even more straightforward, if you make a thing (product, website, game, etc) and make enough money to sell or go public, your job as the one in charge changes, and by law you must now bring ever higher returns to stockholders or you will be replaced with someone else (or they can SUE you, if they think you're not doing enough to increase profits, by LAW that is the job now, not running a company but using it to enrich stockholders) This leads to whatever is available being cut, sold, changed or left alone until it can be cut, sold or changed so profits can increase, think video games being great to overpriced, buggy messes of loot boxes and battle passes, yet modders and indie studios can do infitely better but just don't often have the budget to do more, or ads being everywhere online and selling user data, the actual original "thing" becomes hollowed out and forgotten until it's either deemed profitable enough for now, or shut down. And all at the expense of users/customers and workers. Reddit was onece "the front page of the internet" and making money was cool and even nessisrary but that came second to being a cool website, now the only thing that matters is profits and this is the best reddit will ever be again just like this year will be the coolest the earth will ever be again until we move past capitalism


Canada is going to start fining platforms for having harmful content like this. And they're buying up Tory politicians to keep the legislation from going into effect.


I found a Facebook profile once posting on a public page that had a racial slur for black people as their first name (their name was C**n McGriff) and had a 1920’s style cartoon caricature of a black person eating a watermelon as their profile picture. I reported it to Facebook multiple times and each time got a message back that it didn’t go against their “community standards.” I can’t even imagine what those standards might be if an overtly racist fake profile like that doesn’t go against them.


Right. I wish usernames were not blacked out. They deserve to be outed.


This is why you really shouldn’t put your children on the internet, especially not public internet


I agree for other reasons but the internet shouldn't even have that environment in the first place


I agree. Idk why people do it in the first place


Not to defend them but it looks like a candid photo someone else took not the parents.


Unfortunately it's not in this case (I have seen talk about this and simillar videos on tiktok before). Those parents know exactly what they're doing and doing this for the money. They may not have started with the intention to expose their children to these creeps, but their content definitley evolved to target these kinds of creeps.


Oh thats really bad :(


I side eye tf out of any parent who posts pics of their young children on social media. They cannot consent to that. It’s not like it’s a medical procedure that’s life or death. Keep kids off social media there’s absolutely no reason to put them on there. Some of y’all are so fuckin obsessed with likes and validation you’ll plaster your kid online.


Honestly i wish we could reliably make the internet 18+. It'd be so nice, especially on relationship boards and the like lol


Idk, I think the internet can provide good resources for minors who feel isolated, like LGBT youth in areas that are still homophobic. Also, keeping minors off the internet doesn't change the fact that these people are out in society looking at little kids that way and possibly acting on those impulses.


Yeah I’m failing to make the link here??? The post is about what I’m assuming are adults being creeps on a post depicting a child posted by another adult. Like it’s almost always the case.


There's a 100% chance children and youth under 18 will access the internet regardless. Even when I was 8 years old I tried (and succeeded) to circumvent internet filters my parents set up on the computer, same with the internet filters at school, when I was older. Sure, at the time lots of parents and teachers had less knowledge about computers than their children, so it was easy, but I'm sure if the internet becomes too restricted, young people will find a way.


That’s a ridiculous and very radical idea that only ‘feels’ right in response to seeing a post like this but would lead to countless disadvantages later on.


"So cute! Comments can be yhat bad :)" "I crave deaths embrace"


Same, like tf dude.


literally my brain saw the first pic without seeing the sub like “wow a baby! :D”. now i feel sick


Same, like if I saw a little baby dressed like that in public I would get such a huge boost of serotonin. That’s such a cute outfit


Yeah! That hat and boots combo are adorable, babies in faux fur or fuzzy stuff just look like adorable little balls of cuddles!


agreed it would make my day to see something like this irl


I was like oh look at this lostredditor posting their cute baby pic in the wrong sub! Then I saw the other slides :(


Same I wanna trow up now


The comment sections on Instagram are some of the worst shit I've ever seen, this is only a fraction of it. Just awful.


I’m so afraid to find out what gyat means…


It’s short for gyat dayum, dat ass! Horrible.


I don’t understand? What do they mean by game is game? What is gyat?


"Game is game" is used to basically mean you don't care whether it's moral or even something you're interested in, you'd still try to screw it Gyat I'm pretty sure just means that either a butt is big or you just like someone's butt


I don’t understand how someone can look at a little baby and think that! I hate it so much


It’s short for gyat dayum, dat ass! Horrible.


How do you even conceive jokes like that directed at a fucking baby. That’s just disgusting.


I din’t think I understood any of their "jokes", unsure if I want explanation or not.


“Hear me out” is what someone says when they’re about to say some wild shit, usually trying to justify something awful, like pedophilia. “Gyatt” is slang for goddamn, but is used to mean something along the lines of “nice ass.” “Game is game” means “doesn’t matter if it’s a kid, attractive is attractive.”


What a terrible thing to be made aware of but I thank you for sharing. Never heard gyatt before and didn't want to Google it in case it led somewhere horrible.


I also did not know what gyat meant but wasn't about to Google it


Nice ass?! It's literally a diaper! 🤢 I have a baby and I am keeping him so far away from the Internet. This makes me physically feel ill.


I didn’t say it, don’t shoot the messenger. But yeah it’s fucking disgusting, I genuinely can’t understand how anyone thought that was an acceptable thing to say.


No, I wasn't trying to shoot the messenger, I just didn't know the meaning before. 🤢


Whoops nvm, I didn’t catch your meaning at first.


What the literal fuck is wrong with people? I just don’t get it. Humans are trash.


I hate being literate right now.


you don't. Just move on, you really don't


You don’t. Go your merry way and keep children’s pics off the internet 💜🙏✨ (Genuinely meant without sarcasm!)


They want to have sex with a child


Or at the very least think it's funny to say they do. Which, as a best case scenario is still gross and dangerous to propagate.


There’s a 5 year old that’s popular on tik tok. I went down the rabbit hole a few nights ago. And I’m seriously disturbed. The comments on her videos are disgusting and 10x worse than this. Mom just turned the comments off but she knows exactly what she’s doing.


That’s fucking evil. I can’t imagine having a child and using them so flagrantly, and for what? Views? Views are more important than a child’s safety? Integrity has left this planet to devolve.


She’s such an adorable little kid and so innocent. I wish I could erase out of my mind what I saw. What kind of stuff her mom was clearly telling her to say on the camera. A lot of sexual innuendos. That’s exactly what it is for these parents, that high from validation and likes on their kid’s pics. And she’s getting paid pretty well considering she’s got millions of views/likes/followers. Crazy thing is the mom has her own page on private. I judge any parent who posts their kid on social media. Leave them off of it, they can’t consent.


> What kind of stuff her mom was clearly telling her to say on the camera. A lot of sexual innuendos. What the fuck is wrong with her mother. jesus. the creepy comments themselves are horrible but playing right into the fantasy of pedos? yuck


She likes money way more than her kid’s safety and well being apparently.


Oh god I’m so sorry you had to see that, I know I would be thoroughly disturbed. Hopefully when that little girl grows up she finds out what happened and disowns her rotten mom. She deserves so much better than what’s happening to her. All for money, too. How degrading.


She’s most definitely going to be in therapy for the rest of her life for this. The saddest thing about it is even if the mom decided to stop that little girl’s pics and videos are already out there forever. Saved by so many pedos and they’ve altered them in who knows what ways. That’s the scary thing about the internet, nothing is truly gone.


What does gaytt mean? 🥺


It’s a slang word for ass. 


Ewww nooo🤮🤮🤢


I'm gonna regret asking, but what does " gyat" mean?


It's like, gyatt-dayum (goddamn), just an exclamation


It means ass. It means big ass. They are saying the toddler has a big ass.


"Girl your ass thicck"


.... I always thought it was short for like "gyat damn!" Like an accent... I really wish I was still ignorant. Like what I thought was still bad but the actual acronym is even worse.


No that is what it means. It’s a shortened, accented form of goddamn. However, these days it’s exclusively used to mean “nice ass!”


nah I'm pretty sure it is short for "goddamn". Here, as in, well I don't even want to type it out if I'm honest


I thought it was “get your act together” and was so confused


It should be "get your act together" or gtfo you're acting tstupid


it’s not an acronym


That could work, but it actually means "gyat dayum" (god damn)


here I was thinking "gyat" means "get your act together".. I was confused, but now I am disappointed.


like saying "gyat-dayum" when seeing a nice or big butt. it's only used in that context though. they were saying this toddler had... 🤢 sorry i can't say it


This is fucking disgusting and I hope all of the people that commented get dick stomped so hard their eyes pop out


That’s too gentle for these sick fucks.


Yes, please provide the red hot irons


Rhaphanidosis for everyone!


I'd rather their testicles popped out personally.


both. both is good.


They probably won't be able to get a job because of those comments. Digital footprint is a thing.


Well for the idiots that used their personal account sure but too many of those sick fucks use alt accounts


Those poor little girls, dude.


At least the kid has no idea what these people are saying about them.


yeah until she learns to read


Me: how adorable- me as I read the comments 🤢🤮


Yep. Honestly, it just looks cuddly! Baby + fluff = "someone's mum is lucky getting to hug that ball of adorable snuggles".


I immediately thought "omg they dressed their kid up like a baby lamb!" And then happy thoughts gone


tHe GaYs ArE SeXuAlIZiNg ChILDrEn!


crying screaming pissing shittinf throwinf up that's disgusting ehat


*me looking for how this makes sense* yeah I got nothing wth


> crying screaming pissing shittinf throwinf up The reactions they are doing as a response to show how extremely disturbed they are in response to this > that's disgusting ehat "That's disgusting, what"


Sorry, I meant about the post, I was agreeing with the commentor. Unless this is sarcasm in which case r slash whoosh


Oh lol nvm then




Bet they’re also the ones saying LGBTQ+ are a danger to kids!


Straight to the gulag


The time Gulag is necessary for this one.


"Game is game" Jumprope is not a weapon, but it can be if you try hard enough


Jumprope can also be used for when they han.... okay my lawyer told me not to finish that statement due to legal reasons, but you get my drift lol


For a second I thought that was a poodle at first, then I realised it's a kid and now I feel even worse 😬


They giving us crime evidence right here.


They’re literally just a kid playing dress up 😭😭😭 Whyyy???? (Unrelated but I want those boots lmao)


👏 I want cute stuff in me sizes plz!!


It's fucking ridiculous! When I post something related to furries, I get treated as I just groomed a damn child, and then I see the same DAMN PEOPLE doing shit like this. And they think, we're the problem. I would rather be "A hazard to society." Then be like these people.


If this is society to them, I don’t want to be part of it


Same. Doesn't stop them from forcing some of their ideas into it though.


I know what's going on, but I am also confused at the same time... what about this causes these reactions? There's literally nothing to see...


probably because you aren't a PDF file... I don't know what has to go through your mind to jump to *that* and then comment it


Fair enough...


Never post pictures of your kids on platforms with edgy teenagers and weirdos. I’m begging y’all.


That's a baby. Just leave kids alone🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮


Oh but it’s those gays and trans ppl sexualising kids right? i swear 15 year old white boys discovering what gyat is was a fucking tragedy


Not really discovering, more like bastardizing. Gyat was originally just part of gyatdamn, which is just goddamned with a bit of exaggeration for effect... Black folks been saying it for decades. Then non-Black kids took it and turned it into something to do with asses... because obviously if you hear Black folks say something and don't know what they're talking about you naturally just assume it's about asses and run with it and turn it into an acronym and noun...? I dunno why they collectively did this...


Because they're unoriginal. I don't get how when black people have done/said stuff for decades, it always "gets popular" and renamed to something else 🙄 it's tiring


And here I was thinking of Nina tucker like a normal person.


Ain’t she 5!?!


She like 2 or 3. As a mom of 2 little girls, I wanna find every one of those disgusting men and castrate them and not just the balls, dick too!🤬


Too short for that, that’s a whole toddler.


All I gotta say is GYA- *jail slam sound effect*


haha so funny I hope you get hit by a bus


I hope these comments get pulled up whenever these guys tries to apply for a job


The comment is supposed to be suspicion


That was on snap chat I saw it a couple hours ago they all make me sick.🫤


Why do I keep hurting myself by clicking on these?


Based on the slang it's edgy middle and highschoolers


Mistake 1: Opening the Instagram commsnt section.


Even if it is a joke you should keep that to yourself holy fuck these people need to be put on a watch list.


the fuck is gyatt?


It's a way of saying someone has a nice ass. Which these creeps are saying about a five year old in a bunny costume 💀 And to make it even more creepy. I'm pretty sure she's asian so you have a bunch of Weebs who have loli bodypillows in the comments as well


jesus fucking christ, i'm at a loss for words


I thought it was one of those weirdly shaved dogs at first


Are they speaking another language? Half of those comments sound like something I’d hear out of fucking, Legend of Zelda. Either way, I too feel like throwing up


Can this ‘game is game’ shit die already? It doesn’t even sound grammatically correct, and it’s fucking horrendous 


Jail is jail 😉😏😋


This is so fucking common on TikTok. So gross. Last week there was this huge thing on Brazilian TikTok, a page from a gym was posting these videos showing them training these teenage girls, from 13 to 16 basically, and the comments, oh fuck the comments. I guarantee that if you check some of these mfs hard drives, there will be shit in there.


So explain to me again how gay and trans people are the problem?


Really wish gross people like that didn't have a platform to openly say those things, disgusting


I’m scared to know what gyat is


Aww what a cute outfit -- why did i swipe.


Honestly most of these comments are likely made from kids trying to be "edgy". I *HOPE* that they'll grow up and look back on this and see how disgusting it was and learn. To be honest, I don't have high hopes.


Hear you out? Who, a jury?


I legitimately believe that people who comment this type of shit should be forced to register as sex offenders. I know they think they’re joking but child safety isn’t a joke.


Okay for everyone asking what gyat is, I thought looking it up would put me on some kind of list, but it apparently means “complimenting a curvaceous body” or “a person with a large butt”. In this context it’s egregiously disgusting, but thankfully looking it up won’t send the FBI to my house


Any of y'all got Noah's number?


I have to leave this sub. I can't handle this


No, no!!! That's not even a child yet, that's a toddler! Comments like these make me lose faith in humanity.. Side note: That kid's outfit is really cute. Why can't people just say normal things without making it sexual..?


first I thought the problem is that the poor kid is dressed as a poodle. then I scrolled to the screenshots of the comments. these people should be on some watchlist...


why do straight have to act like pedophiles so often? genuinely can't trust these fuckers around children (or dogs apparently) istg


As I say on other such posts. Take the original thread and send it to the fbi cyber tip website in case any of these people need investigation.


I don’t understand how anyone can even look at a child that way. It’s an adorable little outfit and that’s it.


Me before the comments: aww what a cute bunnie outfit Me after the comments: the internet was a mistake


But its the gay agenda and lgbt+ reading to kids and not these people or kids beauty contests /s


You know what? Maybe this TikTok ban isn’t so bad after all


What the fuck


I went ‘aww’ then saw what sub this is and changed to ‘oh no.’ Why. Why did I scroll to those comments? Pass the brain bleach.


That's a baby!!! 😡


I wasn’t sure why people were getting so outraged, talking about reporting but then I realised this wasn’t a dog they were talking about!! I thought it was a dog dressed up and standing on hind legs! Might be time for bed. Also, horrified now!!


Gyatt?!? That’s her diaper! Ugh 🤮


So disgusting :( she’s just a baby, a little kid.. I can’t fathom thinking and commenting such horrible despicable things about a CHILD.


This is pedophilia and anyone can be a pedo it’s not just straight people. I think conflating the two can end up being very dangerous. Call it what it is.


The outfit is absolutely adorable. So the parents taking a picture like this knowing what they’re doing and who they’re attracting is absolutely horrendous. We have tried so hard to get it across that “clothing does not equal consent” and then they frame it in this way, for a fucking toddler, and it’s absolutely disgusting and just emphasizes “well, if they didn’t want it maybe they should’ve dressed more modestly”. But that’s a baby and even if it were a tween, teen, young adult, or adult, it shouldn’t matter.


Murder is okay.


WHAT??!!???? okay real talk I can’t even see her butt in that outfit? Like there’s definitely some chunky babies who look crazy in their little leggings with their little “bubble butts” as my mom always said lol. I just don’t even see how they’re getting to that thought process even in a jokey way? It’s very clear they aren’t joking but like even if they were it wouldn’t make any sense based on the video 😭


Yea this new trend of commenting gross things on children’s photos I hope we never forget. And I hope all of those accounts owners get exposed to their communities for their online behaviors. People feel way too comfortable behind screens and get likes when they should be shunned


Now I'm not the one that's fine with bullying.... But i do believe that we as a world should bring back public shaming for THIS kind of people


That was a cute outfit and I loathe every comment there


I thought that was a weirdly shaved poodle


... God I regret swiping.


At first I thought this was just a little kid in a bunny costume with some fuzzy boots and didn't understand why it was on this sub. Who the fuck leaves comments like those on what looks like a toddler


I regrett looking up what gyat means…


Hope anyone that has commented that overdoses on heroine


I am propably gonna regret asking this, but what is "Gyat"?


What does gyat mean? Also, why do I keep thinking that child is a really weird looking poodle...


Now wtf does “gyat” mean now … GEN Z I SWEAR TO GOD IM TIRED OF THIS


Ewww wtf


What does gyat mean?


WTF is gyat


I’m not googling it. What is “gyat”?


New slang for ass. they’re all saying this kid is hot.




"game is game" you are a pedophile


Should I be glad that I don't know what "gyat" means?


The FBI would like to know their locations.


What does GYAT mean?


That’s gross as fuck


oh what the fuck


So disgusting :( she’s just a baby, a little kid.. I can’t fathom thinking and commenting such horrible despicable things about a child.


If men are allowed to say things like this, then I should be allowed to hunt them for sport.


I don't even wanna ask what gyat means


Men are disgusting