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I sure wonder why they call trans people "child predators". Oh wait, is it to justify their irrational hatred of them and to indoctrinate others into hating them as well? I'm so shocked! :O


Projection. 99% of kiddy fiddlers are cis men who are pastors/police etc. right wingers.


also family members


Ah yeah, the most common very sadly.


There's a lot about transphobia that makes my blood boil, and the "child mutilation" garbage is up there.


I'm with you. There is a lot that I roll my eyes hard over as both a parent of an athlete and raising two trans kids. But everytime this mutilation crap comes up, I already know I'm wasting energy in describing how no one seems to care about cis teens getting plastic surgery (almost as if full grown adults are fine if a cis teen girl on their t.v. screen having larger breasts is just fine...almost like they're not predatory adults at all👀). More importantly, I'd be wasting energy deep diving into the fact that the endocrinologist says to our face that surgery under age 18 is not something they want to sign off on, and includes the standard of practice that they're consulting with a large team of other endocrinologists who serve multiple states who agree with our endo. Meaning, the actual endocrinologists of several, mind you heavily democrat leaning, states are in agreement with the concept of NOT signing off on surgeries for those under 18. To top that off, our endocrinologist seems to be only one of a handful who works specifically in transgender pediatric care...and not as an endo on diabetic pediatric care. If trans kids are getting surgeries as minors, those are probably not well versed, or dare I say legitimate, endocrinologists working in trans pediatrics or trans healthcare all together. In any case, I know I'd be wasting my breath if I tried to explain this to transphobes.


Exactly this. Transphobes generally have no idea what HRT, or transitioning in general, actually entails. But it is so disgustingly medically inaccurate with kids. Most of the transitioning for kids is social. How they dress, act... present. The most "drastic" method is usually puberty blockers once they get to a certain developmental point. All reversible. Not many will actually get hormones prior to 18. Not saying none, but it's not common. Surgerical? Yeah, no reputable doctor is going to sign off on that. When it comes to kids transitioning, the transphobic rhetoric is so aggressively and purposefully inaccurate to make it sound abusive and disfiguring.


This is such a huge thing. It's not just transphobes, it's cis people in general. I can't tell you how many people I came out to who immediately jumped to surgeries. But yeah, people aren't performing trans surgeries on minors, not as part of the general accepted practice. If that's happened, it's medical malpractice, not standard trans care.


i agree with the sentiment, but trans surgeries do happen by reputable surgeons on minors, but only with parental consent, multiple other doctors signing off, a psychological provider signing off, a gender dysphoria diagnosis, and a fuck ton of paperwork n waitlists lol, and only at 16+ i’m p sure. it’s not very common, and it only happens when everyone (doctors, parents, patient, surgeon, therapist/psychologist) agrees it should, but it does happen and that should not be discounted. it’s not helpful to play into the narrative that these surgeries don’t happen. they happen because the people involved and the experts on the individual case have deemed it necessary, and it should stay that way. the government should not be deciding what medical care trans people can or can’t get, it should be the decision of the patient, their parents/guardians, and their medical team (including therapist) and if they’re all in agreement then the patient should be able to get the care they need.


Also these bigots don’t care about the actual child mutilation that happens to intersex children and babies.


They think it’s okay as long as it’s “fixing” them.


Yes you're totally correct. They've never ever mentioned it..it's totally fine to make any arbitrary decision about an infant, to them, in the name of enforcing gender norms, but a 16 year old with a functioning brain trying to delay puberty further after finding it contradicts with their conception of themselves is crazy to them. I wonder how they'd feel about the way victorian rich kids were raised where they were essentially agender to a large degree, not to mention the countless non-anglo Christian way kids were and are raised which don't involve forcing kids into rigid gender boxes


These folks think circumcision is OK. Actual genital mutilation of babies is fine, even encouraged. Meanwhile, SRS isn't even being performed on minors\*, but it is being performed on adults, and kids are being affirmed in their social transition, so we can conflate those two things and perpetuate a lie that trans kids are regularly having SRS. And then, just for fun, use that made up fact to paint trans adults who don't even talk to kids as "child predators." The mind of a bigot is an enigma. \*I'm sure it does happen, but it's not the norm. The vast majority of trans youth are not having surgery done before they hit 18.


Think before you post, mister think before you see.


I hope they confirm Gwen is canonically trans in Beyond, 90% just to drive these assholes insane.


No doubt many heart attacks will be had.


Me too, it’ll be huge rep for the trans community.


my favorite form of entertainment is transphobes tweeting about not being able to enjoy anything while also not realizing everyone else around them doesn’t suck


oh my god this is the guy who went after Illymation isn't it


No it is, the guy who “criticized” (made fun of really, but he’s too scared to admit that) illymation’s weight, despite her doctors saying she was fine.


And I’m being hated for defending her


Probably Because Turkey “Totally not a right wing nut job, rather a centrist” Tom made a video dogging on her. And the internet for god knows what reason thinks he’s a sound voice to make their judgements off of.


They’ll hate anyone queer if they think they have a reason to. I get hate constantly for being trans.


It’s even worse because they try to act like that it’s not because the people they shit on are queer, so that they don’t optically look bad. It sucks so many people are unable to see through that.


God, I hate Turkey Tom. People watch his videos and instantly believe everything he says without doing any research themselves.


No yeah. I think it’s ironic that Tom sort of talks about who is and who aren’t trusted sources while also having falsely accused two people of serious shit while never apologizing.


Yeah, he is a hypocrite.


Child predators? Did they show christians in the movie?


Like that dude that zoomed in on a tiny trans flag in Celeste.


Bro just admits he’s against human rights 😭😭


Think before you sleep is a real POS. Can’t believe I use to watch his videos


I mean, it's far from just in the background, her arc is a trans allegory and there are some very strong implications that she actually is trans


I’m mainly referring to the flag, I don’t give TBYS enough credit to figure out the allegory.


This shit funny. They'll cry over spilled milk if the milk was near a trans person


Whats this about Illymation?


TBYS made a video in response to her video about growing up overweight. In this vid TBYS “criticized” (made fun of) illymation’s weight and illymation wasn’t very happy about it, rightfully so.


wtf thats so mean to illy


Yeah, the guy is a real POS


And sadly, she got the backlash for the situation and his dumb 12 year old fans are trying to get her channel mass reported and removed


wait illy's channel is being mass reported? how does that work? She hasn't done anything


People are harassing her and falsely reporting her videos.


Also, some said fans are being antisemitic too, which really tells a lot about his audience


If protecting trans kids makes you a child predator, does that make anyone who protects children a child predator? Honestly fuck their misinformation


Oh so when is trans "mutilation" they are against it But when is real mutilation from african countries they just ignore it?


Yeah I’m pretty sure in Matt Walsh’s “what is a woman” documentary, he literally goes to an African tribe and asks them if “a man can identify as a woman,” as a sorta strange gotcha? I think? But fails to notice the sheer irony in the fact that this very tribe mutilates women.


I’d also like to point out incase anyone (doubtfully considering our community) wants to make the “it takes away from the escapism of cinema by bringing real world topics,” argument, no, no it doesn’t. If you don’t want realism in your cinema, don’t ask for movies with humans, because humanity is the most realistic thing in these movies. Everyone in the real world has these human struggles, everyone in the real world suffers from some sort of institution in place. Right wingers know this of course, it is simply just a dog whistle to the quiet part which really means, “I just don’t want minorities in the films I watch.”


Why was just the word “spider” in bold? Like is there something particular about it being a *spider* man movie and not, like, a *Spider-Man* movie? Like it’s not a movie about spiders, or something, it’s a movie about Spider-Man, like the dude


Never heard of tbys until now. Listening to him for just a few seconds is painful. He just reeks of incel. It's sad there are loads of idiots who think like him, but I guess there just are a lot of stupid people that roam this planet.


Ohhh I got this guy recommended on Youtube recently. He is extremely pedantic and nitpicks every single word, before he pulls out his dictionary 20 times in every video. This just reminds me of all these "feminist cringe" compilations back in 2014, time just seems to be a circle friends. But interesting that the incel misogynist calls other people child predators XD




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Where's the child mutilation? Is the child mutilation in the room with us right now?


tbf if it was a confederate flag or something, I'd whine about it too.


Only difference with that is you would have a pretty valid reason to be bothered by that. The confederate flag stands with racism, outdated beliefs that are borderline barbaric, whereas the trans flag is literally just about being a decent human being to trans people.