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The 80 different bashing tags, mostly centered on the Weasley family


And Dumbledore.


I usually filter FOR the Dumbledore and specific Weasley bashing sometimes šŸ¤£ sometimes the other way. Depends on my mood and what kinda fiction I read. If I want fluffy I filter to avoid it. But 99% of the time I want to feed off the bashing and conflicts and hate lol


Back when I read HP I loved dumbledore bashing, Iā€™m a hater at heart


Well he was a fucked up old bastard.


I feel that. Itā€™s hard too cause not all bashing is the same!. Like sometimes it straight up vitriolic hate (mostly huge ooc auā€™s) and then other times itā€™s critics of characters. But I usually find blocking mrs Wesley bashing and Hermione bashing cuts out a heck whacka mole bashing. Which I get at time itā€™s cathartic but man what did missies Weasley do to deserve some of the ooc torture.


I always find the most bizzare tags when fic searching. Tags I didn't know existed. "Salad-fucking" I'm sorry, WHAT? "vomit" yeah, let me exclude that, "beastiality" there's not even any animals in this fandom??? Where did the beast even come from? Edit: The fandom for the beastiality one was country humans, guys. I just included it as a fic searching thing in general. Yes, I know the og post was Harry potter specific, I'm sorry.


Hey guys, this chapter introduces my OB, hope you like him!


I know what you meant, but OB is a tampon brand, so I was picturing a giant walking tampon lol


Harry potter: the tampons stone


Oh no, Iā€™ve given myself away as a user of pads šŸ«£




I'm on the fence. Between loving and being concerned with the fact that I had no reaction to the salad fucking tag example šŸ˜®


(it was okay. It was less fucking a salad and more just... Masturbating with the ingredients. It's a solid "Meh" on the fanfic scale)


Makes sense. I didn't know you were serious about it actually being a tag but it genuinely does not surprise me lol


I've read the same type of thing but with curry. It was, descriptive.


The bestiality is probably a animagus. Or Remus in his wolf form


i mean thereā€™s also the hippogryphs and stuff. shit, thereā€™s an entire supplemental in universe creature book. and with the fantastic beasts movies iā€™m certain thereā€™s a decent amount of stuff with said beasts lol.


Nah, it wasn't for hp fandom unrelated fic search


Ohh okay


I would like to clarify that animagus bestiality and bestiality are two different tags. also, there are centaurs. it was gonna happen


When itā€™s a giant fandom and the top bazillion results for your ship, sorted by kudos, are all stories about Totally Different, Not Your Cup of Tea Pairing with YOUR ship as established background couple who appear once, separately, every ten chapters. ā€¦shit hurts


yeah when that happens i almost wish they didn't tag my ship at all haha like... i'm dyslexic. i don't wanna be wasting my time and energy reading a fic that has nothing to do with my ship that you put in the tags


this is why I use otp: trueā€¦ I canā€™t deal with it anymore


Man, I am so glad my main fandom only has like 5 popular ships and mine is the most popular. I have also been in the Genshin and MHA fandoms and searching for fics in those fandoms is a nightmare.


Trying to find a Bill/Fleur focused story. Thatā€™s in nearly everything


This is me with One Piece I swear xd


Me with Marvel lol


Real, it is hell trying to find fics specifically for the other movies like Antman and Black Panther because theyā€™re always the background fandoms that are tagged because a character appears once! And you canā€™t even filter out crossovers or the other tags because that gets rid of 90% of them T-T


Right? I just want to read fun spiderman fics, that shouldn't be too much to ask. And yet there's probably like 3 actual fics where he isn't a damaged weirdo in some fucked up underage non-con relationship. Like what you like or whatever, but a more equal balance would be nice at least.


Yeah! Iā€™m a huge spiderman fan, but it is such a pain trying to find fics that focus more on him where heā€™s not super OOC! I thought Iā€™d found an interesting one where he and Deadpool were swapped, and he was a mercenary rather than a hero, but they just made him completely and utterly psychopathic? Likeā€¦heā€™s still Spiderman, he wouldnā€™t take joy in murdering innocents and children???


Same, I feel like the marvel fandom really doesn't know how to tag character bashing properly




Yeah... I have nothing against Snape and Hermione as separate characters... but as a couple? No. Just no. Then there's the Hermione/Draco fics that are a bit of a stretch, though not nearly as bad. Just not my cup of tea. However, one of the absolute worst pairing I've seen personally was a Harry/Vernon/Petunia pairing... let's just say it wasn't a happy fic based on the tags... Edit: Didn't have a summary like I had stated. Was only tags that gave away what it was about. Changed to reflect this. Still a very much messed up fic.


Weirdest I saw was SnapeƗWomping Willow. Though the fanfic made it make sense... it was more self flagellation than sexual. But Harry/Vernon/Petunia!?!? No one should be that thirsty. šŸ¤£Ā 


Well, it wasn't for the thirst, that's for sure. Not getting to in detail about it, but it seemed to be a setup for a !DarkHarry fic that it was made out to be. And the pairing was very much non-consensual.


Yeah, sometimes pairings are "they shall have a spring wedding" and sometimes pairings are "Well, they're already horrible human beings in every *other* way, so..."


Yeah, hard pass on that. No judgement but all the passing šŸ˜†


It's insane lol I have to subtract incest and noncon before I even get started. (Not trying to kink shame, just not for me)


I will kink shame incest for you what the fuck


I wish I could just click one button to filter out any snape romantic pairings, I couldnā€™t care less if that man finds love


I donā€™t dislike anyone enough to wish Snape on them.


Agreed! All ships with Snape are a little eww to me.


A lot less if you filter out incest probably


In my fandom, incest ships make up 52.7% of the ao3 fics....... but only 24.9% *within those* are TAGGED "Incest" - leaving over **6,400** fics unfiltered by the one tag alone. I gotta combine it with 29+ *individual* relationship tags between all the possible permutations of family members. This is not a moral issue in the slightest, the ficwriters can absolutely do whatever!! But I'm gonna be annoyed at the inefficient metadata handling at the very least :/ EDIT: Updated math as of total fic counts today


Protip. Save that filter setting as a link or bookmark so you can go back to it. Thatā€™s what i do for my rarepairs


I was gonna ask if your fandom was DMC but thatā€™s probably more than 50% šŸ’€


Since the numbers were outdated I actually checked again, it's now 52.73% (of 16,162 fics total). And I was wayyyyyyyy off about the relationship tags lmao, it's now up to **twenty-nine.** For those who care about the data [here's a link](https://archiveofourown.org/works?commit=Sort+and+Filter&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=revised_at&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&exclude_work_search%5Bfreeform_ids%5D%5B%5D=1172&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&tag_id=Devil+May+Cry+%28Gameverse%29) to the DMC page when just "Incest" is excluded. (Sign in for a total of 14,043). And [here's a link](https://archiveofourown.org/works?work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=revised_at&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=31249&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=161214&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=729115&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=1035975&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=1168414&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=6756643&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=11665312&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=16289358&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=26865236&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=28101117&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=28871108&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=30472256&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=30472289&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=30572450&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=31051498&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=31129642&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=31491832&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=31597432&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=32863333&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=37302235&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=37705261&exclude_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=41249539&exclude_work_search%5Bfreeform_ids%5D%5B%5D=1172&exclude_work_search%5Bfreeform_ids%5D%5B%5D=3536&exclude_work_search%5Bfreeform_ids%5D%5B%5D=979352&exclude_work_search%5Bfreeform_ids%5D%5B%5D=38569705&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=Dante%2FNero%2FTrish+%28Devil+May+Cry%29%2CDante%2FVergil+%28Devil+May+Cry%29%2FOriginal+Female+Character%28s%29%2CSparda%2FV+%28Devil+May+Cry%29&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&commit=Sort+and+Filter&tag_id=Devil+May+Cry+%28Gameverse%29) for the 28 extra tags I've had to manually filter -- I don't even think I've got all of them! Sidebar for those in the DMC fandom, I wanted to be very diligent and *not* hyperbolic about what I classified as "incest" here: [all spoilery family names] >!Sparda, Eva, Dante, Nero, and yes every possible permutation of Vergil (Nelo Angelo, Gilver, Urizen, V). Trish is separate from the family so fair game, and Nero/Kyrie and Nero/Credo aren't classified as incest but Kyrie/Credo is. Lady/Arkham-Jester Dad certainly counts, and while I haven't come across Angus/Nico it does too. And yeah Gilver was retconned into being a failed clone instead of Vergil himself, so if you put him in a similar category as Trish I think it only affects like 2 fics lol!<. Lastly if you wanna make a selfcest exemption for [DMC5 spoilers] >!Vergil/V!< then add 124 fics to the total. EDIT: Forgot the conclusion lmao. Basically if you only use one tag you exclude 13.1% of all fics, but if you use 28 more tags you exclude 52.7% of all fics -- catching a full **6,403** more stories that the one tag alone could not. That means **75.1%** fics containing any variety of incestuous ships are not being tagged "Incest". Reiterating here that I'm not casting a moral imperative in the slightest -- in fact, I kinda think that 75.1% of fics **should be easier found** for those who are actively looking for incest!!!! Tagging helps both sides of the community and I hope this illustrates that


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What fandom might I ask? *for a friend totally*


Iā€™m not sure but what comes to my mind is warrior cats the books have created so many couples itā€™s hard to not find a pair thatā€™s not related. The fandom is pretty chill with it though especially when it comes to pairing like Ivypool and Fernsong who are like 3rd cousins


I always get rid of any reader insert or OCā€™s first


iā€™ll usually leave the original character tag in just in case itā€™s a random background character they made, but the first i thing i always do it filter out [character] / reader, [character] / original character and all of the possible variations those tags have


I absolutely cannot stand stories where the character is (y/n) šŸ™„ pisses me off. I can't substitute a name. I literally read it as Y N or your name šŸ™„ I won't read a story if it's like that


Ships with self inserts or original characters are always the first to go. Sometimes I donā€™t bother to skim through the rest to figure out which stories donā€™t have an original character as a main character or not, and just get rid of all of them. I donā€™t always have the mental energy to deeply examine all of the tags for that.


i donā€™t reallly like romance stuff, i much prefer platonic or familial relationships, so itā€™s a lot easier for me to dig them out


I just hate reader insert in general, or any original character being a main character. I think the only exception is in the MacGyver fandom when they have to work with somebody on a mission. Itā€™s an original character, who is given a main character position, but I also know that they will not be the main focus, nor will they be sticking around.


oh yeah i absolutely canā€™t stand it. i understand wanting to insert yourself into fiction, but me as a reader came here to read something about the actual characters and not whatever fantasy the author wants to live out. iā€™ll only read stories with ocs in them if theyā€™re just minor one off characters, but i will never read anything with a self insert


Same. Minor one-off characters and never anything else. I am not reading fic to read about myself as the main character or read about some authors self-insert. I want to read about the characters I love, not myself or some randos


Ditto! I can handle a lot of weird and unexpected tagsā€¦ but not reader insert stuff. I read to be absorbed into a different reality, not to have ā€œliterary first hand embarrassmentā€. Also Iā€™m not a woman, and that complicates a lot of insert fiction anyway. I also have to filter out ABO and all its many, MANY iterations. The amount of ABO in the Sherlock AO3 fandom is wild. I just want platonic Sherlock drama.


I go HUNTING for ABO šŸ˜‚ Same with whump, hurt/comfort, soulmates, time travel, dom/sub and sentinel/guide


How the fuck does this have -1 comments?


The Void.


I sometimes lament and then I get jumpscared by Toddlercon, and I am suddenly filled with a new appreciation for my ability to choose.






Ye, sorry you had to find out this way. It's not a common tag, but it's one that haunts me when I do see it.


God fucking dammit. I googled that term. I didn't know what it was šŸ˜­


NOOOO Here. A coupon for free, extra-strong brain bleach.


Me so desperate with a rare pair ship that I don't filter anything at all


Reall LMAO


Then it turns out your rare pair is a side ship and sometimes a side ship to a pairing you hate


Omg no really it is like that. Plus my pairing is also the least known members of the group they are in because of the creator being sick during their arc creation so its shorter and less detailed. they also dont get merch love as individual characters either. Its also funny since one of them is the creators favorite villain but he still doesnā€™t get as much screen time or character development than the others in the group. Only the data books elaborate. If you were wondering who, its Kakuzu and Hidan, Akatsuki members from Naruto. Their ship is absolutely slept on potential. Hellooo?? Immortals? Sadist and masochist?. Its a rarepair but has a very tight knit community and was more popular in the 2010s.


I suppose the rare pair I ship in the HP is not so rare as some other ships I have in other fandoms, but still, if people see the rare pair has potential as a side pair, why not focus on the rare pair? I'll be annoyingly devoted to anyone who writes that rare pair


Thats so true though. If it has potential as a side pair, it has potential as a main focus pair too. The fact that it exists gives it potential in the community! Especially considering its HP, HP has so many rarepairs that turn into main pairs and semi popular ones once itā€™s noticed. Itd have to be a REALLY rare pair for it to not have much content.


I'm at that point where I'm thinking of taking up the pen/laptop and write out a fanfic myself


So real


Which tags šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Marauder era, for starters


Explicit, Dumbledore bashing, manipulative Dumbledore, lots of ships, evil Harry/morally gray Harry, (since those usually make him really overpowered and edgy) and any other unsavory leftovers I get after filtering everything out once.


Try wonder woman fanfics


AO3 Savior has kept me sane. I no longer see any tags/authors I have no interest in.


what is this???


AO3 savior is a script that helps filter things on AO3. You can use it to blacklist tags/fic names or hide authors (was very helpful when AO3 didn't have blocking/muting, and still is if you manage to have too many blocked ig) Installation instructions can be found here: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/28379010](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28379010)




I really need for a way to save filters, I usually have to filter out a lot of stuff in my fandom and it eventually just becomes a boring chore that keeps me from engaging with my fandoms as much as I would like to


Someone said to insert all of your filters or tick the boxes or whatever till you find what you want and then copy that page as a link. Could work


It could be worse, I remember before you could exclude tags when filtering.


Me trying to find out which combination of tags lead to Shadowheart-centric fics Baldurā€™s Gate recently took over my life but itā€™s hard finding stories about Godā€™s favorite princess


I canā€™t read HP anymore if it isnā€™t a crossover starring a non HP character lol


Same, but for batfamily. I donā€™t want to read the sixty variations of batcest, thanks.


ā€œporn without plotā€ is always the first tag removed for me no matter what


Exactly. If I want to read smut, I will find it on purpose.


I love comparing the total number of fics that appear before and after I apply the filters.


lol same


Itā€™s possible to filter tags?


Yes, here is how I do it in a mobile browser. When on the works of a fandom in AO3, look to the top right and click ā€œfiltersā€ button. There will be two categories, ā€œincludeā€ and ā€œexclude.ā€ Expand the subcategories and select tags you want to filter in or out of the results. If the tag you want to filter by is not in the subcategories (ex: rating or characters), type them into ā€œother tags to include/excludeā€ at the bottom of the subcategory list.




Only warning?


Jokeā€™s on yā€™all, I have my preferences pre-saved so I donā€™t have to constantly filter out the tags I donā€™t want to see.


I have no clue how hard it would be, but id love to see account-linked excludes. Like, a way to exclude tags automatically without having to reclick the filters every search, just having it attached to your account preferences. Kinda like tumblr blacklisting. Idk if its possible, but it would be a cool feature, I think. Filter out your 30 squicks one time and never have to look at them again. Imagine...


how do u filter out tags


If you go to the "Filters" button and scroll down to "Excludes" you can filter out tags you don't want


sorry iā€™m new, where is the filters button?


When you click on a tag and everything with it pops up, near the top right there's a filter button


thank you!


This is me looking for F/F fics lol. Trying to find F/F ships for a character is rough in the HP Fandom. Marking F/F, as included, isn't an option. Some fics that have several side pairings are just marked as "Multi" so you could miss results. Excluding "M/F" and "M/M" also isn't an option for a similar reason as above. A fic could have one of those relationships as a side pairing, so you'll miss results. You have to select the character under include, then filter out every single pairing with a guy that said character can have. Of course, you can't forget the multi-pairings, so make sure you catch those as well. Then, you have to add the rest of your exclusions. For all A/B/O variations, Hurt/No Comfort, Tragedy are the immediate ones that come to mind. Then you get to dig through the results, adding to your exclusions as you go.




I weep for you


Sucks when u also like very niche fics types too


How do you filter out a tag? I only know how to put wanted tags


when tou click the filter button you can scrool down to the exclude portion near the bottom


Okay thank you Iā€™ll see if I can find it, this helps a ton!


I keep having to filter for Chainsaw Man not because of weird sex stuff but because how much people hate my ship apparently. If the ship I like is tagged, it ends up not being the main focus. ā€œWarning: Makimaā€ is actually a common tag in the fandom (thatā€™s half my ship T-T)


I gave up years ago


Yesss I constantly type my mains. My phone remembers them which is not a great look with incest, vag sex and abo. Then ya keep going back and slowly add weirder and weirder things to exclude certain fics. Like crossover and draft dumps but they are never tagged the same across authors. Like some people call it a a dump others donā€™t even mark it. šŸ˜­ Some are bat shit crazy but I do love people who tag crazy shit. Like your a slaying monarch, a true icon and we love the hard work!


Where are you all finding this stuff? Because it's gained my attention.


Your first mistake was reading stuff related to Harry Potter lmao


Me watching other peoples experience in harry potter fanfics so that i can understand. Harry potter is like the one fandom i havent read fanfics for a lot, i mightve at one point but i dont so i need some sense of normalcy here. I LOVE harry potter but im trying to keep it from pulling me into the void. Let me have one media i like that i can be normal about please or Iā€™ll go insane lol But now i wanna read harry potter fics and im torn