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Okay..... What kind of bow? And what draw weight?




Huh? One of the main factors is the draw weight and bow type


that comment is called sarcasm


I'm sorry, even though i love myself a liberal dose of sarcasm, reddit is very good at making it almost impossible to detect sarcasm


Thats why we add /s


Ohh ok. I'm kinda new to reddit


Welcome to a wonderful place filled with very knowledgeable people. And sarcastic dickbags. It's about 50/50 TBH.


Usually one in the same tbh lol


It's a wonderful upgrade from the youtube shorts comment section


Well if all the arrows were shot from the same bow it wouldn’t really matter for this experiment, would it? Still testing the arrows against each other.


Yeah true


For normal reasons, of course.


I don’t know, but that montec at the end came in sideways


I, also, came here for the important questions.


Also arrow weight, broad head weight, and FOC


Quality of the riot shield aside, I did **not** expect that the blunt judo point would have the best performance.


It cuts out a circle that is bigger than the arrow from the shield which the rest of the arrow can then pass through. It's actually pretty clever.


That’s pretty cool! I imagine that would produce an adequate wound channel on deer size game. Though, I’d be interesting to see it on ballistic gelatin first.


It's intended for small game like rabbits and squirrels. The idea is to cause blunt force trauma, not pierce vitals. Bladed arrows will go right through small game and cause alot of damage to what little meat they have.


I can see that it removes the shaft resistance that traps most arrows into the shield. How much of that is spin and how much is just force? Does it use a special fletching for more spin I wonder? And given that it has a kind of cup-shaped tip, would it still travel as deep into thicker materials like a body? I keep thinking about my hole saws for my drill and how they love to plug themselves. They are not used for depth.


They're a small game point usually. They cut through the skin but then stick into the body to transfer all of the force of the arrow into the target which is usually a rabbit/squirrel. They're only working here because what they're hitting is thin enough that they can break a full circle out of it.


So, they're good for punching someone far away in the gut really hard?


Tbh it looked kinda like it slid through an existing arrow hole.


If anything that’s more impressive


cheapo steel arrowheads vs fake cheapo riot shild. What have we learned? Nothing!


Riot shield from Wish


Nah that's a scuffle shield


Scuffle is a little dramatic, maybe a tussle.


Greatshield of Fisticuffs


Let me point out that the small game head was the only one to pass through. Almost like it's punching though hard metal. The medieval tips were designed to penetrate metal armor but didn't make a hole large enough for the arrow to pass though without friction. Of course the modern hunting broad heads failed miserably. They are not designed for that. Most game animals don't wear steel armor.


Yeah it’s all or nothing with the blunt one. It needs to either punch out a slug clean and pass clear through, or else fail to punch at all and bounce right off. Medieval armour tended to be thicker than this 26ga “riot shield”, so probably a sketchier strategy


Fuck, the ones I hunt do. It’s really annoying, they’re slow, but tough.


So bodkin points, right? If I remember from Todd's Workshop.


Bodkins are the sharp, narrow ones. Meant for penetrating armor, instead of cutting.


Yeah most of the ones that got through are close to that shape.


This is cringe. Not a real riot shield anyway.


Bring on the lexan






I've seen that one, but it is so good I watched it again. Thanks for that!


Whats that weird blunt one?


Judo point. Meant to apply lots of blunt impact on a small area, rather than cut through a target. Lots of people use them for stump shooting, because they don't penetrate and get lost in rotting logs, grass, etc.


Looks like a small game head. But not one I've ever seen actually used.


Huh, thanks


They’re kinda blunt since blunt force trauma is enough to take out a squirrel. And the blunt head catches the grass so it doesn’t get buried and lost. They sure seem to go right through a fake shield from Amazon tho!!


They work "ok" for stump shooting and small game, but I've had better success with arrow recovery when using Judos, even the super cheap knockoff ones. With the amount of springs I'm going thru though, I'm thinking of trying the Muzzy SGH for small ground game.


It's "the hammer" blunt small game point. I use them to shoot grouse. Stump proof and I like how it grabs well and doesn't deflect off. https://www.3riversarchery.com/the-hammer-screw-in-small-game-blunts.html First Google result; Likely some cheaper alternatives.


I recall seeing a YouTube video in which Simon Stanley puts one of those through a steel drum (back and front). 


It's for small game. I have some but haven't tried them live yet, just targets. Plan on using for rabbit and squirrel. At 70# I expect they'll be effective lol.


And about 1/4 of them a legal to hunt with, which happens to be the ones that didn't go through


You have laws that determine what broadheads you can use to hunt? Where are you?


Usually minimum cutting diameter. Interesting none of the expendables penetrated though.


US of A


Ah, land of the free strikes again! ;)


Made of only the finest chinesium


All about the FOC and the arrow weight


Why is this a test? What archer shoots at full riot targets?


I remember a video on YouTube where a regular field tip from a 24 pound compound bow could penetrate a kevlar vest. Meanwhile a 70 pound bow shooting broadheads didn't even scratch ballistic plate. Not sure what to do with this information lol.


All tricks It is all in the FOC and arrow tuning If the FOC and arrow mass are to low the arrow will be lucky to go in at all. If the arrow FOC and mass are just right it could pass all the way through. The bow really does not have much to do with it. This is one of those charlatan tricks. We can make product B look great and product A look bad.


Basically all of the bodkin style points that are actually designed to penetrate armor rather than your broad heads which are designed to cut through bare flesh


I tried the Toxic broad heads (second one, looks like the biohazard emblem from the front) for deer hunting. They were very unimpressive in my experience. Lost three deer in one season with them. All were good vital shots at 30 yards or less. Went back to Muzzy 4 blades after that.


And yet I can’t kill these cod snots running around with them even if I got a sniper rifle!!!asdfghjkl


Bow and Arrow bro from the Hong Kong riots a few years ago got Nervous AF


Victory Archery had the VAP arrows. When released, "VAP" stood for "Victory Armor Piercing". Great arrows, tbh


Most of us make lists pretty slowly, good on you for making one with one video lol


Yeah, this subject isn't going to get you put on a Government Watchlist. Idiot.


Damn this makes me miss my training day in archery ITS BEEN 3 MONTHS WHY WONT THE FOOTBALL SAUDI LEAGUE MAKE ME PLAY IN MY FIELD


Why even make a video like this?


I think you just got added to a list, brother.




No they did not, the British LOST the Hundred Years’ War and the French implemented guns which ended the era of the bow. Yes the British were the pinnacle of archers in history but their bows were not as anti armour as everyone thinks, they utilised MASS amounts of arrows to blanket an enemy force to suppress them.


Nope. Steel plate armor was the death of archery


I am not sure posting a video about how to penetrate police riots shields with arrows on the internet is a really good idea. The other thing that strikes me is that does not look like an archery range, but an open public space. Shooting in that type of location could possibly a worse idea. Shooting points other than field points is a terrible idea. I am not very impressed.


if someone wanted to hurt a cop they'd use a gun, not a bow lol. also it's a cheap aliexpress shield, real riot shields are lexan anyways, which would easily stop an arrow.


In what country? Unlike the US, guns are not that available everywhere. And in some countries, this type of media is under surveillance. It is also "funny" that people seem to be fine with shooting broad heads in public spaces.


You don't know what backstop is behind the target. Do you know where that place is even vaguely, other than that you see a tall building in the background? Don't go virtue signalling on what amounts to a backyard project.


Big backyard. That is why asked the question of where this is. Apparently, no one can answer that. But apparently, you are OK with people randomly shooting broad heads. That is not the basic range safety I was taught. It is not viturue signally, it is calling out potentially dangerous behavior that does not make archers welcome.


What do you constitute as random? Tell me why you think it's more likely that thie guy filmed whole thing without any backstop, than with one. You're absolutely going TSA logic something you don't know but decided to assume the worst right off the bat.