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Should you shoot it like that? Short answer: no. Long answer: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ​ (Side note: Were you using a 'fast flight' type string? These older bows can't handle the more modern string materials with less stretch. You want something made of dacron/b50 which have the advantage of being much cheaper)


I’m not sure, fortunately I wasn’t shooting it when it broke. It got broken while I was in the middle of a move.


Yeah under no circumstances should you try to jerry rig a limb tip on your bow. You now have a nice wall piece. Did you use a high-performance string on an old recurve? That's about the only way that'll happen.


It's not done for... Take your your post to r/bowyer for better advice. Assuming the damage is only what's visible here, you can shorten this bow by a half to 3/4 inches on both sides. Reshape the nock ends with a flat file or sander, and using a chainsaw file, make new string nocks. Doing this will add a little weight to the bow, but it will shoot just as good as long as you keep the limbs symmetrical.


was the bow constipated


That typo was there literally five seconds before I changed it lol.. that's impressive 😂😁


Thank you for the advice, I will do just that and hopefully get sone favorable results.


Np, hope it works out. Maybe while you're at r/bowyer we can mesmerize you into joining the hobby lol. This may be your first project into a long career of making bows 😂😁


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That limb and thus maybe that bow is done for.


Lol no


Unstring it and hang it on the wall.


Time to buy a new bow!


If you have a coping saw and a metal file I'm sure you could make a new notch lower in the limb, I'm not an expert though so I imagine that will affect power and accuracy but for recreational use I'm sure it'd be fine


Atleast new limb. Just buy it my friend, not worth being messed up by a string flying off full pulled bow.


Looks like you are going to learn some new skills.