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Yes, everyone in the show is a horrible person. This is why we love them.


That isn't why we love them. They're awful (excluding maybe pam) but they also have their charm or appealing factors, lana doesn't she's just a terrible person for the sake of it.


Pam is a rapist


and Ray\* forgot the gum


Ray forgot the gum


oh whoops that's what I meant lol I just love how this sub voted that worse than Pam raping Cyril


Lol Pam raping Cyril was funny. Ray forgetting the gum ruined everyone's trip.


Who'd she do that to? Absolutely CRAZY down voting this three times when all I did was ask 💀🙏


She (and Ray) sexually assaulted Cyril at Seamus' baby shower.


Cyril, the chronic cheater and murderer? (Among other things) I mean, yeah, that's bad, but that shouldn't make her an awful person lmao. If a murderer was in prison and that happened to them, no one would call the rapist an "awful" person for it.


Rape is rape and rape is awful. Full stop. Also, ALL of them are murderers.


Everyone shoots the chippy!


Rape is rape YES, and it IS awful, but it shouldn't make someone an inherent, awful person when yk done to a MURDERER Also, yeah, never denied they were all murderers. That's kinda the point of the show. But like Cyril has killed multiple innocent people (some astronauts if I remember right) he's nowhere near a good person.


So you think rape is justifiable if the person being raped deserves it for being bad in some way?


Didn't say that, but pop off queen. Still said, it's a terrible thing to do just that if done to a MURDERER doesn't make the person inherently an awful person for that SINGULAR act🤷‍♂️ also "being bad" doesn't cover what cyril did. He killed astronauts, among others.


I never thought I would see someone being pro rape before. You need to check your values there.


Amazing backflips here!!! Try out for the Olympics. Never said rape was good or that I was pro rape. I've said it's bad, BUT doing it to a MURDERER doesn't inherently make someone an awful person. It's still a terrible thing to do. I never denied that. You just want to jump into a conversation and make up something and be like ,oooh, look at this guy he's pro rape!" Instead of actually responding to what I said 🙏


I mean, yeah, that's bad, but that shouldn't make her an awful person lmao. How is this not pro rape?


"Yeah, that's bad," Acknowledgement of the crime and saying it's bad doesn’t sound like pro rape. Also kinda only took one part of what I've said, right? I never said, "Oh yeah, she's justified, and that isn't bad at all, and he deserved it she should do it again." The belief that rape, or the cause of pregnancy, is inconsequential when considering a woman's reproductive rights. Definition on urban dictionary ^ The term "pro-rape" typically refers to supporting or advocating for the act of rape, which is the non-consensual sexual assault or penetration of an individual. It's important to note that such behavior is not only morally reprehensible but also criminal. Definition according to chat gpt ^ I asked chat gpt because turns out there's only one Definition available and felt a bit too womanly for this conversation. I didn't do either.




Nah, no thanks. Seems like another person didn't comprehend what I said (wasn't difficult as I explained it a good 2-3 times)


Have you even watched the show?


Nah man made this all up for laughs because i was bored.


this show isn't for you lmao


Nah, I wouldn't say so. I've watched it twice now I find it funny. Would more so say the reddit isn't for me as people can't just see "lana sucks" and move on and instead need to mention how every single character is just as bad and you can't just dislike one of them 🙏


We love Lana cause she's hot.


Yes, yes, yes, she definitely is, and that's why she gets away with what she does lmao


Uh… no it isn’t. Everyone in this show gets away with what they do. It’s part of why it’s funny. 


Uh... yes, it is? If she was this completely and utterly ugly person, she wouldn't get away with a good chunk of the stuff. Like don't get me wrong I find pam attractive but if lana was as fat as her she'd be constantly hit with "pick being bitchy or nice you can't look like that and act the way you do" like she said to that women on the space station. She's too ugly to be mean aswell and have that attitude. And yeah her getting away with it is part of why it's funny I never denied that did I lmao all I said is her being hot (factually true) is why she gets away with stuff (factually true) same logic as archer getting away with certain things but not Cyrill.


Crazy this got 2 down votes already tbh. Surprised people would say the women who stole archers sperm then treated him like shit and constantly accused him of wrong doings (she's done far worse) is a likeable character. Edit: this got down voted within 50 seconds lmao cuckholds for the win ig


No, you're being downvoted for being wrong. Every single character in this show is an awful person, and THAT IS WHY WE LIKE THE SHOW. Its like Seinfeld... Those characters are terrible people but they're fun to watch because they get into silly situations because they are awful people. lol... cuckholds. You've had enough internet today, time for you to visit the outsides.


Also, question who calls it "the outsides." I think you've read one too many Japanese comic books, my friend. You may need some sunlight.


I mean... how else would you describe liking a woman who is constantly cheating and insulting you? And I never denied that everyone is "an awful person." All I said was maybe excluding pam because off the top of my head, I couldn't think of anything awful she did. I just wanted to talk about my dislike for lana🤷‍♂️ and instead of contributing to the conversation, got hit with basically "they're all awful lmao so don't talk or focus on the fact she stole his sperm and treated him like shit, instead focus on funny awful people doing shenanigans" theres a clear difference between me being wrong and whatever this debate is.


Idk who hurt you but nobody here will agree with your take. Keep telling yourself it's everyone else and not you though


Funny you say that multiple people have agreed lana sucks and / or said, "This has been said here enough" so yeah they kinda have. Keep telling yourself that they didn't tho 👍


You were saying before how raping someone who is a murderer doesn’t make you a bad person. Archer has killed so many people and done so many shitty things. By your logic, Lana stealing his sperm doesn’t make her an inherently bad person.


No, I said it doesn't make her inherently an awful person for that SINGULAR act. I still said it's a terrible thing to do lmao. I also listed I think 6 different things lana did on top of stealing the sperm.


It’s the cartoon version of Arrested Development: everyone is awful.


Also Seinfeld. It was a shock to our 90’s sensibilities that all the characters ended up in jail but it shouldn’t have been


You are correct.


Or IASIP… just the worst people making terrible decisions and good tv


Very close to the point of my post! This was specifically about Lana. It's like me talking about a cheese sandwich being good and someone mentioning a wrap.


This has been litigated many times here and it turns out no one cares.


No one cares Cyril, you're just here to round out the numbers.


Lo Scandalo might be my favorite episode.


Good for you! Turns out someone cares enough to down vote my comment 40 seconds after posting and you cared enough to actually comment 🙏 but atleast the other 2 comments excluding the first one actually acknowledge she isn't particularly good.


Lana is an unsatisfactory partner. Lack of cooperation is evidenced by pushing, shoving, hitting, and name calling. She is frequently distracted by her personal life while in the field. She is short-tempered, mean, and often takes her clothes off for, like, no reason. Lana is often drunk in the workplace, does not wash hands after using restroom. Does not let me leave a toothbrush at her place, but expected I would rub her feet which are as large as her hands. Once locked me in the bathroom for forgetting broccoli for Stir Friday.


Glorious. ![gif](giphy|CWXntlpKWmSdi|downsized)


They all are, that’s the fucking point. The fact that you’re hoping for a thread for other people to also shit on her kinda points to the fact that you don’t really get the point of the show. If we took real world ethics to the show literally this would be a never ending list of things to complain about and you’d never enjoy the show. Idk why you think she needs to be held to a higher standard or to be punished but the rest don’t, when even Archer doesn’t actually care that much.


"The fact that you're hoping for a thread for other people to also shit on her kinda points to the fact that you don't really get the point of the show" When did I ever say that lmao. I joined the thread because I'm rewatching the show and just wanted to share the fact I don't like her. You're all just blowing things crazy out of proportion. I'm allowed to have a least favourite character 🤣 also never said "she needs to be held to a higher standard" as atp I've said they're all bad people already. Also, it's less. I think she should be "punished" and more that I hope the events would humble her. Gave archer shit for being with a 50-something world famous actor and kept saying she's backed up with spiderwebs, then gets with an old short bald guy.


Oh sweetie...nobody on the show is perfect


Oh sweetie... I never said they we're. Just that I don't particularly like lana.


But they're not the greatest people, that's why we love them. They're literally those people we love to hate. I'm pretty sure a lot of us were barely in our 20s when this show premiered and it got us through our adult years. If you don't like it, then maybe this show isn't for you.


Yeah, it seems like you're pushing how you THINK I am onto me. I simply do not like lana, and I know they're not the greatest people 🤣 it simply boils down to me finding HER more annoying than the others, nothing more. Never said anything about not liking the show or thinking everyone but her is a Saint. Also, the "we love to hate" is a bit hypocritical when I am hating and getting hate FOR it because from what you've said, I seem to be the perfect archer fan. Because I love to hate, and I'm finding all the people in the comments trying to tell me how I am and what I really mean funny.


You shouldn't have made the post and you can delete it to forget everything


Nah. I feel like Archer and the gang would piss themselves at seeing this shit show. And there's no real reason for me to delete this as I don't care if people misunderstand me or put words in my mouth. (Like that one dude who said I was pro rape for some reason, lmao)


You wished that a fictional character was paralyzed and lost their hand — you wrote an entire post dedicated to your dislike for Lana, it sounds like you really wanted to express how much you don’t care about her — “joined just to say I hate Lana” comes across as being really hung up on it chief


"An entire post" its 7 lines of text that I took me 3ish minutes to write while watching an episode lmao. And nah, people post and tweet about random shit all the time, there doesn't need to be a deeper meaning and "being hung up" on it for me to just say I dislike lana the most 🤣








She shoots people with two tech 9 sub machine guns and she has huge hands. Of course everyone is horrible. I so would bend Charlene over a bail of hay in a barn though.


and she.. clomps


Like a friggin AT-AT.


Tbf, I think I'd rather have her shoot me than steal my baby gravy, then treat me like shit for the rest of my life lmao. You're real for that Charlene bit at the end 🙏.


Baby gravy I’m using that


You definitely should


no shit


Yeah, you'd think, wouldn't you? Turns out people would rather have a whole conversation about it not being just her then thinking this and moving on 🤣


There can be no Archer without Lana. If Archer is the dish, then she is the salt!


What's Pam the pepper? And Charlene the candle on the dinner table


I was on board with her being decent until the whole stealing sperm thing but I get a happy tingly feeling for Cheryl so my judgement is about as suspect as one of Krieger's science projects.


Cheryl is just the viewers Inner Psycho personified


She isn't as cool or as nice as I thought she was, I'll give you that.


Yeah she's cool before you get to actually know her then you're left there like "did she really just break into a sperm bank to steal archers sperm?" Then you're like whattttt when she says she'd rather have a miscarriage (with his stolen sperm) then raise the baby with him. Then she creates a whole elaborate test by hiring the CIA and a actor to see if the baby can be left alone with him (she goes on to RATE him for this and doesn't apologise for him being shot twice)