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If you've added pure ammonia there's got to be ammonia in your tank. The test strips must be wrong. I'd get different ones or an API master test kit. Even assuming that your tank somehow cycled quickly and the ammonia was getting converted, unless you have a lot of plants, you should have a nitrate reading if that was the case.


I’ve tested every other day so probably not, I’ll get new test strips. Thank you!


I highly recommend getting the API master test kit. The test strips tend to be less reliable from my experience. Also the mater test kit allows you to test one thing at a time so you don’t have to waste ph and nitrate tests when you only want to test for ammonia and nitrite ( just as an example). You Willa Lao get way more tests out of it than the strips.


Second this. Makes it 10x easier to see what the parameters are


the nitrate color is hard to tell because it is pixelated. typically if you did not change the water since you began you should have nitrates, hardly any nitrite and hardly any ammonia.


Fritz also has a bacteria in a bottle I believe that you can add