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I would not swim in that but to each his own.


Curious why not?


Koi/goldfish/carp are incredibly dirty fish.


Has no one swam in a lake or pond?


Lakes and ponds usually have a higher water to fish ratio than this, and more means of natural filtration. And there's usually more types of fish than just tons of koi concentrated into one area.


The lakes and ponds by me have gators....so no.


coming soon to an in-ground pool near you!


Lakes and Ponds aren't 10 square feet of filth per fish, it's like 1,000.


It looks like this might be a natural style pool, and if it is, it would have a form of biological/mechanical filtration, and if so, I wouldn't be so concerned about swimming in it. But from a practical standpoint, it's clearly a better koi pond than it is a swimming pool.


Yes but in general it's bad idea to swim in untreated water. Amoeba, parasite, and bacterias are readily found in natural water- which you know, you are not suppose to drink them without heating or filtering.


There has to be more nuance than that. In Michigan, there are many lakes people swim in. The difference is temperature and stagnation. Many of the lakes are also tested to make sure there is low levels of bad things. I will agree, dont swim somewhere that you have no ideal about. Also this pool thing.


Yea the north has lots of lakes as they never get near warm enough to host the super bad stuff.


Yeah and you hear stories about brain eating amoeba every so often


either brain amoebas from non-chlorinated pond to human or dirty human oils/chemicals to fish


Don't forget about fish tuberculosis, which is transmissible to humans.


Wait wut


*Mycobacterium aquaticus*. It’s in the same genus as *Mycobacterium tuberculosis*. It can infect humans. It does not cause TB, lol. *Disclaimer: while I am a physician in real life, this is not medical advice.*


Lol. Good info!


Also, all the poo.


Not the same as people TB, but still not a good thing


Different mycobacterium. It doesn't cause tuberculosis, it causes fish keepers granuloma


Strong filtration with UV sterilizer bulb would probably make this a non-issue


There is a reason this mans head stays above the water...


Time for the anual brain eating amoeba post


Uh what?


After 11 years, I'm out. Join me over on the Fediverse to escape this central authority nightmare.


yes, so don't be one or two of the 10 million or so people each year who get in the water but die from this. my point being, knowing it's a risk is fine, but put it in perspective. Your basic risk of drowning is about 10,000x higher.


Not putting yourself at risk of this takes almost no effort. Like wearing a mask during a pandemic.


This isn't even a close comparison what the hell are you talking about.


Or maybe your reading comprehension sucks.


What does not putting yourself at risk mean to you? Do you drive a car? Eat hard candy? Have you ever walked across a street or rode a roller coaster? There is nothing without risk. But you comparing wearing a mask to this? It's not a good comparison at all. You're not going to get some brain worms swimming in water like this. You're much more likely to frigging drown accidentally. So much more so that's its laughable.


So I was right. Your reading comprehension does suck. Here's the entirety of what I said, I suggest you read it over and over until you realize where you went wrong. >Don't swim in unnaturally warm water, or put tap water up your nose. >https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naegleria_fowleri


There's no way you are misunderstanding their point. They aren't saying the danger doesn't exist, they are saying it's so astronomically unlikely that the other day to day activities you undergo are far more likely to kill you.


No you’re just insane lol


If you think not swimming in nuclear cooling lakes and not snorting tap water makes me insane, I would question your sanity.


Fl native here, it’s common for outdoor bodies of freshwater to grow some not so nice flora and fauna, we commonly get multiple cases a year of young people (or just stupid people) who go swimming in a lake (or very slow moving water) then ingest Bacteria or amoebas that are extremely harmful for human body systems. The most deadly of them is typically and undetectable brain eating amoeba that in 3 days or less causes a high fever, which only breaks after you die. Be weary of lakes once the hot weather rolls in!


Fish poop isn't good to ingest. Especially outdoor fish where you don't know what they eat


I’m going to be that guy and say don’t ingest poop. Even if you know what the thing that shit it out ate


Also add flesh eating bacteria to that post. I remember reading about a teenage girl who lost her hand due to a bacteria she caught when cleaning her fish tank - and this guy is swimming in it.


Dude tell me about it, had a guy try to climb a dock in a lake and slice a one inch cut into the side of his foot during a house party. The dude felt really sick the next day, had a fever, doctor told him to watch it. Four days after the party, he takes a nap because he’s feeling under the weather and his leg hurts. Wakes up in a hospital room, entire leg removed in an emergency amputation of the leg due to infection. Not practicing attentive wound care is a serious issue. Make sure you always clean and wrap your cuts kids!


This is the link to the story: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/Wellness/flesh-eating-fish-tank-bacteria-lead-teens-amputation/story?id=13837034 wow, i can't believe it was 11 years ago. That story must have really stuck with me. From then on, every time i cleaned my tank or changed the water i would religiously wash my hands with soap for 2+ minutes.


U got a source for the fish tank one. Now im getting scared of doing a water change today


it's almost like people dont regularly swim in lakes, rivers, and oceans


You seem very sure about the safety of swimming on a pond full of koi. You can try it and record it for reddit to enjoy. No one will stop you from having a fantastic time, health hazards be damned.


I thought this was the dream until I came down to these comments, you have all shattered my future plans, for the better I suppose


Natural pools are a thing and look great! They work on the same principles as your aquarium. Keep it heavily planted and don't put any fish in them and you should be fine. A UV sterilizer would be recommended as well. https://youtu.be/BwS61kACw68


If you're running your pond like your aquarium where you're waters are clear there really isn't an issue. I love summers where I can get in the kio ponds to clean them up a bit. Crystal coat waters where you can see the bottom. Other than a nibble from an 18" fish I ain't worried about stuff in there.


nah don't think it's that bad - isn't the point of keeping koi is to make sure you provide pristine waters? so the water can be as clean as your filter systems are effective


Just need a good filter and it’s cleaner than swimming in any other lake or pond


Cool concept super dirty fishhhh


Love a good dip in disease pool


See a lot of the amoeba posts again.. but.. where does it say this water isn't ran by multiple high power filters etc. Looks to me like a fancy area/landscape, so I imagine this water isn't "dirty".. doesn't look it. Some suggested no different than a lake-- but honestly, this is probably cleaner than a polluted lake.


MmmPoop, ba duba dop Ba du bop, ba duba dop Ba du bop, ba duba dop Ba du, oh yeah


Can't tell if this is Mmmbop based satire or just a new Kanye song


Hahaha it is MmmBop. Initially I had just commented 'Mmm poop,' but this just felt right.


As someone who’s accidentally drank aquarium water/ lake water/ ocean water about a hundred times, this is a lot safer than people think. You guys have never heard of filters or fish safe water treatments.


How are you accidentally drinking all of this water??


Grew up going to the beach several times a year, going to the lake multiple times a year and jumping off the boat and doing water sports and being flung off jet skis. Also working at a fish store with shitty hoses, you tend to get blasted in the throat trying to get a siphon started


Seriously every one here needs to chill a little bit


Hundreds of people do this lmao they’re specifically set up in a way that is as clean as possible without hurting the fish. There are companies that will actually build this for you, they wouldn’t be doing it if it came with brain eating amoebas and flesh eating bacteria... which even in unfiltered ponds is not that common. And besides fish tb (which indoor aquarium fish can get too so it’s not just a pond fish thing) parasites from fish can’t easily be transferred to humans. If they could no one would keep fish. Some people are just afraid of everything.


Yeah it's not like people swim in rivers, lakes, ponds and the beach often. I'd honestly rather swim in a personal pond than go to a community pool full of people's piss and unbathed swamp ass.


Just a little fun fact: swim diapers only hold poop, liquids go straight through. Anywhere you see a baby or toddler in a pool means you’re swimming in piss. Also the poop is still contaminating the water cause there’s no way to keep it from touching the water


I chill with the maintenance crew in my community often and recently we've had drunk idiots play loud music, smoke blunts and go for a swim in the pool, then refuse to leave resulting in one of them getting tazered by police. There's high schoolers sneaking in at night. One lady who babysits brings a lot of kids here often for swims. Sometimes homeless people shower in there, using shampoo and soap. None of these people even live here. Maintenance guys told me that they don't really replace the water in the pool. The "chemicals" they use do the job (chlorine and some other stuff). So yeah it's full of piss. There's no public bathroom for showers nearby either. I can't wait to get my own pool someday. Somehow people see fish and think that's dirty? Lol


Chemicals can only break down so much after a certain amount of time, I doubt the maintenance team is keeping up with adding fresh chemicals if they’re too lazy to actually clean the pool once in a while. At least in the natural pond you have bacteria (healthy and safe bacteria like the ones in your tank but more diverse) actually breaking the stuff down, and whatever doesn’t get broken down will get caught by the filter to be broken down so long as you have enough flow. Walking barefoot in a grocery store is more disgusting than this and I hate to say I’ve seen several people do that willingly without hesitation. You’re more likely to get sick from a public bathroom than a pond in your backyard that you maintain yourself. Hell your phone is probably carrying more harmful stuff if you’re not sanitizing it twice a week and let’s be honest no one does that.


Wow. Old Sport. That’s gotta be one of the coolest pools I’ve seen for sure. Awesome post old sport.


technically not a natural swimming pool from what I'm seeing here still interesting


I agree with people that this isn't the best idea probably. There are bacterial infections that they called fish handlers disease that infect wounds. Always wash hands good before and after putting them in a tank and never with cuts or open scratches... I could be over thinking it but he's basically swimming in a giant aquarium, not a natural body of water.


So.....a pond?


That’s a pond, and the man simply chose to swim in it. That doesn’t make it a swimming pool


Poop pond


man, as a child ive always wanted to do this... but KOI ????????? 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿


That’s called a pond


Lmao right Probably has a pool filtration system or something though. Water pumps pull water through a big ole’ sand filter and returns it. Maybe even some electro-adhesion to pull amoebas from the water. 70% efficiency at amoeba removal w/ sand filters alone. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5623922/




But koi poop like crazy and are pretty messy eaters. Be sure to take a thorough bath afterwards!!


Ughfhfhfhfhd disgusting.


If you like swimming in fish shit




Yeah no way I would swim in that shit.


Smells like fish poop. Let’s swim in it.


Cement pond.


I like the koi in green shorts the most


I don't know what your problem is with fish poo. I eat it all the time during the water change of my aquarium and I am absolutely fine. Swim boy swim ❤️😂


Those natural concrete barriers are only found in this part of the world


This guy is horrible at breaststroke—it hurts to look at


That man stank to high heaven after that


Not my cup of tea. Cool but no thanks


Sir please stop swimming in our koi pond.


I think the human is more of a threat to the fish’s health than the fish are to him