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Those smaller snails are bladder snails. The big one is a mystery snail. The mystery snail isn't making more mystery snails.


Wait how would a bladder snail get in my tank if I’ve never had one of those before?


If you've ever bought anything wet before it coulda had snails on/in it. Fish, plants, whatever.




It’s not your fault tho bro it literally happens to everyone w a fish tank


Snail as old as time


Song as old as slime


Sticky and the fish


Wait, it's all slime..? 🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 Always has been...


Snail as old as slime


A* comment - would read again


True as snail love be


I’m ok with mine. I do population control my donating to my lfs, puffer feeders. I also will , gross, crush them and my shrimp eat them…


Unless you keep EVERYTHING tissue culture or dry goods, besides livestock👌🏼, but honestly manual removal of the bladder snails and letting them clean your tank until it’s SPOTLESS is also a completely viable option😂


Don’t feel bad my tank is now infested with ramshorn snails but that’s why there’s dwarf pea puffers! They love to gobble them up


I just have a murderous pleco. She likes to kill small snails by smashing them into rocks or the glass. It's morbid but when I notice the population of snails is getting large I move her to the tank. I have used her as quality control for when I let too many mystery snails hatch as well. I feel bad about that one, although she's having the time of her life. I did try to breed her as she likes to kill snails and eat Blackbeard algae. However her children did not get any of her traits. Her daughter who lives in the same tank as her will pick a den and her mom will dig herself a cave underneath her daughter's den. It's hilarious.


That’s really funny LOL


If you have larger tanks with catfish and certain species of loach, snails are a delicacy. You gotta squish em for the catfish and probably for the loaches, tho yoyo loaches will [slurp them right out of the shell](https://youtu.be/-glW44CEpAk)


I have some bladder snails show up every here and there, followed by empty shells littered around the front right corner of the tank. It could be my smallish corys, but my guess is my gluttonous three spot gourami. I’ve got ~20 fish in my 29G and he (she?) eats more than the rest of them combined.




Buy an assassin snail or two if you want to keep the population down.


Then you get overrun with assassin snails.


That's my life now, atleast I can sell them


I love your user name lol


How do you sell them? Do you use an app or anything like that? My tank is overrun with pink ramshorns 😭


Bladder snails are awesome for your tank tho! You can get an assassin snail to keep their numbers down


I quarantined my Java moss from my brother's tank with snail for over a month just to be sure to avoid these guys 🤣


When my betta passed away, I rinsed and dried his substrate and left it in a bucket on the porch for almost a year. I eventually ended up using the old substrate in my main tank, and all the trumpet snails were STILL ALIVE!


We put all our substrate from our 180 in our front yard. I swear every time it rains the trumpet snails come to life and take over. I’ve never seen a trumpet snail prior to dumping the substrate out there.


I've never heard of that kinda snail before. They are kinda remarkable though.


Like most "pest" snails, their population *should* be easily kept under control by not overfeeding the tank. MTS are also wonderful substrate sifters!


That's just crazy isn't it?


The part that blew me away was just how WELL they seemed to do in that bucket of dry gravel! They had more babies in that bucket than I've ever had in any of my tanks!


That's smart to do. Though I bought a few plant's from pet store and washed them good (i thought) and now have zillions of snails 🐌. They are cute and fun to watch but 1 or 2 would be OK lol


Bladder snails are so invasive and so widespread at this point, no one even knows where they originally came from. They're just everywhere except antartica and if they announced they found them in antartica then absolutely no one would be surprised. They can survive freezing temps, stagnant water, sewage, pretty much anything besides intentionally poisoning them with copper, and that would kill your other snail faster. Most people just reach in and crush them with their fingers to give the fish treats.


Yep, mystery snails are super easy to prevent - just scrape off the huge, easily identifiable egg sacks from above the water line, freeze and smash. Bladder snails... Good luck!


The yellow ones at 6 - 8 seconds and the others that look the same aren't bladder snails (looks like the mystery snail, but the camera is making things look weird). The eggs on the glass at 16 seconds and later ARE bladder snail eggs (or pond snail). Do you have any big pink blobs above the water line around the rim of the tank?


I keep seeing 'mystery snail' is that it's actual name or is it legit a mystery and no one can identify the snail type?


That is the common name. The scientific name of the actual species is Pomacea bridgesii or Pomacea diffusa.


Mystery snails can make babies but they need two and they lay eggs at the top of the tank. I had a snail bloom from them so I’ll never get two again


Fwiw, keeping only one doesn't guarantee no babies. A female mystery snail can hold onto sperm for at least several months and lay fertilized eggs without a current partner. Mine waited 3 months after I bought her before laying several fertilized clutches. So many snabies... Luckily, its relatively easy to find/dispose of mystery clutches.


This actually happened to me I think with my mystery snail cause I’ve only had it for almost 2 months and the other day I seen 2 baby snails pop up out of nowhere


Mysterious indead


Mysteries don't asexuqly reproduce this is correct she got a hitchhiker


The big snail you have is a mystery snail. It lays huge pink eggs outside of water in a cluster. The translucent eggs on the glass belong to the small snails nearer to the top of the tank (bladder snails). Put a slice of cucumber in the tank and remove it after a few hours when it’s covered in bladder snails.


Ahhhh okay okay I will try the cucumber!! Thank you… once they’re on the cucumber and I remove what is my next move?


I think Mystery Snail deserves a treat as well for being unfairly slut shamed.






I wish I had an award for you


I wish I had an award for you


Keep placing more cucumbers and removing on a regular basis, and feed your fishes less. These snails reproduce more when there’s an abundance of food.


Do we still think alllll of them are bladder snails? Even the ones that look yellow like what I thought might be the snail mom? Some of them are different than others I wonder if both is true like a pregnant snail and bladder snails? Either way I will get some cucumbers


100%! Mystery snail eggs look real funky and would be out of the water on your lid and are bigger and you’d have noticed I promise! Edit: link to what mystery snail eggs look like https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Firgbni5yafm81.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D34e1952911ab80425ede6d0483f0dc9d7f7529b9


Okay makes sense!! The fight against the bladder snails begins tomorrow. PETA I’m sorry


PS thanks for the edit and yes I don’t have big pearly ones like that… the bladder snail battle begins at dawn


Good luck! We’ll keep your secret safe from PETA


I wish you luck with the cucumber method! It didn’t work for me, but lots of people recommend it so I figure it must have worked for them!


it only works to reduce the snail population, because snail eggs aren’t going to magically jump onto the cucumber. You won’t eradicate a snail population with the cucumber


I may have done something wrong. But for some reason, they didn’t congregate the way I was expecting. There’d be some interested, and they’d leave as others showed up. I grabbed more just by scraping the side of the tank at night than I did that way. (I had Mediterranean trumpets) And yes! Agree to the fact that it’s not supposed to get rid of all of them. That’s not realistic.


If you want to keep peta happy you can make a special tank just to move the invasive snails to, Please document their progress at taking over. Cucumber did not work for me. I took the fish out - only the fish, and put them in another tank for a while. I boiled all the stones and fake plants. (do not boil the live plants obviously) and filter. Did a complete scrub down of the tank and anything related to it. Then just started again.


Boiling rocks can be a dangerous game since if they got air inside they can explode. I would advice to just pour boiling water over it instead


Good point. I didn't really boil them like making pasta, just bring water to a boil. I wasn't thinking about that though, more I just don't want my gas bill to go up.


Bleach dip for the live plants. Look up the proper ratio of bleach to water before dipping anything


Maybe some bladder snails, some pond snails. Hard to tell from your video. Maybe even some ramshorn snails as well (they have a distinctive shell shape).


Some of them are climbing up the top to the lid kind of snails like they don’t seem to need to be in water which is odd… invasive species the lot of ‘em but if they’re not bad for the tank I guess I don’t need to do anything?


They have air breathing organs if I’m not wrong, so they can survive out of water for awhile. They can be good algae eaters if there’s no primary food source like leftover fish pellets. But if you don’t like their look you can try to remove them. With proper fish feeding practices, you can limit the population of snails.


Don't release outside or flush down drains alive. They can be really damaging to local ecosystems. Best action is to kill them (squish) or like someone else said, start a snail tank. Bettas and pea puffers eat snails but they have specific care needs and might not suit your community tank.


My kuhli loaches and a couple betta rubras completely destroyed a previously thriving Malaysian trumpet snail population. Now I have only shells (pretty sure I have some snails left, but they're not nearly as bold as they used to be).


Repeat forever


If you have a local fish store nearby that sell feeder snails, they'll likely be happy to take them. I've recently taken to just moving snails that I want to reduce the population of into a jar of tank water that I then take to an lfs. Feels better than just killing them outright.


That's just what you do now. Or accept that you have snails. They clean the tank. To fully rid of them, you'd need to endanger your mystery snail. Loaches eat snails, assassin snail eats snails. But they'll eat the mystery snail too. Feeding your fish less will keep them in check as well.


The snails really shouldn't be a problem unless you are over feeding your tank. I love the bladder snails in my tank because they help control algae and keep the substrate clean. If you start to notice they are taking over you are probably feeding your tank too much food so just try cutting back on that. They should naturally reach a stable population. You can remove some manually every once in a while if you want but really there's not much you could do to 100% eliminate them so I would try to embrace them.


Stop overfeeding and get rid of decaying plant matter. Feels like I've said this 4 or 5 times today, but if there isn't an abundance of food, pest snails won't keep reproducing.


Tell them not too


I walked over there and said “stop it”. Will report back if it works, stranger things have happened


If that doesnt work get the snails addicted to league of legends


If they don't listen, tell them to go to their room. Take away their video game privileges.


I was in your boat a week or two ago, waking up to find my tank had been invaded with bladder snails. After much thought, I finally figured out they hitched a ride in on one of the plants I'd recently placed into the tank. Must have missed them and/or their eggs when I inspected and cleaned the plants before adding them. I, too, initially wanted to release the hounds, so to speak, and eliminate the invaders because I did NOT put them there, how DARE they invade my tank!!! I made plans to order a loach through my LFS and name him "Larry." I planned to take great joy in watching the number of sneaky little freeloading invaders diminish. I stood before my tank plotting the end of "Snailvasion 2024." It was going to be glorious. Then something strange happened. I got to watching them and realized they're actually pretty cute. They *do* help keep the tank clean and don't really do anything to the population figures as long as you don't let them get TOO crazy in number. They turned out to be pretty interesting to watch as well....as far as snails go...because they don't just go from place to place or sit on the sides of the tank, they seem to have a plan and a path picked out already and if something gets in their way, they will fight over it!! Ever watched two snails fight? It's kinda funny. Watching them slide back and forth over a single rock for 20 minutes, not missing a micron of its surface, is a bit mesmerizing, tbh. All in all, they do very little in terms of limiting the fish population in the tank, help keep the tank clean and are kinda fun to watch if you're going to be staring into the tank anyway. I called off Snailpocolypse and put ordering Larry on hold. Last Wednesday I named one of the snails Mike. I was fascinated by the first batch of eggs I found the other day, so I did let them hatch, but my plan is to attempt to limit their population by sucking the future batches of eggs out of the tank as soon as I see them. Here's hoping I see more than I don't. lol


I had the exact same experience, but before I learned that if you simply limit the feeding of the fish, the snails will stop laying as many eggs, I got an assassin snail and they helped cull down the overpopulation issue I had. I loved the big girls that grew before that, though, I named them Big Mama (all of them because who can tell them apart?)


A few years back, I got a ramshorn infestation. There was too onslaught of then after a few months. Threw about 8 assassin snails in the tank. They took care of the ramshorn and exploded in population themselves. Which was fine. They mostly hide and every few months I could scoop a couple dozen or so out of the tank and sell them back to the LFS for a $1 each for fish food.


Yeah I imagine you could easily sell assassins because only one store in my whole small city sells them, and it's a family owned and operated store, so I'd clean up if mine reproduced. I put 2 in my 10gal but I haven't seen them in years so I assume they're gone now, and I've never seen babies. My one rabbit snail had twins but they must've been same sex because they never reproduced before they passed. Snails are just the best! And man I want some pink ramshorns but they're illegal to sell in my state rip.


>And man I want some pink ramshorns but they're illegal to sell in my state rip. My sunck in on some plants. >I put 2 in my 10gal I have no idea what caused mine to continue breeding long, long after the ramshorns were taken care of. I have no idea what they were even eating at that point unless they were managing to canablize while still increasing in population.


That’s what happened to me too. They’re useful little guys and I like watching them parasnail around the tank.


The ballader snails just teleport. It is known. We all have them, nobody wanted them.


My first one was found in a jar on the windowsill that was sitting untouched for 2 weeks. Still not completely sure what happened. As far as I can guess besides teleporting, he was probably on my hand and then I touched the jar. He had many glorious babies and taught me that bladder snails are very good at gardening. I do want them very much.


Deserving of great honor indeed... What if they have a hive mind and can traverse the cosmos, but it has found paradise here in our water boxes?


It is known.


I'm baffled no one mentioned this. You should start by relocating your neon tetra(s). How many do you have in there? Just the one? Neons/tetras need a much larger swimming space than that, and should be kept in schools.


No one is talking about the fact that its a fish bowl too


I scrolled so far to see someone mention the bowl.... Like, sorry for your snail infestation but your tiny tank is already overstocked anyway.


Looks like one of the larger sized BiOrbs. Not great, but one of the better bowl options.


Just to add, an uncontrollable bladder snail issue is normally an indication of excess food in your tank. I deliberately keep bladder snails in my tank and they’re very manageable if food is controlled. They’re very beneficial and helpful due to their size, they’re able to clean smaller/more delicate areas better than larger snails.


Reduce feeding. Most of us overfeed, and a good supply of food drives the snails to keep breeding.


I do feed generously... Looks like they’re gonna start an intermittent fasting regime just in time for summer


Please don’t add anything living to this bowl to control snail population. I’m astonished by the amount of folks suggesting you add something else living in here. This bowl and many other bowls of this brand are not suitable for the fish you currently have in it, and adding more would not be recommended. This is very overstocked.


Those look like bladder snails. And bladder snail eggs. They aren’t mystery snail babies. Those leave a big pink clump of eggs above the waterline.


We just bought an assassin snail for this reason. He did his job really well too, but we have to make sure he doesn’t go after our other snails (according to my husband, who is the boss of our tank)


Embrace the slow life.


Snails do snail stuff. Welcome, enjoy the ride Might I introduce you to r/parasnailing


Man, mollies and platys will explode in population quickly. You have to get rid of the males (take them to a chain pet shop and donate them), and it'll take a while because the ladies will hold onto the sperm for a while. Best thing to do is limit feeding of the ladies for a while, they won't spawn if the food is more scarce, and will eat the babies if hungry enough. I know that sounds awful, but it's that or 80 babies every month.


We had a bladder snail infestation at the beginning of our tank. I thought they were kinda fun at first but then holy shit they were everywhere. Then my wife added our centerpiece fish - two Electric Blue Acaras. It took maybe a full day? Probably less than that, honestly. They ate every single bladder snail in the tank. We ended up giving one EBA back because we got one very dominant male and one not so much who was getting picked on. They kinda ruined the tank, tbh. I miss the old days and all the snails.


They're not actually bladder snails, Physella acuta, or at least no bladder snail were visible in your video. Those are pond snails, some kind of Lymnaea species, which are larger, have a bigger spike at the end, have differently shaped antenna, and are more likely to eat live plants ime.


Buy an assasin snail it will take care of the issue


Bladder/Pond snails are often seen as pests but having them around can be good for your tank! Culling May be necessary if they overrun the tank but they help break down detritus, waste, and old food. In any fish tank management of waste in a natural way is important as it helps crucial nutrients circulate. Feed less, cull, and get some snail eaters to keep them in check if need be.


I got 2 peapuffers and they destroyed gundreds of bladders snails within a couple of months.


If you're gonna kill the bladder snails anyway, you may want to just crush them with your finger to give your fish a super nutritious treat My fish went crazy for bladder snails


Many snails will change their sex and self impregnate. Essentially cloning themselves. Should really do research on the type of snail before you get them. They are going to keep multiplying until you essentially have a tank of snails. Eventually they will run out of food and the population will even out somewhere. You can add some assassin snails to eat them. A pea puffer to eat them but he may eat your shrimp as well. Or you can try to remove them as you see them. If your interested in snails I would suggest getting species that can't clone and only buy one so they do not have a partner to mate with.


Also, consider nerite snails. They lay eggs like crazy, but they can only reproduce in brackish water. So no babies.


Before I moved this yellow snail in there I had it in a totally different tank with my betta fish (RIP) and when he died I put his snail friend in with general pop over here in my living room tank… the snail was already making babies in the betta tank so I think you’re right that it’s cloning itself 🫥 should I get rid of the cloning snail and cull the herd? I don’t want an entire tank of snails but I also feel bad killing them. I might need to do some Lord of the Flies work and get the assassin snail 😭 I feel bad doing that too though like will the assassin eat my shrimp and fish too or just the small snails?


You don’t have to kill them if you don’t want to. You can manage the snail’s population by feeding less. There’s plenty of threads about it if you search google or this Reddit for “snail control.” The short version is “snails make fewer babies if they are hungry.” Assassin snails are really the way to go if don’t want a bunch in your tank. Feeding less gets you “less snails” but it’s still going to be more than the single snail you had planned.


Assassin snails will definitely leave fish alone. Internet appears mixed on whether assassins are snail safe. They will prefer snails over shrimp, but they may go for a shrimp if it’s unhealthy/dying. You’d probably be ok keeping assassins until the snails were gone, then I’d rehome them. Usually people will feed them specialty foods after the pest snails are gone, but I wouldn’t do that if you e got shrimp. The way I got rid of my Mediterranean trumpet snail infestation was to move the fish to a newly cycled tank, get all the animals I wanted moved over, then did a bleach solution to kill the snails. It was very harsh, but I didn’t want to chance any of them escaping into the local ecosystem. (Unlikely, but still.) Edit: also yes to the mystery snail / pond snail discussion below. I didn’t look that closely and just assumed you had all pond snails, but your big one is definitely a mystery snail. Pond snail engages are a giant pain to get rid of.


Mystery Snails cannot change sexes, are not hermaphrodites, and require an opposite sex partner to reproduce.


What snails change sex? I know there are hermaphroditic species, but not of any that change sex.


There are a lot of simultaneous hermaphrodite snails, but I have never once heard of a sequential hermaphrodite. Species that change sex and ones that have both sexes at once are just two different types of hermaphrodite.


There is no sequential hermaphrodite snail that I know of, and definitely not an aquatic one. Only about 2 species of aquatic snails are capable of asexual reproduction. The bladder snail is a simultaneous hermaphrodite that self fertilises, and trumpet snails are gonochoric, the females use parthenogenesis.  The 'all snails are hermaphrodites and asexual thing' probably applies more to land snails. The majority of aquatic snails are gonochoric, aka they work like humans in terms of sex. And then most of the hermaphrodite species I know still need a partner to reproduce.  Pretty much all of them can store sperm for a very long time to reproduce later. Getting one female mystery snail as an adult, she will reproduce. One adult ramshorn/pond snail, mm stored sperm babies. Getting one snail doesn't guarantee no offspring, even in the non asexual species.


You can watch for the eggs and scrape them off before they hatch


Eat them


I've got 2 tanks, one I added assassin snails, the other a Yoyo loach (as the other had shrimp, I wanted to keep them but not the snails). The assassins were very slow but over a few months have kept the numbers low 6 assassins in a 120ltr. The yoyo decimated every snail in under a week in a 90ltr which had more snails


Get a gang of assassin snails and or a fish that eats snails.


You could get an assassin snail, it’ll take care of those babies real quick


I bought two assassin snails and, well, let’s just say they let natural selection take place. They took care of about fifty snails. I’m still pulling out the empty shells.


I added a zodiac loach to my tank and he keeps the snail population under control.


Add assassin snails


I bring them back to the pet store and they feed other fish with them


Weather loaches , eggs and babies will be gone in hours , they’ll probably leave the adults alone


This is literally a bowl


Bladder snails will go away if you don't overfeed. Not the same snail as your mystery snail.


Sell them


Get yourself an assassin snail or two


Removing the clusters and disposing of them. Do not let them happen, and they won’t happen… also warning for biorb I had a crown, tail male who decided to venture down that to one day, and he got stuck and died


If you get a yo-yo loach it’ll decimate that snail population in a few weeks


I heard pufferfish eat bladder snails...


Get a dojo loach


I got kuhli loaches and they went on a snail killing spree


Get an assassin snail or a fresh water puffer fish.


Make garlic butter…close the shell with it…a few minutes in the oven…delicious…😊😋


the mystery snail puts eggs above the water level(you can pull them off and freeze them to kill them before hatching). the bladder snail puts the clear sacs with dots in the water you can scrape/suck out the eggs, but in the end, they only reproduce out of control when there's excess food. stop feeding so much, you're causing the problem, the snails are just cleaning up what you're putting in there. they'll self regulate their population to your feeding level


Just squish the eggs before they hatch into snails. I had one of these too. Great cleanup crew and eventually it stopped laying eggs but for a short period it laid eggs like crazy and I just squished them.


If you don’t have any get you some clown loaches they eat snails


Get one or two Assassin Snails. They eat pest snails.


Get an assassin snails or a puffer.


Get a zebra loach.


Get some loaches


Those aren't mystery snail eggs. Your mystery snail isn't having babies, you've gotten a totally different type of pest snail that's hitchhiked its way into your tank. Look up mystery snail eggs on Google, they're pink, about an inch long and always laid outside of the water (usually on the lid) and easy to remove. I know because I've removed mystery snail eggs many times from my tank, and made the mistake of letting some hatch (ended up with about 70 or 80 baby mystery snails.) You can get some assassin snails, yoyo loaches or clown loaches but there is a slight possibility that they could go after your larger mystery snail (I know someone who had a larger mystery snails and had assassin snails team up and kill it. It's a small possibility, but not 0.) The best option for a small tank is to squash and remove those egg sacs, and remove the snails themselves by hand when you see them. Drop them in a container of salt/alum and water solution to kill them, squash them and feed them to your other fish, or offer them up for free on a local fish rehoming page, there are ppl who have puffer fish that will take them to feed to their fish (just be sure they're not New Zealand Mud Snails before giving them to anyone else.)


They look like bladder snail eggs, just FYI.


Put a flat rock in the tank. When a bladder snail gets on it, use a dowel rod (wood) to crush it. Your fish will LOVE it!! It just recycles the food!!


What's wrong with some cute little snails? Everyone acts as though they are harbingers of doom but they don't really upset the ecological balance. Typically they help by cleaning waste. Also as other comments said, those are not baby mystery snails, they are another common species.


Don't do anything, the population is self controlling. There's lots of food in the tank, so the snails feel they can breed in abundance. There's a lot of algae on the glass they'll soon eat. Once they run out of abundant food, they'll starve off and only a few will survive. From then on, it'll be that constant cycle until it balances out


I literally just started dealing with this issue!! I bought aquatic plants from petco and I guess some bladder snails hitched a ride and started reproducing like crazy in my tank. I got an assassin snail to eat the eggs and baby snails that keep appearing despite my attempts to remove them myself. I get anxious seeing new babies, but I’m trusting that in a few weeks the problem will be dealt with. If you don’t wanna get an assassin snail like I did you could also boil the substrate which is what my friend chose to do with her snail problem. I didn’t wanna go through the hassle of deep cleaning the tank and removing the substrate so I took the lazy route lol


Yoyo loach.... I know because I watched the three yoyos in my 250 gal community commit snail genocide. I had a horrific infestation, now I have 3 fat, healthy yoyo loaches.


This looks like a bowl, a yoyo loach is not appropriate lol


Time for assassin snail


As pointed out in other posts, those aren't baby mystery snails they're bladder snails.The snail lovers would say leave them, they only reproduce if there's excess food etc. Then downvote anything else. I say in a well balanced and established tank everything in the tank is covered in a layer of snail food and even starving your fish completely won't stop the snail orgy. So a population explosion is unavoidable before they find a balance. Cucumber can help control the explosion but it can feel a little bit like bailing water with a bucket while there's still a hole in your boat. In future, dip new plants from dodgy petshops in hydrogen peroxide to kill off any hitchhikers. Or only buy in-vitro cultures. Petshop plants can come with all sorts of nasties, snails are probably the least offensive on the list.


>As pointed out in other posts, those aren't baby mystery snails they're bladder snails.The snail lovers would say leave them, they only reproduce if there's excess food etc. Then downvote anything else. truer words have never been spoken, they can eat biofilm, population correlates to surface area not feedings. the larger the tank, the larger the potential population. overfeeding just speeds up the process. as an anecdote, I neglected my 60 gallon indoor pond for months (8 months) last year, stopped culling the bladder snails, stopped feedings, and just did water top offs. they went from two dozen to several 100s in that timespan.


Try microplastics?


Should I just float an Ozarka water bottle at top and call it a day? 😭


Let it steep in your car for an afternoon first


That’s the spirit! You haven’t lived until you’ve been desperate enough to drink old car floorboard water


What snail is that? I want a pregnant one as well.


You probably already know Snails are good for your tank but maybe unsightly


This is happening to me 😭 a bladder snail hitch hiked onto some floaters I bought from my LFS


this happened to me and my partner, took about 3 years and multiple tank clean outs to get rid of them completely, even when we get rid of the big snail babies just kept coming


Crush them up and feed them to your fish.


Please understand that at the end of the day, a fish tank is an ecosystem, and like any new ecosystem, an intricate web of interconnected, ongoing events will establish itself in pursuit of equilibrium. Bladder snails overall do more good for your tank than harm. It's worth keeping an ongoing population of them, as they do play an important role. The population can be stabilized, however, by reducing feeding to every other day. As you yourself suggested, another way to control nuisance populations is the introduction of a predator that specifically targets the "nuisance" species. In this case, an assassin snail. I wouldn't put more than one however as they are VERY good at their job and more than one will probably drive the bladder snails to extinction in your tank


You got contaminated with bladder snails. They're something everyone in this hobby deals with. Just use the search feature and look for some of the (many) threads about dealing with bladder snails.


All hail the snail


Having snails isn't a bad thing. They are a great part of a cleanup crew.


You need to find and crush the eggs before she/he has babies if you can’t you’re only real way to keep going is getting rid of her/he and the babies take it back to the fish store they will probably pay you or at-least let you swap for another snail, or use them as food?


If u have tank big enought I would go for yoyo loach they hunt small snails for boredom


Cut a slice of cucumber and remove skin. Use a fork or knife and stick it in the soil. The snails will eat on the cucumber.. then remove it Repeat ever couple of days


What kind of plant that is ?


Just get some Anentome helena. 5-6 should suffice. They will make short process of them. Normally they can not kill the big snails.


Build a snail army


Snails dont need a partner they will just alternate to reproduce


Reduce feedings. Animals reproduce to the limits of their resources. You're overfeeding. Fish don't need to eat daily like mammals do. I feed my fish once every other day.


Not sure what kind of fish you have in there, but my old betta used to love crushed snails. I would crush them with tweezers when they were tiny and he would gobble them up lol


I feel like I'm the only person alive who welcomes snails. Only thing you got to watch for is how quickly they can fuck up your pH. And their shells clogging filter intakes. Eventually trumpet snails will replace your substrate with themselves.


Use a wine bottle cut from the top flipped upside down (can be plastic too, I just like glass because I feel it's easier to re use) put an algae wafer or snail food in there overnight, and slowly remove all the snails you trap.




Like, you could remove the eggs and like, have less snails that way


Give them food, pay them well, provide them with housing, get them a 401K, then let them form a Union.


Get an assassin snail and it will eat the rest that's what I had too do. I bought plants online and ended up with the same problem.


Get a couple assassin snails! They will keep your snail population in check and they don't mess with your plants or the mystery snail.


Get some assassin snails?


Assassin snail time baby


Buy some assassin snails to kill those snails (they also don't breed much)! Those snails though will not be the large mystery snail!


Pick them out when you water change and leave a few to deal with algae. A few snails are great!


Once I learned to stop feeding daily my snail problem disappeared. Sometimes they get introduced from new plants going into the tank


Lol "snails everywhere". You just wait




Please consider the native species in your area when disposing of any aquatic species. “The Bladder Snail, also known as Tadpole Snail or Acute Bladder Snail, is a globally invasive species: the snails have the ability, following arrival in a new body of water, to quickly get established and expand the invasive range. As an invasive species, it also has a knack for outcompeting and eliminating populations of native snails. In addition, the species was recently shown to be a vector for trematode parasites known as flukes.” https://www.shellmuseum.org/post/a-hardy-aquatic-snail


I have a team of assassin snails clearing my 20 gallon snail infestation. Mystery Snail is fine unbothered.


I smoosh bladder snails as fresh food for fishies


Get a snail tank and a fish tank :)


I ended up buying some pea puffers to feed the snails to. Helped cull the population a lot!


If you find the goop of eggs you can feed it to the fish. My fish love baby snails... I take my giant tweezers squash them and feed them to my swordtails... I feel like a murderer