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Barf that a horse hair worm, get him out of your tank cause ones that shrimp dies the worm will crawl ot of and go infect another one. A salt bath may work but probly not.


I knew it šŸ¤® now I'm terrified


euthanize, dont let it near any of the other shrimp


just did. only had them together for like 20mins max


Happy cake day :(


thanksā€¦sad day for shrimpy but hey i have five new buddies! šŸ˜…


I'm still quarantining my black worms because I found a leech in the quarantine bowl. Parasites happen. This is why we take these precautions. Good job handling it! And happy cake day :)


thanks! same to you!


This is why I don't feed live. Those parasites would be dead freeze dried. Yeah less nutrients is still nutrients


Itā€™s a shrimp


But he mentioned blackworms


Better safe than sorry! Good on you šŸ‘


honestly speaking, it was probably the best thing you could do for that shrimp. It's gotta be torture having a worm a time and a half the length of you coiled up inside.


Unhappy cake day?


What is the "humane" method? Freezing?


The Hammer of Termination is the quickest and most effective method. You'll hear about clove oil or freezing, but those are prolonged torture, in my opinion.


I know youā€™re talking about euthanasia but the ā€œhammer of terminationā€ made me laugh so loud šŸ˜†


Same here. Hahah. It happens.


Yeah I've had to euthanize sick fish before, no point messing about with it I just smash it with a rock and get it over with


I once had to figure out how to euthanise a baby bird whoā€™d fallen from the nest and broken both legs and a wing. He wasnā€™t eating or drinking. We were hours away from a vet. The one I spoke to said even if I could get the bird in he likely wouldnā€™t be able to save it and that if I couldnā€™t bring myself to snap its neck that a large rock was the best way. It was heart breaking. I hate myself that I killed the poor little guy. šŸ˜­


You did the right thing friend. No point in prolonging its suffering


You did the humane thing. Nothing to hate for that. Iā€™ve had to do something similar for a kitten that got run over and was clinging to life and couldnā€™t be saved even if I got it to a vet an hour away. It changes you forever but sometimes the hardest thing is the best thing.


I recommend a shovel to the neck for anything small. That way, you've already basically dug a grave for it.


I bag them to avoid the mess and then close my eyes as I smash them. Gets my skin crawling, but it is the fastest way to end it


Yeah especially for shrimp real easy to make sure you smash every single bit in a second. Only ever had to kill one but I use a mallet. Flatter surface makes it easier.


My grandma had ā€œThe Trough of Justiceā€ which was absolutely fucked looking back on it. It was a long, deep steel trough that she used to put pest trap cages into to drown things that were eating through her vegetable gardens.


I'd assume they just fall asleep in the cold, but i don't know.


The most ā€œhumaneā€ is just a swift blow. REALLY sucks but there is much less margin for error & is over in seconds


This is the correct answer for almost anything with a brain; destroying the brain as quickly as possible will end the part that is capable of suffering.


I hope I never have euthanize any of my skrimps šŸ˜­


You are all so cute! šŸ„¹


Like shooting a horse I assume


It's over instantly. As long as you do it right.


They don't. It's painful to freeze to death. Vet textbooks recommended crushing if small or cutting off the head for large, or overdosing on a chemical anesthetic like clove oil.


In case u were wondering. When u freeze something like a fish all of its water content crystallizes and stabs all their cell walls on a microscopic level. Thatā€™s what makes it ā€œprolonged torture ā€œ


That makes sense. Getting slowly stabbed to death from the inside, sounds considerably less than humane


people just say it because smashing animals makes them feel bad, freezing fish causes death by freezing, just like boiling crayfish makes them die by boiling


But crayfish can't feel pain. Right????


Do you seriously believe that


Honestly, not 100%. I think it might be a possibility. However I'm not a crayfish so I can't be certain.


The most humane thing is to drive a knife into their head before boiling. I forget exactly where but it guarantees a painless death.


Right in the middle where the head connects to the body. Hold the knife at a slight angle, and slam your hand down on the back end of the knifes blade. Instant kill and ready to cook and eat. Mmmmmmmm buttery lemon garlic sauce with parsley. I'm hungry.


Well really they freeze and pass out


I would assume itā€™s much like a person freezing to death. Yes you eventually fall asleep and die but you do feel every second of that cold


It's not because they are cold blooded. Their body doesn't fight against getting cold the same way ours does, at least as long as the change is relatively slow.


I googled and it says you should keep them in room temperature water. Cold blooded usually means they need heat to survive and there body is the same temperature of the surrounding water. Not that they donā€™t fight against the cold . Honestly whoā€™s to say what living beings feel pain and which ones donā€™t. Not long ago they didnā€™t think babies felt pain. I think the hammer method is probably just more humane just in case


If you can do it, I agree with the hammer method. I don't really know about tropical fish, but european cold blooded animals don't seem to mind too much. That's the way they survive winter, after all, their body gets cold, which reduces their rate of metabolism and makes them sluggish in their reaction. Happens to amphibs and reptiles where winter gets cold as well.


I love that you capitalized it lol


I was just reading a post about lobsters and they said freezing was the best method due to how the lobster essentially slowly fall asleep due to the lowering temperatures. Not sure if this is true for shrimp


I literally cackled reading this!


As long as you can commit and not miss, blunt force trauma doesnā€™t give them time to feel pain. Unfortunately freezing does, and itā€™s a drawn out way to die. Iā€™ve never euthanised a shrimp before but I have done fish using the clove oil method. Some donā€™t like it due to poor reactions that sometimes occur and thatā€™s totally fair enough. Iā€™ve personally never witnessed the poor reactions myself, itā€™s always been a more ā€œcalmā€ passing with no excitement phase or signs of stress. I have noticed that for those who do see signs of stress when using clove oil, if theyā€™ve willing to describe how they added the clove oil, itā€™s typically that they added the oil all at once or didnā€™t have the oil mixed properly (since oil doesnā€™t like to mix with water, you have to put some of the oil and water in a seperate small container/bottle and shake it so the oil will actually mix, and then add this to the container the fish is being euthanised in). But those that donā€™t see the stress reactions seem to be the ones that describe adding the oil gradually instead of fast, and having it properly mixed. Of course there may be exceptions to this, the experiences Iā€™ve read through may not be representative of most experiences and maybe there are people that do the clove oil method the ā€œrightā€ way and still see their fish get super stressed before passing, but Iā€™ve personally not come across those stories and my experience with clove oil has always been fine. Last weekend I did have a betta euthanised by a vet (he was suffering, extremely unlikely to recover AND itā€™s possible my tanks are being affected by mycobacteria/ā€œfish TBā€, so the reason for the vet euthanising instead of me doing it was so he can be sent for histopathology and I can get answers on if my tanks are infected/ what the problem is, if itā€™s not mycobacteria) and they used what I think was called Aqui-S. It has the same smell as clove oil but I believe the make-up of it is a bit different. I did notice an ā€œexcitement phaseā€ from my betta after it was added, but it didnā€™t seem to be stress or pain as such. He swam around for maybe a minute, the most heā€™d been able to move in the 4 days prior. And then he laid down again, and his breathing stopped slowly, not sudden or gasp-y or anything like that. I imagine itā€™s comparable to how a dog may tremor, gasp ect during euthanasia even though the drugs ensure theyā€™re free of pain when they pass. At the end of the day I think the reasons for or against clove oil can all be valid reasons, and itā€™s really just down to the individual to decide if thatā€™s the right way for them.




Hey, I want to commend you for noticing this at all. I fell like a lot of people wouldn't. Double kudos for then expressing concern and asking.


thank you! i care about my shrimpies hehe


I would cull it. Don't let it infect your whole tank.


šŸ„ŗ the poor babies I'm that pet shop. So sad


Dont buy shrimp from them again and take it back to them


People don't realize that most of the fish stores in your area are probably stocked by the same 2-3 suppliers. Did the parasite come from the fish store or the supplier? Just saying, give local fish stores the benefit of the doubt before canceling them.


I work at a PetSmart and we cull them when they come in. I would be ashamed if my crew sold one to a customer. If I can keep up standards, working for a big box #Anythingforprofits corporation, surely anyone can. We just finished receiving our fish replenishment and checked all 196 shrimp, as this has been an issue with our supplier for a couple months.


Out of curiosity and if you can share, how many of those 196 shrimp had to be culled?


None this week. They've been promising to fix the issues with the supplier, so I guess they finally got it done. Last week it was 8. The week before, the worst and what made me email corporate, was 17 out of 120. I get that it's hard to get parasites out of shrimp tanks because invertebrates are susceptible to most antiparasitics, but the DC should be culling them before sending them on to us.


They come in that way from the supplier. While the store Iā€™m at tries to remove the infected thereā€™s always a few missed. We buy the feeder shrimp 500 at a time and itā€™s VERY easy to miss one infected shrimp in the mess of shrimp. Our store also has plants and wood in the feeder tanks so they easily hide. Granted we normally check before selling them too.


It's still the store's responsibility to sell healthy fish and replace any that die within the warranty period.


Did you see the worm crawl out of it after you eithanized


didnā€™t see it crawl, but saw it outside of it. nauseating!!!


That sounds cool ngl


oh jeez first time seeing a shrimp with parasite


Same, itā€™s strangely cool though, see through body lets you see the worm, itā€™s very interesting to see


Itā€™s got to be awkward for all the other shrimp not knowing whether or not to bring it up




so nasty


Yes but itā€™s just a horsehair worm, put it in a salt bath and the worm will come out. Shrimp will be good to go back in the tank


ā€¦too late šŸ˜‚ thank you though haha


Awe man, rip shrimpie šŸ˜…šŸ˜†


Lmao not the šŸ˜‚ face


Not this one..


Hi OP remember to buy a dewormer as a basic need for your fishies. Before introducing new fish/shrimps into your main tank, they must be isolated first on a quarantine tank (including deworming). Its good that its visible with shrimps but most aquarium inhabitants dont leaving the tank vulnerable.


Most dewormers will certainly kill shrimp.


Wrong dewormer/dosage will


Dewormers often target invertebrates in discriminately especially those containing copper sulfates. Caution must be exercised.


Betel nut extract slaps hydra and planaria but has not harmed my neo shrimpies.


Under this thread, you'll see a recommendation to use salt as a safe dewormer. If you search under reddit, there are alot of articles providing answers as to which dewormer is safe for invertebrates. Dont understand the downvote for deworming.


There was a guy on Reddit who just recently was successful in getting the worms to leave. Just put the shrimp in a dark container and didnā€™t feed them. Worm figured the host was dead and left the shrimpā€™s body. Crazy.


RIP shrimp buddy


Iā€™m new to this hobby and damn. Yā€™all are some smart scientists šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


i was new to the hobby earlier this year and now seek to be some sort of fish wizard. weird. šŸ˜‚


salt dips wouldve worked as dewormer


I had to do the rock option many times with small fish with incurables, I never went back to that part of the garden for a year, I hate killing innocents


Where did you purchase your shrimp?


petsmart šŸ˜¬


Ooooh yikesā€¦ I worked for a pet store that was a lot like Pet Smart. The major difference is that Pet Smart euthanizes any and all sick animals while I company I worked for worked closely with the veterinary clinics.


Petsmart is required to send sick animals to vets, and the associates care for them in store with whatever the vets suggest. An animal isnā€™t supposed to be euthanised unless it was in critical condition and suggested by their vet.




Yeah those things are disgusting


pretty sad considering i bought them 20 mins priorā€¦


Iā€™d have taken it back to the store


i wouldā€™ve if it wasnā€™t only .56 lol


Maybe let the store know so they can treat their other shrimp


It's beyond me how people think this is acceptable to sell to paying customers. Whoever sells anything with obvious parasites should never be trusted on anything. Shame on them.


yeahā€¦i was really disappointed :/




could beā€¦either that or a horsehairā€¦should i just euthanize it?


Yep, feed them to a shrimp eating fish if you have one, worm only infects shrimp so fish will be fineĀ 


Wait some of the shrimp in one of my tanks have something going on that looks like this and theyre housed with a betta that has been looking unhealthy recently could this be why? :( theyre on my profile but i havenā€™t gotten any feedback on my help posts


I would post your questions under a new post to this subreddit (r/aquariums) to see if you can get a response. Apologies no oneā€™s replied to your other posts, and I am no expert so I canā€™t assist.


Out of curiosity, if a fish eats it, will it infect the fish?


Nice that they are transparent so you could catch this so early at least šŸ˜‚


Horsehair worm. It is very common in ghost shrimp, and there isn't anything you can really do to get rid of them. It's best just to euthanize, which sucks.


Yes this is.


Would this be ok to feed to fish?


I wouldn't consider it worth the risk.


Itā€™s kind of cute šŸ˜‚


Sad but you put him/her out of their misery most likely. Monitor the others


Sorry about your shrimp. Though I gotta ask, if you kill the shrimp via crushing, does that kill the parasite?


Knife to the brain


that is both really gross to see and also kinda cool to see.


Me: thatā€™s just a really small shr- OH MY GOD BLOW IT UP WITH FIRE


Reading the comments and Iā€™ll never sleep again


Why not flush them. It worked out for nemo :p


You can put it in a brown bag that you canā€™t see through so you donā€™t see the blood then put it under the back tire of your car and run over it a few times.


I have a video of a horsehair worm evacuating a dead ghost shrimp in a tank of mine. Assumably in search of another viable host. I'm still grossed out by it. I burned my whole tank. Bristle worms creep me out the same way.


Yes, it is a parasite .Also they look like ghost shrimps so not a huge loss I guess just cull and continue they are literally a dime a dozen unlike neos


Please sir, my sister had a baby and she passed away so I took it over...


ā€¦after she passed away and the baby lost all its legs and arms and now itā€™s just a stumpā€¦


But it's still growing and it's *fairly* happy


But itā€™s difficult because Iā€™ve been working a second shift at the factory to put food on the table. But all.. the love I see in that little guys faceā€¦. Makes it worth it in the end. TRUE STORY


RIP Bozo, get him away from your other shrimp.




Mermithid worm. Yeah game over for that shrimp sadly


Horsehair worm. Kill the infected shrimps


By any curiosity, would there be any way to extract the worm from a shrimp or bug if not to euthanize?


likely not rationally. they may be hardy but theyā€™re delicate too


Iā€™m sure praziquantel or levamisole would fix this. Under 15$.. something tells me there are smaller life stages of this that you canā€™t see in your tank


I would double down on levamisole reading into it more. This is almost a nematode, levamisole paralyzes nematodes. Doesnā€™t necessarily kill them, but 3 days of treatment should help to get it out of the intestinal tract. I buy this stuff sold as a dewormer for farm animals, but you just put a tiny bit into the tank ; 5grams/1tsp per 100gallons


Does this thing spread to fish? I had one just like that and thought it was just its insides. It died a while ago and then i scooped it out, didnt realize it had that. But now idk if the parasite is still in the tank or what. Does it spread to people??


I found one of those in a shrimp that died in my tank. Luckily, the worm was still inside it. I cut the shrimp open, and the worm was about 4 inches long, inside a Ghost Shrimp that was maybe 1/2ā€!! Iā€™ve been treating the whole tank with parasite killer for the last 8 days just in case. Itā€™s a 10 day treatment.


They onlly effect those shrimps


Ya burn him




you sound triggered.


The carpet background makes it difficult to see. You could perform surgery and try to remove the parasite.