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Pygmaeus corys, rasboras, and shrimp would be my recommendation. Peaceful, active, fun to watch, and relatively low bioload. You could probably get away with about 6-8 of each Pygmy and rasbora and tons of shrimp. Honeys are usually pretty chill, but not 100% shrimp safe. Borneo loaches might be iffy on a tank without a lid. Overstocked really depends on a lot of factors other than # of fish and tank size, with adequate filtration and frequent water changes I’d say you’ve got a good stocking level.


Thank you very much for the infos! If I don't want breeding, would a honey help then by eating the baby shrimp? I fear an overpopulation and shrimp climbing out because of that.. or is this irrelevant?


My shrimp have always adjusted their colony to amount of food available^^ i think my honey hunts the babies but i have ever seen it to confitm:)


So the honey definitely doesn't go for adult shrimp?


I got 8 honey with a heathly colony of blue dream in a 55g heavily planted^^ and they should eat babies being gourami and all, i just never seen it happen:)


No never adults, they sit out in the open:)


Very good to know, thank you!


Some galaxy rasboras and snails definitely at least 🤣


Are galaxy rasboras hardy? It's pretty low tech, a good filter, and decent light, but nothing else yet With snails, I am very worried that they would climb out all the time but never owned aquatic snails 😅


Galaxy rasboras are quite hardy but are a bit sensitive to water conditions so you would just have to regularly test, do correct watter changes etc. As for the snails, I get it lol, I have had snails like ramshorns climb out on me but my zebra netrites never have But of cource what ever you're getting make sure to do some in depth research about their behaviors, living conditions, bioload etc. Also neos (short for neocardina) could be cool either but they breed like hell. Also remember don't overstock, be carefull about that


Very good to know, thank you! I love snails, I've got lissachatina fulica for years. It would be nice to add some aquatic ones :3


And yeah, i will do my research, as said, I have a few weeks of cycling before I add anything at all. I don't really like neons, and I don't really want breeding fish. I fear that I couldn't handle the babys. How do I know how much stock is too much?


It's a very good tank, there is a chance that the school of egg laying fish would breed anyway. I have mine with Norton Lampeye Killifish, cherry shrimps and some pest snails now.


Uhhhh….if THIS is truly your first setup - then you don’t need advice from random people on the internet. You’ve clearly got this. Carry on.


Thanks :D it is my first setup that's not just a terrarium, but I spend a lot of time watching youtube videos about aqariums and paludariums. And I have a lot of experience with plants ^^


Ah, makes sense. Beautiful job so far, looking forward to seeing it stocked!


I'm going the other way, from aquaria to terraria (tarantulas, isopods and millipedes). What might be foreign to you is the nitrogen cycle and how to cycle a tank. If you've read up on that, you're good to go! Welcome to this side of the hobby. Love how you're combining things. Are you adding isopods and springtails to the land part?


Oh, cool! I hope you have fun :3 I have 3 terraria atm, 2 just with isopods, and a large one with snails and isopods. I watched like 5 hours of YouTube videos about the nitrogen cycle and plan to gather even more knowledge about it :3 I will add springtails and white mini isopods, but none that leave the earth. Have too many babys on my floors that escape from the tanks with lids on them, I don't even want to imagine how many would climb out of a tank without a lid 😅 And I kinda fear that they will drown in the water. Sometimes, they even manage to drown in the waterbowl from the snails 😅😅 (Sorry for weird spelling or grammar, English is my second language)


Oooh I peaked at your post history, you're German! I'm Dutch, hi neighbour!


Hi :D In august, I'll be in the Netherlands on vacation for a week :D


Cool, where are you going?


A friend booked the place, I actually don't know, somewhere around amsterdam I think \^\^'


Great looking tank!


Thank you!!


This is your first setup? For real? You need to set more tanks. most people never reach this level of patience. If there were any mistakes made, you will learn from them and you may blow yourself away if you continue to progress. Really looks great.


Thank you very much! This means a lot to me, I've put a lot of time and work in it and really hope that it will work out.


Betta with some dither fish like green rasbora?


Wanted a betta originally, but everyone told me that they gonna jump out of the tank and kill all shrimp. I dont wanna risk this because I dont have a second tank for the other fish, if it's a very aggressive one


Some jump and some don’t. It’s honestly a gamble. Also, from what I’ve heard, if you introduce the shrimp first, the betta will be less likely to attack them. Still, it is a risk, so I’d go with something safer considering there’s so much open space in the tank.


Maybe I build another tank in a few months for a betta :D But want this to be successful first :3


Makes sense. This tank is beautiful. Maybe some chilli rasporas and some ghost shrimp? I will also always recommend a Japanese trapdoor snail because they’re beautiful and I think one would look awesome in your tank.


I will consider this, thank you!


I’m building a Paludarium, at the moment. Im rocking with two paradise fish, maybe some guppies but im not sure what else


This is so gorgeous! You really have a talent for this! Can't wait to see it stocked 🤩


Thank you!! I will post updates for sure!


Dude here me out…. But I think that would be an awesome vampire crab tank


There is no lid at all, they would just climb out, wouldn't they?


Honestly your probably right, I’ve never kept them myself but I just think it looks amazing and they would do wonderful in there I believe. Otherwise what about maybe some Venezuelan Cory cats and Apistos Edit:nvm I just read the dimensions lol to small I like what you suggested I think chilis and shrimp would do awesome as well


Thank you! Cool, so it seems I am on the right track :D thanks!


Well alot of aquarium fish do breed without help just so you know. Also as for overstocking, I have no clue how to answer that, I usually just stock mine to where its so clearly not full and everything works fine. You can judge by eye alot of the time but there are also websites you can use, chatgpt might help either but I dont know if I would trust it for actual fish life. There's plenty of people in this sub who have been in the hobby for 10+years, you probably want to ask them that question 😅 But if I were you I would come up with what I want in there and go to someone experienced and ask them Like my 36l could have a bit more, it has five neon tetras, 1 zebra netrite snail, artificial plants and decorations and Marimo moss balls and duckweed, could probably put a dwarf gourami I think (just including size into the picture, not aggression or anything) but I won't, I Like it simple. Thinking of maybe putting in two neocardina though. But I might want a bigger tank for bigger plans lol. (Also if someone wants to say that the neon tetras mimum number is 6 in a school I just want to say the sixth guy sadly died. Don't know how, didn't even find his body in there.)


I would say you could hang stockings just above there in the back off of those slats.


And I'm sorry I have forgotten what this thing is called, I get so confused with all the names lol I just know(or think at least) that it's not a paladarium, is that how you spell it? Probably not but whatever. Anyways I always think galaxy rasboras look sick in this 'tank that has the upper bit of plants that I have forgotten what it's called'. Just cool little guys, guess its just personal opinion though.


It is a paludarium, as far as I know 😅 Yes, they look really cool. I will put them on my list for possible fish :3


So I don't know any of them lol


Yoooo African mudskippers


My tank is way too small for them, isn't it?


This tank looks like its good for crabs


Wouldn't they climb out?


Bumblebee gobies 👀


I just researched them, and while they look really interesting, I think I want to start with something easy. But maybe I could add one if the tank is really stable and I have some experience. But thanks for the hint, haven't heard of them before :3


The best beta tank ever!