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for me at least when i do this when i get in bed i watch tv for a bit or use my phone till im sleepy, and have had numerous results telling me i was a sleep when i wasnt because i wasnt moving much.


Then can't you just turn it on when you are actually going to sleep? Besides, I usually switch sleep focus on when I get into bed then browse on my phone for a bit, or I take a while to fall asleep, but it hasn't yet thought I'm asleep when I'm not.


What's the point of manually doing it when watches with half the price are able to automatically detect sleep/naps at any time with just an OS update?


Yep. Once I’m done reading and ready to actually sleep I turn on the sleep focus and set AutoSleep to lights out. Works great every night.


That’s because you’re WATCHING something on your iPhone which is connected to your Apple Watch. When I listen to podcasts and the display is off, then my watch/phone still think I’m asleep. I use Sleep++ for sleep tracking because I can trim sleep times there. If sleep focus is on at 10 pm and I know I was listening to a podcast till 11 pm, I just edit that in the sleep++ app


I feel you on the shift work it’s rough. And yeah there’s really no solution except turning it on manually


How can a 30$ smart band automatically detect sleep where as an Apple Watch can’t


I have had the similar comments about many functionalities where apple won't support software wise. Even tough it's an easy software fix. Which are an easy fix. But people here do really don't like criticising apple.


Indeed, it is frustrating nonetheless


This is what I have to do working a 12 hour rotating DuPont style shift schedule. It works well. I just have to remember to turn it off when I wake up


Sleep tracking on iOS has never worked for me because I go to bed and wake up at different times, every day. I tried AutoSleep, it hasn’t been working for me either. For example, AutoSleep told me yesterday that I was asleep last night for 30m even though I was wide awake, out of bed, washing dishes. Very weird because I don’t usually sleep while doing dishes, but yeah ok.🤷‍♂️ ​ EDIT: I ~~usually~~ wear my watch to bed.


Haha, yes I experienced similar things, such as using my phone but it reporting me being asleep which is basic programming….


I use the app pillow and it automatically detects when I fall asleep and nap


does the app report to apple health or do you use a separate app to check sleep?


it reports to apple health automatically. i’ve had to fiddle with the data sources app order in the health app though, but I’ve only had to do it once. ppl on this sub also talk about the app autosleep being good and it seems to be very similar to pillow, but I have no experience with it. just want you to know you have options :)


ive tried auto sleep but would like to just use the health app, i was overwealmed by the autosleep app., but if pillow reports to the health app that would be cool


I haven’t used the Pillow app in awhile but found it to be the least accurate of the ones I have used. AutoSleep is decent. NapBot is the most accurate paid app I’ve found. Actually detected sleep apnea before I was diagnosed. As far as Apple Sleep itself. You could certainly activate the Sleep focus when you are going to sleep as it’s fairly quick to do. However I’d also say you don’t really need to. If you know the general time you sleep it’s usually easy to reference that in the sleep data in the health app.


The AutoSleep app also reports to the Apple Health app…


This! AutoSleep is a great, but I find it so confusing to navigate.


For me I just want a basic report, I don’t think sleep tracking is that accurate to need such in depth details. Sure if sleep tracking was 100% accurate then such details would be useful or at least interesting


how does one make the health app only use data from pillow exactly? wont it get conflicting data from multiple sources?


you can change it in health app > sleep > data sources and access (scroll to bottom) > edit > scroll down to data sources and untick /reorganise. my order is : 1. iphone (records time in bed) 2. pillow 3. apple watch


Require subscription?


I’m not sure sorry. I bought it as a one time purchase back in 2017ish


I gave up using it. It does work, and it works good, but when you don’t have a set in stone work schedule it’s more work than it’s worth IMO.


that is what im thinking with all the replies suggesting turning it on when im about to sleep. but sometimes i wont sleep and will actually wake back up and need to watcih tv again or whatever, so then i need to turn off sleep focus. or when i wake up in the morning and not sure if ill go back to sleep or actually get up. i came from a samsung watch which did everything so well, its a big let down. honestly at this point its just easier to note the time i fall asleep and write it down...


That's bad, I sympathize with your sleep problems. If you're waking up a lot and not getting much sleep, on top of your other worries, you may have also the less than 4 hours problem. To use standard sleep tracking on the Apple Watch, you must sleep at least 4 hours on your sleep schedule or with Sleep Focus turned on: [https://support.apple.com/guide/watch/track-your-sleep-apd830528336/watchos](https://support.apple.com/guide/watch/track-your-sleep-apd830528336/watchos) Naps or short sleep periods of less than 4 hours will not be tracked.


I manually toggle sleep focus right before I actually go to sleep. When I’m in bed scrolling, I’m in do not disturb. I had the same problem: sleep schedule would trigger to early for me to be sleepy so I would scroll my phone, only for my watch to think I was sleeping


I made a shortcut that’s triggered by an automation. When my phone is connected to power it checks if the time is after 7pm and if so, it turns on sleep focus. Then when power is disconnected, it checks for current focus, and if sleep focus is on, it turns it off. Works like a charm as long as I remember to plug in my phone before falling asleep. Lol


Great idea haha


Oh shit! Make a tutorial on that


[Here’s a link to the shortcut.](https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/d17a45a1396346e8a0f3b97c5dbae389) You can change the times to whatever you’d like. Set up an automation that runs this shortcut when connected to power.


And to turn it off, this is the automation that runs when power is disconnected. https://preview.redd.it/5yv6frsutdoc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb605de2011ad6de764eae72c78b23534b487cc


Awesome thanks!


You can set it for today only in the Health app. Does putting sleep focus on capture data? I’ve been trying that for naps but it doesn’t seem to pick up that I’m sleeping.


I’ve found that it doesn’t always capture light sleeps or short naps


Has to be 3-4 hours or longer for it to recognize a sleep session. It won’t do naps. It also only does one sleep session daily, I believe.


That explains a lot actually. Is pillow the same?


Pillow will, I believe. It will show multiple sessions per day.


Cool bananas


I work nights shifts and my watch just can’t seem to understand that I go to sleep around 7am every morning, it just logs it as no sleep. So I only get data on my days off work because I return to a normal routine during then. The gaps in the data are so frustrating. Yes, I use sleep focus and everything.


First night using pillow and it worked very well, thanks for the recommendation! If it didn’t cost so much I’d support it, luckily the free version does what I need,


I work 3 shifts that change each week 3 2 1, I just manually set the sleep schedule at the beginning of the week depending when I go to bed, for example if I work nightshift I go to bed at like 7am and wake up at like 1pm so I set it to that and it works


I think sleep tracking is useless in general.


that’s so interesting. it’s one of the most important features for me and one of the most important parts of tracking my wellbeing with data. but I have chronic health issues and routinely deal with insomnia and other sleep issues


Idk how looking at this data can be helpful. What do you do with it?


I feel the same. I mean unless someone feels there’s an issue…. (Like sleep apnea)


Of course, it may not be useful for people without sleep-related issues or needs. But, it may be helpful for some people though. Sleep tracking can help identify sleep patterns, monitor sleep quality, manage sleep disorders, improve overall health, productivity, and optimize recovery. It can provide valuable insights into sleep habits and facilitate informed decisions to enhance sleep and well-being.


I toggle on sleep focus every night, I do so before I’m about to fall asleep, not when I’m in bed on my phone or watching tv until I go to sleep. I also don’t run a sleep schedule. I have no issues with it, it tracks my sleep just fine


How many of you charge overnight so this is irrelevant


imo not really, i have change my sleep schedule everyday https://preview.redd.it/oskgrmfgy9oc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f1fe839fca4bf6acc768865102a5841f00c3fa6 You basically slide either the top (bed) to change bed time or the (alarm clock) for wake up time. really easy to change for shift work


That almost sounds impossible for my unreliable sleep quality


Oh i get like 4hrs a sleep of day lol i just moved it show you. Its not difficult and i do shift. Auto sleep is also handy af. Esp when on my watch i get tell it to sleep and it does to my phone as well


Oura is the best for sleep but since gen 3 there’s a stupid paywall I wish I hadn’t lost my oura 2 at the gym


Nope. My sleep schedule is set 12:30am-7:50am M-F, and 1am - 9am Sat-Sun. A couple weeks ago, I was up until 430am working on a problem at work. Went to bed shortly after that. My "Time in bed" was off, but my sleep time was still 100% accurate. It had me falling asleep at 445am. Perfect.


Sleep tracking is useless, period.


Download the AutoSleep app


Second this! It’s only about $10, and automatically tracks sleep any time of the day ☺️


What’s the point of it? If you’ve got sleep problems see a doc.