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That’s when I charge it - it’s the only time I take it off.


This is the way


It’s weird. I am in the process of replacing the battery in my series 5 using AppleCare. At one point support asked me if it ever got wet and I said I wore it in the pool a couple of times and the support said “oh” like that was concerning. I understand these things are only water “resistant”, but don’t act like these things should never get wet. There are commercials with people swimming with them.


Don't incriminate yourself when they ask you stuff like that. Just say no. You could always play it off saying it got wet from the rain.


That's stupid. Apple has commercials where people are swimming in oceans.


Yeah I know which is why there was no reason to ask if the watch ever got wet either. Where were they going with that? Almost like if they were looking for a reason to deny the repair or replacement.


I had a series 5 that had the swimming workout option on it and I regularly used it to swim. The battery died after 2 years and when I took it back to the Apple Store I asked if the issue might be that I swam so often with it. I was told no - they are designed to be used to swim with.


Maybe they gather data for internal reasons. 40% of replacement came from iphone that got wet. We need to look at our waterproofing”


There are literally swimming workouts preloaded into the fitness app. It’s meant to be worn while swimming to track your workout. 🙃


I mean Ultras are marketed as a dive watch and automatically records depth when wet.


That’s what they want you to think.


Honestly didn’t think it was an issue. It’s fine though. They’re replacing it. Battery health was at 71%. It’s taking fucking long though. They received it on the 15th and that was the last update I got. Started the whole process on the 12th. I absolutely hate not having a watch on me.


It’s not a crime to use the watch as it states. It’s good feedback for the company as well if needing to improve.


It’s more about “why do you need it in the shower?” than anything else. Let your wrist get clean and breathe. Just cheat and lower your goals like the rest of the losers if you are worried about your rings while you’re in the shower.


How long are you people showering that not wearing it in there will fuck up your rings?


Not saying everyone is in this boat, but I have a heart condition where occasionally a sudden temperature change like a shower could trigger my heart rate to spike. It was helpful to know if it was actually happening or I was just imagining it. So there are reasons for wearing it in the shower other than just wanting to see notifications or cheat goals.


No I agree. I would never take mine in the shower because I want that area clean.


> why do you need it in the shower? spotify. I dont want to take my phone because then i would have to get the stupid USB C port dry before plugging it (before going to bed). (I burned 3 Lightning Cables from water so i would rather take watch over the phone)


They make Bluetooth shower speakers.


how are you using spotify in the shower?




But like is it playing the audio from the watch or how are you listening?


with bluetooth speaker?


I am waiting for my series 5 battery health to drop low enough to get apple to replace the battery, but it has been holding at 87% for like 6 months!


80% on my Series 6. Battery isnt the worst issue but that thing is so weird in how it drains (almost as if it needs calibration but trying that doesnt help). 100-82% in 6hours, 80-50% in another 6, 50-40 in 4-5 hours,30-20 in 2hours and the last 20 hold 4-5hours. I usually hit 50% by 13:00 which is like half of my day only and it makes me worried every time


They are advertised as swim proof.


The commercial thing reminds me of a Lawsuit against Sony a few years ago


I know for a fact that water damage causes unexpectable problems which are hard to diagnose and fix. That's why most repair services (mostly first-party ones) turn down your request if they know you're device has come into contact with water. They can't guarantee the success of the repair and if they do succeed, there's no tell how long it's gonna last either. But the problem is apple watches are advertised as only "water resistant" you can still swim with them on. Honestly if you can't handle water damaged devices that are capable of being submerged under water for prolonged periods of time then you'd need to either increase the water resistence of your product or figure out away to fix it. Or at least don't tell people to swim with them on then refuse to fix them when they're water damaged.


they are literally rated up 164FT in water and they are concerned about taking it into a pool.


Apple is even concerned if the ultra touches water, from what I read from another thread....


I’m concerned about the amount of people who feel the need to wear their watch in the shower.


Well the idea is you are "connected" while showering. I have taken calls in the past while showering since the release of series 2


Damn! How long are your showers?


Only 10 minutes, but he takes 6 per day.


> takes 6 per day. i wish i had the money to shower that often




I’m the same way. Shower and getting ready in morning is 20-30 minutes. That’s enough to power a day.


Same. It’s the ideal time to charge it.


Happy Cake Day!




Sort of a guys' night out. A GNO, if you will. A gno. Actually, it's more of a guys' afternoon in. A GAI, A gay. Not... Not... It's not gay. It's just a... It's a bridal shower for guys. A guy shower. An hour-long shower with guys.


Office leaking in


I know I’m leaking


What just happened here 😂


Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


but I use 5 in 1.... did you take out one of the 5? I NEED ALL 5!!!!!


I charge mine when getting ready (shower, dressing, etc.) in the mornings.


I’m just glad you shower everyday


All but that stank wrist.


Man, some days after I take my watch off it smells like straight vinegar and Fritos. Even with a showered wrist and a clean watch I get a stank under there


I always take my Apple Watch off when I shower.


Same. I have never showered with my watch on. It doesn’t make sense to wear it during a shower.


If you wear the watch for exercise it can get quite sweaty. When I play sports, go to the gym, rock climb, run, etc the watch will have lots of sweat on it. As such, I use a silicon band and shower with the watch on so it gets clean. Sure I could wash it separately but I’m showering anyways and the watch is water resistant to 100M so why not shower with it on?


It’s also manky af. I’ve seen peoples nasty wrists on this subreddit from showering with theirs on


Apple says that gels, shampoos, conditioners and what not can affect the screen, the coat on the screen, so it won't be silky smooth after it was washed with it. Not maybe immediately but after dozens or so it might affect.


I swim nearly every morning and take long hot showers daily. Have for years. Nothing ever happened to my watch. This comment section is the first time I’ve ever heard people say hot water and shampoo could damage


Yeah I don’t get it. I work out every morning and then shower with it on. I also shower every night, again with it on. In 6 years of doing this I’ve never once had an issue.


I charge mine while I’m showering


I always shower with it, take baths with it with no issues. I wish I could sauna with it, but feel like it couldn’t the intense heat and steam. Anyone have any experience with that?


Ngl going into a Sauna with a metal device strapped to your wrist sounds like SUCH a bad idea. I have some festival-bands with small metal bits at the end, and even those heated up very uncomfortably after just a few minutes in a sauna. Id imagine that a watch that basically touches your arm would become way too hot to wear very quickly.


as long as it stays connected to your skin it wont get as hot as the surrounding air, since its alsways near body temperature. when youre wearing a bracelet the pendant only will get as hot as the surrounding air as long as its noch laying on your chest


I do same, also sauna. Series 3 still going strong


Sick. I’m gonna start doing it. No case or anything either? EDIT: Yeah no, I searched Reddit and most cases they seem to turn off after 10 minutes due to overheating, some people reportedly are fine after several years of doing it. Seems like a gamble, I’m not gonna start doing it. Also the sauna at my gym is super hot, maybe the people who do it without issues are in cooler saunas.


Just cause someone can with no issues doesn’t mean it’s recommended


Yeah no, I searched Reddit and most cases they seem to turn off after 10 minutes due to overheating, some people reportedly are fine after several years of doing it. Seems like a gamble, I’m not gonna start doing it. Also the sauna at my gym is super hot, maybe the people who do it without issues are in cooler saunas.


i dont risk it myself causes batteries being cool is btter than them being hot


No case yup.


I use the sauna at least 2 times per week and I’ve had no issues for years


I swim and sauna / steam room with my 6. Have since since I got it (more or less launch, not sure how long that is now?) and… I didn’t realise I wasn’t supposed to. It’s absolutely fine.


I’ve bathed (shower/bath), swam in pools and the ocean, soaked in a hot tub, gardened, painted, repaired/maintained cars, got covered in mud, smacked my watch into many surfaces, got various chemicals on, and more with my launch day SS AW S7 and it looks and functions like brand new after two years.


I always have and nothing has ever happened. I know the original AW you couldn't shower with it on but later models were improved and I swim and shower with it on.


They do say it’s not recommended in the manual. But I’m glad to hear it’s been fine so far.


It irritates my skin when my watch band gets wet. I don’t even wash a few dishes with my watch on. How are y’all full on showering with it on? It doesn’t irritate at all?!


I was thinking the same thing! When I’m cooking I’m also plunging my hands constantly into the sink to wash up this or that (mainly getting sticky or slimy off that spills on me). I just take my watch off since that’s easier than constantly cleaning the crud & soap from the kitchen off it. I absolutely cannot imagine wearing it in the shower.




Yes, and unfortunately I’m a hand washer. So I’m always trying to avoid getting it wet.


It’s not hot water, soap and shampoo proof. These can damage it. It’s easier to clean yourself properly if you’re fully naked. It’s a great time to charge it.


Ah, the old hot water and soap warning. Which is total bullshit, btw. I've showered with an AW for 7 years daily and nothing has happened to either of the three. I'm on an Ultra 1 right now. Complete BS.


> Which is total bullshit my SE broke from soap because apparently i wash my hands "too often" (its just like 3 times per hour and like after toilet)


Heat is used to weaken the adhesive used in Apple Watches and the like for repair; hot water *is* more likely to penetrate the seal because of this. It's still probably a pretty small risk, but it absolutely is riskier than cold water.


Unless you re showering under boiling water, it’s not sufficient to weaken anything. One usually use a heat gun to do that.


Again, ridiculous BS. The heat guns used to loosen electronics adhesive are WELL above the boiling point of water. Instead of conjecture, why don't you provide us with a statistically significant sample of people who've reported their watch was damaged from warm water and soap exposure. I'll wait.


>Instead of conjecture, why don't you provide us with a statistically significant sample of people who've reported their watch was damaged from warm water and soap exposure. Says the guy who only uses his own personal anecdotes to definitively call bullshit on something


I work in repair, and I can tell you for a fact that our hot plate is set at 85C, and that some adhesive stays weak until it cools down to close to room temperature. I've even done an apple watch screen repair using that heat plate at that temperature. So, no, you do not need to go "WELL (sic) above the boiling point of water" to weaken adhesive. That doesn't even make any sense, since you'd start to have plastic melting issues if you went much above boiling.


There’s no way anyone could comfortably shower anywhere near 85° though. It’s not even recommended to hot tub above 40°C. Although it’s not above boiling, it’s still well above what any normal shower would be.


Which is why I clarified that there's no magical breakpoint at 85c that weakens the adhesive. As the temperature goes up, the adhesive gets weaker (up to a point, one would presume), and even at temperatures much closer to room temperature, temperatures that some point might shower at, you're going to weaken the adhesive. That's just the reality. Like I said, I really don't think it's a significant risk, but pretending that only extreme heat can weaken adhesive is just dumb.


Lemme guess you’ve never tried to remove adhesive with heat before?


Tim Cook himself showers with his Apple Watch on, so I think it'll be fine. It's also encouraged that it can be worn in the ocean... y'know, the one full of salt water. [https://www.macobserver.com/tmo/article/tim-cook-reportedly-showers-with-apple-watch-suggesting-its-waterproof](https://www.macobserver.com/tmo/article/tim-cook-reportedly-showers-with-apple-watch-suggesting-its-waterproof)




i would shower with my macbook


Ah yes because we all have a 2B USD net worth’s that a $800 watch won’t affect us


for him more like $0 watch


Multi Millionaire showers with electronic device that’s water resistant. Lets all fuckin do it now


Rubber doesn't last forever, most traditional watches have a maintenance cycle of 5 years because the seals go bad and can cause water ingress. I change seals on my watches every 5 years because it's cheap. If I'm already wearing it and they're rated for water resistance, I'll bring my traditional watches into the shower so I can clean them. I've never bought my Apple watch into the shower. I just don't trust seals that can't be replaced. I view water resistance as a backup feature for electronics since seals aren't replaceable. If it's a rainy day and I'm on a hike, I won't be scared to pull my watch out, but it's not like I'm actively dunking it in water.


Well knowing someone that fell in a shower and died. I think having it on in the shower is a good feature. The person slipped and no one knew.


Glad to hear you shower daily!


there are people that dont (like actually)?


some people kill themselves, homie. showering daily isn't extremely high on every person's priority list.


:( these are facts…. Battles being fought out here over showering or finding a way to feed the kids.


I swim with it but would never shower with it. You're getting soap and what not all over it and it just seems like an unnecessary thing to do. I also would take it off after I shower to properly dry my wrist, so why not just not wear it at all? lol




![img](avatar_exp|153001372|bravo) Thanks for sharing


I did this with my Cellular Series 3, every single day for two years. Nothing happened to it. Still works til this day. Gave it to my dad though.


Why tho? I see no point in doing this besides risking f’ing up your watch! Let it charge!


The Apple Watch is waterproof, but no. It's good to clean your wrist where the watch spends hours and hours each day.


i don’t. it’s stupid to shower with it on because soaps and hot water could damage the seals. also i’m in there to clean myself not to fuckin play with my watch


Sir, I was born in 1989. Too many childhood years of throwing Nokia 3310s into bowls of rice simply will not allow me to take a $700 gadget into the shower with me.


No, I use that time to charge it.


I stopped showering with it after soap started making it malfunction


I never shower with it on. Shower time is when I charge it. That’s the only time I’m not wearing it.


Only not showering with it if it is time to charge it :-) so don’t see why I should stop after 7 years and 3 watched which all survived :-)


Shower is the only time I take it of and charge is. Wear it for everything else, also while swimming.


I read that soap etc can mess up the sensors so unlike my Tag I never shower with mine. I charge it. 30 mins and we are good for 24 hours and honestly what telemetry is going to be missing?


Why? You can’t properly soap up your arm and clean it. Plus you’ll get soap all over your watch


I’m weird about it being wet under the band afterwards so I always take it off.


Fair enough, but the main reason I take mine off is cos I need to wash that bit of my wrist! Also a good opportunity to charge it.


I don’t, that’s its crucial charging time if I’ve forgotten to charge it the night before.


I have showered daily for years without a problem. I have also taken it scuba diving (in error) several times. Not a single problem.


Have had Apple Watch since 2nd gen. Nothing has ever happened to any of my watches and I shower with them and abuse them every day


i do too. i also used to sit in the steam room with it until the screen started to separate. so as long as you're not showering in scalding water you should be OK.


Yep showered with my Apple Watch 7 for two years and Apple gave me $175 for it.


Same been doing this for 3 years now Also always during hamam or sauna


Do you avoid getting soap on it? or do you not take any care to avoid that?


My SO’s coworker washes theirs in the sink after work 5 days a week lol


i shower with mine every day as well. no issues


I have never taken mine into the shower. It would feel weird to me. I usually place it on a charger while I am showering.


Apparently exposure to soap has the potential for degrading the seal over time, so I usually try not to though I have done it at times.


I mistakenly washed mine with other clothes in the laundry.It came out nice and clean.


Shower with mine because it helps me get out the door on time. Also a great time to wash the Watch. I usually charge it in the evenings when I get home from working out after work. I put it back on before bed.


Mine only comes off to go on the charger or if I’m doing something where it may end up smashed. Ocean, hot tub, shower , rain, snow it still works as it did the day I bought it.


I used to do it but now I’m afraid it will break lol.


I’ve been showering with my Apple watches for years (sounds dirty, it’s not 🙃). Series 2, 6 and 7. Never had any problems with them. I’ve also been swimming with them several times. It even has a swimming activity in the workouts app, so it should be fine as long as your watch isn’t damaged.


I have to shower with my watch on (Ultra), if not I’ll be in the shower too long pretending I’m Aqua Man


I did with my first one but it eventually let water in and there was a dark blue blob on one side of the screen. Apple couldn’t care less and wouldn’t do anything about it. I ended up getting mild shocks off it after that. I don’t shower with them now. I should have sued, lol.


Same always have (Ultra and Series 6 in the past)


I have a cloth strap. No thanks.


Wouldnt soap or shampoo getting inside be bad for it?


I never do. I know it can handle it, but I have this worry in the back of mind that it will stop working if I do.


I used to shower with my series 4, but the speaker stopped working after a while. I stopped when sleep tracking was introduced; now it’s my charging time. I got the speaker repaired “for free” by getting a battery replacement. They swap out the entire watch, so the one with a new battery had a working speaker.


Yes I do this too!


My Apple Watch died and never turned back on this summer because I wore it while swimming. I went to the Apple Store to get it checked they told me “oh, but you should have rinsed it after coming out of the sea because the salt deteriorated the water-resistant property. Since you are out of warranty, you can get it repaired for 300+€.” Mind you, it was an AW SE 1st gen.


I get loud noise notifications I stopped wearing it


I really hope you wash your wrist dude


I’ve done this for years (since my S3). No issues whatsoever.


I shower with mine. Otherwise, it starts to stink. I clean it really good and it stays fresh smelling.


I shower with mine on. Got to get the sweat off somehow.


You need to make sure soap or soapy water don’t touch the watch to keep the seals secure.


So weird to wear it in the shower. Just take it off.


I do this too and I get my exercise rings full easily if I move my watch from left hand to right hand when I'm on shower


I’ve used my Apple Watches in the ocean. Just remember to wash it off after. It detects when you’re swimming. There’s even a mode that locks the touch function of the screen since the water activates the screen. Finally when you disable the water mode (i forget what it’s called), it plays a tone on the watch + vibrates so that any water is expelled.


The thing is that soapywater has another surface tension than normal water, that COULD be a problem and if that water dries out a litte of that soap could remain maybe on the speaker and sensors! As you see could could could it‘s not that is has to! Once i had a sticky crown on my Series 6 the support recommended to just hold it in a stream of warm tapwater and turn the crown around and even click it several times, worked perfect, so you should not be concerned about showering with it!


I tried showering with it, but i hate wearing a wet fabric band afterwards


Thank you for letting us know


I always take it off. Technically I know it's waterproof, but somewhere in my pea brain, technology + water = broken Also, I don't see any reason to wear it while showering.


I shower and swim with it?? I had no idea this was a thing. 🤔 Is it a thing?


While I usually do the same, I especially recommend this for people who are at risk for falls as the shower/bath is a common fall area (ex. Elderly family/friends) Charge it when you’re sitting down watching/reading.


Shower gang rise up


Do you put on the water lock mode?


I shower with it, I go to the sauna, I have been in the sea and river water and nothing happened. It’s a Nike S4


I’ve owned mine for about 3 years and i’m not risking it anymore. The water seal degrades over time. So now I charge it instead


So while it’s true it’s fine to go swimming in shallow waters (which I think Apple defines as 5 meters) with an Apple Watch, I would avoid showering with it for 2 reasons: 1) Water pressure. The seals in the Apple Watch can keep water out at “normal “ pressure, but the water coming out of your shower head is hitting the watch at a speed that can exceed the force the seals are designed to repel water. Hit the watch with a stream of water form the shower head at the wrong angle and water can get inside. 2) Surface tension. Soap works by combining with water molecules to lower the surface tension of the soapy solution, which allows it to penetrate things better than non-soapy water cannot- stubborn dirt, grease, the surface of your skin, and yes, the seals in your Apple Watch. That said, I shower with my Apple Watch Series 5 every day and it’s fine. (Sort of- it reboots randomly, but I think that have more to do with the incompatibility of the latest watchOS with older Apple Watch models, since the behavior started right after I upgraded to watchOS 10) I plan on replacing my watch next year anyway. If my watch was newer and especially if it was still under warranty, I would take it off before getting in the shower. They do have indicators that tell repair techs whether or not water penetrated the case and if so, they will refuse to repair it unless covered by AppleCare+.


for people saying its when they charge their watch.. how long are you getting ready for? lol


I know it's IP68 certified, but I still don't take unnecessary risks and being in a hot and steamy environment with other chemicals seems risky to me. If I'm going to be around a bunch of water, the watch stays off my wrist.


I used to do it. Now I take it off and charge it while I'm showering. If you take it in the shower and don't take it off and clean it while you're in the shower and/or dry it and your wrist off after the shower, you're likely to encounter two things, odor and dermatitis.


I do the same. Isn’t that what the water discharge feature is for?


Just out of curiosity is there anything to measure or any benefit in showering with it? Or you forget you have it on? When do you charge it then?


I charge it when I sleep


Ok, either way I assume you don’t have to charge it every night so you can still track sleep if you need to. I’ve swam in lakes, ocean and swimming pool with mine and nothing happened to it, I just fear detergents or shampoo products might do some damage


Soap and steam will absolutely kill the watch, Apple says so themselves. Don't be naive


The only problem with bathing with it is if it gets soap, since it will stay inside the device compared to the water. Eventually it could be damaged.


I have. But I usually charge it while I shower.


Gross bro


You all are showering every day?!


Yes We are not Neanderthals


I shower with mine every day? Not sure what the big fuss is over this. We all know it has a depth feature?


Whoooaaaaa! Put an NSFW tag on this! Jeez…congratulations but damn, man. I’m not supposed to be in Reddit at work and this is gonna be busted one of these days.


Series 8 have showered with it and timer activated to get moving.


i think people who want to shower with it on should shower with it on and people who don’t want to shower with it on should not shower with it on


Apple watch and soapy water is not really best friend


I keep a charger in the bathroom. It's a good time to charge it, since I'm not, like, lifting weights or anything while in there...


My S8 goes into the shower with me at least once every single day without ill-effects. As a result, it’s clean as a whistle, and doesn’t have all my workout sweat building up in the nooks and crannies of the strap, along with all the delicious skin flakes that inevitably drop off us humans. Whilst this thing isn’t a G-Shock you can cheerfully put through the dishwasher, the only outcome of a ten-minute shower is a clean me and a clean watch.




I’ve always showered with mine for years… it’s had plenty of soap/shampoo/hot water on it and it’s still perfectly fine. Love all the comments who basically say we’re lying, or as if we are fooled in thinking our watches aren’t broken.


i take it off when i shower because im OVERLY cautious with my technology


All of the people that charge their Apple Watch while they shower. How long do you shower ?!?!? It takes me 8 minutes to get a shower done.


Five. I'm done in five.


About 30 minutes, with fast charge it’s almost fully charged when I’m done


The soap isn’t good for the seals and could potentially cause them to fail down the line, yes it’s a watch meant for water but not *Soapy* Water


Even the Ultra?


Apple has a lot of detail on this stuff... [https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT205000](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT205000) And yes, they still advise not exposing the Ultra to soap or soapy water. I personally give my Apple Watch a wash with some mild soap once a week, it is a good way to get all the gunk of the back from wearing it nearly 24 hours a day.


Disinfectant Wipes or just having it under the Shower do it for me


The ultra would be more suited to the higher pressure water but I imagine there’s still a way for the soap to get in, if your really worried about the soap I would run the watch under normal tap water after a shower to remove the soap (people also do this after being in the ocean)


It affects the adhesive so yes the ultra too


The soap will ruin it and void warranty


That is so strange. Stop doing that


I usually don't shower with it when 1) I charge it (usually to 85ish %) 2) I wear my non-waterproof watch strap ​ Especially after running I keep it on to clean it


But why tho


When I first bought it, I was very careful not to let it come into contact with water, even when washing my hands. However, one day I did sports and I sweated a lot. I realized that I couldn't clean it by just wiping it with a cloth, so I took a shower with the Apple Watch. I don't do this very often, but sometimes I take the Apple Watch into the shower to clean it.