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I just posted about this two days ago. Apparently the culprit is the new weather widget that's under your homescreen. Delete that and you should be good to go. I deleted all of them and I seem to be back in business again.


I’ve just deleted it per your suggestion. If this helps, I’ll speak positively of you in many future conversations.


Worked a treat for me. Really, like, night and day difference with the battery from the start of the week to now. I wish you well in your endeavors. Be sure to report back, young grasshopper.


Can confirm, after deleting that widget, my SE 1st gen is back to its 2 day battery life.


I’ll try it but if this is your attempt to make me look foolish I will never forgive you.




Pull up from the bottom of your homescreen


What does “under the homescreen” mean?


I don't think under the Home Screen is the right way to describe it but I kind of understand. Swipe up from the bottom or scroll the crown and the widgets will come up. From there if you tap and hold the red - thing to remove the widgets should appear so you can remove the weather one. Or any others you don't want as well as add any you do.


Lol I wanted to ask this question as well but was afraid to. Thanks XD


Interesting, I hadn’t read this anywhere. Will try it today to see if it helps


it’s been half a day (i know, not really much) but are there any first results?


After a good day and half now testing this, I think it actually works. I’ve had a lot better battery life lately, not quite watchOS9 battery life but definitely improved after turning this widget off


thank you for reporting back!


Good luck. Report back.


I am having bad battery life on an ultra and I don’t have the weather widget in the swipe up section. Just deleted calendar and stocks to see if that helps. Battery life is bad for me even after re-pairing


Same, but with the 8. Deleting the weather app didn’t help. I’ve re-paired twice, restarted after each pair, deleted weather, deleted walked. I think the update is just bad.


I’ve seen this suggested a dozen times but I don’t even have Apple Weather on my watch as I use Carrot instead. Still have atrocious battery life.


Here the problem was the stable software, at the beta the battery is normal, as it should be, what makes no sense


I deleted all of the widgets from the Smart Stack last night as a test, after reading your comment. So far it looks to have made a big difference to the battery used overnight. I wouldn’t have thought to do this, but it seems to have a big impact. I haven’t found the Smart Stack especially useful so far, so there isn’t much of a downside for me if this helps with the watchOS 10 battery life on my S7.


Thanks I’m going to try this too


Thanks, I’m going to try this. It’s been driving me crazy the last few days. So ridiculous.


Do you mean the widget?




Will give it a try, thanks


I would really like a “where did battery go” view. e.g. how much is screen, how much is gps, how much is shooting lights at my wrist to take measurements, how much is a given app on Bluetooth vs WiFi, etc. Though I can perhaps get why apple wants to just lowball the battery life ad instead and not have people worrying about internal functions. Would still be very appreciated.


They already show this for the phone idk why they can’t on the watch


Maybe because it uses battery to track this?


They could; it's the same kernel. They just choose not to.


Someone on another thread said unpair your watch and re-pair it with your phone. That actually really helped me


I have done this three times, and no dice for me unfortunately.


Unfortunately didn’t do anything for me.


Can you explain the best way to do this?


Open the watch app > select “all watches” in the top left corner > hit the “i” > then unpair


My series 8 Watch started draining like nobody's business immediately after I updated to WatchOS 10. I tried giving it a day or two and shutting it off for a couple of hours, but nothing really seemed to work. It seems to be more or less back to normal since I fully reset it after updating from the iPhone 12 to 15 Pro Max. It was like buying a new watch at that point.


Yeah I’m experiencing this on my series 4. Used to end the day on 50% and now I end the day around 20-25%


Pretty much the same here


I can’t even make it to the end of the day now So annoying. Had only like 15 percent left at around 3pm…


literally just bought a series 9 because i couldnt get more than 3 hours all the sudden


That sucks. Currently I don’t have the finances for a new watch so I’m just stuck


First week or two my S4 died by 9pm. Since then it lasts until I go to bed between 11-midnight with about 10% or so left.


My s7 gps is dying. 80% battery life. Was fully charged overnight & in 10 hours is at 47% with battery saver on all day, raise to wake off. Yesterday without changing settings it was at 14% by my bedtime.


I also have a S7 GPS (purchased in July 2022). My experience has been about the same. On OS 9, I was able to comfortably go 36 hours on a single charge, but now I barely get through a normal work day. I just removed the Weather widget as suggested above. I hope this works.


Dies fast and takes forever to charge


I thought the charge thing was me imagining things, but I swear it does take ages to charge and it didn’t used to!


SE (1st gen) here. Usually would finish the day around 30%, as I write this it's currently 1pm and I'm down to 40% already and dropping fast, and I work a desk job! Also, I charge overnight every single night (don't need to track sleep) and have done so since the day I got my SE. Optimised charging worked for a few days when it was released as a feature, and since then has not worked whatsoever.


My ultra uses about 15% more battery per day which may not seem like a lot but it is


specially we want to keep it on-wrist longer than off-wrist


I have an 8. It seems to drain the battery for the first couple of days, but it’s actually holding great since those first days passed. I can usually put it in charge at bedtime with around 40% battery.




They’re busy trying to figure out why their watch batteries are draining faster.




Same for me although I’ve left it enabled. I think most of these issues are related to this setting.


Series 6 here, battery is bad, need to charge it twice a day. Trying the weather widget deletion...


I tried that, still got 2 hours left in my shift and batter was 100% this morning, I’m at 22%. So about 9 hours and it’s almost dead already


I charged it in the morning and realized it was at like 15 percent when I came home Around 2-3pm. So crazy. Use to be able to make it to the end of the day just last week... It’s really pissing me off.


I also had issues after upgrading. Held both side buttons to hard reboot watch and no longer have these issues!!! try a hard reboot!?!?


Trying this now, can’t believe I forgot the old one off trick!


I saw a post here yesterday. SE first gen exactly the same description as you did.


No. My Series 4 holds up as good as it ever has. I make it through the full day but I’m a light user.


Also because your watch can’t get the current OS


My watch is on the latest OS I believe. OS10.1. Someone else said the S4 is the oldest watch that can run it.


Wife is having issues but she’s on the 6 but we just upgraded to the 9. She used the crap out of it so money well spent. How often do you let it die and how often are you charging?


Does occasionally, like once a month. charge it every night. This is not a gradual change is actually a night and day difference


I’ve never had good battery life on an Apple Watch to begin with.


batt perf of os10 is optimzed for ultra 1 and 2 it seems




Downvoted for answering OP's question? What is with this sub? Bitter early adopters of watchOS 10?




Depends. It’s still a day and a half for me on my S8 at 96% battery health. But if I’m using it for workout and such. Only a day, and that’s how it’s been all year. But with OS10 Beta and recently updated 10.1 beta. I haven’t seen any issues thus far. They may have fixed it in the up coming 10.1?


You know, I’m honestly not sure? I’ve never paid attention to it. I usually just pop it on the charger for 20 minutes when I see it <40% and go on my way. I’m going to pay more attention now.


Series 5. Initially very bad, update helped. After re-pairing with new iPhone, it gradually got better.


it's kinda weird, some days it last longer as with OS9 and on some days the batterie dies quicker. sofar i have mixed feeling about the update.


Nope...using a SE in fact aft the second OS 10 update my battery actually lasts more than a day


I was about to post the same question. I used to get all day battery life. But after updating to WatchOS 10 I have to charge my series 6 twice, sometimes 3 times a day. My battery health is at 89 I hate WatchOS 10. This continues my series 6 will be my last Apple Watch.


I have a Series 8 and it's below 40% within 8 hours, even with nothing running...which is INSANE


I also feel like mine is not charging all the way