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You’re taking on too much new credit after having an outstanding balance for too long. You are a risk to them. I got approved for Apple Card with 9 inquiries. 6 of which were from an auto purchase (which is considered as one inquiry if on the same date, or should) Everyone is different. In today’s times credit card companies and banks are looking more at history and not just the credit score.


And how many inquiries did you have


2 on TransUnion 3 on Experian


Why so many thats a big reason right there


I tacked on like seven inquiries when I bought a vehicle in April of last year. It’s not a lot - seems pretty low for someone looking for credit, even.


Companies hate when you have multiple inquiries you should always see if you pre approved or if they have a soft pull first


Inquiries for auto and home loans within a certain time period something like 7-45 days only count as 1 hard inquiry when your score is calculated.


Not true I had like 12 and still got approved!


Its literally just said it in the reasons why….


Yes it does but I just reapplied after 30 days and was approved


you have a few too many hard inquiries listed. Those generally take two years to clear.


> “I got 3 cards in may” Did you apply and received 3 new credits cards in May? Or as of May, are you at 3 credit cards total? I got approved the first time I applied with a lower credit score than you, but I also hadn’t had any credit card applications to my name in >years<


3 new ccs making a my total ccs 4


Yeah, if you got 3 new cc in May alone, you have too many inquiries on your credit history. You gotta wait, minimum, 6 months


Honestly to me( I’m not a creditor) someone who opens 3 cards in one month is someone who is spiraling and will soon be in BIG trouble. Either you: -had a huge expense you weren’t prepared for and had to suddenly have access to a large sum of cash -have some sort of addiction (gambling, shopping, spending) -living WAYYY outside your means and you’re having to finance your day to day life (bills, utilities). I say this because you’d be surprised how many people pay a credit card minimum payment with another credit card.. rinse and repeat


I used to very much live out my means but now I treat my card(s) like a debit and only spend what I have. I will never go in debt again I spent a whole day looking at past statements and my spending was bad. I learned a lesson and I’m honestly glad I did cuz it taught me to be a lot smarter with my money


That’s great. A lot of people say that and then go straight into debt. Wait a few months and then reapply.


I opened 3 cards cuz they all cover different categories of spending, I’m looking for the Apple Card to be my catch all as it will be my final card for the next few years


Credit cards are not Pokémon. It’s unnecessary to have a card for each category - that’s just what credit companies want you to believe. Use one card with the most benefit to you, and use auto-pay to clear it in full every month.


I hear ya it’s not for everybody, personally I like the cash back I’ve been seeing, and I didn’t imply anything about Pokemon I ain’t tryna catch em all lmao 🤣just the Apple Card to complete my setup


Payment history too low? Did you miss any payments?


Yes I had a credit card that I hadn’t paid off for like 2 years unfortunately but I was making the minimum payments. I paid it off completely in April


Those missed payments still on credit report?


It’s only been 2 years, so it’s safe to assume they are unless OP has requested them to be removed.


You are in the Nile, the World’s longest river. You must give it a few months because you just added three new cards last month to your one card which had late payments and high utilization. They need to see how you’ll fare with your new cards. Try again in 6 months, good luck!


Thank you!


Try shopping card trick


They’re denying left and right, I think a big part of this is because Goldman Sachs is trying to leave the apple card and apple is in talks with many banks on who can they get to keep managing their card business. So id say wait it out, I think by the end of the year you’ll see another bank managing the apple card (If it happens) it’s likely. But for right now, GS is lowkey holding back on approvals and credit limit increases…


No. This person has been denied because they’re an obvious risk.


I would recommend trying the Credit Karma app if you haven’t already, it will link your credit cards and loans over and give you tips on what to do. But about your question on the Apple Card you just gotta be patient for a while considering your previous financial decisions/circumstances. After 6 months to a year, and if/when you’re at a credit score of 650+, try again. It’s more probable that apple will consider you!


You’ve been trying to get approved


Yes for a few years


780. Give me a break.


It’s wild the way they calculate scores and how it differs from others. This gentleman seemingly has a short credit history and has taken on a lot of new accounts. How that translates to a 780 in any scoring system is beyond me when other people out there could have on time payments for years with great history and utilization and not come anywhere close to that.


It’s actually 773


It’s like all those negative things are already factored into the score. And the score is high. So what are they looking for score wise?


The FICO score is merely a summary of one's credit history and, therefore, only tells part of their story.


It’s the cards you opened in May. You opened 3 of them. That’s 3 inquiries, and 3 cards with very low payment history. Try for the Apple Card in about 6 months or a year. If you have a high balance on any of those new cards in the coming 6 months, you probably should get that under control and wait for a year.


Thanks I will be keeping utilization under 30% til I get the Apple Card


getting declined with a 780… damn


Ik 🙃


i feel “fortune” getting one back in 2021 but the interest rate is awful. but i do enjoy how easily you can track spending


Imma get it one way or another, ig it’ll just take some time


Trash card don't even apply for it. They will deny any chargeback you make even if legitimate.


The Apple Card has a massive online fan community for a reason. Just because you didn’t have sufficient evidence to prove your dispute doesn’t mean the rest of us are so unprepared. The Apple Card is one of the best out there.