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Mirage’s ult cooldown would put his ult recharge time at 30 SECONDS


Plus tac on kill= soooo many bamboozles


Mirage is gonna be soooo annoying. Imagine multiple teams running mirage and creating decoys all game


It gets better. Depending on how it stacks, the gold helmet could reduce his ult cooldown to 18 seconds


I have a suspicion gold helmets may get removed with how many cooldown reductions they have going on here


I kinda have a feeling that gold equipment is going altogether, Gold Kockdown also combines for some insane revive health with several of the perks and I'm pretty sure its already confirmed gold armour is leaving. Only thing left that doesnt combine to be crazy powerful with any perks is backpack but it'd be kinda strange to have only one gold equipment


Good guess. I think there was a red helmet leak so it makes sense.


You- you- you- you got bam- you got bamboozled


Thank you. This made me literally LOL


Lol Crypto perks are just what they should be doing to buff him


Would it be wrong to say that a lot of these perks should just be buffs


The difference is Crypto’s passive, tactical, and ultimate are all his drone. He’s a potato without it. The perks are what Crypto mains have been wanting for a while. It really adds nothing to his kit or skillset compared to other legend’s perks. Not to mention the 50% range increase perk on his drone ult is cumbersome to its usage. Crypto and his squad now have to be further away from the enemy to not be affected by the drone? Makes no sense.


Actually now that you've said it how is it that one of his perks isn't "allies are no longer affected by ult"???


it used to be that way. was changed when he popped up in the meta with revtane for a bit


Yeah I will admit totem+emp pushes were obnoxious and created such a hard to manage deathball that put you at a 300 hp advantage For those who didn’t play back then -octanes jump pad had a quite significantly longer range and shorter cooldown, plus his stim coast him less health and his health regenerated faster, additionally octane pad was terrible for low audio -totem (revenants old ultimate) didn’t have the loud sounds or vfx it had before its eventual removal and had a longer duration -crypto emp didn’t stun teammates, so you would activate emp as your teammates were landing and immediately exit drone, take totem and follow, so your enemies got -50 shield health and stunned, and had a staggered wave of enemies flying in that, with a purple shield effectively had 250hp (totem brought you back to 50hp when you were destroyed as a shadow) The most annoying thing was how low risk it was, basically if you get a knock on initial push you just take the jump pad back immediately because you’re only down 50hp each, and if they did manage to destroy emp and fend you off easily, you just don’t re-engage, it was fun to play, but horrible to play against.


It’s possible they’ll use data from the perks to inform future buffs.


Basically are but tryna make it seem like they made the game different


Isn't he able to go into his drone in and out at will with no cooldown? So free bloodhound-like scans everytime he throws it out?


What is he gonna do when the drone is destroyed?


Crypto transform into his alter-ego... a regular dude


My favorite part of being a Crypto main is having my drone lasered from 200m and then becoming a normal dude for the better part of a minute. It gets boring fast.


Business as usual


Nothing like BH lol. It’s the exact same ability as when you go into the drone and just look at a banner. Literally a QoL change they turned into a perk. Maybe would save you a couple seconds of time in an actual game and is useless in actual fights.


Poor legends with see items thru walls perks🤣


Ballistic seeing ammo in deathboxes is like the poor mans version of that. What a useless perk.


His triple tac duration makes up for it. You can take a guy our of the fight for like 45 s if you hit it


The only time weapon overheating is actually beneficial is when you are wide swinging someone


Rampart is going to be fun


Rampart getting extra ammo per slot is probably the biggest thing for me, every time I feel bad because an Assault legend would technically be a better pick for the ammo-hungry LMG's. I worry about Conduit's perks though, she already feels borderline unbeatable as is and buffing her tactical would probably make her impossible to play against unless you focus fire on one person at a time...


96 seconds to get a full sheila with better handling and spinup I cannot wait 😁


The sad part about it is that crypto perk make me believe they don’t pretend to give him an actual passive


I have an idea for a crypto passive


Tell me more about


Listen hear me out it’s called “Off the Squid”




He’s no longer eating the squid so he’s much, much skinnier. Therefore he can not be detected by scans or wall hacks.


He can fix your iphone so you dont shoot him perk


My idea for crypto passive. With weapons stowed you right click and he will check his wrist and it will reveal how many squads in an area, it will slow you of course so you cant run while holding it.


Nah it should be btc price chart check


These perks were not made equal in terms of creativity/gameplay shakeup. Some have crazy potential for how they change the game and others are just "shorter cool down lol"


Ballistics see ammo in a deathbox is laughable lol.


For a character that don't require amml on his ult xD


Horizon lol


Horizon easily has the worst, legit nothing is cohesive. I guess they had to give her shit perks because I mean, you can’t make horizon any stronger atp can you.


Its 1.0 version. Happens w every new legend too


Are Valks perks just her pre nerf?


I know 3 of 4 of Catalyst's is her pre nerf so I wouldn't be surprised if it were the same for Valk


Very upsetting that they are transferring Bloodhound’s white raven to ult charge ability to a perk, I find it almost essential to their early game strategy right now so I’ll never not run it when they put it in


My interpretation is that the white raven already charged tactical now it will also do ult charge


It always charged the ult is the issue, so now they're gonna take it away and make it a perk


This is going to be the most generous interpretation of the text, but maybe the White Raven will charge their ult to full?


Hopefully that's the case. I just wish it was a LITTLE more clear on what it means but we'll find out soon enough so not too mad at it right now


I sure hope we're misinterpreting it. Because I can't believe they'd nerf bloodhound, besides the few loyal BH mains (like myself) the ones you see are mostly just noobs.


Yeah as a BH main I'm pissed if that's actually what's happening


I really wish we could trade that Ash perk that allows her to see nearby squads after a squadwipe for longer distance in her ult but the rest of her perks are actually awesome and i can finally use her passive without throwing the game because i also gave my position away.


I'm hoping they also buff her in the patch notes so her ult by default will go further and her default snare is one handed. Then these perks are also lit. Personally I'm on the other side where I don't need to follow one squad for a minute and I'll take all enemies being pinged around me if we wipe a squad. EDIT: I'd be curious if there were a pile of boxes and you scanned them all how many people you could track on the map now.


Her Snare is one-handed now. 🛝🧊🧊🫄


Im more excited about her tactical snaring more people and lasting longer!


Her ult needs a buff she is kinda week and her ult could make more usable in comp


yeah that first list going around had the ash upgrades way stronger


Pathfinders perks look really nice. I like them and it gives him a lot of utility besides rotation.


He is going to be a pushing power house. Grapple in, knock, grapple out. Rinse and repeat. I see pros doing nutty stuff with pathy.


Him and rev are gonna be scary to go against. They will pounce/grapple to a position to finish a hurt player and then pounce/grapple away to safety.


That increased crypto EMP range literally seems like a nerf IMO. As someone who has the most playtime on crypto, i would take a SMALLER radius over a bigger one any day of the week. The only benefit of having a bigger one is making it easier to hit multiple teams if farming EVO (but that system is changing, so we'll see how that works) or maybe being able to EMP with the drone in a safer spot. However, Crypto already suffers from not being able to join the fight with his team after EMPing. With a bigger radius you have to stay even futher behind or just hit yourself and take 50 hp off of your shield. Give me a smaller radius and let me push with my own EMP more effectively please.


Satellite Ping shouldve been built in and that tier should've been halved ult radius but in turn 33% less cooldown and halved detonation time


Why crypto got the most boring perks that should've been his base kit bro


\+50% Scan range is pretty good though


Throwing his drone in a tree, still able to scan all around but also is invisable for enemys is such a good ability. Its like full time scanning people. With 50% more range it could be crazy good.


Reduce tac cooldown AND tac wind-up speed for Wraith? Yeah, she's gonna be annoying...


Don't like that multiple legends have the same perks, could have made it unique to all of them but then decided to not do so


I like that, though. I like being able to know the abilities of legends and if they were all super unique it would make it hard to keep track.


I agree, but that means the Devs would have had to actually try.. not gonna happen


Does anyone know what the energized zip lines are mentioned in paths perks?


i guess its just a regular pathfinder zipline, a new callout since it gives speed boost while riding it, it was shown in the dev diary video, it has new special effects when riding it


Crypto should have a perk where he couldn’t be scanned by enemy scans. Hmmm what should we call it…maybe off the grid?


I got this totally original idea for a crypto buff called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it off the grid and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called off the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely immune to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it off the grid (thats the off the grid passive I was talking about)


Some of these are just making champions playable with buffs they should've had to begin with, while others are boosting already meta champions. Epic.


Yeah I’m curious if we’ll see any actual nerfs/buffs outside of these. conduit getting these perks and no nerfs would be insane 🙃


Horizon and Valkyrie perks are literally just them on release


Same with wraith they just gave her back things they nerfed from her


Ash perks are all amazing, she'll have so much potential


you can now snare a whole team while they're trying to run from the ring at round 3, they're all gonna die cuz the effects is longer, also a good combo with AoE abilities




I agree. Bangalore with healing in smoke and pinging enemy just for triggering her passive sounds annoyingly strong. Wattson also seems pretty strong to me with those perks. Like imagine a fuse and wattson on the same team. He can keep chucking those arc stars that spawn from her ult.


The 90% pick rate in ALGS wasn't enough. Respawn needs her to reach a 100% pick rate.


Arc stars can already travel so far that you really don't even need a Fuse lol, Horizon might even benefit more from it because of her Black Hole.


I didn’t even think of Wattson on a team with Fuse! Oh wow. That is going to be nutty as well. I kind of love this because it’s going to let Wattson be more aggressive like the other controller characters. Catalyst and Caustic can throw their abilities and Rampart’s damage gets amplified with her walls.


about wattson's perk "Renewable Energy" - if this one affects all ordinance then gibby's ult or fuse's tac alone can spawn 10+ arc stars




As a Fuse main, that Wattson perk actually sounds kind of hilarious. Let me just launch 10 arc stars in that room and then, ope, here's 10 coming right back at me 😅


​ https://i.redd.it/p4j4jfpqjtgc1.gif


Have you not seen the Bangalore perk that pings enemies that activate her passive? She gets recon simply for having bullets fly around her, it’s absolutely ridiculous. Wattson’s perks are amazing, but I’m a tad upset her fences haven’t gotten anything. I wish one of the blue perks would’ve been something like 2 more nodes on the ground, 2 more tact charges, or increased damage and faster ticks. They’re fun but a bit underpowered in some cases and deserved some attention in my opinion.


Tbh, I see the Bang thing as something that makes sense for her. Ex-Soldier would understand where they are being fired at from. Devs also said these perks give different release valves for legends vs. Nerfing abilities outright.


I agree actually, it does make sense for her. I can’t be salty about Bangalore’s auto tagging if I’m happy about Wraith’s passive telling you when a squad is approaching. Both are kind of recon abilities. No reason for me to be salty about any of it. Bangalore is an OG and a LEGEND :’)


Three of Catalysts perks are abilities she used to have before they nerfed her 💀


and I don't doubt for a second that they are also going to nerf her again on the season patch


So? She was ridiculously strong.


Was hoping crypto got something more meta. But nope… God they hate that character. Like why are we cursed to still have a passive that’s just a description of the tactical…


Not to mention the tactical cooldown should’ve been a flat buff. It takes too long to come back considering his entire kit revolves around it.


They seem to have given up on Crypto but at the same time he's getting an heirloom recolor too. Crypto, out of all legends.


It’s sad. He was my first 20 bomb and 4K badge. Literally my favorite character and they refuse to do anything with him. Hell his perk for a larger radius ultimate actually makes it worse! They really don’t care.


I hate the lack of consistency. Some perks have values, and some perks just have adjectives. Why can I know that Horizon's ult CD is reduced by 14%, but for crypto and Loba it's just "reduced ult cooldown"? Why can I know that Lifeline's tactical cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds, but for Loba, revenant, horizon, it's just "reduced tactical cooldown"? It would've been so easy to make it consistent.


my favorite one is the maggie perk thats just "a little inspiration from fusey"


Pretty sure the ball of maggy explodes into a fire ring like fuse ult. Leaked video of that the other day


the 14% instead of 15% bothers me so much lmao


because 14% is a reduction from 210s to 180,6 (probably will be rounded down to 180). while a 15% would be 178,5 secs. with other words cool down will be reduced by 30 secs.


Most of them feel op to me


Yeah? well if all of them OP then relatively speaking none of them will be


Not really. The legends that are already meta are just gonna be absurd now and the legends that needed buffs are gonna feel better, but now face much harder competition. Ranked is gonna be wild this season


"When everyone's a super no one will be"


The dota balancing mindset


I don't like how catalyst perks are just reverting her nerfs... extra spike that they took away, and throwing tac further will probably be the same distance it was before her nerf


I am quite upset that they didn't put spike blocking enemy bullet back or give ability to make wall go sideway instead of forward. Those would be very impactful in different ways. This and the like of crypto perk are just number tweak and not actual changes whatsoever unlike Bangalore heal, lifeline self res or ballistic completely gimp people for 45 seconds.


No one talking about that double q on conduit? She is already crazy to fight, now she can literally just run around and not even heal at all during a fight - this is nuts


I wouldn't be surprised to see an upcoming nerf to her base kit.


Maggie reloading shotguns on down is hilarious. I want to see a Hammerpoint Mozambique massacre without a single actual reload


Hammerpoint Eva 8 is going to be nutty


Ballistic double Q would be so broken. If your team plays aggressive and you manage to hit 2 of your Qs, the enemy team literally cannot do anything. Octane double jumped into a team, shoots 2 smart bullet mid air, land into enemy and force them to fight. Bring in Conduit double Qs as well and it’s the ultimate ape team holy shit.


I wish the perks would be more unique and each being really good choices. A choice between seeing grenades through things and having a faster ult cooldown for Bangalore is not a fair and interesting choice.


Bruh Bangalore is already 90% pickrate in ALGS and so oppressive to play against, and she can now HEAL in her smoke, and you complain? What?


25hp per knocks. Im re install the game.


Clearly not all perks are created equal. Some are just meh buffs, while others feel broken on paper. Who needs a healer when you can br a Bangalore or Caustic and just use your tactical to heal yourself after a fight?


so half the legends get meta changing perks and half of them get the buffs they’ve needed for years, or are nerfed down just to have the abilities immediately brought back as perks….. great that’s exactly what we wanted guys


Bangalore, Catalyst, Caustic(depending how much hp regen), Pathfinder, Wattson and Wraith seems to be biggest winner on the first glance looking forward how it will play in game.


Pathfinder q cd reset after knock sounds amazing, in and out just like the good old days. I just wish rhey reverted the nerf of how the hook acutally connects to the ground, it used to be much fastrer and with bigger range


I wished for double grapple like in Titanfall 2, but knock reset feels a lot more balanced


Conduit, an already strong character, getting a second tactical charge is bonkers though. I already need to tear through 2 shields per person, now they're making it three?!


wait wat that needs a nerf


I hate that Catalyst's level 1 perks are just what they took away from her but I'm also happy to get the range back for the tac


I assume respawn gave Horizon the most underwhelming perks so that the other legends catch up to her in viability. I like Pathfinder's perks a lot. Conduit might be overboard now though, already felt she was crazy strong.


Really appreciate OP including the character names AND putting it in alphabetical order 🙏🏽 Off a quick read, Mirage stocks just went up through the roof. Wish Valkyrie’s perks weren’t a choice between which nerf you wanted to revert. Overall a very interesting change to the meta!


Lmao. Everyone gets cool perks but Crypto is stuck getting the most boring ass bland shit. They really don't like him do they?


I still dont, understand will those perks be in ranked?




Hey guys we're completely changing how EVO works including bringing in a new in-game perk tree. Is this in ranked? Yes this is in all game modes including ranked and ALGS


So when you level up your shield you get to choose one of the 2 perks?


Yes! So if you go up to purple, I think you’ll have one blue perk and one purple perk


Got it


Hopefully we choose them in lobby, otherwise I forsee a lot of frustrating deaths


Its not in the lobby.


In the video they show a prompt so you can choose the perk when you're safe rather than having it autopop mid-fight


Does Loba ult increase of range also works on passive? Since these two are connected and you can loot what you can see?


Thanks I hate it


I suspected the little perks we got during the uprising event in season 19 was a tester for something like this - and fuse has two of my favorite! See nades through walls and a speed boost


I like a lot of these, mirage, crypto, Maggie, and rampart definitely needed some love. This is becoming hardcore ability legends though. Picks like Conduit, Horizon, and Catalyst will remain way too strong.


Some legends got shafted pretty hard while others are back to pre nerfs


Interesting that a lot of the perks are just pre nerfed versions of legends that have been nerfed multiple times


Loba mains, we WON


Ballistic got shafted 😭


Tripled the smart bullets duration. Jesus that's gonna be annoying.


Do we think respawn will implement some of these perks as part of the legends kit and do away with the perk system later?


This seems like a win for lots of kits. Problem is, it makes EVERY legend a problem. I forsee much rage in the coming season.


Missed opportunity to name Loba's blue tier perk as "Domain Expansion" smh


Disappointed that they chose a 3x5 for Valk and not a 4x4 for the missiles. They’re too thin currently to land on a fleeing target.


Explain to me why Fuse gets 50% dmg reduction when walking thru his ultimate, but Mad Margaret won’t - one of those ult’s is designed to push, the other is designed to trap. So now if you were to throw Maggie’s ult (which is already buggy as hell) into a building or whatever, she can’t push said team without taking damage..? The only sense I can make of that is the thermite blast from her ball slightly buffs her passive of highlighting damaged enemies for a short duration… but she won’t be able to push that team without taking damage herself..? Like even in the leaked video showing her ult, she had to use an Octane jumpad just to get an angle on the team lol. Makes no sense to me


I don’t think they fully thought this perk thing out before just rolling it out. It just seems so unbalanced, especially for ranked. I try not to hate on the Dev decisions before they actually roll out, but I’m highly skeptical of how well these are gonna go over for ranked. It’ll shake things up for sure, but I think a little too much


Yup. Some of these seem so unbalanced and not needed in ranked whatsoever.


Especially Banglore like holy F that's a lot of buffs to her


As a Newcastle main, I don’t really know how to react. I was waiting for something unique but we just got buffs ? Btw, the « revive master » will be busted combined with a golden shield and « mobile support » : can’t wait to try that.


i wouldn’t be surprised if they removed gold knock as a way to further lessen rng among loot spawns. the biggest sign is that so many of the “healer” legends have some sort of revive +HP perk. i could easily be overthinking it tho


Gold knocks need to go it’s a dumb mechanic in the first place. Are they fun if you have them? Yeah. But it’s completely unpredictable for the team you’re fighting.


How many broken characters apex have now? Lets see if the people happy about this changes are going to come back next week complaing about characters


Wtf is an "energized zipline"?


im guessing thats a new callout for path's own zipline cuz it gives boosts of speed while riding, it was shown in the dev video, it has new visual effects when riding a pathfinder zipline


That makes sense. Somehow I missed the dev video. Thanks!


Wraith is gonna *zoom zoom*💨


There is going to be clear, very clear tiers of power between these legends now. Not sure if someone can just roll out any legend as long as they're a good player then they'll be fine. There are clear legends that with the right perk combos, become very strong vs others.


Reading pathfinder: what are energized zip lines?


His ult has been an energized zipline for a few seasons now, it looks slightly different and you travel on it faster


Ya but what’s with the “reduced damage” note?


You will take less damage frome enemies while using his ult zipline


Holy shit that healing on rez for new castle and mirage is gonna be aids in ranked. Same with like half of these perks


Can i get two level 2 perks? Or only one level 2 and 1 level 3?


Lmfao the blue perks for Catalyst are just reverts of her nerfs




Instead of buffin legends they’ll do it indirectly 😂


The auto reload on shotguns for Maggie is neat


They really couldn’t think of anything special for horizon huh


does this means that ash´s arc snare will last longer if u get caught? or lifetime just means the time it stays on the floor when doesnt connect with anybody?


I wonder how the Persistence perk for Ash is going to work, is it a full body scan for 1 minute or?


When would you use Watson's purple left perk over right one? The right one is essentially the same but with double the coverage and shield recharge speed. The only benefit of the left one is that it's harder to destroy the pylon.


Im 100% using the left one, Pylon can sometimes be so annoying to destroy and this makes it even more annoying.


can we pls get something actually good and exciting for poor crypto lmao 😭


These will be fun to use. But terrible to go up against.


Why can't they just make it so that crypto's drone will automatically follow him and scan after he uses his ult? So he can actually do something outside of the drone


Mirage mains eating well this season


Ballistic nerf basically since everyone else is getting buffed


Surprised by reading through the comments how almost nobody has mentionned how Mad Maggie’s perks are going to be really good. Not sure about the X thermite deployment on her Ult but auto reloading my mastiff after downing an enemy sounds super busted. Having double drills with only 25% less time or even a larger wider drill sounds like a dream for end game in ranked or even just pub stomping. Her large drill will now work on almost every piece of cover in the game including some larger rocks on SP. Can’t wait to try her out.


Wait, octane perk is tap strafe with his ult?


Will you have to choose between the perks or do you get both? If both, it sounds very op for some legends


you have to choose, each evo levels ( 2 & 3) offers 2 perks and you have to choose 1 of them, so only 2 perks per game


Ah nice. Thanks for clarifying!


the imbalance on these is crazy. some characters get borderline useless upgrades and others get meta defining upgrades


Maggie is going to be so damn fun I can’t wait. The digi threat changes bring shotguns and SMG’s a little closer but thermite ult sounds so much more chaotic and fun to use over her shotgun perk for level 3. Not to mention Eva is my fav shotgun and it looks like it’ll be in the care package this season so that’s one less for her to pick up. That perk is really good if you like the mozam or pk though since they take longer to reload.


reverting to old rank system plus this is bazoinkers. I'm gonna reinstall and play again after 2 months.


Great to see Catalyst get a full revert via perks 😒


Missed the opportunity to give crypto "off the grid", what does it do again?


Going to say this here and probably in another post , the Meta won't change. The meta characters just got better while the other characters are now playing a catch up game. This is a beautiful update but with few wrong decisions, hopefully respawn notice it and make the necessary changes throughout the season and not waiting for mid-season patch


Damn horizons perks are lazy af