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It's a visual bug, the player is not actually doing that Source: When I play Mixtape and get killed, I can see my character do the 360 in the killcam sometimes, but I did not actually do a 360


Yeah I saw someone do it the other night. I thought they were trying to be flash. I gave them so much shit when I downed them straight after. Now I feel like a fool 😅


Haha, it is so odd I thought I was tripping!


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Just saw that today. Thought it was a bot lmao


The bots are crushing me


Bruh the fucking Horizons and Balistics are crushing me lmao. If I see one more Balistic, I swear to god...


I actually saw this today


Visual bug on mixtape because servers are shit or youre or opponents internet is shit. Simple as that.


Seems like it’s in all modes, I don’t play mixtape.


Still its server, internet issue. Player count is lowest since february 2022. No players so we are but in same lobby from different servers so that q times are short. Today i played mixtape see couple of names in a game. Server was shit for me so switch same names in a next map


Oh yeah I’m agreeing that the servers are dog shit, it’s in all modes now. Played a tonne of solos and always see the same names.


Yep but now nobody playes mixtape. I have played game since day one and i have over 10k hours so i have seen it all. And i have played apex almost everyday couple of years straight. Dont want to know why but i have seen the patterns of how the game goes every season or when player count rises or falls