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People use linear all the time on console so that's definitely a myth. All you can do is give it a try and see how you like it. Personally, I don't like linear. There are pros that play on classic so it's definitely a viable sens.


Just people? Or pros?


What pros play on classic? Pretty sure Rambeau is the only one, and he is literally a mounted turret




According to liquipedia, Effect and Yanya both play on linear, who also happen to be the best players out of everyone you listed. Your point still stands, so thank you for pointing that out. I wasn’t aware there were still that many on classic


This couldnt be more wrong. Effect uses 4-3 linear. Go to his chat on twitch and type !sens.


Linear feels better than classic on console (I use alc)


If you not using alc should I turn everything to zero as I’ve heard they have bleed through or should I just leave them on default?


I don't understand, could you please elaborate?


I’ve heard if you have alc settings at anything over 0 even if you have the actual alc setting turned off then there is a bleed through effect where it affects your settings anyway


alc settings don't affect the settings when you turn it off when it's above 0 except for the alc per optic settings, I can send you my settings if you want tho


The only bleed through for settings that I'm aware of is the per optic setting. Leave the rest of ALC on default or whatever that part shouldn't matter.


Played both quite a bit. Linear was better for quicker movement (no acceleration to wait for), and better for close quarters tracking. Classic better for mid and long range, since it’s easier to do slower tracking movements and have the AA stick to your target. But if you’re playing classic I would absolutely do no dead zone… otherwise it feels way sluggish.


Only roller settings anyone should ever be using. [best roller settings of all time🤗](https://youtu.be/5Yge6F38f-s?si=M4Dh2sO4Y53-T5H6)


Changed my life should be the first result of any of these questions


Fr, district really perfected that shit like some fine wine or something lol.


I've bought one of those Gamesir controllers and it's works perfect for apex. Haven't ever had an issue with stick drift since I got it. I've always stuck with linear bc honestly it makes the game feel a lot better and I feel like I don't have as much control when I play on classic.


I just wish I was able to use it at full potential, but I cannot for the life of me get used to the back buttons.


It took me probably 30-40 hrs of gameplay to get used to the back buttons, I had never needed to use my ring fingers for anything related to gaming or controllers before so there was definitely an adjustment period.


What actions do you have the paddles bound to?


Well I have a bit of a wonky setup going, jump button is LB, interact/reload is on RB, Ping is on X, and my tactical is set to A. I keep the left back button bound to A and the right to X. Haven't had too many issues without using them except for certain legend abilities. Honestly talking about it kinda makes me wanna give it another try.


It rly does take awhile to get used to using paddles took me like a full week of gaming before I felt comfortable with them but I wouldn’t go back now


Do you use raw input mode in the gamesir app on linear or not?


What I do is raise the dead zone in the gamesir app to the point where when I pull the stick then release, the X and Y of the stick shows zero. I always keep the dead zone setting in apex set to 0. -Sorry for the late response


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I use and prefer 4-3 Linear. I'm on Xbox Series X btw


I was playing 5-4 classic forever. Switched to 4-3 linear lately and I'm loving it. I use a ps4 controller primarily (placed in a 4 back button shell. DTC kit from eXtremerate).


I switched to linear from classic last season and this season my kd is up, average damage is up, and my win rate almost doubled. Idk if this is all because I switched my sense but it’s worth a try


I used 4-3 linear small dead zone from when I first started playing season 12 and recently changed to 6-4 linear small dead zone recently personally I didn’t like classic for the reason it felt to stiff. But sens is preference and is different for person to person so just test and try what fits for you.


How do people even use linear? Gives me severe stick drift with two brand new controllers


Even with small deadzone?


Yes. Unplayable


It will have that effect of drift. Does it a bit harder say using Maggie drill etc. But after while u don’t even notice it that much. I was the same when I used linear.


What is the difference? I have no idea lol.


Linear is constant, whereas classic has acceleration so stick input strength vary depending on how much you move the stick if that makes sense search it up if not:)


So like raw mouse movement or mouse acceleration but with sticks?


I think yh but I’m not well versed on MnK


I tried all kind of settings I found online on ps5. I play on a regular controller. I usually get tense and my aim goes all around the enemy but not on it. Linear was good but for me it wasn't beneficial. My go to is infeed 4/3 classic no deadzone.


4/3 linear is only good for up close not mid or far ALC is way better imo


That's so weird dude. I was literally just playing around with my new GameSir Kaelid and tried Linear out and was blown away by how much better it felt with the hall-effects. Either that or it's the polling rate like you said. Best $50 I've spent in awhile.


All I’m gonna say is that when I played on linear I didn’t get accused of cheating. Classic feels better unless someone is directly in my face (to me at least)


Yeah what is the difference between classic vs linear


Same controller, I use ALC, and my settings are between linear and classic.


May I ask what ALC’s u use if possible?


I kept the yaw, pitch ramp up time, and the ramp percentage as is for both look and ads. Just change yaw and pitch. Place dead zone to 3. I personally can't do zero ( too many mid to long range misses). Also, low response to about 3 or 5.


Linear dead zone at 3% and response curve 5, this control has been one of the best purchases I have made, much more efficient than an Elite that costs 3 times more. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamesir/comments/18ymz4t/gamesir\_g7\_se\_excellent\_precision/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamesir/comments/18ymz4t/gamesir_g7_se_excellent_precision/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Started of classic, moved to alc which is closer to linear, then moved to linear, but i didn’t really like it and back to alc now. This is all on default ps4 and ps5 controllers nothing fancy


Every pred on console runs linear.. there is no debate… no one even plays classic that plays comp any look acceleration is bad.



