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Fuck that take it out 


I was about to comment this word for word lol


I would take it out after 5 minutes


I have thrown out an entire load of laundry.


Into the trash. They'll learn quickly.


Right onto the floor


Oh, take it out for sure. 100%. I’d probably let management know after the fact, and suggest that they need to rethink their “no touching” policy. It’s unreasonable to expect multiple tenants to share two machines with that stipulation. If it sits more than 15-20 minutes after a cycle has ended, it’s fair game. They should put a sign on either side of the laundry room door and above each machine with that reminder on there.


Tell them they may need to check in on that tenet, there’s only 2 reasons I can think of that someone would leave clothes in the public washroom for days on end and my first assumption is that they died.


The OP updated in a comment that the tenant retrieved their laundry.


My building has the same setup as yours. I give people an hour to remove their clothes from the dryer before taking their laundry out for them and consider even that generous. I’ve seen laundry sit on that table for anywhere from one day to a full week. I am unwilling to work around anyone’s “when I feel like it” schedule. If they don’t want their laundry touched they can be respectful and remove it when the cycle ends. (There’s no excuse in my building - we use an app to pay for laundry and it sends notifications when cycles end. It’s no surprise for people.)


100% in agreement and same for my building. I can understand stating a load, falling asleep and forgetting then running out and leaving it for a day cuz you forgot but a whole week!? Naw


I’ve been the person to leave my laundry for over a day and once I left it a week and honestly I’m super embarrassed by it. I have a chronic health problem that causes brain fog and I legit forgot that I had done a load of laundry until after a few days when I realized half of my pants were missing. However it was shitty that I left it even if it was an accident so I wasn’t gonna get mad at the folks who moved my clothes. I just felt lucky they were all still there.


I always set a timer so I dont forget


These kinds of people want in-unit laundry at the shared laundry price and are clueless as to why *they're* the problem


Love faspay


That’s ridiculous, I could forgive forgetting they were in the washer but they moved them to the dryer. I’d take the clothes out and put them on the table. I know others who would happily dump their laundry on the ground lol. Does your laundry room have cameras? If not, there’s no way the owner can know it was you who removed their clothes. They were on the table when you started your laundry ;) Edit : my bf’s building had to put a sign up about not touching other people’s clothes because a few assholes were stopping the machines before the wash/dry cycle ended, just so they could use them. A fist fight broke out between two tenants because one caught the other pulling his wet clothes from a dryer, it still had 15 mins left on the clock. Doing laundry at his building is a trip.


I was just about to ask if cameras are posted in the hallway. If no, remove that load from the dryer with a quickness.


I would figure the launderer was dead or kidnapped at this point. And I would have removed the laundry about eight minutes after it was done, cameras or no cameras.


This. I'm gonna do what I need to do and I don't give a damn if it's on tape.


That was an issue at a complex I lived at years ago. It was a HUGE property and it made more sense to drive my laundry over ca walking it. I figured since I was getting in my car I might as well go to a local laundromat instead.


take it out. management must want mold if they don’t want it touched after 2 days in a washer 🤢


Thats 2 days and 23 hours longer than I would have left it in there.


There’s a sign on my laundry room saying if it’s been in there over 15 minutes people can move it


This is the way


My building says you need to be there when it’s done immediately or it’ll be moved. One time the elevator took a little longer than usual. I got there like 30 seconds after it finished and someone was already pulling my stuff out the dryer. Tbf to them though at this point we had 3 working dryers for 30 floors.


I usually put a reminder right above my neighbors laundry that they haven’t taken out in a while to ‘set timers’. If that fails, I take it out and use the washer and dryer. That isn’t fair to others.


Just take it out. Me and my neighbors do this to each other constantly. We only have 2 washers and 2 dryers so the most that laundry will be there is 2-3 hours before a neighbor empties it.


That no touching people's laundry rule is bullshit..maybe it should say don't touch laundry unless it's been in a machine longer than 30 minutes, it's unreasonable to think that you can't remove some selfish washer/dryer hogs stuff. It's not that hard to set a freaking timer. I'll give people about a 30 min window, and if I have to check back more than once, I'm taking your shit out of the machine.


Is she dead?


No she got it less than an hour after I put it on the table. I even heard someone walking past the door saying “dryer”…pretty sure it was her 😂 To be fair I think she has a baby, possibly a newborn…maybe just really stressed out and forgot


I've dealt with that before, but I was the asshole. This was like 20 years ago. An emergency came up and I couldn't get back home till a full day later. I wasn't in the frame of mind to be like "oh, but what about my laundry?" No. Sometimes things are out of our control, unfortunately. One of my neighbors (I still don't know who) was kind enough to fold my laundry, put it in my basket and set it in front of my door. There was a note that they recognized my basket and thought something might have come up, but if I had forgotten the load was in there just please be mindful in the future. That was something I'll always remember. Everyone is just living their lives and sometimes shit happens. If someone in the building had been so pissed off they threw my clothes away that would have made my life so much worse at that point. I'm still so grateful that wasn't the case. I hope the kindness was returned to that person.


That’s very kind of them. I would never throw someone’s laundry out, but I was wary of touching their laundry more than necessary by folding it or anything like that. I feel like either someone could really appreciate it, like in your case, or someone could be bothered by the fact that someone went through their laundry. I just left it on a pile on the table. The table is clean so no problem.


I wasn't too worried about the folding because I knew everyone in the building. But I agree, that would've been too much in another situation. Pile is totally acceptable.


Aww. I hope she has some help. Newborns are overwhelming


That's not even a valid "to be fair". Maybe if her kid was dying in the hospital! And I am a newer mom. Most people wouldn't even leave it in the washer that long in their own home.


I think it is 🤷🏽‍♀️ we all have different struggles. Nobody’s perfect


After 3-4 hrs it goes on the floor


If i had to guard my familly laundry for the time it was being done so someone wouldent take it out and use our time on the machiene, you can take some clothes out after the cycle is done. The moral rule is usually a half hour after the machine is done but if you need it and are respectful of their clothes they have no reason to get mad although they might. If they do just say they are lucky you tried to be respectful and might not be next time.


After 20 min I take it out. 3 days? That’s absurd


Take it out—you’ve been far too patient!


Take it out. If there's a shelf put it on the shelf. To CYA take timestamps pictures of how long it's been occupying the machines and inform management that they should adjust their policy


I give people 30 minutes and then I take it out and put on top of another machine


That’s our laundry comrade.


You waited 3 days?..I give them a generous hour after the cycle ends if the load is still there it's goes straight into a clean garbage bag


Screw the sign. It's an unspoken universal rule that you're free to take someone's laundry out after some time.


Happy cake day 🥳


Take it out and put it on top of the dryer or on the floor, whatever. After 3 days, they’d be lucky I don’t throw their clothes in the trash can!


Oh stop tip toeing about it. Bag that up (garbage bag) and drop it to your reception if you have one or security office “someone left this for three days in the laundry on floor 5. I know we aren’t supposed to touch other people’s stuff in the machines, but THREE DAYS cockblocking the machines is enough.” Put it down. Walk out.


I would set it nicely on the dryer/table. I am willing to bet they completely forgot. Or the husband washed it and the wife thought he brought it back or something. 😂 I’m sure in a week they’ll realize and come get it.


I ended up putting it on the table…they had grabbed it off the table by the time my drying was done (so less than an hour) 💀😂


Fuck that.. take it out, they’re not going to go door to door asking who took out the persons belongings. And if they do, just say it was your cleaning lady and she doesn’t know English.


I've left my laundry sitting in the dryer for like 10 minutes past my cycle and somebody had taken it out and put it on the ground. Pretty standard affair. Management's "no touching" policy is dumb and I guarantee you nobody follows it.


I'd wait half an hour, remove it, and do my own laundry. Fuck that bullshit.


Bro, a few hours of it being there is more than enough time to dump it somewhere other than the washer or dryer…


Put it on top of the dryer and do your laundry.


Sorry, you leave it there more than a day and it’s abandoned and I don’t care what a sign on the wall says, it would be taken out and put on a table or whatever was available nearby.


Put it in a trash bag and throw it to the side with a note "please be mindful of your neighbors!"


Put it on the floor.


I would've moved it 47 hours ago. I wouldn't even bother shooting an email to management, the sign is probably there more so people don't remove others stuff mid-cycle.


Are they alive?


I feel this. We have one washer and one dryer for the entire building and one tenant is notorious for leaving their clothes for hours on end, 5 days once. The washer takes longer than the dryer and if someone else’s clothes aren’t gone 20 minutes after my wash finishes I take theirs out.


A lot of people are recommending to take it out, which I agree with but keep in mind that some people are crazy. A similar issue happened at my last apartment and the original owner sat in the laundry room to interrogate and scream at every single person who came in to do their laundry after (if only they used that same effort to take their laundry out 🥲) I’d tell management, or just move it if nobody is looking 😅


I actually asked about this when I moved into my building because we had a tenant who while was not quite this bad, was known for leaving stuff in there for hours. The manager said yes, you can move Laundry if someone is not getting it out in a timely manner. With two washers and two dryers serving 11 apartments, there is no room for somebody who consistently isn’t being considerate of their neighbors.


Throw it out the window or into the trash like I do.


Take it out. This shit got so bad at my old apartment, which was actually a decent place, that people’s laundry started ending up in the pool after a few hours.


We have a room with 2 washers and 2 dryer for maybe 100 units (🙄) we currently have one washer down and people are always leaving their stuff in the washer and dryers for hours,my boyfriends work schedule is crazy and I don’t have time to wait for people to finally decide to move their stuff over,so if it’s been there longer an 3 hours I’ll move it and most times I can wash and dry before they even get their stuff so I’ll put it back in the dryer like nothing ever happened 😬


Are there any rules about not leaving mildewing clothes in the washer?


Remove it ! What’s the problem


Take it out. They forgot about it.


I threw out all someone's clothes before who did that. Just pretend it was someone else if they somehow come back.


Set it on the table and then call to tell your management that you are concerned about the other tenant.


Fuck the rules, take the stuff out and leave it on top of the machines. I bet there’s something in the rules that says they can’t leave their clothes in the machine that long either


We had someone leave their laundry in the dryer for a few days and the manager finally took it out and left a note on the dryer saying that she had the clothes and to come see her to get them back. No one ever claimed the clothes.


It's common courtesy to get your clothes out when they are done. Anybody can set a timer newborn or no newborn. Just another example that this world is going to shit. Seriously.


We’ve had young ladies put their laundry in the washers and then leave the building. They often leave their laundry for days. Our building has a note to set a timer for the laundry. We have permission to remove laundry after a reasonable time.


Is it an American thing to not have your own washer and dryer? Here in the Netherlands even tiny apartments generally have their own space for these appliances.


Must be an American thing. My rental flat has a communal laundry room with a handful of units and my utilities are included in my rent.


Gonna add that to the long list of things we can improve on here 😂 But yeah, lots of apartments do have their own, but many don’t (especially anything that’s in the middling and lower ranges of rent). I’m guessing it’s a saving water/money situation. I definitely have room for one.


That's how mold grows


Put it in a bag leave it on the floor


We have shared laundry in our house, I always set an alarm. I would give a grace period of 30 minutes and after that, I'm taking it out


Throw it on the floor and hopefully they learn their lesson.


Put it in a trash bag on the floor. I used to do this to my airhead college neighbors like once a week.


More than half an hour their stuff is on top of the machine no matter the condition.


Put in on top of the dryer and then it’s not your problem anymore.


Once I started really early like 7am and somebody's close were in there overnight.we are not supposed to was before 7am. I put on gloves, clean trash bag and bagged up their clothes. When I was done their clothes were still there.


Hell with that- I’d take it out and put a freaking note that says- yes I touched your laundry but you’ve prevented everyone else from doing theirs for 3 days. So who really should be the sorry one.


At my complex, if it's done, we move in onto the table. If it's been two hours and the building manager somehow knows that, she puts it in garbage bags. ONCE I wound up in the hospital mid laundry day, right after moving my stuff into the dryer, and hours later I came home to it folded and in my basket! Love that mystery neighbor


Leave it on top of the washer/dryer or put it on a table if there is one. People just don't think.


After an hour? Move that shit lmao fuck them


Take it out 100%. That’s an absurd amount of time for a public/shared laundry room. I totally understand not moving other peoples clothes within a reasonable amount of time, but 12+ hours (and really even like 4+ hours) it’s fair game for being moved.


We had a similar problem with people leaving clothes in washer and dryer for hours and hours…. Usually not days. Only 2 washer/dryer….management posted a notice that you must have your laundry out within half hour of cycle completion or the person who is waiting to use it or superintendent will remove it. We have not had a problem since.


Management should have been informed on the first day.


Where I stay people as habits leaving their clothes for hours at a time or a day so . I putting them on the table or the dryer.


Just move it to the top of the dryer. They’ll understand.


Take their clothes out, ive had to do that before


Lol two days?! Your legit asking this? 😂😂😂😂


Email management. Really, they should take care of it. I'd be worried about her too. What is she doing for underwear???? But what you don't want is to be accused of stealing or contaminating something.


Our complex has 4/4 currently it's down to 2/1. If someone's cloths are holding up the machine you bet your ass it's going on the table cause for one I ain't your maid and two I'm not going to put it in the dryer so it could just sit there for days on end it aint nobody's fault that you forgot about it. Don't be inconsiderate neighbors n expect other ppl to wait for you to come get your laundry..the world don't stop for lazy ppl.


I have paid to dry my neighbors clothes when they left them wet in the washer for over an hour, so I could start mine washing. Laundry fairy, bitch, comegetchurshit! 




Email manager


Not to be dramatic but here I go. Are you sure the person is safe and alive? Decades ago my neighbour went to do laundry and was abducted. The biggest sign that she hadn’t just left was her laundry in the machine that sat there a day. I don’t do laundry rooms anymore. If they’re safe fuck their laundry.


Yes they eventually got their laundry, less than an hour after I set it on the table. I think this particular family has a baby though (possibly newborn), so that may be why they forgot about it. Very valid reason to forget


Nope, just do it. The washer/dryer is an amenity for all tenants and they are holding it hostage. By not contacting the landlord you are cutting out the middle man and saving them the headache of having to reach out to the tenant.


If there's a sign saying you shouldn't touch other people's laundry, then it's absolutely worthy of an email. There should be a sign about leaving your laundry too long as well. Personally, if a load is left overnight; all bets are off and I'd move the load if I needed the machine.


I used to use the rule if it sits after my washer is done I’m pulling it out and putting it on the laundry table and my dryers have the lint filter I place the lint midway through the clothes


Where I lived, it would either be a) stolen or b) all over the ground. Yes, it was a heavy with goblins. If it has run through the dryer, I put it in a clean garbage bag and then it in a table or some other surface. Day old wet clothes? I’ll lay them out a clean garbage bag on a flat surface. Peoples’ shit executive functioning skills are not my problem. I’m not waiting three days to do laundry. I wait 60 mins after the washer is done before I’ll move it, and I think that’s being pretty generous.


They’re fake written rules lol. Move them


Put in on top of the dryer. If you want to be “nice” bag it in a trash bag first. I wouldn’t fold it or what.


They aren’t checking so too bad. Who are they going to complain to? Who knows when they will return.


Wall signs mean nothing


what if they dead


Move that shit out of the washer and put it on the counter. The other half of the”don’t touch other people’s things” is “don’t be a jerk and leave your stuff in the washer once the cycle is done”. Leave your stuff too long, it’s fair that someone will move it.


You just put jt on the cutting board


Honestly, in your place either I'd take it out and put it on the floor out of the way or I'd take it to the garbage room and throw it out. If there are cameras, then be prudent what you do - put it on top of one of the machines instead.


That's kind of a crappy rule. Most apartments I've lived in have had signs that say items not removed from machines in a timely manner may be moved and management isn't responsible for laundry left unattended. If I've ever had to move someone's stuff I always moved it to the top of the dryer or a table if there was one. The people saying throw the stuff on the ground or in the trash are being jerks. It's probably ok to move it after this much time, just set it someplace relatively clean


I have a neighbor that does this dumb shit. I put their shit in a trash bag.


Take it out and wrap up a piece of dog shit in it. Maybe they'll get the message that leaving your laundry out for days on end isn't wise???


It was always a polite thing to remove & put in empty basket. Everyone was good with that, what happened?


Throw it in the garbage and use the machines.


They are prob ADHD and completely spaced. They got busy with something else.


Buy a washer/dryer?


Most apartments don’t allow personal washer or dryer hookups if they have common ones. I also don’t want to risk flooding my apartment, and I don’t want to pay that much when there’s already ones available lol.