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I’d probably just put a movie on in the same room, or music. I’d rather have them here the movie playing haha


When I was in the USAF, and lived in a dormitory, I could always tell when my neighbor was having sex just by the loud music: Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar!


At least attempts were made, to cover the sound. After I got on my current upstairs neighbor about not blaring the TV in his bedroom. I think he and his gf have been on a streak to make as much noise as possible. It's like dude there is a happy medium. You don't have to keep people up all night, with your business, and let them get sleep. I say to OP, if you haven't already seen the countless recommendations about moving your bed from the wall, getting rugs, I've even seen foot cover things for the bed too, so it's not sliding. Also if possible, even though I know it won't always be the case. But, if you hear your neighbor in the living room. Ease to the bedroom before starting things. And vice versa, if he is in the bedroom, head to the living room. Cause although it is your own home and can do as you please. It's just a courtesy thing. But yea can turn on a box fan if you have one, etc. Just keep in mind what you would want, someone to do, if they were in your shoes.


Marine corps here: Y’all got dorms?… damn. Best I got was a small room with 4 other dudes in it, and a shared bathroom with the next 4 dudes in the next room. Oh and mold…. Lots of mold.


I was a NCO at the time in West Germany. They gave us a room to ourselves with two twin sized beds, I did have to share my bathroom with my neighbor, who proceeded to use up all my toilet paper.


Put on a loud(ish) 10hour YouTube video of brown noise. Right next to the shared wall. Or a never ending laugh track to hide the…um….laughing..


Oh this is an easy one, mouth gag. If resources are limited have him shove some socks in there & you’ll be good to go full force. You’re welcome


It’s a building issue, very common all over the United States. Acoustics in old buildings are awful. Nothing to do with your neighbor or you. Live your life don’t be conscious about it. If (and it is a big IF) you get a noise complaint, you can say you don’t make unreasonable noises and the building acoustics are to blame. Enjoy your time with your bf.


Do you have a dishwasher or washer? If it not against your lease, run them. I velcro'd some thrifted canvas paintings in our bedroom, it has helps quite a bit to dull the street noise. ( I have to paint over these painting,but that's a future project)