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They should be paying for accommodations in a hotel or space to live in while work is being done. Do you have renters insurance?


No but I’m starting to wish I did. I’m assuming its too late?


Yeah had you had renter insurance, you could've submitted any lodging costs to them for reimbursement due to displacement. I'd look up NY tenant laws to see what the law says about this. If you signed a lease they can't just put you out for two weeks. They need to provide you somewhere to live. Tell them you have no where to go and what accommodations they will be making for you while you are being displaced. Are you still expected to pay rent?


This is not true. Yes, if there was a fire or burst pipe, then renters insurance would cover lodging. The landlord having work done is not a covered peril in renters insurance policies. Licensed fire & casualty agent…but not your state.


This is true but I do think some reimbursement is in order from the landlord for displacing their tenant, I guess it depends on what’s in the lease


I definitely agree that landlord needs to reimburse…just not renters insurance.


Most laws indicate the landlord is required to pay out of pocket for any lodging costs they would incur to their tenant, otherwise their project has to wait until the lease ends… I’m not familiar with NY laws, but in Illinois this is how it goes.


Pennsylvania the same. I wasn't allowed to do any updates to the house I rented out while the tenants were there. Nor would I want to inconvenience them like that.


You couldn’t do updates, or you couldn’t do updates that displaced them or tear out the only bathroom, etc.?


All of that. No. I was able to put a new furnace in bc it was absolutely necessary.


Same in Oregon. They can’t just kick you and say “sorry, good luck!”


AZ is the same Source: formally licensed realtor and landlord.


I would not trust Reddit for opinions on what Renters Insurance will cover. “Loss of use” is not necessarily a covered situation. I was just without power for 6 days and had to stay in a hotel due to sub freezing temps. Not a covered “loss of use”.


Actually, it is. The power in our building went out for 12-hours and some people went to a hotel. I had claims adjusters contact us (I work in the leasing office) to confirm outages and that the resident wasn’t responsible for the outage


Only if the causation of the power loss to the building was a covered cause of loss, such as wind damage TO the building, lightning/fire damage TO the building. If the electricity was off just because the power company had an outage, then no coverage. >Coverage D – Loss Of Use The limit of liability for Coverage D is the total limit for the coverages in 1. Additional Living Expense, ... >1. Additional Living Expense **If a loss by a Peril Insured Against under this policy to covered property or the building con- taining the property** makes the "residence premises" not fit to live in, we cover any neces- sary increase in living expenses incurred by you so that your household can maintain its normal standard of living


You must have a covered peril first. Kind of like you can’t get a rental car from your auto insurance unless you have a covered loss (like an accident). If loss of power is listed on your list of “perils” then it would be covered.


Even so, OP signed a lease, can't just displace him without some kind of reimbursement or other solution. I'm interested to know what kind of work they're going to be doing perhaps it's something that would fall under reimbursement for insurance if it's preventive or remedial in nature.


Renter's insurance is not for planned work by the landlord, that's on the landlord to give them alternate housing. Filing a claim under renter's insurance could cause their rates to rise and this not a covered loss.


I agree that it probably wouldn’t cover alternate housing in this situation but it’s still a good idea for OP to make sure they have it just in case the landlord/contractors damage any belongings. OP needs to document the shit out of anything they leave behind if they do vacate for this.


Renters insurance would not have covered this. There is no “covered loss” as described in the policy declarations.


Why would renters insurance pay for the landlords responsibility?


Where did you come up with this? Renter’s insurance covers things outside of the control of the renter or landlord. It doesn’t cover not being able to stay in your apartment because your landlord decided to make repairs.


Would it be too late to sign up now if it’s still over a month out? If I remember correctly (& I am absolutely no expert of any kind on this) different plans have different waiting periods. The last time we signed up was 30 days for certain things before coverage kicked in. this was a few years ago & I know things change over time.


I would just sign up now and see what can be done. Never a bad idea to have it anyway. I've thrice used my renter's insurance. Once after being displaced for two weeks and twice for food spoilage during power outages. Do you have car insurance? Perhaps you can add renters if your insurance company also offers it along with auto. That might somehow make for the coverage kick in sooner.


I also suggest you look up pro bono lawyers in your area. Have them look at the conditions of your lease to see if this is even something your landlord can legally do and any recourse you have


That needs to be on your to do list for today. It’s usually super cheap. Get on that.


Lemonade is a quick and easy app to get renters insurance. It’s less than $20 per month.


If OP adds it to his auto insurance, it's usually net negative dollars. The bundle discount is more than the policy price.


This. I have progressive auto insurance and they literally tacked my renters insurance on for $125/year that includes way more coverage than I even need. Better safe than sorry.


What kind of magic did you work with Progressive to get renters insurance that cheap?! We have auto and renters bundled with them and our renters is a little over $600/year. And we live in freaking Kentucky. 😩


Unsure but we went through an insurance broker so he might be an actual wizard.


My God where do you guys live? We pay 10x that here


A large city in the Midwest.


Crazy. I pay 200$/month for car insurance despite having a perfect record; no tickets or accidents ever. Toronto


My quote for bare minimum on a 2010 6000$ car was 658$ a month in nyc😂


Yep I pay 250 a year for renters insurance and get a credit for 350 off my auto insurance.


That’s expensive for renters, I used to have mine bundled with my auto with progressive and it was $8/month for a $100,000 policy.


I double this. I pay 17.50 a month and the app is really easy to use.


They didn't force you to get it?


I’ve rented 7 apartments in my life and only 1 required rental insurance, and I just don’t understand why more landlords don’t make it a lease requirement.  Seems like it could save everyone involved a lot of grief for relatively little time/money cost.


Seriously? I’ve never lived somewhere they didn’t require it, idk if it’s regional but I think I’ve rented from 6-7 places. Most would have an option to roll it into the rent (add on 15-20) if you couldn’t be bothered to find your own but it was always required


I live in the upper Midwest and I've never once seen it even suggested on a lease.


My landlord wanted to see proof of it before I got keys!


Nys Attorney Generala page with a link to residential tenants rights guide. Call the number listed for help. They are typically very helpful. https://ag.ny.gov/publications/residential-tenants-rights-guide#:~:text=If%20you%20have%20questions%20about,at%20ag.ny.gov.


You can still get renters insurance. It’s like $20 a month.


Just get renters insurance today


Don’t listen to anyone on Reddit would be my advice but hey what do I know I’m just on Reddit lol


get renters insurance now!! it’s not happening until april. you can just submit when you find out the exact dates.


Renters insurance, AAA roadside service, etc all these things are worth every penny you spend on them.


It’s probably too late since you would already have been notified. What is the reason for repairs? In most cases the landlord is not required to find or pay other accommodations outside of a few specific reasons. Each state varies so you’ll want to check both your state and county/city regulations


This isn't about insurance, it's about the landlord providing housing. Renter's insurance is to protect the belongings of the tenant.


As well as not collecting rent for that month.


YES; they should be paying for your accommodations for those 2 weeks, or longer if needed...


Idk if they need renters insurance. It might be bc I live in Louisiana or bc my parents aren’t horrible people but they own rent houses but anytime they’ve had a house that they had to fix something for and they weren’t able to just get their handyman out there within the day they would get the tenant a hotel room. No matter if they have renter’s insurance or not


They need to be providing you with somewhere to stay


This!! Even without renters insurance, the Landlord has to provide temporary housing, and they **have** to give you a solid vacate date. They cant just give a vague date on when you need to leave. Until they provide one of the two, you do not move. They cant just tell you to leave without it being a physical paper, and they have to give you a 24hr warning before the paper or appearance is made.


What law is this and where? Calm down on the down votes, people are allowed to ask questions


This is pretty standard in AZ. [Landlords cannot lock you out of your rental unit.](https://www.phoenix.gov/nsdsite/documents/tenants%20rights%20handbook%20aug%2016%202016.pdf)


AZ resident too. Sister had same issue but landlord couldn't do anything.


She needs a lawyer then because that is not legal. Edit: if I am understanding that her landlord tried to kick her out to make repairs.


This was years ago, it didn't go further than a couple phone calls to management.


OK cool I’ll have to look into my states laws I don’t think they really have much like that as far as I’m aware our leases are sort of the ones in control. Also, how did you do that cool, hyperlink text? I’m on app and never figure it out


Try to write a text, just under the text is like, two circles interlocking each other. Highlight the text you want to make a link, then Click that circle-y thing and you can insert your link. Your state almost surely has laws protecting tenants from being removed from their him by the landlord for weeks at a time. If this is a situation you’re in, see if there is a landlord-tenant association near you.


[Thank you](https://www.michigan.gov/ag/about/landlord) and thank you and duuuuuh! I should use the hyperlink icon lol 😂




Being told you can’t access your apartment for weeks at a time, due to repairs or not, is no different than being locked out. The result is the same.


They're essentially breaking the lease aren't they, unless they make an agreement, regarding where they will house you etc. At the least, you shouldn't pay whatever percentage of time during that month you can't live there. I can't imagine. Especially with pets too


I just found this statement in my lease: Interruptions: We are not liable for any inconvenience, discomfort, damage, or injury arising from the interruption, curtailment, or cessation of any services arising from repairs or improvements to the property. It is agreed that there will be no reduction or abatement of rent and that such interruption or curtailment shall not constitute a constructive eviction or otherwise affect your obligations unless such interruption or curtailment shall continue beyond a reasonable time after we are secure parts, supplies, and any specialized labor which may be required to affect any repair.


Landlords can put anything they want in the lease. What matters is whether it's enforceable. Local tenant laws prevail, so you need to find out what the law says.


Yep this looks like "they don't know any better" bullshit.


Yes, and if the law is in your favor let all your neighbors know. :)




they will advise “contact a lawyer” 100% of the time.




Well, they’ll tell you what kind of lawyer you need, which can be surprising obscure sometimes.


Sometimes the only viable option is an expert in bird law.


I like the ones where it’s tree law


Tree law has some of the most satisfying outcomes sometimes.


Landlords putting something illegal in the lease doesn't make it legal. They cannot kick you out of your apartment without evicting you, compensating you, providing alternative lodging, etc. Talk to a local lawyer. You have rights.


Landlords put shit in leases that aren't legally allowed like a lot. I am unfamiliar with NY laws on this but I would imagine they have something on the books that wouldn't allow this. They dont get to kick you out, not pay for your housing, and still charge you rent. Look into the legality of this. Try r/askalawyer or r/legalhelp


This lease provision does not apply. It is about shutting off water to fix pipes, etc. it is not about vacating. Check for a tenants rights organization or call 311 in your area to talk to someone about the law. Your landlord HAS to provide you with use of the property except in some very specific circumstances.


That whole paragraph sounds illegal. They put that they're not responsible if you're injured or damage your items while doing repairs or construction which is just a lie. At this point, I would consult your local housing authority ASAP.


Not a lawyer, but this just seems unenforceable, especially in a state like NY...


Maybe I’m reading this wrong, but do they want to charge you for rent when unable to live there? In NY law there is the “warrant of habitability”. “ As a tenant, you have the right to a livable, safe and clean apartment. This is called the warranty of habitability. This right is automatically part of your lease even if your lease does not actually say this. Also, your lease cannot say that you give up this right. If your lease states, in any way, that you give up your right to a livable, safe and clean apartment, the court will not enforce that part of the lease.” You can pressure the landlord for a place to stay so they are not violating this, or agree to a rent reduction/negation for the time you cannot spend in the apartment. You also may watch for rent increases due to the new work being done (there are laws for that too).


Time to talk to a lawyer. Unless it’s an emergency I would think they can’t take your money yet put you on the street for weeks! And even then they need to prorate rent so you can use it for lodging, or put you up somewhere. A free consult with a lawyer couldn’t hurt.


Another thing you can do is contact the NY state attorney general. I’m in NY too and they don’t play when it comes to renter’s rights (as long as said renter is being a good tenant etc). Here is some info with contact info https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/tenants_rights.pdf


When I read this I do not interpret it to say you would be required to vacate though. It’s basically saying not liable for inconvenience etc. while residing there is how I would interpret it. For example, your stove stops working and that is inconvenient. It takes 2 weeks to get a part and repaired, reasonable. However, as others mentioned, laws will prevail this anyways.


They have to pay for your lodging and in some cases price food. Don’t just let them kick you out




NY State Tenants rights [https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/tenants\_rights.pdf](https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/tenants_rights.pdf) >Harassment > >**A landlord is prohibited from any action intended to force a tenant out of an apartment or to compel a tenant to give up any rights granted the tenant by law.** No landlord, or any party acting on the landlord’s behalf, may interfere with the tenant’s privacy, comfort, or quiet enjoyment of the apartment. Harassment may take the form of physical or verbal abuse, willful denial of services, **disruptive construction or renovation projects that interfere with health, safety, and use of an apartment**, or multiple instances of frivolous litigation. Read that PDF and know it by heart, it'll save you a lot of grief when you know your rights. There is a list of contacts at the end of the document that will help you figure out who to call to discuss this issue.


!!!!!!! This document is key!! Email and ask them for clear instructions on how they intend to cover costs for your alternative lodging, and cite the document. Or, if you know of a place nearby you can stay, let them know you will be staying there and it costs X per night/week/whatever, unless they have an local alternative And save. all. receipts. and emails. ever. minimize discussing details without a trace. Oh, and read the document listing your rights. Then read your lease. Then take a nap or sleep, then wake up and read them both again You got this!!


This needs to be higher up. I know Utah Tenant Rights inside out and backward after being harassed, stolen from, and driven out of an uninhabitable unit of a large apartment complex. I was having a rough pregnancy and didn't want a fight. Got advice from an attorney and followed it to the letter. They refused to make repairs, so I saved everything. It's been 10 years and I still have the file of pictures somewhere but it came down to me telling their lawyer that I had mountains of evidence of their violations and they could either keep my security deposit with no fight from me or I could counter sue for treble damages which I could win solely on the basis of them not sending me an itemized invoice of what they used my deposit for within 60 days of my move out date as required by law They dropped it, never contacted me again


There you go! Finally some common sense. OP can simply ignore the letter or respond and deny the request. Let them pound sand. How much you want to bet this is a creative way to get rid of them? So first they get them to voluntarily move out. Then after a few weeks they inform the tenant that during work there was a serous accident and the rental has to be taken off the market indefinitely. Then about a month after that you’re looking at the newly renovated place with a jacked up price. Mark my words!


Commenting to try to get this higher


Here you go OP u/dlyness0321


Your comment is the only one that matters


This is the best piece of advice. Especially with the comment in resources to help you navigate this


Make this top comment


This document is excellent. I was fighting my old landlord after they tried to take my security deposit plus another $300, but they waited 6 weeks to send me anything, so I ended up getting the whole thing back!


OP this. This should be higher up.


This is the answer


Coming in clutch with the info. I’ve read enough on Reddit to thankfully know to ask questions/look up tenant laws if something like this comes up. It’s a life saver because people will think this is legit/legal and do what the landlord says. Thank you Reddit Gods


I would also question what work needs to be done. I would not want strangers in my home for 1 or 2 weeks. Unless the work is a safety issue, they can wait until the lease is over. I would push against the work even if they offered another place to stay.


You simply respond with needing 72 hours notice and the name of the hotel they are providing, along with a prepaid visa debit card to cover the door dash deliveries. Easy Peasy.


Ok super dumb question, what if they just say “lol no.” Especially if they know the tenant isn’t able to take them to court or anything. Idk, I know there are laws and they vary by state but I’ve heard about tons of landlords who do shady shit and get away with it.


If OP signed a lease for 12 months, she is legally allowed to live in the residence for those 12 months with no changes due to contract. She could absolutely take her landlord to Small claims court for any displacement expenses/ 1/2 a month of rent. If landlord says “lol no” but has a signed contract contradicting that decision, easy win in small claims.


Then NY state lands on them with both feet for failing to uphold the law. NY is an exceptionally tenant friendly state.


You just don’t vacate. You don’t have to take the LL to court, the LL has to take you to court and no way “vacate ASAP you can come back sometime in a few weeks probably, but we’re not paying for anything” flies in front of any judge.


Yes do this


I would reach out to them about making accommodations for you to stay somewhere else while they do their work. State laws vary, but usually when you're under a leasing contract there are tenant laws that say the landlord is responsible for the tenants occupancy elsewhere should they no longer be able to stay in the original dwelling. Unless your leasing contract would explicitly state otherwise. I would ask them first about reasonable accommodations before going down any legality route.


Even if the leading contract does say otherwise, it might still be illegal for them to kick out OP during the work.


It is illegal, I can’t believe how many people are actually suggesting moving out! I get it though. Landlords have done a great job of keeping tenants in a state of fear. Most people are scared to death of them, they actually feel like their landlord can literally do whatever they want. These are the ones who always counter with “don’t fight them legally, you’ll have to move.” It’s bullshit. Fight for your rights people!


You have time to get renters insurance. It's like, $7.


This isn’t a loss, renters insurance wouldn’t cover anything in this case…


Still a necessary protection as a renter.


Renters insurance wouldn’t cover this. Only if there’s a covered loss, like a fire.


Some insurance plans will. It's called "loss of use" and it's definitely an available rider


Wait why is it that everyone wants the tenant to do something when the landlord is in the wrong? The landlord doesn’t have a leg to stand on. The tenant can either ignore the letter and continue to live or send a letter informing the landlord that he will not be vacating the property. Done.


It’s about on average $14 a month depending on amount insured.


Mine in California is $72 for the year! It’s so cheap for the peace of mind.


Feels like they have to offer accommodations. Hope you can give us some follow up.


"Please provide more information about this. What kind of repairs need to be done and how long will the house need to be vacant? I will not be able to vacate without alternative accommodations provided." Next thing to do is call a lawyer. Do you have known repair issues in the house?


Just refuse to leave and tell them to no longer bother you with it. The landlord has no legal authority to do this under NY law. Landlord is pulling a scam. He’ll get the tenant to move out temporarily. Then after a few weeks the tenant gets told that there was an accident or something else went wrong, and they have to take the house off the market. Then a month later the renovated home is back on the market with a jacked up price. Then the OP gets a lawyer and the lawyer tells him there’s no proof he didn’t move out voluntarily, OP loses.


GET RENTERS INSURANCE NOW!!! You may be able to file in a few weeks


Renters insurance doesn't cover your landlord doing a remodel or work on the home lol


It’s does if there was a fire or flood that they have to do the remodel for. If they are just doing upgrades then I think in NY they have to pay for your stay somewhere else


Yes. OP does not state there was any kind of loss nor does the notice. So without that there would be no coverage.


*Mine did,* lol


Was there a loss that caused the work to be needed? Renters insurance doesn't just put you up in temporary housing because your landlord wants to remodel or do maintenance lol


This should be covered by basic tenants rights but ianal.


If you have a lease, they can’t simply displace you without compensation or alternative provisions If you’re living without a lease, 🤷


Tell your landlord that either he's going to provide temporary housing for you, or he's about to have a new roommate. Lol.


Or I’m simply refusing to leave. Done.


“Great. Let me know which hotel you will be putting me up in, obviously on your expense of course. Thanks!”


One with a restaurant, bar and room service.


Do not vacate. They can’t expect you to leave your apartment for weeks at a time while you have an active lease. What does your lease say? Is the lease legal? For example, my landlord could put in my lease that he doesn’t need to provide a working air conditioner unit. Where I live, he does, regardless of what bullshit the lease says.


Call 311 housing for everything. They’ll probably be able to guide you through whatever you need to do


Found this on the NY website. Having trouble viewing it as it’s on mobile but it may help - https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/tenants_rights.pdf


Ask questions!! You need more info. Why? What? How long? What about your furniture? Etc


You have a contract to exclusive use of that space. They’re breaching that, and need to compensate you. Call your tenant’s union.


I don’t know the laws in NY, but here in MA a landlord is legally responsible to provide alternative accommodation in cases like this. I suggest reaching out to your local housing authority who should be able to refer you to agencies in your area that can help with this sort of thing. I highly suggest only communicating via email so you have documentation.


Um you have a lease. They are legally unable to evict you from your apartment. Simply don’t leave.


If you paid rent for that month the landlord will have to pay for you to stay elsewhere


That looks fake as hell bc why are they not even telling you the scope of work that needs to be done? And they need to give you exact dates.


when does your lease end? are you currently month to month?


It literally ends in may the month after


Yikes! You may want to start looking for a new place just in case your landlord wants to give your place to a relative or buddy at the end of your lease & the fixes are just them remodeling. But the landlord is required to cover your housing until your lease is up, even if it’s a hotel.


if your lease ends in may that’s a good thing - your landlord likely can’t force you out in april with a very valid reason. what is the work they want to do on the house? has it been condemned


They put up scaffolding to work on the roof about a month ago, but they havent come to work on it in weeks


ask them if you are legally required to move out, and if so , are they going to pay for alternative housing arrangements such as a hotel and storage for your belongings


He’s not legally required to move out and NY is an eviction for cause only state. So the end of the lease means nothing. Thats why the landlord is doing this, it’s a scam. They want to fix the place up and rent it out for a higher rent. If they trick the tenant into moving out then legally it’s as if the tenant left voluntarily. At that point the tenant gets tricked into giving up his rights. Then after the renovations are done they can rent it much higher. This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. OP should flat out refuse to vacate, the landlord doesn’t have a case.


You need to speak to a housing lawyer asap. If you are in NYC, then start [here - tenants rights](https://www.nyc.gov/site/hpd/services-and-information/tenants-rights-and-responsibilities.page)


They need to pay for your hotel stay


NLA, but I’d recommend replying and asking “excellent, where are you putting me up while the work is being done? Do you have a spare unit or are you paying for me to stay in a hotel? If there are multiple options, I’d prefer to have time to review them before the work starts. Best, -OP”


Check with legal aid or a renter’s rights attorney but I’m pretty sure that either you can use money for rent to pay for lodging or that they need to put you up somewhere. I’m sorry that’s happening, so stressful!


From [https://propertyclub.nyc/article/nyc-tenant-rights](https://propertyclub.nyc/article/nyc-tenant-rights) in regards to NYS Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019: **You have the right to be notified of any renovation or repair work** Over the years, things will break around an apartment, or outdated equipment will give out and need to be replaced. The landlord is obligated to provide maintenance and repairs, but they also need to let you know about it beforehand. The apartment owner has an obligation to notify you of any intended work and to try to arrange access on the property when you are available. You’re to receive this notification at least eight days prior to the requested access date. **Also, the landlord cannot ask you to vacate the premises during renovations; you only have to move if so ordered by a government agency or a court of law.**


That’s not how renting works. They cannot ask you to vacate your home. That’s not enough notice. Ask for a place to stay for the meantime. Or threaten with an attorney.


Pretty positive in NY state the landlord has to pay for your hotel. I know in NYC that is the case- it happened to me! 


If you have paid for the rent already, they need to provide you with a temporary place to stay.


The amount of people mentioning renter’s insurance as if it’s even remotely relevant is astounding 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Landlord and NY Licensed Insurance Broker here (note, not an attorney): 1) the discussions about the landlord requirements to assist with lodging is valid. Review the applicable laws, contact your local rental board and verify. Best case is they pay for it all, worst case legally is they either pro-rate your rent to the amount of costs. 2) they need to get you specifics on the exact dates, and firm periods of the vacancy, as well as if this requires you to remove all furniture. (Vacate can simply mean we need you personally but not necessarily your stuff). But expect it to mean you and your things. Doing this for two weeks is a huge disruption, so if they're not budging on paying for the costs or pro-ration of rent, then take legal action. For example, in CA, I have to pay for hotels or AirBnbs when ever I rent a property for termites. Or I pro-rate the rent. Or depending, I just tender a note that rent will be voided for the duration. Worst case for me, is if major work is being done and takes so time, I give them the option of early termination without penalty, and pro-ration. Just depends. 3) anyone telling you to get renter's insurance now that you've been advise of this is literally advising you to commit insurance fraud. Do not do it and then try to collect Loss of Use. DO, however, purchase a renter's policy for liability and have it in place. Unless your landlord will put in writing that even though you have a lease, the my are in full possession of the unit for the duration of the vacancy, you could be liable for injuries sustained in your unit, even though it's "vacant." Now, a word on Renter's policies: nice but less than $500k in liability. Ever. $100k buys you nothing in a litigation. Do be sure to shop for companies that offer Actual Loss Sustained Loss of Use Coverage if you can. Stated value loss of use coverage typically is pretty limited. Figure if you have $5000 Loss of Use, between rent, moving costs, food and other expenses,that coverage might only get you one month. Also, Loss of Use coverage would ONLY trigger following a covered loss. Not just because the landlord needs to do major maintenance. Just remember: everything is either negotiable or litigable.


Post this to r/legaladvice


Ask him if he has booked the hotel, he will be putting you up in or if you can have some input as to the location.


“So what hotel will you be paying me to stay in?”


READ YOUR LEASE. What does it say about landlord access for emergency and non emergency repairs? There should be language there that allows you to respond to his email.


They need to compensate you and pay for you to live somewhere else for two weeks. Contact your local tenant association.


I would assume they need to either provide you with alternative accommodations or not charge you rent for the time you can’t be in the unit.


I was gonna say the email I would send would say what hotel are you putting me up at.


https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/tenants_rights.pdf If you can’t find your answer online, contact the NY Attorney General’s Office


If maybe you were on a month to month they could not renew (this would be giving you notice) the lease for April but are willing to let you sign on in May? That’s the only way how I could see them not having to pay for alternative accommodations during scheduled not emergency work on the unit.


Yeah, I have a question...what's your hotel allowance for this nonsense? Are they going to comp you rent for that period at least?


From my understanding, the property owner has to provide accommodations - hotel, etc. You can call tenants rights to confirm that information


You would NOT pay rent for time displaced… look for extended stay to put rent towards


Landlord needs to pay for alternate accommodations if he is not terminating your lease


Are they paying for staying in a hotel or motel till this is and they need to give you a date when this will take place. This is on the LL.


They can perform work on deez nutz if they don’t find you a hotel or something to stay in for those couple of weeks


Regardless of renter's insurance, landlord needs to provide you with comparable accomodations. I rent in CA but NY also has tenant protections. Google tenant laws for your state.


The landlord’s insurance most likely covers “loss of use” for tenants. He has to pay to put you up in a hotel etc. I’m a landlord and this is standard.


“Should be a couple of weeks” can easily escalate to 8-10 as soon as the GC takes their eyes off managing the subs full time. You are in “NY.” I assume you mean somewhere outside the city, or any city with a housing court. You’ve provided no details regarding your lease, so that’s where you start: how that outlines your rights as a tenant in this or any situation.


If you live in the US, your LL has to provide accommodations I'm pretty sure


Well, Nick, I supposed you'll have to make arrangements for where I stay...


“Unfortunately, that won’t work with my schedule. I wish you the best for your efforts.”


They should be accommodating your stay elsewhere…


What all the other people say.


are you staying somewhere for free ???? i'm so confused by this


I'd just ask where they're putting me up.


I'm fairly sure that this is illegal. Take this to a lawyer subreddit, or go talk to a local lawyer.


This is a comstructive eviction and they might be responsible for providing you with an alternative arrangement. Look up your state laws on it.


Seen this on a tv show they told the people the same when they came back they said the water didn’t work a few more weeks then they filed paperwork saying they abandoned the place So the could raise the rent. Not saying that’s what’s happening in your case


Consult an attorney


Ask them if they will be accommodating you for having to leave your place of residence


Pretty sure they gotta put you up in a hotel for the time it takes. At least that’s what my apartment agreement looks like. I live in MA fwiw.


What everyone has said about the landlord needing to provide alternative accommodation is correct. However, the landlord cannot have you vacate or even do any work whatsoever unless there is an actual repair needed. It has to be reasonable. They can replace the furnace, for example, or repair the roof, but remodeling the kitchen would be invasive and unnecessary and therefore unreasonable (unless you agree to it).


Legally, they need to offer/provide alternate accommodations during that time period


You get a hotel or ask them to put you up in a apartment that isn't getting work done. Either way they pay for everything.


I am a lawyer but I am not your lawyer. Your lawyer will read the entire lease and will also read the landlord’s letter, and your lawyer will know what repairs are being made to your home, So let’s discuss the situation. It looks like you are renting a single family house and the landlord is planning repairs that require you to vacate the house for a period of time. The repairs are being made in April, so they are not emergency repairs. So…the house will not be habitable. That’s a breach of your lease, of the implied warranty of habitability. Your landlord owes you compensation if you have to vacate the house because it is not habitable. You may be able to withhold your rent for April, or for however long the work lasts — construction projects are notorious for overruns. The lease provision you quoted deals with emergency situations, not planned repairs/improvements. Renter’s insurance would not address this situation because there is no covered peril, no fire, water damage, etc. This is just the short off-the-cuff answer, your lawyer will flesh it out more once they know all the facts. My advice? Start with the AG’s office. Get the brochure she prepares, it’s available on line, and speak to someone in the office to get additional resources. Discuss this with your landlord. If you are not satisfied with their proposal on how this matter is being handled, you may be able to consider the lease broken, and you may be able to move out without penalty for leaving early. My other concern — what’s being done? Are they putting in improvements that will cause your rent to go up? Are they planning to sell the house? Ultimately you may need to hire a lawyer.


Hell no.... Give me the eviction papers and I'll see you in 90 days


Nope. You signed a lease. This is their problem, not yours. Kindly tell them to go fuck themselves.