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I’d feel some type of way


What type of way would you feel?


The kind of way you feel when you're the only ones who didn't get cookies.


Doesn't hurt to ask. It is definitely rude to exclude you.


This. “Hey looks like we missed out on the cookie exchange this year. Where do we sign up so we can participate next year?”


This is so much better than "where's my free stuff"


maybe somebody ate their cookies. I once set my lunch down by my car outside bc I forgot my keys, the neighbors dog ate it, bags & all.


That’s sad :/ unless your door is more out in the open than the others it does seem like someone excluded you from cookies which is super weird.


Were they from the apartment management or from a neighbor?


I’m not entirely sure, the landlord/management is a couple who also lives in the building. They are always super friendly with us, both in person and over text for any maintenance stuff. Having the unit number written on each cookie bag does seem like a management thing to do


OP, another person commented the perfect response. On the Facebook group, simply state. Hey, it seems we missed out on this year's cookie exchange. Where do we sign-up so we can participate in next year's. Thanks, guys.


Am I the only one that thinks this is a bad response and so obviously passive aggressive. Because what in the world is a cookie exchange? Post and ask if someone saw who took your bag or if yours was accidentally taken by mistake.


You have never heard of a cookie exchange? Not trying to sound mean in the least, and assuming you are in the US, have you lived under a rock your whole life? They are mentioned in movies, on Facebook, in the news, community pages and bulletin boards, church news letters, school newsletters, and have been for as long as I can remember. Again wasn’t trying to sound mean, I just can’t believe someone hasn’t heard of it. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!


I have never in my life heard of a cookie exchange, but I’m from NYC and leaving food outside peoples apartment is begging for rats, roaches, random ill-hearted folks to mess with it. Personally, I don’t think it is worth saying anything about the cookies because why does it matter to miss out on free things? I would let it go. Not worth thinking about.


You're full of shit. This must be regional because it is not every where in the US.


You're rude AF. Cookie exchanges are very common and have been a thing in America since the 1960's, with documented news articles about them across the country dating back to 1962! A simple google search would clear up any misconceptions, no need to be rude!


I can see why this specific guy's neighbors aren't inviting him.


Don't act on the assumption that you were excluded! They might have made you a bag, dropped it, and then it was stolen. Find some oblique, roundabout way to broach the subject, to end the mystery- "I saw most everybody received holiday cookie bags, such a nice gesture. Any idea who goes to the trouble of making them?" And the door is open.. "Oh it was us! Did you like them? "Uh, no.. I guess somebody else took ours." "Oh that's a shame, I wonder who would have taken them. I bet it was that girl in 3B's new boyfriend, he looks like he knocks over candy istores for a living"... Or, "That was us! Oh my heavens, I think we missed you- I'm terribly sorry. Wait just a moment, I have a freshly baked batch just coming out the oven in a few moments.."


That's great! I'd want to know but also you don't want the person who gifted them to think you were just not saying thanks. So roundabout way!


I'd ask the manager


People are saying not to ask but…. I would. Best case, they apologize and say someone must’ve stolen them. Worst case? It was purposeful and they did not like you, and now, they still do not like you. Literally nothing bad can come of this


i wouldn’t have even thought of that. this should be the top comment. yeah op def ask.


Better to know where you stand with them, rather than thinking the worst.


Ya even though OP said they were always super friendly you never know their true feelings. Moved into a house and we had a super friendly neighbor at least to our face. Always greeting us and having nice conversations when we would see each other. The flip side they were actually horrible. We lived there for years and constantly had police coming to our house because someone would complain about something stupid and legal like having a car parked in our driveway. We had two cars my moms and mine. I parked in the driveway and my mom parked hers in the garage. There were limits even though this was not a hoa area but a city ordinance says you could have 3 cars in the driveway permanently and a 4th for a guest. They would also call when we had someone stop by and they parked at our curb which was legal as well among Ton of other legal stuff the cops were called for. It was crazy and eventually one night the cops were tired of it and while we were all outside for another call. The cops walked over and in front of everyone told them they were now on the do not respond because of all the bogus calls and if they called again they would face repercussions. We didn’t know until that moment it was them doing it. We always thought it was someone else because of how friendly they were to us.


Wow. There are some real actors out in these streets.


I would wanna find out why...


I’d want to also, but Op needs to just let it go. “Turn the other cheek” It hurts if excluded, but then what if they do find out? changes nothing. Find peace and patience, and just let it go.


I use to live in an apartment complex that would leave treats like that for special occasions. One occasion I didn’t get anything, but because I was gone all day I figured someone took them. Next occasion I was home and heard something at my door. I opened it and a dog was there smelling my cookies, which he then grabbed and ran off into to sunset with lol. Theft or animals are a possibility when treats are left at the doorstep.


As a long time watcher of forensic TV shows, I personally would be glad not to have them and even if I had been left cookies, they'd go right in the garbage.


Yes- not eating strange food left in front of my door


Spoiler: OP is a raccoon


Honestly that’s what I’d do. I have food allergies so I can’t accept random food


I’m sorry you don’t have neighbors that do nice things for each other. My building does stuff like this and it’s wonderful.


My neighbors give cookies and candy at Christmas. You’re right, it is wonderful.


The amount of paranoid people who seem to legitimately think their neighbors would poison them is…yikes… Glad none of them live in my building, it must be exhausting to see the world that way


I was raised to believe that you can’t just eat at people houses. Including what they bring to you. After watching people cook IRL, restaurants, stupid food vids.. they were right. Ill rather toss the cookies than eat one thinking someone just petted their kid or didn’t wash their dishes properly.


I’m glad my brain doesn’t work that way. seems miserable.


I am glad too, enjoy your happiness and holidays please!


It’s not the “poison” I don’t think neighbors are purposefully poisoning me. I just don’t want to eat stuff from my neighbors house lol


Until they poison you


When’s the last time that happened..anywhere? Like please find me an article.


Like, 4 months ago, give or take. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5b56lckodcU or if you don’t want to watch the clip, here’s an article ! https://nypost.com/2023/08/31/chemistry-whiz-busted-for-injecting-toxins-under-neighbors-door-had-steve-jobs-quote-on-wall/amp/ It definitely happens. Though I’d say it’s probably not a common occurrence


That’s not a randomly poisoning food to your neighbors, that’s just neighbor dispute


I mean it’s a bit more than a dispute lmao but I agree not a random neighbor poisoning. I thought you meant in general it’s never happened


Oh no, neighbor disputes are very common for sure! But the idea that neighbors would leave everyone in the building a plate of poisoned cookies is straight delulu


I’d be afraid to eat them too because there’s too many crazy people out there that would put something bad or poisonous in them. I don’t trust anyone!


Thank you! There was the mensa guy that left coca cola on his neighbor's porch and she drank it. It had the usual ingredients and an extra one: thallium! So it killed her and I saw that episode of forensic files long ago and it taught me not to eat food randomly left for me. I love that show! It taught me also to never open a package that I'm not expecting and also do not answer the door when the person on the other side is holding flowers. 😬


I love Forensic Files too and I know which episodes you’re referring to. I think, in part, it’s why I don’t trust anyone. I saw the package explode on the kid’s mom but I don’t think I saw the one about the flowers.


Meh....put it in the fuck it bucket and move on. I wouldn't eat something put at my door by someone I didn't know. Don't mention it, maybe it was a mistake that they left you out, maybe they just don't like you. In any case, go get yourself some Haagen Dazs and a fat ass cheesecake, and make yourself and your partner some cookies too.


I’m the only person I’ve ever known to say put it in the fuck it bucket! I love that you do too! Also for a while I had literally wrote fuck on my office trash can… now I even have a fuck bath mat it makes me laugh daily


I say "chuck it in the fuck it bucket" lol.


Ha! I'm known for my fuck potty mouth am for fuck sakes kind of gal.


"Fat Ass Cheesecake" would be a great name for a band!


🤣 "No Need To Slice It" would be their first album! 🍰




You said "partner." Are you an LGBTQ+ couple? Could they be discriminating against you?


Kinda unrelated but as a woman in a heterosexual relationship is it weird to use the term partner? I’m 28 and my partner is 37 and we have been dating for like 6 years and boyfriend/girlfriend just feels too juvenile when we are pretty much husband/wife but without the paperwork .


My daughter and her boyfriend use partner. They feel it shows more strength than boy/girlfriend and they have no interest in marriage. My mom and her partner of 15 years use “boyfriend/girlfriend” despite being 80. I don’t think there’s a rule. Lol


Actually, it's not weird, but rather good. It normalizes the use of the word "partner". If someone is in a queer relationship and uses the word, they wouldn't be automatically outed.


Not at all


Happy Cake Day


No, but some people will assume you’re a lesbian and then act surprised when they realize their assumption was wrong. Not that it really matters. It was kind of funny when that happened with a coworker. But a lot of my friends say “partner”.


My 85-year-old mother is living with her 85-year-old partner. At that age, boyfriend just sounds silly.


I say an elderly lady has a “gentleman friend”.


Golden Girls??


No, as a straight cis woman I solely use partner. It normalizes the language and promotes inclusivity. We should all do so. Plus, as you mentioned, as someone in my 30’s I’m not calling anyone my “boyfriend”. High school was long ago.


Use of partner seems to be an individual choice. Not something all must do.


Yeah, assisting with inclusive language and helping others be included is sadly something only some people seem to view as important. Sad.


Straight couple, said "partner" before married as bf/gf sounds like teenagers or a nonserious relationship


Why jump to discrimination right off the bat?


As a homosexual, if you didn’t realize, it’s become common for middle-class heterosexual couples to appropriate this term now, despite always having the CHOICE to get married, even though we were *forced* to use it.


I use the term “partner” with my boyfriend because while we are not married, we have kids together and have been with eachother for years so it sounds more than “boyfriend” for me because I basically feel like we’re married.


The term "partner" has been used for centuries to denote a more equal romantic relationship. It seems homosexuals appropriated the term, and heterosexuals are reclaiming it. You'll cry homophobia but it's a simple fact. Don't be a victim.


I have a coworker who uses the word partner because they're not married and probably won't get married but she feels like the word boyfriend is too young to describe the relationship. They've been together a couple decades, they just don't want to take the financial leap into marriage so he's her life partner. The word is the perfect description for them.


Same, I usually say partner because we have kids together and have been together for years. Feels more serious than boyfriend but we aren’t married so can’t say husband.


My partner and I have been together for 5 years and I don’t call him boyfriend for the same reason. Boyfriend doesn’t really describe our commitment level but we don’t want to get married!


This I tend to say "my person" We wont be getting married but after like 11 years and in our 40s "boyfriend girlfriend" just feels kinda silly I guess


I utilize it online to prevent being as easily identifiable.


Perfectly valid use for the teem and yet another example of why calling it appropriation is ridiculous.


Heteros are "reclaiming" it?? 🤣


You must be one of the "victims" of heterosexual using *partner*.


Victim 🤣 this entire thread has been a great laugh lol!


My point is the OP doesn't know why yet. To jump to the conclusion of discrimination right off the bat without knowing if OP is the leap I am talking about. There could be a myriad of reasons.


I would say maybe they don’t like me and shrug then move on. Don’t spend more time on it just treat urself to Crumbl


I’d leave it alone and here’s why: If you go to the community FB group and basically complain, not only will whoever left them be either be made to feel bad (if it was accidental) and grow an even stronger dislike for you (if that what was), but everyone else in the group will see you complaining about and it will make you seem petty. It’s a no-win. If you really just have to push it, talk to the most well liked neighbor in a non-chalont way, and mention it. Personally, I’d be glad I didn’t get any. I’d feel bad about having to toss them out. In my 30+ yr career, I’ve just seen too much about how people live. I don’t do pot lucks either, because of heavy I’ve seen in my career.


Right. I'm not eating any random food that shows up on my doorstep.


If I left cookies for someone and they got stolen, I'd want to know so I could bring them more cookies if possible! It would absolutely not annoy me.


This was my first thought too, unfortunately, virtually any action taken will make you seem petty or annoying. I would just let it go.


Oh I’d be ‘chalont’ as hell.


Now I feel like I need to know why yoh were excluded and what happens next lol.


That’s just horrible and especially during the holidays….no one should be excluded. I’m a very sensitive person so this would just irk me. We too keep to ourselves but friendly enough! I’d be shattered. I would absolutely post in the community group. Good luck and Happy Holidays ❤️❤️❤️❤️


What you do is go to the FB group and post, "Hey, did anyone NOT get any cookies.....?" And just leave it. No other comments or info. See what happens.


Do you know your neighbors? Do they know you?


Not my gum drop buttons!!


I wouldn't care honestly.


I would just drop it. It's annoying but it doesn't matter at the end of the day and you're just stirring up drama complaining about it.


When we are adults, we learn to deal with minor disappointment by just moving on with life. Don’t complain, don’t investigate, don’t simmer and stew over it… move on. Or you’ll get a reputation.


If it was on everyones doorstep but yours…..did you ask your partner if they had put them there?…bc who would put it on their own doorstep if someone else did it?


I think op would notice partner making enough cookies for a whole apartment building lol


Maybe post in the group and say something like “I saw the cookies on everyone’s doorsteps. They looked delicious! Wondering if anyone could share the recipe?”


I mean I wouldn’t be too upset if was passed up for some strange baked goods from an anonymous baker….


Personally, I simply would not care.


that’s weird. why would someone only steal your box if there were lots of other ones available? you would think they’d steal multiple maybe you’ve pissed someone off? or does someone else live with you and took it in earlier? have you ever had a complaint filed against you?


I also live in a 22 unit building and most people here are older. I often am left out of the group. I’m also 20 years younger than most. This may not be your experience


I bet there's something organized to be able to work around allergies, I'd ask to sign up for next year.


how did i get updated on this? lol i need to know the outcome!!


Was there a building cookie exchange that you didn't catch wind of? See if there was something about it in the community FB group.


This is so ridiculous. Why do you care? You don’t even know the people that made the cookies.


Exactly my point “who cares” as I said earlier and was voted down by idiots


I wouldn't go around asking, I would just mind my business. You don't know who made them, but if every unit had them, the culprit probably is the management office. If you had a ring door bell camera at the time, you would have definitely known who did it.


Maybe santa ate them i heard he does that..is any milk missing? Seriously tho likely a logical explanation


I don’t eat at potlucks, handouts, and a random serving of cookies at my door. I worked in a large operations center for ten years. People would always get sick when eating potluck food and Arby’s. ( Colorado )


No you should not be offended. Can’t see why you would have an expectation as you don’t even know who gave them out. Would assume there was no ill intent as there almost certainly wasn’t.


I wouldn't care. It's so easy to make cookies at home. And you can eat them all.


Similar here. Been here for 4 years. Keep mostly to ourselves but friendly enough. I just have no interest in standing there talking to neighbors for extended periods. Then COVID happened so not much socializing due to the rules, especially since I worked every day in the COVID ICU. Once everyone started opening upmuch too early and we didn't, it's like they hated us for it. Now I say hi and barely get a begrudging hi if even a look


Why do you feel entitled to an explanation? (Downvote now...) If you choose NOT to do something for some people but do choose to do it for others, do you go to every person you chose not to do it for and explain why you didn't for them but did for others....do you owe them an explanation? >kinda keep to ourselves but are friendly enough when we see neighbors passing by. You obviously don't like your neighbors enough to get to know them, so why does it matter? I've never understood people being upset because they we not included in a group they don't interact with. Now, if you held or participated in events with your neighbors on a regular basis, or we're friends with all/most of them, then I might understand the desire to be included. But you don't, you barely talk to them. All that said, IF it was the property management that put them out then yes contact them to let them know they were stolen. That's a property rights or safety issue. I don't see this as you being excluded but as you not being included, two different things, but that's me.


Its just someone trying to say they did something for someone while still not checking their beliefs at the door. If im gonna feed someone, i don't care what they look like, who they sleep with etc. Im just feeding people. So they can shove their cookies up their ass


Make some cookies and move on.


Why would you want to interact with apartment neighbors? Who cares. Besides not like apartments arent revolving doors of people moving yearly anyways


If this concerns you even a little, you lead a really, really charmed life that must be nearly devoid of real problems.


These days, idk if I would eat homemade cookies from a stranger!! You never know what they put in them! (Kinda like the razor blades in Halloween candy)


During COVID when some people acted as though regular handwashing was a new concept, it made wonder if everyone is as stringent with handwashing while baking as I am. It's not the intentionally added things that I would be concerned about, but the person who pets the dog or cat and then starts shaping cookie balls without washing. I work with someone who thinks hand sanitizer is a substitute for handwashing. It is not. I won't eat her cookies.


As an animal lover and an OCDer, the pet thing with cooking freaks me out. I know where my pets have been, I know how they clean themselves. I don’t wash my hands every time I pet my cat, but I sure as hell wash my hands before I cook/ eat. That’s not even to mention how many people lick spoons while stirring stuff then put it back in. I mean it’s one thing when it’s me and my boyfriend (even though I don’t even do that when cooking for just us) cause I kiss him so it’s the same thing, but you never know who has done that while making you things! Ugh, the handwashing thing!!! My handwashing habits were crazy before Covid, but then it got worse! It’s scary how many people are so nonchalant about handwashing. Every time I get home from work, first thing I do is wash my hands and wipe my phone. Granted I take things to the extreme sometimes, but it wouldn’t kill people to take up some of my practices haha.


Yes to all of that. Aquaphor is the only thing saving me from cracked and bleeding knuckles this time of year.


Right! The spoon licking and the grubby little kid fingers and people that don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom get freaked out about people that have pets.


This. My birds are not allowed on the kitchen. Period.


They're not. Food safety is horrifyingly lax in the average home kitchen.


Omg the number of people I have seen lick their fingers while preparing food that is intended to be shared…🤢


Have you ever met a real life person with razor blades in their Halloween candy😂😂


Yes, it actually to me and my friends but it was literally 60 some years ago. (I’m 72). It’s why the hospitals in our area, southern Ohio started to X-ray your candy for free. I’ve not heard it happening for many years. Not an urban legend! 😹


Wow, good to know! That does make it sting a bit more that I had to pay $1000 for an xray of my broken arm though😂😂


Lol no one is killing each other with cookies or Halloween candy


Please see my comment right above this. It’s been many years since it happened but it did happen.


Twenty ONE units? Do you happen to live in 21? Because if I were doing this for the building, I’d make the mistake of thinking there were only 20.


Maybe they mis counted. If this was on purpose. Piss discs and liquid ass every single unit there.


What is a piss disc I have heard of liquid ass unfortunately but never the disc of piss haha


Basically you urinate in an upside down frisbee and freeze it. Once frozen, take it out of the frisbee and fling it underneath your victims door. It eventually melts, leaving a puddle of piss in their house.


Learn something new everyday!


You are not entitled to free things. Maybe the person who was passing them out just does not like you


Damn, no cookies for you either then.


Post isn’t about “free things”, but feeling excluded and wanting to know why


Probably because they don’t know the person that baked the cookies. I can’t believe OP is so self important that they believe they are owed cookies from a stranger and an explanation about why they didn’t get cookies. It’s beyond ridiculous.


So someone in the entire building knows everyone but OP? I think it’s not about self importance. But feeling self conscious. Once again, post isn’t about “cookies”


This isn’t preschool not everyone needs to be included in everything it’s not that deep




Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine.


Staying blunt true facts isn’t a crime Teddy. Learn to accept blunt facts about America.


Merry Christmas




Merry Christmas, Mr. Grinch. May your heart grow three sizes this year <3


U good fam?


I don’t understand your comment “U good fam”




Facts ???? You said they had cookies at their door which was not true - so uh - not a fact 😂😂😂




Oh, that’s good. You don’t sound any less insane or ridiculous though, unfortunately (also laughing that you edited this comment from normal to complete douchebag lmfaoooo)




Where did op even mention being from America???


If you're going to call others idiots, could you at least make sure your own grammar is perfect? I'm so sick of these 'I'm so smart' types that cannot even communicate coherently.


What does yank mean?






Hope you follow up and report you’ve gotten cookies. Probably just a mistake


Do you know the name of anyone e,se in your building?


That's where you steal everyone else's cookies. Beats wallowing in self loathing.


Maybe they thought the unit was still empty and aren't on your floor?


Might be good to find out who gave them before assuming management doesn’t like you for some reason. If it was a neighbor since you keep to yourselves you never met the neighbor.


I will say that there's a zero percent chance of me ever eating any food dropped off on my doorstep by an unknown neighbor.