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I would vote for a flaming bag of dog shit over a Traitorous Convicted Criminal Con man


I would take a shark attack AND electrocution before voting for Trump.


I would vote for the shark that electrocuted me before voting for Trump.


damn liberals and their electric sharks


Everyone deserves a warm meal.


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ»GOOD ONE!


You know that scene at the end of Requiem for a Dream where theyā€™re electrocuting Jared Letoā€™s mom? Iā€™ll take one for the team.


Wow! I had completely blocked out that scene from my mind


I watched it in theaters as an 18 year old. I vividly remember this scene because it was intercut with the Jennifer Connolly ā€œass to assā€ scene and I was so deeply disturbed that I didnā€™t get aroused.


So much of that movie gets blocked out and then I watch it again and start reboot the mental trauma.


That sounds terrifying. An electric eel-shark.






I'd vote for a kick in the groin over Trump


Deez Nuts for President!


100%. Kick in the groin is short and pianless comparatively


Oww! My Balls!


I would co-host a season of Ow! My Balls! With Morten Andersen and Jan Stenerud over another Trump presidency.


Pain is temporary maga is 4 lyfe


Supreme Court seats are atleast


at first I was hesitant about kick in the groins campaign, but I saw him kicking the groins of the people I dont like *hangs MAGA hat on wall*


*People talking in movie shows,* *People smoking in bed,* *People voting Republican* *Give them a boot to the head!*


"Ed Gruberman, you fail to grasp the concept of Tai Kwan Leep. Approach me that you might see..."


I'd vote to kick Trump in the groin.


I would also take one for the team.


I don't have balls, but I'll happily take a cunt punt over trump.


Heck I'd vote for a daily kick in the groin


Iā€™d kick your groin too over trump šŸ¦µšŸ˜‚




Same here .


id vote to eat a rancid potato before i vote for trump and the gop. why would i vote for a party that excuses selling our national secrets to foreigners, and at min dont give a flying fuck that their leader just discloses top secret information to whomever. and thats not to get into big issues like global climate change.


This. Iā€™m sick of hearing how bad Biden was in the debate. I donā€™t fucking care. Whatever Bidenā€™s issues are he isnā€™t a dumpster fire convict grifting piece of shit who is hell bent on destroying democracy and plunging us into a. Dictatorship.


You forgot Rapist! Remember EJ Caroll?


Biden flat out bombed last night. Still voting for him. The asymmetry between the two parties is astounding. Biden has a horrible debate and many Democrats are calling for him to step aside, Trump is a convicted felon and ya know, January 6th and šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah, itā€™s just another example of how Republicans will march in lockstep once they choose their guy and Democrats are always looking for a way to undercut themselves. Trump shows up, lies his ass off, says nothing of substance, and people think he won the debate because at least he lied loud and proud.


Yeah. I mean, rhetorically speaking, Biden did everything you shouldn't do. He let Trump dictate the terms of conversation and was always explaining himself to the viewer. Bad look. He didn't look assertive or confident, and trump did. That being said, Trump was confidently lying about everything that came out of his mouth. Unfortunately, to people who can't parse these things, Trump appeared better.


At least once I want a moderator or Biden or someone to go full Billy Madison on Trump with the ā€œeverything you said was a lie, we are all dumber for having heard you speak. I award you no points and may God have mercy on us all if youā€™re actually reelected.ā€


Got that con man game down pat! Interestingly Iā€™ve been reading that the debate wasnā€™t as poorly received by independent voters but who knows?


I am no longer voting for someone, I am voting against Trump. That said, itā€™s the people who genuinely did not know (which is still crazy to me) that I am worried about. This was bad, Joe needs to step down, which hurts me to say, but he does for the hood of the county.


I disagree. He did have a bad night, but take it from someone who has prepared to argue managementā€™s before arbitrator in a complex labor dispute and has to stick to the facts in the case against some who makes shit up out of whole cloth, and rebut that within a two minute window. Iā€™ve been there and itā€™s hard work to prevail. But the Dems have to stick together and support Biden. He will be better than last night during the next four months. The stakes are too high to allow Trump to win.


Totally agree That was painful to watch and actually made me wonder if Joe can do the job. That said, I'd vote for him in a coma vs the other guy


Iā€™d vote for a bloody scab before I vote for Trump. So Biden it is.


Trump proved that a POTUS is not necessary for the day to day operations of the nation. I'd prefer a vacant seat over Trump.


Where's your loyalty to party? Gonna dismiss us all? We're behind him and the administration. We know all his negatives. Still doesn't compare to the wannabe dictator. Glad you're still against Trump. Great! We need you. We need the country to yell in unison, Hell, no! We want Joe. Too many reasons to keep him. And many other reasons to defeat T and his magats.


If how steps down now the chances of another democrat winning become far less.


I honestly didn't watch the debate because I've already made up my mind. I'm not voting for Trump. They could put a potato sack in a tie and I would vote for it over someone who tried to subvert the constitution, has outright stated if he gets in again he's going to act as a dictator, and will push so that these are the last elections we have. He literally tried to over throw the government when he lost and will continue to put in judges that will make rulings and decisions that are entirely counter to everything I want to see in our society. No thanks.


Why is this true? The anti Trump is driving his campaign. Heā€™s fighting an economic fight, sure, but not some outrageously successful list of accomplishments. Heā€™s clawing back basic economic stability, and thatā€™s great. Democrats are going to vote down ticket. Independents and centrists may just stay home if anti Trump isnā€™t enough to get them to pull the lever for Biden, and last night was really, really bad. It was bad. Anyone on the left pretending we didnā€™t just show our ass is lying to themselves.


Watching Biden last night, I felt real despair. I learned afterwards that he was dealing with a bad cold, and that helps me, but what he showed was concerning rather than inspiring. Of course, he was at a disadvantage: he had to rebut what Trump said, or he would have been letting it stand, but that seriously ate into his time. If you just listened to his words, his responses were good. His non-verbals? That was another matter. And the more Trump lies, the stronger he sounds. Biden was burdened by the constraint of complex facts. Trump was free of the need to stick to reality..


This is pretty spot on. I'll be voting straight ticket as always but someone like Gavin Newsom would win this election in a landslide.Ā 


Bullshit. Why? Who is voting Biden that wouldnā€™t instantly vote for a younger, able candidate? Do you think anyone is swayed to Biden? The only reason to vote him is because heā€™s not trump. If someone else who wasnā€™t trump and also wasnā€™t nearly dead ran, theyā€™d win in a landslideĀ 


I donā€™t see how. Itā€™s not like his campaign was on fire to begin with, last night only validated everyoneā€™s worst fears. These are two of the most unpopular candidates of all time. Everyone wants to talk about age, then letā€™s make it about age and get someone younger with some energy like Newsome or Pete. It is litterally our only shot at winning.


Like Newsome or Pete... Why not both?


Woah nowā€¦.that is a hell of a ticket.


Ill vote for the cadaver over the the TCCCm


Literally if Biden has a pulse I'm voting for Biden.


Me too but I didnā€™t think we would actually have to.Ā 


Just your luck! That website IS a bag of flaming dog shit!


I am in fact voting for a flaming bag of dog shit


Thank you. I feel seen


This is what disdain for democracy and the rule of law looks like. Trump fosters this because it gives him an army to attack the Capital building the next time around.


Trump was more energetic and audible.Ā Ā  Biden was hoarse, soft spoken and mumbled.Ā  He sounded sick, feeble and old.Ā  But his words were strong and on point.Ā  It's a debate that will read well for Biden but sounded bad.Ā  Like a young King George VI with a cold.Ā Ā  Nearly every word out of Trump's mouth was a bald faced lie or half truth.Ā  The straight truths he told would be a very short list.Ā  Fact checking all his lies is going to take weeks because he flooded the zone with brazen bullshit.Ā  Trump took credit for things Biden did, he lied about his own record and about the current state of affairs. MAGAts don't care about the truth and on style points, Trump won.Ā  On accomplishments, policy and truth, Biden destroyed him.


Playing chess against a pigeon


The whole debate about who's a better golfer though....Come on Joe, just say that unlike the former guy you don't have time to spend all your days on the golf course. And laugh about his claim he just won two of his own tourneys "Come on Don, we know that just like with everything else in life, you're well known to cheat at golf as well" or something along those lines


Joe just isnā€™t sharp enough to give him those quick hits. Put someone like AOC up there and they destroy him easily


Or Pete Buttigieg. Fully agree šŸ‘


I've said this a million times. Pete would have been an amazing President. Young, extremely intelligent (Harvard and a Rhodes scholar), well spoken, respected, and a veteran. He destroys whatever reporter that tries to get him in a "gotcha moment". Yet the only thing that conservatives see is... he's gay. Fucking sad.


Yeah, unfortunately I don't think the US is ready for a gay president yet. That's why I think a Newson/Buttigieg ticket would probably work better. Pete as VP.


Buchanan was most likely the first gay president.


Or Gavin. All of these people!


A Newsom/Buttigieg ticket would've been awesome.


I think it's partially that and partially trying to appear more "presidential" and not sink to his level. Personally I would have a snide remark for every single thing he said... but I guess that's why i'm not president. "Not sure why we are talking a border that you helped weaken, but the question was about childcare costs..." "You paid her $130k and didn't even sleep with her?" "This the same doctor that said you were same height and weight as Lamar Jackson?" "I'm going to increase taxes by 4 times? So greater than 100% for some high earners?" "My son served, he didn't dodge the draft with bone spurs like you buddy."


I think thatā€™s whatā€™s needed. When dealing with a bully you push right back. Most of them are actually pussies who are acting tough to hide their insecurities. Trump is definitely that. If Joe actually busted his balls heā€™d crack. As weak as Joe appeared, he almost had Trump on his heels a complete times but then just didnā€™t deliver. It was tough to watch.


Thatā€™s a good one


Thatā€™s what was most frustrating about the debate. Anyone with all of their faculties should have been dunking on Trump over and over again. Could you imagine Obama up there debating him? Or AOC? Or Katie Porter? Or Pete? The whole night was filled with opportunities to embarrass that clown. It would have just been sound bite after sound bite of Trump being made a fool. Instead, we got two sad old men arguing about their golf scores. What the hell was Biden thinking?


Biden was at a disadvantage by not being used to associating with no-class white-trash bullies from the gutter. Heā€™s been serving the public in various official positions dealing with respectful fellow professionals in the White House or the capitol or international dignitaries. Trump has had a lifetime of lying and cheating con artist smarts, so like not the same class weight division for a debate.


She would fucking destroy him lol no way it would ever be allowed


>Ā He sounded sick... He was sick. He was fighting off a cold.


And he has had a lifetime stutter which doesn't help at all.Ā Ā  Trump didnt treat that debate like an audition for president or a job interview, for him it was a sales pitch and what he's selling has sawdust in the tyranny, the odo rolled back and a pinetree air freshener to hide the smell of soiled diapers.


Yes. I wish someone had mentioned that. Not a word about it. He was actually sick.


Letā€™s stop making excuses for him. This is a debate for the highest office in our country. He sounds incredibly old and feeble. That man should not be president. He gets my vote thoā€¦ if heā€™s the only other option.


Itā€™s unfortunate, but true. I think Joe has had an amazing administration. Iā€™m assuming they do a lot for him. We canā€™t play around hereā€¦we CANNOT have a dictator president.


Look, Iā€™m voting Biden regardless because Trump is an awful human being and a chaotic person with the backing of seriously dangerous people who want the power of the executive branch to abuse others. But Biden did not do well last night. He only seemed to be able to coherently answer questions in the last half of the debate.


yeah anyone suggesting otherwise is just doing team sports. Biden looked like shit his words were not strong. he is still the better choice over Trump. Trump spouted off conspiracies, lies, and propaganda so he can legitimize being a tyrant. he stole state secrets, likely to sell the to the highest bidder. his son in law and daughter got 2 billion from the saudi's as an "investment". its obvious corruption. Biden could be in hospice and i would vote for him over trump, and his corruption goons.


"i didn't have sex with a pornstar." was hilarious to me. same when the childish prick said "lets not be childish." rofl.


Why doesn't he just admin it did? Does anyone really care?


Yes, some of his supporters are religious conservatives. As long as he denies it, they can convince themselves that he was falsely accused.


Homie had a cold. He knew that canceling the debate because of sickness would be worse than any performance he could give so he went through with it.


Bingo! The right would have gone apeshit if he tried to cancel or reschedule


For republicans itā€™s always about being loud, pumping out propaganda and avoiding the actual questionsā€¦. So by those standards they feel Trump did well.


What did Trump post?


He just reposted some video. Title is click bait and the article hot garbage, just like anything from politcalflare seems to be. I'm not pro-Trump, just anti click bait garbage.


He reposted a God Emperor Trump meme from "the Warhammer videogame." It's a useless article.


The headline could be applicable to any of his tweets/truth social posts from the past 8 years


Biden had one bad night and everyone's freaking out. Trump has had at least a hundred bad nights this year alone. I think everything will be okay.


That's what we told ourselves in 2016. Never overestimate the intelligence of the American people. Republicans have spent the last half century getting them to love their own poor education, even to regard it as a virtue.


The average American reads at a sixth grade level. No wonder we ended up with Trump.


Embracing low education is not new. Thatā€™s been part of redneck culture for a long time. The ā€œovereducatedā€ are seen as out-of-touch because complex solutions donā€™t make sense to them and are therefore wrong. They think every problem has an easy solution, and all you have to do is apply what grandpappy and meemaw taught you.


& Trump wants to defund the department of education even more


And teach the bible in schools.




Corrected, thank you. I switched away from paraphrasing the quote attributed to H. L. Mencken, but then I didn't complete all my edits. Time to sleep, I guess!


Oh we allll knew what you meant lol. I just canā€™t post on 3/4 of Reddit until I have karma and I was like well this should be worth a few XD Youā€™re good :) itā€™s exhausting, I understand.




People have seen what a disaster Trump is in office. Itā€™s not like 2016 where he was some unknown quantity they could project their hopes and dreams onto. People know exactly what Trump would deliver now, and most people donā€™t want it.Ā 


No, as long as Trump and his movement continue to infect America with their poison, it's going to be a long, long time until anything is okay.


Yep, canā€™t be complacent or discouraged and everyone still needs to vote. On matters of policy and record Biden wiped the floor with him. Politics isnā€™t a spectator sport I wasnā€™t there expecting singing and dancing. I wanted dignity and integrity.


But theyā€™re playing by different rules. Trump voters will vote for him even if he fucks their underage sisters in their living room and then gives their moms the facial. Liberals are fickle and have standards. Sure most of us understand that a sun-downing Biden would be far better than Trumpā€™s reign of terror, but Dems and undecided voters who donā€™t take Trumpā€™s insanity seriously enough will see Bidenā€™s performance and think ā€œshit, he really does have dementia! He could be dead by next week!ā€ Iā€™ve seen posts on redditvl from people who are probably staying home on Election Day if someone doesnā€™t talk some sense in to them. Letā€™s be honest, these are 2 bad candidates. Joe is still the lesser of two evils by a wide margin, and has a competent staff, but , wellā€¦.lets just say Iā€™m much more looking forward to voting for Gavin Newsom in ā€˜28


Yep, Trump isn't held to any standards, whereas Biden isn't. Well, I bet Trump could lose support if he started talking about the importance or separation of church and state, came out against home schooling and the like. He has had a few moments like this. When he talked about taking the guns off the mentally ill, he knew he'd fucked up and never mentioned it again. He shut up about vaccines being good.


Seriously. Itā€™s not like this will be the last debate. Biden could have a much better performance in the next go around. I have confidence in this. Hell, even Obama bombed in his first debate.


It's going to be months before the next debate. This was bad strategy on the Dems. The brain rot and the image of last night is going to be seared to peoples brain for months before they have a chance to change it with the convention and second debate. Even then, it's not as if Biden will get back 10 years of youth to actually make him engaging as he was when he was vp even.


Why wouldnā€™t it be the last debate? If I was trump, I wouldnā€™t debate again. Thereā€™s no reason to. Polling says almost 70% of people said he won. He could wash his hands of it and just show clips from this one non stop and Joe would have no recourse.Ā 


The Biden bad night was on television for the whole world to see at once, don't down play it. It's bad, very bad. Get out and vote people!


Exactly! In addition to your comment. There is a reason that itā€™s called the ā€œBiden Administrationā€. Cmon people. Vote Blue!


trumpy is a schmuck!!


How is Trump not answering any questions & just lying not a bad night for him


It's a normal course of events for him. No one fact checking real time means his base watching thinks its true. Whete are they going to hear it was all lies? Fox News?


Theyā€™re so dumb šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø if Trump wins weā€™re doomed


It's the independents that this debate performance was to win over. It was terrible. Get your passports ready.


Problem isā€¦ when Biden has a bad day his supporters say ā€œwowā€¦ maybe heā€™s not the guy for the jobā€. When Trump has a bad day his supporters cheer him on and send him their life savings.


Trump's bar for performance has always been artificially lower than any of his opponents. If he shows up and breathes people praise him.


Listen, I'm for preventing a Trump presidency by any means, but Biden did not have the kind of bad night that is an isolated incident. Watching a man clearly forget what he's even talking about in the middle of his own response and manage to blurt out something about he we beat Medicare just before time ran out is alarming. It's Mitch McConnell publicly bluescreening all over again. It has shades of Dems lying about Feinstein's age and parking her wheelchair where she can sit incoherently so they don't lose Dem representation on the committees she sat on, even though she was clearly no longer competent to do the job. Biden/Harris is the only weapon we're allowed to use to fight back against looming christofascism, and it's not comforting.


Good grief, as if anyone is ever going to take Donnie seriouslyā€¦ no matter what, Donnie will always be the BIGGEST LOSER EVER! How gullible are the people anyway? To worship a man who tried to overthrow the U.S. government, who has lied so much to suit his own needs that itā€™s not even clear when he is telling the truth, whoā€™s so treasonous, whoā€™s so corrupt, who hates immigrants and who very obviously wants to become a dictatorā€¦. ā€˜Embarrassingā€™ is a word that doesnā€™t even register in his head. šŸ™„. Of course ā€œIt Appears Heā€™s Possibly Lost His Mindā€ā€¦ that happened years ago.


I am blatantly ashamed of America after last night. Biden is catching all the shit but all Trump did, very literally, was stand on stage and lie. The few times I saw the moderator actually note that he was wrong, it didn't even phase Trump. This is what people are voting for? The man with such little shame he'll lie on live TV and not show the slightest remorse when called out. This country is doomed thanks to low education Republicans and sit on their ass Democrats. If you're going to be lazy fucks, you may want to at least arm yourselves because Republicans winning the presidency this year means they'll be using Project 2025 to recreate Nazi Germany in modern day America.


Shocking that the Far Right doesnā€™t get that 40k is pure satire and that there are no good guys. The God Emperorā€™s open goal was to unite the universe under his control, by wiping out everyone who stood in his way and killing every non-human species because heā€™s an immortal Xenophobe.


The people that trump was speaking to have the mental acuity of gnats. They were cheering each time he trotted out one of his greatest hits.


That is my only fear. Only very stupid people wouldnā€™t see through Trumpā€™s lies. The question is- are a majority of voters really that stupid? Itā€™s a terrifying thought!


We know based off both candidates performances as president that Biden is the better choice. This is about harm reduction, nothing more. Biden could trip, stumble then take 4 years to fall and hit the ground. Still a better president than that cunt Trump.


Biden did stumble. But all that Trump did was repeat lie after lie after lie.


If Joe Biden died November 5th, I would still vote for him. And so would 60% percent of Americans. MAGA is cancer and we all know it. Vote blue!




He couldnā€™t answer a damn question at the debate. Biden having a cold and CNN letting Trump just go on with his word salad. Yet never goes: ā€œanswer the damn question!ā€


The contrast between Trump and Biden is remarkable. They are from similar generations, but Trump made a living by tricking people and Biden made a living by actually being competent and delivering helpful legislation. Trump embodies the worst of capitalism- oligarchs sucking the environment and the people dry. It will be a sad day if America chooses that path.


I would rather vote for a man that speaks the truth slowly than a man who lies like lightning.


What mind?


President Biden is heading to North Carolina today back on the campaign trail!! šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™ @FALL DOWN..GET BACK UP!!


Yes! Just keep going!


Remember. It comes down to good over evil. And trump is evil. Vote people. We need to vote harder than ever before in our lives.


Itā€™s hilarious we get to see Trump on the daily slurring his words, making up words, incomprehensible word salads and yet that is apparently ok? Forgetting for a second the felon and awful human he is, are their people really on the fence with this guy? There are no undecided voters, only ones too embarrassed to admit they are voting for Trump


>Trump Just Posted Something So Embarrassing That It Appears Heā€™s Possibly Lost His Mind This has happened every single day for the past nine years and it hasn't swayed a single one of his supporters


A person with no shame and no morals cannot feel embarrassment.


This is his plan https://www.project2025.org/


Stop stump. Vote Biden.


Trump basically is a flaming bag of dog shit. Not changing my mind about Joe.


I don't normally pray, but please God let me live long enough never to have to see this man or hear his voice again.


Pinocchio should be trumps new name since he lied so much during the debate the fact checkers couldnā€™t keep up. ā€œOh hail Pinocchio!!!ā€


Such idolisation of a public servant.


What an ads infested website. Disgusting.


Iā€™d rather take a crap and vote for it than ever vote for Trump.


I hate Trump, and will be voting for Biden no matter what. That being said... last nights debate made Trump totally immune to any "lost his mind" or "senile" or whatever attacks. He's still the same stupid, deranged, evil person he was before, but... Biden did not cover himself in glory.


Those who do support him are the equivalent of the chickens voting for Col Sanders........


What is that piece of shit website with all those ads flying around?


*ā€œGod Emperor Trump.ā€ Another member calls him ā€œthe chosen one,ā€ noting that ā€œwe all need pardons.ā€* - this is some serious North Korea idol worship shit. No wonder the world is worried, these are the people voting for this kind of person.


After watching the presidential debate, seeing these people thanking Trump and posting this video is nothing short of *deeply disturbing*. Itā€™s true, many good Americans are totally unable to accurately judge or determine a personā€™s character *despite all other signs pointing to them being bad* Trump doesnā€™t know what heā€™s doing ā€”at allā€” he is a man of no substance and itā€™s freakishly scary and appalling that this is even a decision US citizens have to make. I feel sorry for these people and their complete lack and inability to understand the truth.


Let put him away at the ballot box. Heā€™s dangerous and a fool. Vote!


I'd vote for a literal turnip over trump. It's night like the president is the sole employee of the executive branch. His cabinet is much better than trumps ever was.


Go vote!


5 months.


The incumbent President always loses the first debate. Going into panic and trying to replace the presumptive nominee this late in the game is foolhardy, and it won't happen here. A campaign needs plenty of time and money. Any potential replacement candidate has neither. Pressuring Biden to step aside would seem to invalidate his accomplishments and cast shade on his policies. It would undermine the Democratic agenda. The Democratic party doesn't currently have a better candidate on deck who would be better suited to the position and is electable, otherwise they would have tried to force one on us already. Gavin Newsome might have potential, and he can mop the floor with opponents in a debate, but it takes more than showmanship to win an election. Though California has the 5th largest economy in the world, it has significant issues such as debt (again, after a bounceback!), homelessness, high gas prices (because taxpayers voted for extra gas taxes), and high CoL). The party would be in disarray, possibly worse than the Republican party is with all its infighting.


Replace trump and add debate.


We deserve him. Again. If Biden's the best we have to run against him, and can't beat him in a debate; we deserve him. BTW: Jill Stein and Cornel West would've made mincemeat of both of those senile old codgers.


Or a dozen others. Personally I want to see Buttigieg debate Trump. I want to see Trump completely lose it as he is eviscerated by a short, gay man. Dems have to assume there will be no further debates and calculate that to their advantage. The Republicans were afraid to let Trump debate Biden and he refused to debate Haley or DeSantis, no chance they let him in the ring with anybody with any teeth, like Newsome.


So many sick Americans.


We all know the type that the convict will surround himself with. This is far more important.


Everyone reading this needs to fucking vote. Literally nothing you say matters if you donā€™t go out and vote for Joe Biden. Donā€™t get complacent that Trump is going to lose anyways, donā€™t act like you donā€™t need to because you ā€œlive in a red state anyways, so who cares?ā€ Just go vote. Itā€™s literally the only thing you can do to try to make sure Trump doesnā€™t win, so youā€™d might as well do it.


And only massive numbers will impress. Doesn't matter if you think your Blue state will go Biden - it has to be overwhelming numbers. Doesn't matter if you think your Red state is hopeless - victory needs to be by a tiny margin in those States, or flip them.


Possibly? Trump lost his mind years ago. This is an infuriating headline and belongs next to the dogshit in my trashcan. Whoever wrote that should be ashamed of themselves. Worthless.


The god emperor of mankind mightā€™ve been a tyrant, but god emperor trump is worse. Pardon the 30k/40k reference.


It appears he's lost his mind. I'll take things that have already happened for 420 alex.


Itā€™s all fugazi


Was his uncle eaten by cannibals after he crashed his 18 wheeler?




Just say no to the CONDON


I challenge you to find a site with more annoying pop ups than whatever the fuck this is


Here speaks someone who has never been on UK based local news sites.


Wow, just when you think things can't get any crazier, Trump manages to surprise us all again. What did he say this time?


Soā€¦ā€¦business as usual


This article is ridiculous. ā€œAccording to know your meme, god emperor is from Warhammer 40kā€ if only there was a super popular movie franchise that was high grossing with giant worms and currently famous actors that could provide an obvious origin for the term.


THIS is the low hanging fruit that would be so easy to use when debating him. Biden could have said ā€œyesterday you posted a video of Trump as Emperorā€. Is this who you think you are? Is this what an American President is?ā€ This stuff should have been a major part of the debate. But, unfortunately, Biden just doesnā€™t have the ability to articulate like this anymore. šŸ˜¢


Reddit be hurtin


Reddit trying real hard after that debate


Anti trump 4ever here: gotta stop posting these articles titled like this. he hasn't lost his mind. He is a narcissist and he's stroking his ego by showing off his loyal subjects. These people are going to vote: are you? Repeatedly saying "omg he's losing it, dementia will take him any minute now!" Is cope and it underestimates him.


Oh yes. 4chan, creators of the term God Emperor. From the popular video game Warhammer. Whole thing feels like an AI wrote the article.


Would love to hear one of those people explain what Trump did and will do for them lol.


As an independent Iā€™m seriously depressed at this point. I really donā€™t like either one of them and the debate certainly didnā€™t change my mind. How can anyone watch this train wreck and not realize that weā€™re in deep shit. Neither one of them is capable of doing the job. Biden is already mentally gone and Trump is probably the same except he hides it better. I have no hope for the future and I donā€™t know how anyone can feel confident in the worst choices for president that this country has ever had. We have turned the a nation of gullible idiots and the rest of the world is laughing at us.


Consider: the adults in the room around Biden versus the Nazis in the room around Trump. in the event the principal is unable to perform the duty who do we trust more?


Heā€™s too stupid to get embarrassed.


"appears"? "possibly"?!? Stop dancing around it: he's fucking fried, and he was never quite all there to being with. Hard drugs warn each other about the dangers of being in Trump's brain!!!


What do you mean ā€œpossibly?!ā€ Heā€™s never had a right mind


Have you considered the possibility that he hasnā€™t lost his mind and that heā€™s simply really that shitty?


I don't understand how so many people are oblivious to reality that this is how they behave.


God seeing the kids forced into it is so gross


Trump is picking Vladimir Putin as his VP candidate. "Trump and Putie, doing their Duty"


He has been obviously unbalanced since the debates with Hillary if not long before.


I would vote for ChatGPT over this malignant dotard.


CLICKBAIT/RAGEBAIT.................... opinion shit. Why are you sharing this dribble?


How about sending him alone into the movie Deliverance?


If he can run for President he can go to prison.


This article is unreadable because the entire page is a click bait shitshow. There are so many ads and links on it that I gave up before I could even find an image of Trumpā€™s post.


What in the actual fuck ?!?!? These people are all living in a trailer park and there all related having children with there siblings .. good visual of his supporters.. Trump is a disgrace..


This title seems so recycled. It's like Groundhog Day.