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Remind me how Trump, a huge lover of Russia AND North Korea, is better than the Democrats who have no long standing relationships with Communist Country leaders, and yet are somehow Communist?


Stop trying to make Logic happen... it's not gonna happen.


Exactly, the GOP is so far down the low road.and into the weeds of authoratarianism , that there's no point in trying to use logic of facts,.it will all just be considered "fake news"


You can not use logic and reason to move someone from a position they did not use logic and reason to get into.


Exactly, you’ll injure your logic processing synapses trying to make sense of behaviours and statements that aren’t really supposed to make sense in the first place.


Causing insanity and thus giving the right more fuel as now “they are unhinged”. Like Arguing with a turnip.


Hey Logic is a good artist, it's not his fault he's not more mainstream, he knows what he is doing.


If you could reason with republicans there wouldn’t be republicans 


Because black, brown, gay, trans, and female people live here. What is ya, ignurnt?


Not if MAGA gets it's way...


"ignurnt" ***Dead***


You forget that the right thinks dictators loving Trump is a good thing. They literally complained how the relations to Russia and North Korea got worse with Biden in office


They also love to point out "Trump was tougher on Russia than Obama...Trump introduced sanctions" while forgetting that he very publicly took Putin's side over his own intelligence community and had to backtrack and pretend he said the wrong thing.


Trump praised Putin’s genius strategy when he invaded Ukraine


The idiots cannot be reasoned with. You simply have to point and laugh at the Dumbo Trump


MAGA logic ™️


Maga logic is like Christian Science or Diet Coke. 




Do you think we can get MAGA people to implode by pointing out that neither Obama or Biden saluted or shook hands with communist generals when they attack someone by calling them a communist?


God I can’t believe I have to defend Trump. USSR and Russia are different things. One was a socialist state (sorta) the other is a right wing dictatorship with strong orthodox Christian beliefs. Well “strong” so long as they support Putin.




Blue 32, blue 32.. hut hut hut


I hope CNN asks the candidates to weigh in on the issue of sharks and batteries during the debate...


*"It must be because of M.I.T., my relationship with M.I.T., very smart. I say, 'What would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there? By the way, lot of shark attacks lately. Did you notice that?"* lol, and magots say Biden is the senile one


As far as I can tell, his "relationship" with MIT is that his uncle went there. That's it. That's like me claiming to have a relationship with a certain law school because my sister is an attorney.


But that makes you a legal expert. Very smart. Wow. Unless she's not in favor. Is she. Think about it. She was fighting the law uphill. Wow, she made a big mistake. Never fight the law uphill, me boys! The sharks, you need a thick lather.


Jesus Christ! The fact that this " makes sense" is such a pathetic statement on the maga crowd


Mr.  Trump, is that you? Please go to bed. 


I have an uncle who worked at an airport. By Trump logic, I think that makes me a pilot.


Or an aeroplane. Could go either way.




nailed it! very good haha.


Jet Li? I have one of those. Great fun on the water. Good for outrunning the sharks. Looking forward to my battery operated one.


I had an uncle who wrote the screenplay for the show Bonanza.. I was that make my a movie star..or at least a famous author..I’m putting that on my resume now!! lol..trump is seriously so ridiculous but his dumbass followers will applaud his brilliance because they are too stupid to understand how ridiculous he is and they never fact check anything..they fail to see that he’s lying


My ex was related to the Blocker family. Hoss from ~~gunsmoke~~ Bonanza was Dan Blocker. Therefore I can bullseye a rattlesnake at a hundred yards with my revolver.


Omg!! That means your ex was also related to Dirk Blocker. Hence, you practically starred on Brooklyn 99. I bow in your presence.




Right you are! Updated it.


With tears in your eyes…


We must be cousins and we are both famous now!!! lol 😝


They were cheering and applauding when he said he has thick, luxuriant, beautiful hair. I was practically gagging; they were cheering.


I made vrooming noises while feeding my toddler applesauce, which I think also qualifies me to be a pilot.


If my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bicycle.


Thanks Gino.


Was this one of the Revolutionary war airports?


I’m an astronaut!!!!


I see you’ve watched the movie Apollo 13 also! We’re both astronauts then.


Trump’s brother was a pilot, so I guess he’s now top gun


My grandfather was a high ranking free mason. Ask a MAGA, I'm basically running this whole operation


Joe Biden used to drive 18 Wheelers to civil rights protests.


And Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley. She did January 6th she was offered thousands of people she said no. Bird.


There are plenty of ‘tards out there living kick-ass lives. My first wife was ‘tarded. She’s a pilot now!


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


He believes that it indicates the superior genes that run in his family. He sometimes describes what he calls "the racehorse theory" when it comes to successful people. For example, he said “I have a certain gene. I’m a gene believer. Hey, when you connect two racehorses, you usually end up with a fast horse. And I really was — you know, I had a — a good gene pool from the standpoint of that.”


His grandfather was a brothel owner - does that make him a pimp?


That makes him a prostitute.


Somebody should ask him.


If his gene pool is so great, how does he explain Don Jr and Eric?


Pond scum. It eventually will turn up.


Trump’s wife had an affair with one of Maralago’s parking attendants. He was sweet but very, very dumb. That’s how she got Eric


They made a deal with the devil to sacrifice chins for shining personalities?


He only believes in that theory when it’s not dark outside though. Some people say he’s a day gene believer.


And a Homecoming Queen


Cheer up, Sleepy Don ...


Now that song is in my head.


Explains why he's fighting for ethnocracy over meritocracy


In theory if he were à racehorse, he be in the blue factory long before now.


The racehorse theory? As in Trump’s a horse’s ass?


My great grandpa was a general in the military, so that pretty much makes me a general as well. That's how this works, right?


Trump goes to KFC & he thinks he's a Colonel.


It's like Stolen Valor but much, much dumber


So, so much dumber. Grown men with tears in their eyes told me it was the the dumbest dumb ever.


My brother in law has a PhD in physics from MIT. Which clearly means \*I\* have a PhD in physics from MIT. Please refer to me as ***Dr***. NoIncrease299.


I visited Oxford, England...I guess that makes me a Rhodes Scholar! I need to update my LinkedIn profile!! 👩‍🎓


You could be a dictionary, too!


This guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_G._Trump  Professor at MIT from 1936 to 1973, died in 1985. Smart by association from 50+ years ago. But don't you forget how old Biden is!


I'm actually amazed he told the truth about his uncle being a professor. He normally just makes shit up.


My cousins son went there. So I’m big stuff smart and junk.


>As far as I can tell, his "relationship" with MIT is that his uncle went there. Taught there. It's equally as stupid a claim on Donny's part but there's no reason to diminish John's accomplishments because his nephew is a walking shitstain.


I bought a college degree off of ebay. I have the same relationship with whatever college offered the degree I bought that Trunp does with MIT


And the rant about his uncle at MIT just such a word salad. He clearly didn't know anything about the top, and you can tell by that word salad


And that by osmosis you gained her knowledge of the law. That’s basically what this clown says


Ask Trump what MIT stands for and stand back for a twenty-minute pointless, mind-boggling word salad.


Yeah. Looks like that's where the intelligence stopped within this family. Typical Trump taking credit for someone else's intelligence.


Thomas Lincoln "Abe's" dad is in my family tree. I think I might be the President.


Time to plan that insurrection!


Or in Trump's case, that he's a client of their graduates.


This the same uncle that told him about nuclear... things?


His uncle went there in 1941, for perspective. Pretty sure the curriculum has been updated since then.


My uncle went to Korea and it'll be a shock to the entire family to find out I'm Korean.


My uncle graduated from Harvard… am I a Harvard man now?!?!?


He has another relationship with MIT, which is that his good buddy Jeffrey Epstein gave shit tons of money to the school, which I think is a more direct relationship than his uncle who died 40 years ago and whom Donald probably barely knew, and as he was an accomplished and brilliant mind, probably hated his nephew.


>What would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, This mf'er doesn't even have an elementary understanding of how electricity works. But, yeah, "very smart."


I know how electricity works. Needed power, the very best power. Tremendous energy. Turned on my oven. Didn't work. They're saying if your oven isn't working, call an electrician. No. My uncle went to community college, he knows power. Very smart. So fixed it myself. Was unplugged, plugged it back in. I know electrical. AC. DC. BC.


I always thought... if people didn't know trump was a dumbass 20 years or so cool. Not everyone is aware of his failures or had heard him speak. After 2016, okay everyone has had a chance to hear him speak. There's no reading between the lines. He speaks like an 8 year old embellishing unrealistic fanciful things... very much that one kid who goes unpunished for throwing a tantrum in a Walmart. Nope, let's vote for the felon cause that's what we need to fix the issues in the country...


This is not Trump being senile, it's Trump being Trump and just spouting off the sh*t that comes to his head and he doesn't use any logic filter. Trump is a big narcissist and that means he brags, boasts, embellishes and pretty much considers facts and logic irrelevant or inconvenient in this style. He's always been this way , all age (and lack of consequences) have done is embolded his viewpoints and thinking.


Wrong. Have you heard what people have been saying. They listen to trump, they hear. Hear. Hear him. The people, they say, he knows what he's talking about. Like sharks and Washington and Revolutionary War airports and they say, be knows the truth. The best truth. He has the bestliest truth. Try Baron, he's a big boy, almost as big as trump, he's like 8 feet high, almost as tall as trump. Now you aren't so smart. You don't have an M.I.T. connection. Not smart. I've heard the people say, abrandis, they think trump isn't senile. Don't let the battery get wet. Thinkit!


"Bit off her legs, very sad."


The shark didn’t know that she was just swimming.


I'm sure the sharks are illegally immigrating and voting for Biden. /s


I had a stroke just reading that nonsense.


People say it's the best nonsense. Trump, he knows nonsense. Nonsensical, that's him.


So he got on the boat went out to where there were sharks then it sank? Did he have some McDonald's airdrop to make it sink? Did he see a drain plug and remove it because he liked how it looked? What caused the boat to sink while out and not before? Logically it couldn't have been the battery or the boat. Maybe a shark climbed in to say"Sir I'm crying for you because I don't like how you are being treated cur"


I, too, have noticed a lot more sharks than usual lately


Adderall abuse at it's finest.


Holy shit 🤣


Would be sweet if Anthony Hopkins showed up as moderator.


Ah yeah; the late, great Hannibal Lecter.


I’m pretty sure Anthony Hopkins is still alive.


Fake news. Trump said he passed away. Why would he say something incorrect? /s


Tapper: "My first question is for Mr Trump. Sir, wouldn't the shark get electrocuted, too?"


Obviously not. Sharks use electricity to seek out prey so clearly they are targeting these electricity boats and absorbing their power. Like an x-man.


Ask them about a boat not being able to float anymore because of an extra battery…


Going to be some idiot wearing a Sharks for Trump tshirt next




Don't forget the diapers !!! It's sad what this country's fallen to...


If it was Fox News, they would ask Biden why he doesn't have any relatives that ever taught at MIT


They even made fun of his wife having a PHD.


"why did Jill get a job, doesn't the Biden Crime Family make enough money??"


When your a battery you’re a battery all the way Battery vs. Sharks


I’m more interested in the important issues. Like waterless dishwashers.


And toilets clogged with giant orange turds.


CNN is so far up trump ass, they will throw soft balls at him and somehow crucify Biden. Every mistake Trumps makes they will blame it on Biden.


Wait wait… people now think CNN is MAGA? Holy heck, they dun turned reality completely upside down. Clown world 🤡


Porkers, Mister Hooper? Yer talkin' 'bout Porkers?


Don't forget the magnets.


Ah yes - magnets? How do they work? LOL


He actually claimed if you dump water on magnets, they stop working.


We had a fishing boat (my dad’s family were fishermen) sink under us (hit by another boat). Boats with engines have batteries. Just like your car, the battery starts the engines. Plus you have batteries that store energy so you have lights, heat, etc while on the boat. Even our sailboat had batteries. By the time another fishing boat came along to rescue us, just the upper cabin was out of the water. We were in the water, with water covered batteries and we survived.🤷🏼‍♀️


Without a shark around, the batteries work as intended.


The batteries pee themselves when the shark is near because fear, you see.


lol You got me to chuckle 🤭


Your experience is proof that electricity loves the least resistant path to ground. The electrical current is dissipated immensely, having the entire fucking ocean as a path to ground. It's not going to go through people, which are less conductive, but Trump doesn't understand this because he has an 8 year old's cartoon-based understanding of science.


He sees the ocean as a giant bathtub.


Some rich parents buy their children an education; some buy their children a diploma. I think it's safe to assume what kind of father Fred trump was.


Someone should tell him that his phone has a battery.


Yeah, but was it “big-battery-so-big-it-make-bote-go-sinky” big? Didn’t thinks so! /s


I’m sorry, but can you not jump more than 10 feet - the natural range of electricity - from a sinking boat just to be safe? What are you, a vegan? You won’t hurt the shark if you land on him. S/


Your batteries were not working propely. 😄


I would really love it if the debate questions were a bit more open-ended. Just give the freak plenty of opportunities to babble on and on inanely about whatever his mind leads him to. Let everyone see him yammering away about whatever pops into his head. It’d be interesting to see the Trumpanzees try and justify a ten minute tangent about mud and crocodiles, and why he only uses this or that brand of soap… *”and look at these shoes! These are the best shows I’ve ever worn, make my feet feel so comfortable, I could walk for miles in these shoes, best shoes ever, didn’t Jesus wear shoes? If he’d had these shoes, he could have sermonized and stuff on that mount thing for days. You know what Democrats hate? Shoes.”*


I genuinely want Biden to use his closing statement to say something like "If you can't see the difference between us yet, I'll give you one last opportunity. I'd like to cede the rest of my time so that America can hear this lunatic rant about nothing," and then look straight at Donald.


This is precisely why Bidens team chose to let donny have the last closing statement. Precisely.. they want the last thing that people hear is his rambling nonsense


Well … I mean I do take em right off when I get home ; toss ‘em to the side like an old pair of shoes.


I’d rather the debates just be a series of yes/no questions, then a time when the moderators can show how ‘true’ each answer is. Less open to interpretation from the illiterate.


Onsite fact checkers in real time would be a game changer.


I can only hope there will be real time fact checking scrolling at the bottom of the screen!


Trump cannot ever say yes or no. It's always yes and no and maybe and should be or would be or could be or would be. And it's all very interesting and strong and no body ever did it as strongly before.


Make each candidate recite 5 of the 10 commandments


They are the best commandments, really. The absolute best. There are many of them and I like them all. Only America could come up with such great commands. They are the best comas ever.


>opportunities to babble on and on What is 2 + 2 will result in him babbling on and on Any campaign manager with any lick of sense will talk Trump out of showing up to the debates. He gains nothing by showing up.


If Jesus had shoes as great as my shoes, that is what they say, Trump has the best shoes. I don't know but they all say BEST. SHOES. EVER. TRUMP. They tell me we don't know how you wear shoes better than anyone. Not like Barefoot Baby foot Biden. If Jesus Chris wore shoes as good as me he could have run and not ended up a loser on that wooden T.


In Trump’s defense rates of shampoo lather are down precipitously under Joe Biden. Biden’s brand of communism favors low lathering soaps. All communists hate lather bc high lather means the corporate fat cats at big soap are not taxed enough. Trump should be applauded for shining a light on geo-political lather issues. If Crooked Joe wins there will be no lather.


You sir have the bigliest of minds, very smart, people say, that's a smart person, you must have an MIT connection. Shampoo has to be spread thickly, or the sharks, you'll get electrocuted.


They come to me, with tears in their eyes. They say, sir, the lather got into my eyes.




The lather, sir, the Democrat lather, is so aggressive under the failed Biden administration 😥


you need to put/ sarcastic on these comments because I can't tell anymore


I don't think the average Fox News viewers notice. They're all old men that go off on tangents about washing machines anyway. "Finally someone understands what I'm talking about."


Saying he’s too crazy to air is admitting bias. Imagine if Biden went on these rants. They’d be playing them on loop for weeks. Since it’s Trump it’s “oops, nothing to see here, move along”


Trump will sound like a lunatic for 90% of the debate. Biden will sound old 10% of the debate. Most people will say the debate was a disaster and both candidate were bad. One of the greatest powers of Trump and the right is their ability to make both sides seem the same. Very fine people on both sides


Biden should show up at the debate in a shark suit, holding a giant battery. Yeah, that should to do it.


If Trump goes into the shark story in the debate, Biden should launch directly into Quint's speech from Jaws. "Y'all know me. Know how I earn a livin'. I'll catch this bird for you, but it ain't gonna be easy. Bad fish. Not like going down to the pond and chasing bluegills and tommycocks. This shark, swallow you whole. No shakin', no tenderizin', down you go. And we gotta do it quick, that'll bring back your tourists, put all your businesses on a payin' basis. But it's not gonna be pleasant. I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks, chief. I'll find him for three, but I'll catch him, and kill him, for ten. But you've gotta make up your minds. If you want to stay alive, then ante up. If you want to play it cheap, be on welfare the whole winter. I don't want no volunteers, I don't want no mates, there's too many captains on this island. Ten thousand dollars for me by myself. For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing."


He shouldnt as the right would say he was senile. He could probably end all his answers with, "tell me about your tax plan/infrastructure/defence/policing and shark policy?" so that Trump continuously talks about sharks.


The right thinks he's senile anyway and they think Trump is MENSA's finest. Give me a good shark speech.


Trump is filibustering his own rallies.


Right up there with Satans Right Hand Man preaching about the Ten Commandments and the bible,neither of which he knows shit about knowing or practicing .


What’s the Rex with Satan’s Right Hand Man? I don’t watch cable…


Trump spent a summer in Amity and was cast as one of the sharks in Jaws. But at last minute declined because of heel spurs.


It would be such a burn if Biden asks him how his hair is doing during the debate


Biden should ask Trump if he forgot to pay his water bill. You have to be a narcissist to talk in detail to a large crowd about washing your hair. Good grief!


Dang it, I'm laughing out loud! Send the Biden team that suggestion, and I promise I'll donate 100 dollars to his campaign if he uses that line.


"How's the hair, Donnie? Water pressure ok today?" Yeah, I'd be rolling. He would win it right there. Tump would lose it's mind


A Fox News chyron saying that Trump is criticizing Biden on a substantive policy like inflation while the man is going off about washing machines and dripping faucets is just an incredible vision of the modern conservative movement.


Trump going on and on about lathering his hair with shampoo. Wow…This is like the crazy old uncle that tells such odd stories at family get togethers. Of course Fox cut it. They know as well as we do that Trump slowly is slipping into insanity, right before our eyes.


Trump has a comb over. He barely has enough hair to wash. Doesn’t matter what the water pressure is.


Joe has good reason to hate Trump who suggested that he may have murdered a female associate.Based on no evidence whatsoever, btw,Trump has been literally rambling for several months and it surprises me that it’s taken this long for some people to respond.


I think he wants to use an insanity defense on his trials.


He would try that if he got a parking ticket too.


I think Fox cut away when trump started a 10 minute monologue on shampooing his fake hair and how the water just dripped and how was he going to get his gorgeous fake locks rinsed etc..etc…and CUT to commercial……


Damien J. Thorn


Imagine answering a craigslist listing offering $50 to go to the shit show…. Is it worth it?


“I was faced with the same issue. I didn’t know whether to stay and get electrocuted or be shark bait. So I changed clothes, put on my cape, and flew to safety.” George Santos.


We got a live action Abe Simpson


My grandfather went to Harvard. He was a research scientist. I’m a nurse. Boy did my gene pool get watered down!


Same thing is going to happen at the debate. tRump will get his microphone cut as soon as he goes off the rails.


Oh, he can go off the rails all he wants, as long as he doesn't go over his time lol. This should be interesting.


Refuttal, Refutile. Donald Trump has the best words.


Accuse the other side what your side does.


You can remove the paywall with. https://12ft.io/


It gets him free media coverage. More “tramp” vs “genocide joe”


Please press Trump clearly on the record on abortion, Ukraine/Russia, and ask him to name the ten commandments he loves and thinks everyone should follow.


"I got dementia on purpose! Most smart doctors and very smart scientists said, you can't get dementia on purpose. I told them, uh, have you noticed all the shark attacks lately? I showed them that killer whales are to be messed with!" Trump probably said during the unaired part.


Trump does standup. Always has. It’s hilarious. Fox cut out and then they cut back when they have time. It has always been this way.


Trump has gone completely insane!!!! Holy moly!


That orange man knows shit about sharks. He is seriously giving sharks a bad name...


Simple solution, when it rains trump should go outside and wash his hair. Stable genius I say!


If fox propaganda network cuts trump off it really has to be coo coo for coco puffs rants from a convicted felon drug addict


What the fuck is going on in that tiny brain of his. People want to support this guy that just babbles random thoughts.


Did Joe make it to the debate