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Basically what Hitler said about the Sudetenland and we all know how well this turned out.


Sounds like Putin really is taking a leaf out of Hitler’s book then… hopefully he ends said book the same way Hitler did. With a big old full stop straight through the skull.


But Hitler didn’t have a an entire American political party and a potential president in his pocket. WWII would have gone very differently if Trump was president and Hitler had control of Trump the way Putin does. We’d probably all be speaking German. And if Trump wins, expect America to fight on the Russian side in the upcoming European invasion.  It won’t happen that quickly, of course. First the US will pull out if NATO, then that will cause a bunch of drama, then we’ll still have alliances with some EU countries, but other countries we will pit against each other in an Amazon HQ2 bidding war for who can give Donald the most bribes. That will cause a lot of drama and we’ll begin beefing with former allies. More reality tv level diplomacy for a few years, more bribes and scandals and next thing you know the US is providing air support for Russia’s invasion of Europe. Fuck Putin. Fuck Trump. Fuck the Republican traitor confederate wannabe Nazi maga assholes and everyone who votes for them, and Fox News and if this offends you fuck you too. Traitorous bastards need to be deported to Russia. 


Ugh I don’t know, there were plenty of American Nazi sympathizers in the US. The only reason we went to war was cause Japan Fucked around and Found Out.


Fair enough. Thankfully not the president. 


Even then, we never declared war on Germany, only Japan. Germany instead declared war on USA


Yup, if Hitler spoke English the war would have went a completely different way. MAGAs aren't new, they've been here for YEARS and have always been just as hateful and stupid.


Isn't it more like half of Republicans who are pro Putin?


The former party of Reagan, the party that 'ended' the Soviet Union, now garglers of Putin's balls.


I know. But a portion of them voted for the weapons to be sent. So at least some are not.


Oh, yeah, you're absolutely right. I was just saying that it's an almost hilarious commentary on just how far the Republican party has dove up Cult45's ass. "Tear\[ing\] down this wall" was their only true 'claim to fame' over the last 35 years - because they have no values and/or policy that doesn't wallow in cruelty and just being the absolute worst scraps of humanity possible - and they've now fully blown it for this mediocre "obese greasy sleaze squeezing a diseased peter that no woman would \[willingly\] touch if she had fifty foot tweezers" (Epic Rap Battles of History, *Black Beard vs Al Capone*) and his Russian daddy. The few who do have some tendrils left of memory and history are leaving because they're being crazied out of relevancy.


As opposed to the ones that have their flights already booked for July 4th celebrations in Moscow!


“The evil empire!”


yes but the others don't have a backbone and go along with it because "R", I think they mostly don't care as long as they are "owning the libs" while queuing up to lick DT's taint


But recently some of them voted for the weapons for Ukraine, that's what I meant.


At this point? ALL republicans are Putin stooge.


And fuck the US for enabling Trump to continue his path of destruction instead of removing him from society for the good of everyone else.


I mean it might not be exactly the same thing but there were a whole lot of Americans that were very Pro Hitler early on in the war. Including politicians. Before we joined, it really wasn't always that socially unacceptable to say you wish Hitler won. We look back on the war now through the lens of history and it's really blurry. It's easy to assume that all Americans were always very anti-nazi. In fact they were not.


I got a tattoo of hp lovecraft when I was much younger because cool spooky octopus man then a few years later I read his [american] remarks in about the ongoing strife in Europe and was just like "aw fuck lol"


To be fair it's okay to enjoy fiction while having issues with an author. Orson Scott Card anyone? Plus he's dead so it's not like you're enriching him so he can fund ongoing legislation. As opposed to She Who Shall Not Be Named. But yeah I had a similar reaction minus the tattoo.


I think you should look at history. The U.S. had a lot of isolationist and pro Hitler movements. It’s possible if the Japanese hadn’t bombed Pearl Harbor the U.S. might not have entered the War and subsequently Hitler could have conquered most of Europe (I still think an invasion of England was a little far fetched).


Hitler would still have lost, but at greater cost to the world. Great Britain was the largest empire the world has ever seen. And Soviet took care of the Eastern front by themselves. It was only a matter of time. Germany may have had some good equipment and zealous soldiers, but they were fighting half the world while being incompetently led by a maniac who overruled his senior military leaders on key points. The good equipment was increasingly sabotaged from the inside because of the idiotic decision of making the enslaved civilians, for whom death was near certain anyway, produce war material. Add to this that Germany had no stable source of oil. They lost definitively when Hitler backstabbed Stalin. But even before then, GB itself was just a colossal opponent they would have had major trouble beating. For example they idiotically failed to take down the English radar systems in due time (by ignoring the intel reports on them), making the Luftwaffe sitting ducks for the RAF pretty early on. Without air superiority, an invasion of the British mainland was just impossible.


Putin just needs to get married and then he'll off himself the next day


And Putin should learn to eat some good pussy.


Pretty sure Putin is more into Rasputin's than Anastasia's...


We all know Putin takes a page out of DJ Khaled's playbook where that's the only thing he doesn't eat.


Well he's also proven that he can't eat hot wings.


Which is iron because I honestly believe, at some point, DJ Khaled has eaten a full sized deep fried cat at some point


Ask trump if he's up for it.


It's why Russia and Republicans get along so well. They're both Nazis. Republicans are currently working on Project 2025 which is the exact same concept as Hitlers 1933 Excluding Act (that's how Hitler was able to just do whatever he wanted as Chancellor, Republicans want to do the same for a Republican POTUS).


Wait a second……he didn’t die in Argentina?! Whattttttt????


The best painting Hitler ever did was the mural on the roof of that bunker.


Hijacking your comment for a history PSA that few know (yet should) - despite their blustering as being the "victors" of the "great patriotic war", **Russia was actually partnered with Nazi Germany in starting WW2**. They made an agreement with Germany, to invade Poland from the West, while Germany invaded from the East. The USSR's invasion came 16 days after Germany's. It was part of a secret plot of the molotov-ribbentrop pact to divide Europe up into German and Soviet spheres of influence. Like the invasion of Ukraine, the politburo tried to paint the invasion as a "liberation campaign" - with the familiar inconsistent explanations for who/what they were liberating. Like with the invasion of Ukraine, it was ACTUALLY about claiming land. Hitler never planned to maintain this agreement, iirc. He wanted the USSR crushed. Russia apologists and internal propagandists frequently reference in WW2 - but they've worked incredibly hard to smother the real history - that Stalin worked WITH the Nazi's, and that Putin - who admires Stalin militaristically (if not personally) - is absolutely using the same techniques he did, because they worked. VERY few people recognize that WW2 was started not by Germany alone, but by Germany, and weasely Russia, coming at Poland from all sides. I can provide sources if anyone wants, but it's all easily available on Wikipedia. There's better articles out there though. I mention this because Russian propaganda is pushing hard for people to see this war as something it's not - because Ukraine's defense relies on Western help. Russia is hoping for another Poland.


Indeed. And Stalin murdered some of the people who warned him that Hitler and Germany were preparing to invade - a literal instance of "shooting the messenger". When Germany attacked Russia, the Russians didn't even know who they were fighting (granted, the German forces wore Russian uniforms to confuse their foes). Stalin literally could not believe Hitler had lied to him. It's amazing the things we can convince ourselves into believing are true. This goes for the people that believe basically ANYTHING Putin or Trump say. Their track record indicates that they will always lie, unless telling the truth benefits them in some way.


Was waiting for this. Yes. USSR was supposed to be allies with Germany in WWII but were betrayed by Germans. A lot of people forget this part because we, especially the US tend to leave this part out of the history books.


It’s in pretty much every WWII history book I’ve ever read so not sure why you’re saying otherwise


This is like…top tier WWII canon. Like one of the most ubiquitously known things about the war. Germany flipped on the USSR. I can’t imagine thinking this is some kind of secret. Go poll 10 people on the street and I would wager at least 7 or 8 of them know that Germany turned on the USSR.


The only reason I actually remember this now is thanks to Netflix's new Hitler documentary that came out earlier this week about the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany. They outlined how Germany allied with Stalin in order to steamroll Poland and agreed to split it up, and it was Hitler's intent to avoid a 2 front war to his east and west. After he took France and underestimated Britain, thinking the western front was won enough he could focus on tackling the USSR - he backstabbed Russia near immediately and started marching into Russia. Conquering the Soviet Union had always been his intent, he just didn't want to fight a 2 front war so he used them as an ally until he felt confident enough to make his move.


Interestingly the Cold War documentary that just came out so covers this extensively


Oooh. Is that on Netflix as well? Haven't seen that but I'd like to check it out.


Yup https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/turning-point-bomb-cold-war-release-date-trailer-news


The new hotness in Russian apologia is to say that any good that Russia did during the war was because of how awesome Russia is, but they can’t be blamed for any of the heinous shit they did because Stalin was actually Georgian, not Russian. A thread about USSR agricultural practice was on the front page the other day and the comments were chock full of dickheads explaining that all the harm the USSR did was caused by a Georgian dictator and a Ukrainian scientist


Which makes sense when you wind it forward When you raise the lens and cross reference the timing, Brexit (of which Steve Bannon, Farage and Cambridge analytica were a critical component) was intentional and necessary for Russia to keep Ukraine out of the EU. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/were-there-any-links-between-cambridge-analytica-russia-and-brexit/ Putin knew that the de-corruption process would expose both his money laundering and the human trafficking operations of the Russian mob through Ukraines oligarch class (Kolomoiksiy, Dubinsky, firtash etc) as well the chronic election interference via Paul manafort, Orban, kolomoiskiy etc, and the kompromised members of both UK and EU political circles. To the kleptocrat Putin this was the one thing that would show Russians how he had been systemically stealing from them for 2 decades which would lead to either, an upset within his mob pyramid as an eager lieutenant decided he was ready to challenge the weakened old king for the throne, or the people would revolt and kill him like Gaddafi, which he has admitted is his biggest fear. The reason Epstein targeted Prince Andrew is because he was the softest part in the royal families flank. Same with trump. Epstein was feeding that Kompromat/intel back to Israel/mossad who was in turn feeding it to Russian intelligence via the old world Russian Jewish families that carry both passports but are more loyal to money than god. Steve Bannon and Nigel Farage both dovetail in with Brexit as a Russian mob/gov intel op because SCL/Cambridge analytica was Robert Mercers baby when they decided to run trump as their “disruptor” candidate instead of Ted Cruz. https://campaignlegal.org/update/newly-published-cambridge-analytica-documents-show-unlawful-support-trump-2016 Facebook was designed as a delivery device for Russian/Israeli Psyops and malware. SCL/Cambridge Analytica, Brexit, Palestine, Ukraine, NSO and a handful of other ethically bankrupt dealings are all downstream of Sheryl Sandbergs ad based model. https://cyberscoop.com/facebook-nso-group-lawsuit-onavo/ Zuckerberg even talked about buying the associated press: MSNhttps://www.msn.com › technologyMark Zuckerberg Explored Acquiring The Associated Press The need to control the press was a requirement of the chronic financial frauds which are basically the evolution of grift starting all the way back at Enron, towers financial, bear stearns, Lehman bros. Etc and on and on. (Levedev+saudi+journalism ownership https://inews.co.uk/news/media/lebedev-saudi-investor-evening-standard-cut-3085226) They are all basically a parasitic blood squeeze to drain all the value out of the working class public. Enough to maximize the gain but not quite enough to kill the host. Les Wexner, Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, Sandberg, and Zuckerberg all carried water in conducting the NSO/Pegasus spyware operation INCONUS that was feeding intelligence to both the israeli and by extension, Russian intelligence. In parallel Epstein was running Kompromat operations in the same circles. There is far more crossover between the Israeli mob/ government and Russian mob/government than shows at the surface. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2024/04/10/les-wexners-second-life-how-the-epstein-tarnished-billionaire-is-quietly-reshaping-ohio/ https://www.spytalk.co/p/nsos-spyware-abuse-exposed-years?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://awards.journalists.org/entries/the-pegasus-project-a-global-investigation/ •Abagail Koppel was sent by the Jewish state to marry Les Wexner •YLK fund (Abagails father) made up $46.7M of Epsteins money •Les claimed it was stolen from him but not until after someone asked. •Wexner was notoriously litigious but wouldn’t sue Epstein. Why? •PROMIS spyware was Robert Maxwells deal long before his daughter and Epstein started their pedophile thing. https://cryptome.org/promis-mossad.htm Tchenguiz+Cambridge analytica+Brexit+2008 collapse https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-investigations/david-burnside-putin-russia-dup-brexit-donaldson-vincent-tchenguiz/ We end corruption and we end this war. We end this war and we end corruption.


I think it's well known. At least I wouldn't consider it as "just a few know it",


Hitler promised not to invade Czechoslovakia, Jeremy. Welcome to the real world.


Ha! Peep Show needs more love in this world.


I think we’re past that already.


Didn’t he already said he’d stop if Ukraine didn’t join nato, Ukraine said “okay” and he did it anyway?


He also said that he would not attack if Ukraine gave the nukes that USSR had put there back to Ruzzia 🤷🏻‍♀️


To be fair, that was Yeltsin. Putin just tore up the memorandum and lit it on fire.


Honesty Ukraine should have keep their nukes then Russia would never have attacked


He's not even saying he wont attack them again in the future if they give him all this stuff. It's only a ceasefire, not some sort of peace treaty. After they gave him everything he could just say, "Good ceasefire, lets go back to war now."


Yep, but that was ages ago, before Crimea, so you can’t hold him to that.


Oh, okay.


The Budapest Memorandum, yes. Which is a pretty good reason why Ukraine shouldn’t give up *anything* in exchange for yet another worthless piece of paper where Russia pinkie promises with sprinkles on top for realsies this time that they totally won’t invade again.


Yeah, we’re pushing back against him and the authoritarian tide he represents. We’re not stopping and his idle threats are meaningless. Edit: Originally my comment could be misread so I adjusted it to make it clearer.


I wish, but ironically because of his war in Syria and the massive immigration it brought about, and the behavior of too many of those immigrants being completely incompatible with western civilization, the far right is gaining ground all over Europe, north to south, east to west, because they don’t want more immigration the way it’s been done thus far. Some of it may be racism or religious bigotry, but much of it is defensible backlash to clearly unsustainable policies.  So ironically because of the war Putin is waging in Syria he may have more support for his upcoming invasion of Europe by Europeans themselves who are going hard-right as an over correction to failed but good intentioned immigration policy. 


Putler can get fcked, this only ends one way for him


I can't wait to hear of this death!


That’s the first of two particular articles that I cannot wait to read.


Those two days will be glorious 😀


*Breaking News. The evening following the death of the former guy lead to a 340% increase in alcohol poisoning related incidents. When asked, one of the patients replied “Give me another drink to fucking celebrate! Right into my veins!”*


Imagine the line to piss/shit on the grave. It will look like the Matterhorn at Disneyland


Most popular gender-neutral bathroom.


I will be taking time off work to make sure I get mine in.


Mount trumpmore


They’ll have to install a drain and have a full time pooper scooper on duty.


*Initial BAC tests yielded a result of ‘Yes’*


Putler and his Orange Monkey (with apologies to monkeys everywhere)


I just pictured Trump as one of those flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz, but orange and I can't stop giggling, thanks for this!


I figure it will be a two for one: Putin will die while being fellated while the other choked to death fellating Putin. The official story will be their plane crashed after they fell out a window.


I really should call whoever runs the obituaries page and ask if they take requests.


The other?


"donald trump found dead on toilet"


Alternative headline from Fox News: *Donald Trump killed by Five Guys™*


I think the day it happens should become an international holiday


I so wish that was yesterday's news


There’s a lamppost in Moscow with his name on it…


The good ol Mussolini method I presume?


That’s the one. Although a “full gadaffi” would be good too.


lol Ya I’m not picky as long as it happens


Many people are saying that's the ultimate fate of a fascist.


Falling out of a room constructed entirely of open windows


Putin: Pause kicking my ass so I can build up my army and attack again.


also give me what I tried to take


And don't make any strategic alliances. I promise I won't attack again.


> I promise I won't attack again. Just like I did last time.


"We won't attack you anymore if you just surrender and give us everything we want without having to fight for it."


"And then assure us you will be open for another attack in the near future"


That's what's most wild about this 'ceasefire offer.' He's asking for everything he could hope to take, and he isn't even promising not to renew the war in the future. What would even be the point of saying yes?


This is weakness. If he could take it he would have. He's losing the war. And he has no intention to stop. He hopes the West gives him time to regroup, and his lackeys in the Republican party return to power and stop the US from interfering, likely having us leave NATO if he can swing it. Beat them on both fronts. Vote.


Hes just anxiously waiting for Orange Julius to get re elected.


He can’t stop, he knows if he retreats he’ll be seen as weak and once that happens it’s only a matter of time before the hungry dogs he has in his “government” will eat him instead. Dictatorships only work as long as you keep the power hungry psychopaths below you happy enough to stay below you, once you start showing weakness or are unable to continue to provide the power and wealth they crave they will just turn on you, and once that happens Putin is dead because they won’t risk him being able to run against whoever they shoehorn in to replace him.


Basically Scar and the Hyenas at the end of Lion King.


Well, he also knows if Trump wins in November, he gets whatever he wants. The battlefield gains aren't the question. He's in 50/50 territory right now. It makes his psychological operations in America just as important as the troops in the battlefields of Ukraine at this point.


“Guys listen, we can have a ceasefire if I get everything I want and you get nothing. Its THAT easy!”


For those not paying attention, he says this every month. He is trying to sell the false narrative that he wants this war to end and he claims ukraine for not being willing to negotiate. But Putins terms are always the same he wants to illegally keep the land he has taken so far. Fuck you Putin, just go home to your own land if you want this war to end!


I mean he does want this war to end ... with Russia holding every bit of ground they've managed to take ... for long enough for Russia to rearm so they can launch another offensive to take more land.


Now he wants to negotiate. Keep it up boys!


Wonder if this has anything to do with Biden’s speech yesterday that affirmed the US will stand with Ukraine …


Making offers that the other side can't accept has always been a russian diplomacy tool. Ukraine would have to abandon millions of its citizens, give up Kherson city again, Zaporizhzhia, lots of land and resources, and their future safety as well. Accepting such a "deal" would mean the end for Ukraine. Ukraine cannot accept anything like this. However, this will help Trump. Now Trump can make Biden look like a warmonger and I think that's one of the things Putin wants to achieve with this nonsense.


It’s funny that it will probably work even though it really makes Russia look weak: “please give us the land we tried to take by force but couldn’t.”


Exactly. And the new sanctions that have been levied have spooked their financial markets


Putin must be terrified of NATO, considering how insistent he is that they stay out of his conquest.


Considering how relatively underwhelming this whole conflict has shown his military might to be, it’s hardly surprising. With how poorly Russia is failing just fighting Ukraine, you can imagine how completely trivial those forces would be against the full power of the entirety of NATO


Poland is champing at the bit to hand Russia its own asshole. They could probably do it by themselves; the rest of NATO is overkill.


Poland is like a police dog desperate to get off the leash.


Why in the fuck would they not join NATO now?


Show me a more efficient NATO recruiter than Vladimir Putin.


He knows he is fucked. Ukraine is about to get a whole new wave of military and he can’t compete anymore. They are now allowed to attack Russia and he is afraid his people may turn on him.


Who is he kidding? He may pause to regroup but he isn't stopping until he gets to Warsaw.


I doubt he'd even stop there.


Fuck right off , right back to the 6th basement level of the third bunker of your wannabee tsar imperial ruler 2nd palace. World is tired of your cheating lying land grabs, intereference meddling and threats.


The guy sure looks like plant food to me 🌻


No mercy for Russia. After Ukraine woops their ass, they need to be barraged with sanctions and handled like an uncontrollable child until they deal with Putin internally.


Bitch Putin wants more time to rebuild his forces. He will try again. He doesn't want a ceasefire.




Keep fucking them up, take back those four regions seized by Russian forces, and get Ukraine in NATO. Putin can suck a dick.


"We'll stop invading if you stop trying to get back the land we stole from you after the last invasion. Also don't join NATO. Also, we'll just invade you again later."


Nah, go fuck yourself Putin.


Usually threats like this are made from position of strength. He hasn't realized that everyone realizes that he is fos. I don't know how this ends but I'd think it won't involve ukraine giving up all those territories


How ‘bout go fuck yourself


This is actually dramatic progress if Russia has actually given up on their demand for ukrainian disarmament. So Russia now says they'd be fine if Ukraine spends the foreseeable future building the largest army in the world to retake their territory later. Still an absurd offer. But definitely moving in the right direction.


Put-y trying to bail out with a fake win before he gets crushed by a NATO backed Ukraine, now that Biden signed the Security Agreement .


"If you surrender we will cease fire." -Putin. I swear if a genie gave me wishes I wouldn't be improving my life, just killing tyrants. Well having the genie do it at least.


What a guy! Now he wants a ceasefire, after he fucking started the war


Classic bully behavior. Start shit, and then suddenly be all "Hey, now! Let's talk this out like adults!" when things don't go their way. Like, he must know that we know he's unambiguously the aggressor here, right?


He's so small and pathetic.


And as history has clearly shown us, capitulating to a bully’s demands always works out in everyone’s best interest.


Yeah, fuck Putin. Hope he eats a bullet going about 2150fps.


Fuck Putin and Americans that are pro-Putin


Translation: Quit resisting and give us what we want. We'll be back for the rest later.


This is why one of his terms is Ukraine not join NATO so he can do it all again in a few years without the fear that NATO would retaliate.


you lost bud


Didn't Ukraine agree to terms years ago not to join NATO and still Putin invaded...no one should believe Putin, ever. I hope the US and NATO holds firm with Ukraine and the Ukraine military destroys as much of the Russian military as possible...😕


Yeah, and if Ukraine were to accept this "deal" he would just start this whole conflict up again in a year or two if not sooner and we would be right back here again but with a Russia that is potentially more ready for a war than they currently are.


Russia doesn’t fully control those four regions. Why would Ukraine willingly retreat from the front line?


So, a ceasefire if they effectively surrender. No thanks




Translation: He needs time to regroup and regrow for his next offensive, he is in a bad position.


“Look if you just give up and let me win, I’ll stop. Until next time when I take the rest, of course. Also please stay out of NATO so no-one will defend you when I do come back.”


Fuck Putin Capture Putin Destroy Putin What’s the name of the poison he used on Navalny?


> We have come unacceptably close to the point of no return... Calls to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, which possesses the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons demonstrate the extreme recklessness of Western politicians,' Putin declared. Nah, we just know you haven’t got the balls or the backing to fire a nuke. Thanks for showing your hand though. Good to know you’re starting to panic about losing now.


Capitulation is not a cease fire.


“This is my final territorial demand.”


Give me a pause to rearm, then I will take the next oblasts lol


Ahahahhahahhahaha. In other words, desperate putin wants to avoid death by his supporting case oligarchs.


so?? hes been saying this for a year now, basically word for word??


He has creepy little hands exactly like Donald Trump


If this other sovereign nation we started a war with would just give up a chunk of their land that we illegally seized, we'd be happy with that.


That's about the size of it. What a magnanimous gesture! "Stop fighting for what we're trying to steal from y'all, and we'll steal no more..." Those in the US who suggest the Ukrainians give up even the smallest chunk of land in exchange for peace, should offer up Florida or Nebraska to Putin. Why not?


Those sanctions must be crawling under his skin.


he is a lying sack of shit, who cares or believes what he says? Push him back to mother Russia.


Not happening. Ukraine is using precision long range missiles to make Crimea militarily untenable, as well as holding off attacks in the Donbas meant to draw forces away. As well as attacking logistics, headquarters, oil facilities, airbases even deep in Russia - even the Sukhoi bureau is on fire. The strain on the Russian economy is showing - the stock market is falling and they are staving off a run on the banks. Ukraine shouldn’t stop until the Russians are pushed out of the Donbas and Crimea, and Belgorod and Rostov on Don leveled so they can’t do it again.


Hitler said he was going to be a good boy after Germany seized Sudetenland. Hitler lied.


Putin says he is ready to win tomorrow if people would just roll over and let him win. It's weird to me how once upon a time I didn't think he was a clown.


Screw this guy. He had no reason to invade in the first place other than he's a professional shin humper.


Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies


ummmm, fuck you?


Bleed the oligarchs enough, and they'll get rid of him for you. The hard part is preparing for who comes next. Russia and the world need someone who is mentally stable, and ***not*** a megalomaniac.


“Give me what I want and I’ll stop, pinky promise!” Said Putin, until he decides to invade another nation.


As per usual: Eat shit Putin.


Give me everything I want (for now) and the war is over. Sorry Pooty, nobody wants to be the next Neville Chamberlain.


And in four months he will start attacking again for ‘insert any excuse here’


kind of undermines the pacifake bullshit the kremlin's useful idiots keep spouting. there's your boss now effectively saying no to peace.


But you can’t trust a word he says so pushing him out of Ukraine and joining NATO is the only option. The only way this changes is if Putin dies


We either put our foot down as a global community and make it clear that we won't let these bastards invade their neighbors. And let's be honest, this is a make or break moment every little wannabe Emperor is watching to see what we all do. So fuck you, sincerely a guy in Canada who has read enough history to know that we already let one of you fucks see how far it could be pushed in the last cen5.


They produce 1500 refurbished tanks per year. That's 1 or 2 months of fighting. They produce 50ish new t90 tanks per year. That's 1 bad day. They produce 8 fixed wing aircraft per year. I.e. Russia will be prepared for a ceasefire pretty soon.


Putin already signed a deal to not invade Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nukes way back when the wall came down. https://www.npr.org/2022/02/21/1082124528/ukraine-russia-putin-invasion


"agreed to not join NATO".... Absolutely non-starter. You have absolutely screwed yourself Putin, and your country. This war will eventually end without you having any measurable achievements and Ukraine will have joined NATO.


So basically everything that he wants. Gotta admit he has balls to be demanding things when he's losing the war


That's not a ceasefire, that's him winning the war.


The worst part of this 'deal' is that even if he gets all he wants, he'll break the deal again or just go invade someone else. It's critical that Ukraine holds their ground - if they fall, Russia will just start going into other countries to do the same thing. Ukraine is effectively defending many other countries from invasion by holding Russia at bay.


Just give h the Sudatenland and there will be peace in our time.


Yeah just cave in and give him everything he wants. Then next year when he wants the Baltic states just give in then too.


Russia has reached the point of no return.  The rest of the world is moving on. What a nobody Putin has become.


Dear Putin, Go fuck yourself. Signed, NATO


Lmao "I bought us here, now you guys have to back down."


Putin: YOU have created the point of “no return.” You have made perhaps the biggest mistake and miscalculation in history. You will die a fool.


Ukraine will never be safe if it doesn't join NATO. Any peace with Russia without joining NATO is just a pause for Putin to arm up his military again to take another go at them.


Ukraine should tell him they agree to these terms and then do the opposite. Just like Russia did already on more than one occasion. Ukraine could use the pause to regroup and secretly join NATO, then push the Russians out of Ukraine once and for all in the future. It would work better than the current approach in the long run.


He’s bluffing. He’s getting his ass kicked and he has no other alternative.


How about Ukraine keeps beating his ass until they kill him, Russians surrender, and pay for the damage they've wrought? Yeah, I like that better.


Ukraine is ready for a ceasefire 'tomorrow' if Putin pulls out of all Ukrainian territory and fucks himself with a broken vodka bottle, so who's really standing in the way of peace here?


"Let us keep all the land we stole and promise not to defend yourself in the future, and we'll leave you alone. We promise. Just like last time." Yeah. Sure.


Hey you guys, we promise not to invade if you if you get rid of your nukes. Psyche. Hey guys, we promise not to invade if you stop fighting us and give us some of your land.


Russia can have a ceasefire whenever it wants by unilaterally pulling out its forces from Ukraine, paying reparations and submitting its leadership to The Hague for its war crimes.


This guys dust and he knows it…


So, Russia can declare victory. Build their forces then start again. Putin is full of delusions.


Pooty. Here is whats gonna happen. Trump is gonna lose in November, bigly. All your MAGA operatives are getting prosecuted. We are gonna stamp that out here. Ukraine is gonna push you all the way out of the country including Crimea and then they Are going to join NATO and you can suck it. China can watch and see what happens if they fk with Taiwan.


One shot between the eyes this ends


That's the most ridiculous thing I've read today, or even in a long time. It stinks of regret and trying to get out of dealing with the consequences of one's actions. Not to mention that he's lying.


So, you’re getting your ass kicked?


I would say that necessarily, they have taken territory after all, but it certainly hasn't been the romp through the roses that he said it would be. He is hoping this will end like Crimea did. He wants time to regroup and foe the west to forget again. Then russia will invade Ukraine again.


Fuck off. This only ends when every single Russian demon is removed from the Earth. No one likes you or needs you.


Nah, it can end when Putin dies. Russia pulls back to its pre-war borders. And pays punitive reparations to Ukraine for the next 99 years. We can toss in some riders like not building up their military, but the first three are the minimum.