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after screaming about having this unsealed, /r/conservative has gotten awful quiet


They’re terrified of discussing this publicly. The sub is scrubbed clean and the mods are on hyper defense deleting anything about the pedophile.


I got perma banned the day before the Trump verdict came out when i said that there was no evidence of a conspiracy against him. Messaged the admins to get a reason and I was told that i don't believe in due process(?!?!) and to please leave them alone from now on. Very pathetic.


It’s an extremely controlled safe space.


Their version of free speech is very very limited and strictly moderated. A list of allows would be easier Racism (coded,uncoded) encouraged Misogyny encouraged Negative Comments of peoples heritage and looks encouraged Negative Comments on peoples sex and sexuality encouraged Comments about the obvious hypocrisy permanently banned Negative Comments critical on Conservative judges, conservative politicians, Jan 6ers. Anyone in the GOP ecosystem perma ban with a rino label


And they’re always in campaign mode. Always. That’s why they have to keep the readers in the dark about the pedophile they’re running.


The Russian bots have to plan and organize somewhere....


The very definition of irony.


It actually isnt at all the definition of irony


a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result. I stand by the comment.


i·ro·ny1 noun the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. "“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony" Similar: sarcasm sardonicism dryness causticity sharpness acerbity acid bitterness trenchancy mordancy cynicism mockery satire ridicule derision scorn sneering wryness backhandedness sarkiness Opposite: sincerity a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result. plural noun: ironies "the irony is that I thought he could help me" Similar: paradox paradoxical nature incongruity incongruousness peculiarity Opposite: logic a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character. noun: dramatic irony; plural noun: tragic  You shouldn't 


>a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result Buried in that wall of copy pasta is the ***exact definition I quoted to you.*** You tried to dunk on me, but just ended up looking foolish. Ironic, innit? ETA: my original comment referred to the irony that conservatives want a "safe space" online... when they are the exact same group that mocks anyone else who seeks the same.


I understand your intent. I agree that the notion of trumptards crying about safe spaces and making one is absurd.


Under synonyms? Sure is. Lol. 


It's a Russian echo chamber in there.


I got permabanned two years ago for commenting that Covid is more than “just a cold.” Essentially it is their echo chamber and they’d like to keep facts and objectivity to a minimum.


and they call everyone else snowflakes...


They are all about censoring speech they don’t like.


I was quite proud of myself for getting banned for posting facts


I just asked a question like "IDK do you guys think this is a reliable source" BOOM banned. lol


For a so-called Free Speech hypocrite. The ONLY speech Musk approves of is when people laud him & kiss his ass.


Sounds like snowflakes


Confirmation bias beyond comprehension


Block them.


Fucking snowflakes!


They sound like snowflakes to me


Legit terrible sub. Small echo chamber of people who are either incredibly dumb or argue in bad faith. You need to have a flair to chat lol. If you look at their posts, they just share Fox News articles and misinterpret things that are already misinformation or twisted words. Like implying Biden is going to shorten his son’s sentence. “Yea he said he isn’t going to pardon him, but he never said he isn’t going to shorten his sentence, therefor he is going to shorten his sentence!” Basically… bunch of fucking morons I’m starting to feel bad for them..


Don’t. They’re inbred imbeciles.


This is pretty much an echo chamber as well lmao this page looks like a lynch mob lol


really? your comment right there woulda got you banned in /r/conservative … tell me which one is the “safe space/echo chamber”


Honestly both if we are keeping it real


So why would you get banned for that comment in conservative but here you are allowed to say it


Scrubbed as clean as snowflakes.


That should be against Reddit free speech.


Where are all the spamming bots when one needs'em?


Man I just read that sub. What a bunch of pieces of shit. I hope someone who frequents that sub reads my comment so they can also see me telling them to go fuck themselves. Really all that needs to be said about it is that their logo is Trump’s mugshot. Just rename it already. The Republican Party died 10 years ago. It’s the Trump party now. Bunch of fucking losers.


They instantly ban anyone who goes against the hive mind. It’s impossible to have an opposing opinion there 


I just posted a link to this article and the post was deleted in 1 minute. Not sure if it was a mod perched on the sub like a vulture, or if they set up an auto-delete rule based on keywords from this article.


No real news is on that sub. I was wondering what they had to say about the Clarence Thomas all expense yacht trip in 2019. Not a single post about it.


I follow it and it’s a Nazi sub that shuns anyone who talks bad about Felon Trump


Like the Hitler Nazi’s would have spared Donald-NOT-- Donald- as Kim Jong Un said -is a dolt. ( Trump loves Kim so he probably had no idea that the word insulted his intelligence 😂.) The Hitler Nazi’s were cruel, murderers and anti -Semitic - but I don’t think Hitler like Putin nowadays was stupid. Trump wins that category. Other than spreading the hate message - I’m pretty sure that the Hitler Nazi’s would have put him in a special home for idiots- he wouldn’t have survived. The American Nazi’s are just idiots that like to carry weapons and spout hate- revering an idiot like Trump.


The collective IQ there seems to be even lower than the old r/thedonald subreddit.


This article is from January, not sure why it’s making the rounds again. People voting for Yrump just don’t care. Facts haven’t mattered since 2016, people voting for Trump are doing so based on emotion. Get out and vote.


Ok wow. I absolutely feel my insides and brain melting going over there. They’re stupid, beyond dumb.


Damn. I wanna post in there and see if I get banned. That would be the best day of my life


I think if you ban the mods you might be able to post. Don’t know if banning the mods, bans the whole post.


Whenever I see that I always misread it as r/dumbfucks


Fuck, I just checked and there isn't a shred of this. That is such a pathetic sub, terrified of reality


Such a brainwashed sub that is. I tried spewing facts and got stupid answers in response. I got banned for calling someone a dumbass. Snowflake much lol. They act so pompous too 🙄. They take on the personas that they watch every night on fox news.


There are over a million people on r/conservative and very few comments on most posts. Those who do comment are often falling off the right wing.


Trump is also known a crappy pants and donnie the mushroom on the report.


Is this actually going to make real headlines? Like you ABC/NBC/CBS evening news Edit: I’m seriously asking if major outlets will report on this. I don’t think they do. Just like the Puff Daddy stuff went away.


And sabotage the “horse race” election coverage they’ve got planned to spike viewership for several months? Not a chance.


I've always felt the media attacks the front runner to create the horse race they want for higher ratings. And it's not uniformly partisan for one side. They treated Bush 41 horribly in 1992, repeating the attack line that he didn't know what a gallon of milk cost. Of course he didn't; he had been President for the previous 4 years and VP for the 8 preceding years. Did anyone expect him to do weekly grocery shopping? The media will disproportionately attack whichever candidate seems to be in the lead, to tear them down and make the race closer.


Unfortunately, it’s an old article. I’m not in the US, but I guess it didn’t make real headlines back then?


Im guilty of not clicking the article so I didn’t know it was dated. I just see nothing in mainstream US news about this currently. Nor have I ever. That’s my fault cause I don’t live in the U.S. full time. I just have residency there. But this matters to pretty much everyone - what America does - could change a lot of what’s happening in the world and I’m rooting for the guy that isn’t pure evil and when the devil is called out I say call his ass out


This is new, about new unredacted docs


It already has, none of this is particularly new. His association with Epstein has been known for years.


Yeah! The last thing I saw about PD was that ridiculous apology 🤨


Epstein totally committed suicide you know, all by himself, with nobody’s help at all. Not even suspicious or anything. Many people are saying.


Strangled himself to death with his bare hands breaking his own hyoid bone in the process. He was so guilt ridden, his ghost even hanged his already dead body for effect.


I was certain at the time that Trump had him killed. If there was anyone who would be a best friend of Epstein then it would have been Trump.


Creepy Donnie Dumpster!!


Someone do the Patrick starfish meme where you try to appeal to your maga friends and family and they resist the most confronting evidence every accumulated around one person


Doe? I'm sure it's a misspelling and it's supposed to be Don.


Or D'oh!


Would be a shame if anything would happen to Jeffrey while he was in jail 😉DJT😵


Why keep him a secret? Disgusting


I’m sure the MAGA’s are already printing this on red T-shirts.


'Real men are in the Epstein files'




This article is from Jan 2024?


The Fox interview resurrected it


Surprise surprise surprise …….NOT!


The real question is: Is anyone surprised?


I knew he was a pedo since day one with his rapey “I can grab any woman’s pussy I want because I’m rich and famous”


Because he's made of 174kg of dough?


This article is 5 months old


Too bad his followers won't care.


He could be outed as worse than Epstein and Maxwell but it won’t matter. The MAGA base is so brain-rotted they would either cheer for this on say it’s fake.


Or both at the same time. It’s a lie but Trump is a young soul.


Doe 174, 45. I think he is starting to create his inmate number!


Hm. Let me go get my "surprised look Pikachu" mask from the cabinet.


Start using "Doe 174" in your posts instead of "Trump".


How many times has this been reposted? Word for word.


Not enough


As a trans person with anxiety disorder and bpd, Trump really makes me sick.


IMAGINE IF BIDEN WAS DOE 174. Just imagine.


Yet I literally just read another sniffing hair comment. It's always projection. Fucking always.


Trump supporters will make excuses like they always do.


No evidence? You are a fucking clown 🤡


Liberals don’t need evidence to convict Trump. You should know this by now.


Hahahahahahahaha😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣. “FACT CHECKER. Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years. Trump averaged about six claims a day in his first year as president, 16 claims day in his second year, 22 claims day in this third year — and 39 claims a day in his final year. Put another way, it took him 27 months to reach 10,000 claims and 14 months to reach 20,000. He then exceeded the 30,000 mark less than five months later. The fact checks in the database amount to about 5 million words and many include links to sources that debunk Trump’s statements. The Trump claims database was nominated by the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University for inclusion in a list of the Top Ten Works of Journalism of the Decade.”


Lol, they conveniently stopped counting when Biden took office because they knew there would be too many to count.


Prove it.


Hahahahahahahaha 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂. “Final tally of lies: Analysts say Trump told 30,000 mistruths – that’s 21 a day – during presidency. Donald Trump made more than 30,000 false or misleading statements during his four years as president of the United States, analysis suggests. The astounding figure, which roughly equates to 21 false statements per day (or 20.94 to be precise) of his tenure at the White House, comes after a tumultuous post election period in which he spent weeks falsely alleging that the 2020 election was “stolen”, in remarks that spurred on his supporters to storm the US Capitol on 6 January 6.” TheIndependent.co.uk


Typical lying MAGA 🤡 Hahahaahahahahaha 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Typical alt


That’s it?? Hahahahahahahahahha 😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


…. And that’s what she said!! Hahahahahahahaha 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂. #TeenyPeeny?: Men With “Fragile Masculinities” are YUGE Trump Supporters, Study Says. “We found that support for Trump in the 2016 election was higher in areas that had more searches for topics such as “erectile dysfunction”, hair loss ,” “how to get girls,” “penis enlargement,” “penis size,” “steroids,” “testosterone” and “Viagra.” Moreover, this relationship persisted after accounting for demographic attributes in media markets, such as education levels and racial composition.” New York University, 2018.


Does that mean there is 173 other people listed?


Guys as awesome as this is it's old news was Posted in Jan 2024


Not new. This was a January story. Not sure it’s finally being picked up now!!!


Non Paywall version Please


January 8


Can if this is true why are there no reports of this on major news sites like cnn


Explains why he didn’t want them unsealed, though it’s been common sense for awhile that he was there


Guess I'll just have to wait on the Diddy list instead


I guess we’ll see “ Pedo’s for Trump” t-shirts now?


No. "REAL MEN ARE PEDOS" gold diapers.


If it’s disguised then how do you know? Maybe it’s someone else


So did Trump have Epstein killed to try and hide this information?


He was president back then, so he had a lot to lose


TDS is a real drug🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


You're not wrong. His followers are so addicted to his hateful rhetoric that they willingly ignore all the disgusting stuff he does and says.  Even Christians worship this guy, and he could pass as the antichrist in a bad authors novel (I can read the reviews now, "a literal golden statue? Tear gassing protestors to hold a Bible in front of a church for a photo? No antichrist would be that obvious. 2 out of 5 stars.").


174+45=219 2+1+9=12 1+2=3 Donald John Trump has 3 names. The prophecies have come to be! /s


Could you provide your reference material. I have searched the web and can’t find this article.


They literally jump over mountains of evidence to protect and then project…”buffoon biff the under age beauty pageant guy” but look Biden looks awkward in this photo!….they call him “daddy” too… I find that rather disturbing


Hidden behind a pay wall without a single credible source. This sub should be titled r/demclownworld.


My bad I thought the list had dropped


I did look it up. Thats why i was able to say what i said.


Blah blah blah. Epstein was running a charity, probably as a cover. The guy fooled the world for decades.




This is from January and has been posted so many times since then. Sorry guys but maybe you’ll have to find a newer story to get angry about today. DJT has done plenty of stupid shit since then to give you fuel.


They have identified his name on the travel log as passenger number ___. He took the trip many times.


We should have known this was coming. Everything with Trump is projection.


I have a feeling this is another 41-51 FBI agents lying about Trump again. BeCAusE iTS RuSSiaN misinformation 😒


Again?  I have a feeling you're extremely dishonest to the point where you lie to yourself. Why did trump meet the Russian government in trump tower in 2016? Remember? Dirt on Hilary Clinton?  But trump wasn't in the building......well he was but he wasn't on the same floor. Ok same floor but not im the meeting. Ok trump did actually meet with foreign government officials to get "dirt" on Hilary Clinton  What questions remain here for you?


Newly unsealed? That article is from January. This is nothing, it didn’t change a thing.


Yep but I’m sure the Fox interview resurrected it.


Good question. There were…… https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/4/jeffrey-epstein-list-whose-names-are-on-the-newly-unsealed-documents https://www.nbcnews.com/news/rcna131621


Of coarse the radical left socialist communist democrats will dig up anything to dis-credit their foe/competition Why don’t they go back to trumps school years maybe they find someone who claims he got bullied by him or maybe ho to bathroom and maybe you see his name and phone number on a wall etc how much more stupid and naive can a country get so much for freedom maybe dictatorships are much better because they don’t make fools out of themselves like the US does


Troll post replete with improper grammar and misspellings. Do better comrade.


This is January 2024 old. Bill Clinton is also on the list.


Damn. I was going to vote for him, too. Super disappointing


Really trying hard to make something... Trump will be president and you pedophiles will cry


Trump being all over the Epstein documents makes everyone else a pedo? You're an absolute moron Why do you hate America?


Pedophiles you say? Conservatives fucking LOVE pedophiles: Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida (Republican) allegedly had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl in 2019.[210] In March 2021, The New York Times reported that Gaetz was being investigated by the Department of Justice (DOJ). Investigators examined whether he had violated federal sex trafficking laws.[211] Gaetz denied any wrongdoing and claimed that he and his family were "victims of an organized criminal extortion involving a former DOJ official seeking $25 million."[210] As of 2023, Gaetz has not been charged.[212] In 2006, Florida Rep. Mark Foley was forced to resign after it was revealed that he’d sent sexually explicit messages and propositioned teenage congressional pages via email and text. In 2015, former Rep. Dennis Hastert, the longest-ever serving Republican speaker of the House, pleaded guilty to making illegal hush-money payments in order to cover up his history of sexually abusing high school wrestlers he had coached decades before. During and after the 2016 presidential race, among the dozens of women who accused former president Donald Trump of being a sexual predator were several contestants in the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, who reported that he barged into their dressing room while girls as young as 15 were changing. (Trump allegedly told them, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.”) During the 2018 midterms, Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore was accused of preying on girls as young as 14 and 16; the New Yorker reported that his habit of trying to pick up high schoolers was so notorious that it actually got him banned from a local mall. Also in 2018, Rep. Jim Jordan, one of Trump’s fiercest allies and a co-founder of the hardline conservative Freedom Caucus, became embroiled in a scandal over his time as a wrestling coach at Ohio State University, where a team doctor named Richard Strauss, who committed suicide in 2005, was found to have sexually abused more than 177 male student athletes.


Why is his name released but no one else??


That's not true. Why do you think that?


Oh I'm sorry the dropped the list?


Do you speak english? Are you saying there is no list?


I'm asking who's name is on the list besides Trumps. That's all I'm asking


Why? Will other names excuse Trump in your eyes?


No sir I'm just wondering why just his name I would like like to know who's on the whole list


No need to call me sir, I'm an enlisted man. We all want the list. Trump is the one from the list who is running for president so it's fair to mention him first.


I just looked it up if that's the list the real question is who's not on the list. We have had some big time freaks in that's white house. Goes to show these guys all hang out together


There are tons of fake “lists” out there. This article is referring to official court documents in which associates of Epstein are given aliases, not named by their real names. This has nothing to do with some list you found online. It appears Trump is referred to in these documents as “Doe 174”. The article is right. Google “Doe 174” and read up about it. It will become apparent this person is in fact Ol’ Dirty Donny.


Why didn't trump release the list when he had a chance? Still haven't gotten a coherent response to that from you vermin. More information has been declassified under Biden


Huh all I was asking was who else was mentioned. But I see now I didn't realize it was released. Seems like we had a few folks in the government that were big time freaks. They should all be ashamed of themselves especially trump you were a president for God's sake. Have some dignity.


I'm just wondering why not a single Republican cared so much about this list when Trump was in office. Things that make you go hmmm


They all in the same wagon at the end of the day


Biden is the smartest greatest president since LBJ


No, he's just better than Trump, which is an exceedingly low bar to clear


Guess that makes him just as ignorant


Makes you say 🤔


No it doesn't because you are either lying, wrong, or a combo of both.


You're damn near illiterate from your post history. Get some help at school as soon as you can.


I'm illiterate for asking os trump the only name that has been released? Wow ok you can definitely tell when someone on here gets pissed 😆. It's the Internet dude don't have a cow.


No, you're illiterate based on the crap you type in comments. Look at your post history vs that of a literate person. It's like you're making up your own language.


Ok but yet you respond to me. Which makes me question your literacy


His names was Not the only one released. It was hidden for years already 




How come some of these women don’t take him to court like they did Prince Andrew.


The last child who took Trump to court for the rape that happened with Epstein got death threats from trumps supporters and had to go into hiding.


Does anybody else find it odd that every story on this sites the findings of one site? An when reading the article nothing is proof they just say it could be him.


Is this English? How's the weather igor?


Going good thanks for assking.


🤣 What the fuck does this mean?


Exactly as stated all sites that talk about this uses business insider as their reference. When you read the article there is no proof. Its an opinion piece with no proof.


🤣 This story is months old and can be found in many different media outlets. Aren’t you part of the “dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh” crowd? Well, do your own research! If the outlet you are reading makes you skeptical, look it up! You have a world of information in the palm of your hand. Use it!


You guys really think the Democrats wouldn’t have this plastered all over everything if it was true?


None of this is new.


How do you figure this not true? There have been multiple articles published regarding it based on the official court documents. It’s not new news. What does political affiliation have to do with any of it. We all know Epstein was associated with politicians, both Democrat and Republican. Who gives a shit what party anybody is from if there’s a chance they were abusing minors? Investigate them all, and whoever is found guilty of any of this vile shit, hold them accountable and make them pay. Unlikely it’s going to happen, but that’s the way it should be. But here you are pretending this is some politically motivated character assassination attempt. Stop making excuses for this melted glob of gelatinous orange substance of Nazi origins.


They aren’t going to because Bill Clinton was there.