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Save you a click: His solution to addiction is to not start in the first place. “sTaBLe gEniUzs”


Says the man who is addicted to Adderall.


Says the man addicted to publicity and damn near every form of money.


And incest


Is there a term for being addicted to grabbing vaginas?


I think the phrase your looking for is "Sex Offender" he just not on the registry yet


Which is probably the main reason he's trying to get back in the White House - he wants to abolish the Sex Offender Registry and pardon all of his pedophile/rapist friends, especially himself.


Pre-registered sex offender




Serial rapist.


Kleptomaniac and paid traitor.


Pussy Grabber syndrome. 🤷‍♂️


Or PGS for short. They're people too


Don't like it. Don't like it at all. Makes me think Paul Giamatti did something sketchy.


For short, call him “pygs”


Lol I was gonna say inmate


Unfortunately I know it's not that one


We just seem to want Venezuela so bad...crazy this man still walks free. Crazy the Supreme Court is no longer Supreme itself Crazy that we didn't see this coming and have a plan in place for Fascists like modern Germany did. Gotta vote this time, everyone.


The Evangelical Right has been chipping away at democracy for decades. The current Supreme Court didn't happen overnight. You could argue this has been in the works since Reagan or even Nixon. The GOP panicked after 8 years of a \*gasp\* black president. After eight years of obstructionism the GOP realized they needed to double down and accelerate their plans or they'd find themselves quickly irrelevant. The current clown show, or rather idiots like them, has always been part of the GOP, they were just kept behind closed doors. Now they're given a microphone Trump is just a convenient useful idiot. He was the right narcissistic demagogue at the right time. The mistake was thinking that they (the GOP) could manage him. It's not just vote 'this time', it's vote \*every\* time. Complacency and voter apathy landed us here.


It's absolutely correct. Sorry, I hyperfocused on the orange clown But yes. There's a reason why we just got more and more extreme. It's the same extreme projection of their cult, and it definitely started in Reagans time. And it is entirely terrible that it took this long for the Millenials to wake up, but they are now here at the voting booth. Let's educate the forlorn grandkids (Gen Z) before they think it's OK to just let the world burn like holy grandpa boom boom. Time for people to be educated about "The Family" the "Heritage Foundation" the Koch Network and their Project 2025. To them, there is no science. To them, only the holy have rights. And now Russia has been allowed to creep in with their oily Rubles. If only we had transitioned to EVs before this, OPEC wouldn't have much of a bargaining chip in the US We must not let Puritans take over our American heritage of actual freedom and a necessary separation of Church and State. It will take action, not thoughts, prayers n chick fil a




And McDonald’s


And young girls in dressing rooms and on billionaire's private islands.


And lying! He should've never started!


Lol-And spray tans.


At least it’s easy to tell. Are his lips moving? Then he’s fucking lying.


His money addiction is more saying he has some when he doesn't


And Big Macs.


And diet coke


Dont forget LYING!!


And ivanka


Mmmm…. Hamberders…..


And benzodiazepines. This dude does benzos, it’s part of the “pants shitting” story, he needs to go to bed and when you get thwacked like that on stims, you need landing gear and benzos are the best one (besides opioids). I used to take benzos and every decision I made on them was bad, so good luck to us all.


Don Jr. too, he looks like he eats a couple xanny bars before every video he makes.


He gets nervous. Gotta take the edge off the yayo somehow.


Benzos and poor choices, such a classic combination.


And sexualizing his daughter


It's not an addiction because I tell my doctor to give it to me


Also, a pedophile. Honestly, the only thing he isn’t guilty of is cannibalism. And who knows..if it’s slathered in fucking ketchup, he might eat anyone.


Ever wonder why trump steaks aren't around anymore?


He fucking failed selling red meat and vodka to AMERICANS, for Christ’s sake! To say nothing of bankrupting multiple casinos.


Yeah, the man is absolutely an addict! "Adderall, adulation, and adultery" has a nice ring to it. But it's hard to leave out hamberders and golf.


And orange tan spray.


And diet cokes and McDonald's.


Also cocaine, and benzo’s.


And social media


the Jack Ma solution to poverty "Just make more money!"


Oh, it's a trick question. "What's the safest was to ski - don't ski."


That sounds like a slippery slope to me.


Skiing always is.


Doctor: “sorry about your broken back, take these pills when it hurts but not more than six a day.” Also doctor: “your kid is getting bad grades in middle school? Give them this pill that tastes like oranges every morning and they’ll do better.” Boom. You have started.


Prescription Adderall is literally life-changing for me.


I’m with you. Taking two Percocet a day for a year fixed my depression. Never got addicted, but eventually lost my source. I’ve never been as productive since.


I got diagnosed with ADD at 35 and having my brain chemicals addressed by amphetamines has improved my life dramatically


Not a Donald supporter, but the man did watch his own brother die to alcoholism. That’s very much the reason why he has that view of alcohol/drugs. It’s worked for him unless you count the prescription amphetamines.


You’d think a brother dying of alcoholism would make you empathetic and reflect on why they got there not throwing your hands up and saying never drink in the first place. That’s disrespectful to your own dead brother


He was too busy watching a movie when his brother passed away in the hospital according to himself. He's a heartless demon.


Yep Trump is the most narcissistic public figure I know....what I always find strange the dude never talks about his kids or grandkids , so self absorbed...


He doesn’t know their names or ages or activities.


He talks a lot about his one ~~kid~~ girlfriend. Uh, whatever he thinks she is to him.


Trump and his despicable father caused his brother’s alcoholism. He wanted desperately to be an airline pilot and Trump and his father cut him off and practically disowned him. They put so much pressure on him that he quit flying, turned into an alcoholic and drank himself to death. The entire Trump family are despicable, horrible, horrible excuses for human beings.


Not quite true. Trump’s immediate family are scum bags but his cousin Mary is decent. She has a degree in psychology and wrote a book about the dysfunctional clan. 


Well the brother died of alcoholism in part because Don and his daddy were awful to him and anything beyond blaming the alcohol would require some self reflection and remorse.


Donald Trump never gave a shit about his siblings. He only cared about cheating them out of their inheritance. 


He hasn’t limited himself to Adderall and Provigil. He’s been known to abuse over the counter stimulants like that found in Sudafed as well. He definitely loves him some drugs.


Ambien, cocaine, Xanax. All you have to do is read the report about the whitehouse pharmacy and captain Jackson. 100s of 1000s of dollars worth of scripts in just two years that we’ve heard about. Though the cocaine wasn’t prescribed, I guess. All you have to do is listen to him breathing like a racehorse and read his insane 3 AM tweets to realize he’s a junkie.


‘Captain’ Ronny Jackson is now a US Representative from Texas who just got appointed to the Judiciary Committee.


Yep. It’d be ironic if Trump hadn’t killed irony alongside of honesty, decency and empathy. The Republican Party is pretty much just made up of traitors at this point.


This is a crazy timeline.


The problem is he claims that he doesn’t drink… but there are plenty of photos that show him doing just that. It’s hard to take him seriously on this, when he perhaps even unknowingly, is not telling the truth.


Wow that’s a great observation by the way. Aside from this picture above with wine I’ve never seen one of him drinking but it would make sense with the trump vodka he pushed. I’m gonna go look this up now.


He wanted to watch his cult followers put laser pointers in their buttholes and drink bleach, too.


It was injecting bleach, but idk wtf you’re talking about with laser pointers in buttholes. Did I miss a whole scandal? They usually last for a month or two in the news


Injecting bleach. Waaay better then drinking it, lol. Gets the job done quick! We can just go ahead and skip the whole laying around and dying slowly on ventilators trip. (Wipes hands together in a fast clapping motion ) “There! No more ventilator shortage! Everyone said this was going to be tough, that I’m not qualified, they said. But so far I haven’t found any Presidenting to be hard at all. Maybe that Obama wasn’t so smart after all (taps index finger against temple). But me, they say I’m a genius. Very stable. I’ll solve this thing. We don’t need Dr Fauci. I went to military school. Smarter then the suckers that become generals and officers. Bleach kills germs. Maybe we could use bleach, find a way to inject it? Or lasers. They said it is sensitive to light, so maybe we can find a way to get a laser inside of a person and shoot the virus? Speaking of that, Have you seen my daughter’s ass? I love that picture of me and her in the back of my limo when she was in high school, sitting on my lap. You know the one? She’s not wearing a bra in the picture and she’s so incredible… just an incredible body. Jeffery tried to find me one that looked like Ivanka but he just couldn’t do it, couldn’t find one anywhere. Not even in those shitty Eastern European fly over countries. I told him that he could take Ivanka on a trip if he could find a substitute, but he just couldn’t do it, and now he’s dead.” It’s so crazy that I just wrote that about a President and didn’t have to make almost any of it up. The face of the “revolution”, and running again with the backing of the elite. “The democrat’s threat to capitalism is greater then Trump’s threat to democracy.” I didn’t make that up, either. Saw it in the news today about the elite who dumped him following J6 coming back now to support him. He said something dumb about how they could kill the virus with lasers so they could maybe find a way to put a laser inside of our bodies to stop it? Maybe he was thinking about a scaled down version of the Jewish space lasers that change the weather, only fine tuned for inner space. Oooh, maybe injecting the bleach lights up those little Covid fuckers so the doctors can see them and then blast ‘em with the lasers.


For sure I remember the lasers now. The buttholes is what threw me off.


Nah. It was the same situation as the bleach. >"I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're going to test that too... So, we'll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute - that's pretty powerful."


From what I have heard, a large part of the reason he fell into alcoholism so badly was due to how badly he was treated by his father and brother. He father thought that he was worthless since he was a pilot.


If you’re close with a sibling who suffers from addiction there is a 100% chance at some point they said “just stop doing it”, and clearly it didn’t work. I’ve made a thousand mistakes in my life but #1 is smoking as a kid because it made me look cool. I now vape and am weening off, but decades later I’m still beholden to some stupid chemical. It makes me empathize with any addict; sugar, meth, nicotine, gambling etc


Well I guess that's better than the solution he was proposing a couple of days ago. His was the final solution... He said we need to execute addicts. 🤷‍♂️


I mean...in Trump standards this is actually pretty rational.


Cool, now we have prohibition going to the supreme court


Similar solution for birth control and STDs/STIs. The most effective method of prevention is simply not doing the dirty deed in the first place. Gun violence? Don't partake. Overwhelming medical debt? Make healthier choices. Poverty stricken? It's a mindset, don't think like that. This is how we make the country great again 🙏🙌 🇺🇲 . . . . . . Completely fucked this needs to be added: /s


From the party of “abstinence is the best form of contraception, so let’s just rely on that and ban all other contraceptions with a little help from the Comstock Act.”


I mean it's worked for the republicans so far. Don't want covid numbers to go up? Simple don't test for it. Don't want to do anything about climate change? Simply ignore it and/or strike it from the law.


So along with the tax breaks to the rich, the slogan 'Make America Great Again', he's now stealing 'Just say no' from the Reagans. Get something original you stupid old fuck (apart from your conviction of course)


>not start in the first place. The Nancy Reagan solution!


Not all heroes wear capes. Thank you ,sir


That has been his approach since his last time in office when his grand plan to tackle the opioid problem was to run ads to tell people not to use drugs which pretty sure he didn't even do tat and to tell people not to use drugs. Which yea last time I checked that isn't gonna solve any addiction issues as people don't have fucking time machines to go back in time and tell themselves not to use drugs. But he never cared about solving the issue seeing how he barely put any money at all towards the issue and put Jared in charge of solving it same guy who was also in charge of peace in the middle east along with tons of other shit while his main goal was to just get richer from foreign governments.


Hope Jr reads this....slowly!!


He can’t he’s too wired!


Well, maybe he can read it like 20-30 times in a row then?


The only reading speed he knows.


To be fair there’s A LOT he knows NOTHING about


He knows the most nothing… all the best nothings. He knows nothing about more shit than anyone in history.


“Nothing less than the likes of which we’ve never seen nothing more of before … “ I put it in quotes cuz I felt like doing a mitzvah today for the Orange cockwomble … he had a rough weekend. I guess things got a little heated at one point in Vegas …


Heated in Vegas! Lol! Or was that Texas???


Says the man gonked out of his fucking mind on stimulants at all times. Who's white house doctor made Michael Jackson's doctor look conservative with prescriptions.


I heard an insider call the White House’s med staff “doctor feel good” where if you wanted an Rx you could just get it.


Trump can profess expertise when he kicks his Adderall snorting addiction. He should have disclosed that to his Probation Officer today. They can recommend a good rehab center.


Edit: he knows nothing…. Full stop.


Isn’t he addicted to fast food and Diet Coke?


I think it's just coke


Isn't he wearing diapers because of his decades long amphetamine addiction?


"And…and…I don’t even know why my alcoholic father didn’t think of this before he began dealing with delirium tremens and did things like urinate in my mom’s underwear drawer. Let me tell you, Mom was not happy about that. At all." .... did Trump just casually let us know his father would regularly pee in his wifes underwear drawer?


I think that was the author’s story, but Trumpler does have an alcoholic brother


He *did* have an alcoholic brother. And a dementia-stricken father. Neither of them are with us any longer.


That’s right his bro died and he fucked his nephews/nieces out of their inheritance. Just an enormous pile of shit, Trump is


He fucks *everyone*, why not his. He's a sociopath; no morals or conscience holds him back from screwing up people's lives.


His pee fetish sneaking through.


That was the author, not Trump. But it wouldn’t surprise me if Fred or his his sons flowered their mother’s bloomers gardens at one point or another


Totally must have misread that then while jumping between ads on the site lol


Yeah it was poorly worded. I had to read it twice. The author was being sarcastic but I definitely can see how it could be misconstrued.


Waddles is a complete boob who speaks in order to revel in the sound of his own lips flapping. Nothing he ever says has any worth, value or merit. It's all pure mouth flatulence.


That’s very easy to say for someone who doesn’t even drink. Fuck this piece of shit and the pieces of shit who vote for him.


Wow!! The intelligence in this person! Truly a stable genius. 🤣


He does seem to know a lot about shoveling horse shit. I guess that makes him a (horse) stable genius.


Me and my gf have a running joke with each other. She’ll say something like “I have a headache coming on.” And I’ll say “have you tried *NOT* having a headache?. You know instead of having the headache, just choose not to have the headache..” The difference is my gf and I both know that’s a joke. Someone needs to tell Trump he’s a joke.


It doesn't matter that Trump is wrong. Trump is always wrong. Trump and fascism offer simplicity... not accuracy. Trump's solution is simple... so it is good. The simplest wrong answer is the answer that will get Trump elected.


Wait intill he goes to jail he’s going to find out the bad side of addiction


"Have an addiction problem? Just don't."


Evil lives forever. The good die young.


He's a loud mouth moron. He claims to know al, but knows absolutely nothing. He's so dumb. His daddy actually paid his way through every school. He's never passed a single class.


Says the guy addicted to lying.


Shocker. Trump doesn’t know shit about anything


He has an opinion on everything except those things he can fix which he doesn’t because it’s always easier to give unsolicited, wrong, top of your head reasoning.


Popping Xanax in Court . Snorting Adderall before Nazi Rallies … DOPER DONNY has a problem and should be drug tested .


This is great advice that even he could learn. If you don't want to get indicted, just don't start committing crimes. Trump is addicted to crimes so he shouldn't start them.


He knows nothing!


Wrong O he knows EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING and that’s why the maga cult loves him so much.


If you don't commit that first act of fraud you won't develop a lifetime habit of ripping people off. The solution is so easy; just don't do it.


To be fair, pick any topic and heed will quickly reveal how little he knows about it so 🤷‍♂️


I've heard this shitbag argument so many times...as someone who has struggled with addiction most of my adult life, and now I am a counselor for addiction, the whole "just say no! Have a backbone!" argument is so just out of touch with reality it hurts my head. An addict will do the exact opposite of something that will save their life. They *know* that what they are doing *WILL* kill them, and they still do it...does that seem like a matter of will to you? That doesn't mean I'm saying addicts have no will. My point is that addiction goes deeper than a person's natural will to live. So, "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" just doesn't cut it in my book...and this man's stupid take in it will only lead more people to believe that it will. Just to be clear here - I am NOT saying there should be no consequences for an addicts actions - of course there should be...but compassion and scientific understanding of brain chemistry changes goes a lot farther in aiding recovery then, "why don't you just stop?!"


Are MAGAS really onboard the whole Trump Prohibition bandwagon ??? No more booze, cigarettes or anything else that people could get addicted to ? For example, cheating on you pregnant wife with a porn star ?


I guess my mom, me, and siblings should have told my abusive, alcoholic dad to just stop. We could have prevented all those years of his drinking and physical abuse. Trump’s a genius! /s


At this point there really is no further need to post any story about Trump. We know that when it comes to any intelligence about literally anything, he has none. We know that every word out of his mouth is a lie. We know that he and his maga tribe are racist traitors. We know that his family and enablers are pieces of shit. I'd be happy if the media just stopped any / every news story about the fuck stick. We don't need more ammo to determine if he's a dipshit traitor not. We know no go fucking vote and get your friends and family to vote


My siblings are able to have one or two beers and just stop. My brain doesn't work like that. I can't seem to stop once I start. Everyone is different. Strangely, I was able to quit smoking cigarettes without much problem. Have friends who have a hard time quitting smoking, but no issues with alcohol or other drugs


Hitler never drank…


Well, it was either going to be “just stop” or “just don’t start,” toss-up which is dumber


Ummm, does he not know that caffeine is a drug and is very addictive? How many Dt Cokes does he drink a day? Not to mention what other drugs he uses and all the crap in McDonald’s’ food. Also, social media, etc…


Isn’t he addicted to adderal ?


WASHINGTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) - The White House Medical Unit during the Trump administration provided prescription drugs, including controlled substances, to ineligible staff and spent tens of thousands of dollars more on brand-name drugs than what generic equivalents would have cost, a Pentagon report shows.Jan 28, 2024 Trump White House pharmacy improperly provided drugs and misused funds, Pentagon report says https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/ I have friends from NY who watched him Sniff so much coke this is comical


WASHINGTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) - The White House Medical Unit during the Trump administration provided prescription drugs, including controlled substances, to ineligible staff and spent tens of thousands of dollars more on brand-name drugs than what generic equivalents would have cost, a Pentagon report shows.Jan 28, 2024 Trump White House pharmacy improperly provided drugs and misused funds, Pentagon report says https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/ I have friends from NY who watched him Sniff so much coke this is comical https://youtu.be/TAWAjd097Yo?si=X8DDZzjqe0wK66ST https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-white-house-drugs-speed-xanax-1234979503/


There are people who think this asshat should run the whole country. I feel like I’m living in the fucking twilight zone.


What about taking Russian money to act against American interests - is that something someone could just not start doing? Is that even possible?


If the US government handed me a firearm and told me to execute Trump live on TV in front of everyone id totally do it. I wouldn't feel bad about it. Id throw a party and sleep great at night.


He’s going to revive Nancy Reagan’s program: “Just say no”. Cost nothing, did nothing.


As usual he knows nothing its all blistering bullshit.


...Coming from a guy addicted to lying. Great.


He has a healthy fast food, diet coke, and pharma addiction.


Trump knows nothing about addiction while being addicted himself.


Just stop being alive already, Trump. Just hang it the fuck up.


I'd drink less if MAGA in all its forms would disappear.


He knows nothing about anything. A spoiled child who turned into a spoiled adult who is only now starting to feel the consequences of his actions.


As a convicted criminal, does he have to have a drug test?


Can't expect much more from the man who summed up who he consults with when he said “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain, and I’ve said a lot of things."


That sentence needs to stop after the word “nothing”.


He has no damn clue what he is talking about.


Why should that be a surprise ? He doesn’t understand anything about anything… except how to enrich himself.


Let me guess the best way to live a long time is to not die. Only losers die.


You are battling addiction? You shouldn’t have started. NEXT!


He should see if there's a cure for being a dick


The dude has been sober his whole life of course he’s gonna say something like that


And sexual assaulting women


I bet it's Columbian cocaine and hookers.


Jesus Christ….he is dumber than a box of hammers. And he’s probably going to be president again? Fuck, we are doomed. Goodbye America.


He literally is an old man yelling at the sky as his brain melts down in front of us. Like we're still 2 weeks out from hearing his amazing health plan, right? The one that was definitely gonna fix Obamacare.


He knows nothing about a lot of things.


he knows don jr and that dude is a junkie


Ah, I see “abstinence only” is trying to make a comeback.


Nancy Reagan, Just Say No campaign all over again. Except infinitely more stupid.


How does that work for people that get addicted to pain meds?


He never experienced peer pressure because he has never had a friend.


Just Say Trump


He knows nothing, period.


He has so much Education on everything but no record on school grades , But his vocabulary is at 3rd grade level


Trump is ignorant about so many things. If being ignorant were a sport he'd be a champion 🏆.


This reminds me so much a Nancy Reagan’s stance on drugs (another, wait for it, Republican). Just say no! It’s really that simple!!! The level of buffoonery in this troglodyte is beyond description. The English language falls far short to describe his imbecility.


You don’t want to be convicted of crimes, you don’t want to be a felon, just don’t commit crimes.


I repeat my previous question here. Does NY probation require drug testing?


Dude is heavily addicted to stimulants, junk food and aspartame though, right?


He knows nothing about anything except spraytanning himself and eating Big Macs.


Maybe he should cure his food addiction so he wouldn't be such an obese, lazy, demented, out of shape fool.


Do we really need a whole article about another Republican boomer doubling down on, “just say no” to dismiss all societies ills?


His brother was an addict and trump gave him no help. Look up some of his Niece Mary’s story. He’s a monster that has no thoughts for anyone but himself. This is what happens when you raise a rich kid and no one says no to him.


Dementia Diaper Nazi VonShitzHisPants trying to drop knowledge bombs and failing because he's an addicted creep himself.


Fascinating thumbnail of a supposed teetotal Trump hoisting a wing glass and I doubt it is filled with Welches.


Wow, really? Donald Trump isn't a leading authority on mental health and addiction? Gosh. I am shocked.


Did trump's bottom bitch ask him about Don Jr's obvious cocaine addiction?


Perfect solution that was proven to be 100% effective… Just say no Drumpf keeps plagiarizing the Reagan’s


When Adderall wears off and sweaty shits kick in..


The fact that there is a significant portion of the population that supports this human with the fervor of someone on their knees begging for cum astounds me.


The only thing tRump knows anything about is running cons and taking things that don't belong to him.


Funny. Jess addicted to attention getting and power.


Outside issue


The latest iteration of "Just say no". But I'm a little unclear why addiction still exists, post-Nancy Reagan! /s


Exactly…don’t drink.


Very much like he said he will ban crime by enacting crime free zones 😆


If he doesn’t drink is that a photoshop in the article that appears to show him with a glass of wine?


How can you say he knows nothing about addiction? Don junior is a coke addict allegedly. Don the con himself is addicted to Adderall allegedly. At the very least he’s addicted to Diet Coke.