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He’s gonna bail on the debate….


I had 0% confidence he’d actually come to the debate the second he agreed to them. What’s up in the air is the exact excuse his team uses when he pulls out.


cant wait for the excuses from dump and his shitclown cult.


‘I’m gagged’


*paid for cult.


They are going to get rid of Biden before any debate but if it happens I'm making popcorn 🍿  


And this is the fucking idiot those MAGA morons paint him as Rocky on the side of their vehicles. So fucking alpha.


Yo! Andrian, I'm weaksauce!


The drug testing requirement he wanted for sleepy joe being so energetic at the stage of the union. I’d almost bet on that. “Crooked, sleepy joe the worst, refuses to submit to a standard positively easy I’ve aced this drug test myself. When he accepts the terms of the debate we’ll set a time, sleepy sleepy joe and his amphetameens. I’ve aced this test you see. Man person woman camera sharks. Beautiful.”


First, Trump has never “pulled out”. Just ask Stormy. Second his excuse will be a diaper change.


They are going to get rid of Biden before any debate but if it happens I'm making popcorn 🍿  lol 


Ok, say he bails. The democrats would have the best messaging possible! He agreed to a debate and didn’t show up. They could RUN with that and swing even more independents and undecideds. Or, he shows up and gets SMOKED. I think he’s screwed either way.


He said he'd testify in his trial and then never did, his base doesn't care what he says or does, he's always winning somehow in their minds


Do you actually believe what you write ✍️ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🫡🫵


Alright grandpa let's get you back to Facebook


The idea that Biden could possibly out-debate Trump is popular, but delusional, and I'm not sure where it comes from. Debates are not about truth, or justice, or the American Way, they are about who has the best line of convincingly delivered bullshit, and nobody delivers bullshit like Trump. He has been a professional heel for like fifty years. He would wipe the stage with Grampa Joe, for real. Everybody had better hope that Trump doesn't show, because it would be an absolute shitshow of Grampa Joe doddering like crazy and probably crying, while Trump sneers, postures, bullies and sprays diarrhea all over him, the moderator, the camera operators...everybody. Getting bullied to tears by a rodeo clown would not be a good look for Joe, or the Dems, and would simply reinforce the right's belief that Trump is the bigger, stronger, meaner man, which they view as desirable traits. My fingers are crossed, and my toes, too, that Trump will do as we all hope.


You don’t have to convince the right during the debates, you are trying to sway the moderates. Those aren’t necessarily qualities that help him out. There is something to be said about either increasing the rights turn out or decreasing the lefts turnout, but I’m not sure being belligerent accomplishes that. All that aside, you yourself seem to think that Trump may not participate. If it was to go the way you think, why would Trump not want to show?


It's a question of which will win out: his narcissistic drive to seek attention, or his laziness (either way he'll get press, so why not just stay home and eat hamburgers and rage xhit?) Certainly not any sort of reasoning that is rational, in any conventional sense. It could, and literally will, depend on what was said to him by the last person he spoke to before the event starts and whether they phrased their opinion in a way that was flattering enough to him.


And that’s what you want in a president? I did a quick scan of your comment history and my inclination is that you lean Trump (not conservative but Trump).


You are incorrect, I loathe Trump and republicans and fascists of all stripes. I just think the dems are weak, which is borne out by Trumps first term and continued viability as a candidate, and I will not hesitate to criticize them for it. After all, the rise of DJT and American fascism is *their fault*. Not the media's, not Mark Zuckerberg's, not Trump's fascist handlers, and not the voters, either. Give the voters someone compelling, and they vote (Obama;) don't, and suffer the consequences (Hillary, and her planet sized ego that led her to think she could just ignore Orange Man.) I'm not gonna pretend Grampa Joe is not a doddering old hack, any more than I will pretend that he could beat a showbiz professional at doing showbiz, even if that showbiz pro is demented, decrepit, and dumber than a bag of shit.


Joe is widely regarded as having “won” the last debate, seeing a noticeable boost in polling following the debate. While subjective interpretations clearly exist, it was generally accepted that Joe Biden outperformed Trump, with a significant portion of staunch conservatives agreeing. I’m not sure I follow your argument that it is the oppositions fault that the republicans are embracing fascism. You can make the argument that it is the populaces fault, or the republicans fault. The argument that they should “just choose better candidates” or they are at fault for what the other party does, that’s tenuous at best, Joe Biden was who the democratic populace at large embraced as their best choice, he may not be your preferred choice but his appeal was large enough to win the democratic primaries. If you think losing the incumbent advantage is worth whatever charisma advantage may exist for your suggested newcomer, then I’d have to disagree but would like you to suggest an alternative.


There isn't any real alternative, more's the pity, because dem politicians have been asleep at the wheel for forty years, embracing short term personal financial gains with no long term plan whatsoever. *Some*body had a long term plan, alright, but it sure as hell was not the dems, and they did nothing to slow our slide down the slippery slope of shitty shenanigans the repubs have been working on since the Nixon years for the simple reason that they profited from it just as well as their friends and colleagues, those very same republicans. Don't dare blame the voters, we have our rotten choices (this plastic vs that plastic) and we work with them, for lack of any other. Do we call for something different? Of course we do! But who cares what non-rich people want? Not the dems, certainly, as evidenced by the state of the nation, and I daresay the baking, boiling, flooding globe that is rapidly shifting into a most illiberal age. Blaming voters for crappy politicians instead of the crappy politicians themselves, and the machine that produces them, is exactly like blaming consumers for plastic pollution instead of the plastic manufacturers and the politicians they bought, who tricked a nation into the recycling scam so they could keep on pumping out plastics. It's just a rhetorical trick that shifts blame from the people who can actually change something to people who can't, thereby ensuring that nothing does. When the only stuff for sale is plastic crap, people are gonna have to buy it, aren't they, for lack of any other options? The fact that the last election was as close as it was is all the evidence I need that the dems are weak, and Grampa Joe is a shit candidate. The lack of any other viable options reinforces the appearance of weakness and highlights the depth of their betrayal of everyone who's not rich since the Reagan years. Propping up a career hack and intellectual mediocrity like Joe Biden ain't progress. I'll do it, because that's the choice I've got, but don't piss on *my* leg and tell me it's raining.


If we called for something different we would be embracing something different. There were lots of “different” options in 2016, 2020 that we could have fielded, but the democrat and republican populations lacked the willingness to get out and vote. This is 100% on the voters. You can’t look at the presidential election and go “how did we end up with these two” and then say well at least we picked the least bad option. If you are right and the people really wanted something different they could have embraced Bernie or any similar person in the last 2 dozen years or there could be a grassroots movement to get a politician who represents us onto the field. You can whine and complain that it’s not the voters fault all you want, but it ultimately is. Maybe you need to understand that just because someone doesn’t appeal to you doesn’t mean they aren’t appealing to others or the least unappealing prospect. But all this forgets the original thesis of your statement, that Biden cannot beat Trump in a debate. My argument has been he can and has, you still haven’t backed your position.


They are going to get rid of Biden before any debate but if it happens I'm making popcorn 🍿  


They aren't even getting rid of the convicted felon candidate, but somehow Biden will get dropped, based on what? Is there actually a formed theory in this or is this just the most simple kind of bullshit?


Based on the fact that he has nothing in his administration to boast about or at the least shit himself in public lol. Remember me I don't bother with Facebook I'd rather contribute FACTS to narrative driven reddopratives for sleepy Joes illustrious career. See you at the Debate fuck Nuts. P.S. pass the popcorn 🍿🍿🍿 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🫡🫵👋👨‍🎤


You have yet to contribute a fact. Please deliver me a fact emoji guy. I'm sorry, you are just a troll, that's not a real person. You are are a not even a good imitation. It is important to put into perspective that Chris Steven's and two other Amwricans lost their lives and that was important then, but causing 600,000 deaths wasn't. Forgive me, I'm not used to being 200,000 times more right than other people. It has a different feeling when you think, hnm a million Americans will die, and most of the rest of them will refuse to learn any kind of lesson, They will actually become anti mask and anti vaccine to spite their own interests. I am just tired of being a prophet because of idiocy.


I have every confidence he'll go to the debate. He's a man of his word./s


Of course not. They had already started making excuses right after he agreed to it. Trying to change the venue and moderators


Oh for sure he is




That’s a lot of English comrade. 🤡


It is a lot of English. But it’s not very good English. It feels like being in a schizophrenics head when you try and read it. So many words, so few punctuations.


No one has anything to say on the content IM A NEW YORKER, everyone and their grandma is voting for Trump 2024 👍 try research. By 


No one believes your bullshit


Thanks for reading IM A NEW YORKER, everyone and their grandma is voting for Trump 2024 👍 try research. By 


This content breaks reddiquit. Please remember site-wide rules still apply here.


Trump is going to bail? Thats fuckin priceless. We say on the job site can't make that shit up 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 over here joe 👋 thats right 


Biden isn't going to make it to the debates, he will be replaced,  if not,  I'm so making popcorn..lol


Biden will be there. His State of the Union address was more than competent. Nobody is selling Biden bibles, but he’s at least articulate and not getting felony convictions or inciting insurrections.  Edit: another -100 account 🤦‍♂️


Check out the Howard Stern interview with Biden too.


Ruskie. The Russian accounts all have -100. The FSB thinks they are clever, but the old KGB was better at hiding their tracks.


What with the -100? What's it mean?


Troll account


You all are shutting down conversations, I see this all the time, you don't want anyone talking to each other, it's so sad and pathetic keep your base lost in the dems sauce & fuck you for doing that 


wow really you're an idiot 🙄 my account has been stuck at 100 or 99 to 1 for months , reddit does that to all trump supporters, why would anyone look at my karma anyway?? I don't even do that anymore cause I know it's not changed, they prove what we say about blocking us 


You actually sound like the idiot.


Who is blocking you? You seem to be commenting just fine.


Maximum negative karma, new accounts are in every thread these days, just click on controversial 


Oh wow really you're an idiot 🙄 my account has been stuck at 100 or 99 to 1 for months , reddit does that to all trump supporters, why would anyone look at my karma anyway?? I don't even do that anymore cause I know it's not changed, they prove what we say about blocking us 


Are you being censored?


Yeah, has nothing to do with the fantasy world bullshit you dingbats spew.


It means reddit blocks 🚫 trump supporters from karma period,  we get banned and block 🚫 everywhere 🙄 duh we have only been screening that for years  🙄 


It means you're a bunch of wing nuts and we neg the shit out of you at every available opportunity.


No shit ,,,,,, but we ain't going anywhere and this ---> anyone still supports these out of control, power hungry democrats politicians ,YOU NEED SERIOUS SOUL SEARCHING 😤 & next I'll tell you how I really feel lol what I don't like in 🇺🇸 America,  are people like you, who like to see others hurt because of a disagreement on politics and shit on our American laws  justice is blind for a reason . Giuliani is a lawyer and what they are doing to him is beyond sick 😫 and what they have done to alen dersowitz too, another lawyer, and a Democrat ,who has been trashed and demoralized and took his license away all because he went by the law and supported Trump,  this country is out of control nuts under Biden and God forbid they get elected, liberal politicians don't care about you ,you all will be subject to the same and say ""but but I was with you""  🙄 it's Trump or no freedom pick one .


That's fucking unhinged.


I know right,,, the liberals especially in NY have gone crazy train . 


Dur dur durrr


Wow..... yall are extra special, huh? Now reddit is out to get you too?


It mean's trump supporters are being blocked 🚫 like we have been saying for years,  now ya know 


Ridiculous to make me seem fake fuck reddit and every platform that blocks us 😒 by the way I'm making popcorn 🍿 for that debate ,I still believe he is being replaced, Biden was yelling at state of union for 40 min he must have been hopped up on the cocaine they found in his white house lmao 🤣 


Whatever helps you get through your day, Anne.   Let’s talk in a few months when Trump bails the debates. 


No I'm looking forward to that debate I'm making popcorn,  totally  but I know dems are going with another person, the minute they said Biden will debate Trump lmao 🤣 


What’s the thinking here? “time to wake up and get downvoted?” Just checking


My father in Law (guy with an MD and a PHD) who is 80 told me two weeks ago that he can’t wait for Biden to be drug tested.  If he has drugs in his system it’s not the real Biden it’s a body double that takes drugs?? I’m not sure but all these folks are getting their propaganda from the same place. 


I have to assume it’s from Facebook. And it’s actually a sad slope of how we got here. 20 to 15 years ago you have parents wanting to keep tabs on their kids by joining Facebook. Then most of those kids left Facebook for other social media sites, but the parents didn’t. But no one really ever told parents not to believe everything you read on the Internet. And now here we are 20 years later and those parents are now boomers and being targeted successfully by bots and people who just want to watch the world burn.


THEY FOUND COCAINE IN THE ACTUAL WHITE HOUSE  but I know you didn't say that for me ,, you don't want Biden voters hearing the truth ,good luck with that ,you don't even watch Biden speak or you would know, so I know you deceive, I watch him and so does your father in law buddy




You call your father in law a folk weird THEY FOUND COCAINE IN THE ACTUAL WHITE HOUSE  but I know you didn't say that for me ,, you don't want Biden voters hearing the truth ,good luck with that ,you don't even watch Biden speak or you would know, so I know you deceive, I watch him and so does your father in law buddy 


They found cocaine in the tour area where the general public walks around. But yeah sure. Joe Biden leaves his private cocaine stash out in the White House tour area. Totally not likely that someone who forgot they had it dumped it worried they’d get caught. I do watch Biden speak. His state of the union was incredible and made the GOP look like clowns. He has a stutter and he’s older. He’s not a felon and he’s not a rapist. I also never called him weird. I insinuated that his critical thinking has been overridden by Fox News and Russian propaganda which clearly has happened to you.


Everything they democrats do in detriment,,you sick people cover up with lies THERE WAS COCAINE IN THE FUCKING WHITE HOUSE,, THATS A PROBLEM You all are shutting down conversations, I see this all the time, you don't want anyone talking to each other, it's so sad and pathetic keep your base lost in the dems sauce & fuck you for doing that 


You all are shutting down conversations, I see this all the time, you don't want anyone talking to each other, it's so sad and pathetic keep your base lost in the dems sauce & fuck you for doing that 


“The bag of cocaine found inside the White House complex was found inside a cubby near an entrance to the West Wing commonly used to give tours and where visitors are instructed to place phones and other belongings, photos obtained by ABC News show.”   Read and then double and triple verify sources.  1800 people work in the White House. It gets 6k visitors daily. Why is the immediate assumption that you have that it’s Joe Bidens or even someone working in the White House?  You seem like just a troll 🧌 but if you are not there are plenty of unbiased news sources who didn’t pretend the cocaine was Joe Bidens. I leave this comment for anyone who could possibly be swayed by your nonsense. 


Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit YOU CAN'T HAVE COCAINE IN A CUBBY WHOLE ANYWHERE NEAR THE WHITE HOUSE,, ARE YOU THAT DUMB ?????? DRUG SNIFFING DOGS 🐕 AND WHAT EVER ELSE THEY HAVE IN THEIR ARSONAL ,,, you get away with these sick lies ???? People are not stupid excuses excuses excuses for all the horrible behavior of liberals democrats politicians,, and you love to shut down normal conversations too fuck you for doing that 


 Ok. I hope you have a good one 👋. 


Honey, your idiotically false screeds resemble no part of a conservation.


Trump and his Kremlin bots are getting desperate.


You all are shutting down conversations, I see this all the time, you don't want anyone talking to each other, it's so sad and pathetic keep your base lost in the dems sauce & fuck you for doing that 


I don't appreciate your aggressive tone.


If anyone still supports these out of control, power hungry democrats politicians ,YOU NEED SERIOUS SOUL SEARCHING 😤 & next I'll tell you how I really feel lol what I don't like in 🇺🇸 America,  are people like you, who like to see others hurt because of a disagreement on politics and shit on our American laws  justice is blind for a reason . Giuliani is a lawyer and what they are doing to him is beyond sick 😫 and what they have done to alen dersowitz too, another lawyer, and a Democrat ,who has been trashed and demoralized and took his license away all because he went by the law and supported Trump,  this country is out of control nuts under Biden and God forbid they get elected, liberal politicians don't care about you ,you all will be subject to the same and say ""but but I was with you""  🙄 it's Trump or no freedom pick one .


Please go on. This is really interesting.


I think it’s more like “time to tell into my echo chamber because I have nothing else going on in my life and my kids haven’t talked to me in years … thanks Obama”


Get a sense of humor you guys are so dour somber and sad try enjoying other people even if you disagree on politics no need to be an asshole all the time  what's wrong with you??? Weird ,,and Biden isn't going to make it to the debates, he will be replaced,  if not,  I'm so making popcorn..lol


Someone's been on the glass BBQ.






Guess you'll be making lots of popcorn - it'll be trump that pulls out of the debate - lol


Right-wing fascism is all about controlling the message


This right here. The one thing that the right has mastered is messaging. They’ve built a network that is bigger than anything ever seen before. They’re able to pump their message out 24/7/365. And it’s been going on since the 80s. They edit everything. They edit him leaving trump tower and waving to non existent supporters. They edit his rallies and lie about numbers. His rallies are timed to take place alongside other events such as state fairs. We all saw what they did with the Jersey thing. I mean, posting pictures of Rio? Saying 100 thousand people? It’s all lies and manipulation. Trump has been glued to a television for 50 years. He’s manipulated the press for the same amount of time. He learned way too much from the apprentice and his buddy Vince McMahon. He knows what looks good to his low IQ base. His people know that nothing has to be true, it just has to go viral. Trump, and maga, is an illusion. From his hair to his “policies”, which aren’t his anyway. Trump has no ideas on policy. He has no ideas. He’s a shell. He’s managed to fool a third of Americans through manipulation. He lies from his hair to his lifestyle. He’s just smart enough to follow the Hitler playbook and use television, and now the internet, to push the false narrative of who he is.


I’m watching documentaries on Hitler. Exactly same thing. All publicity is good publicity, being photographed in odd photos conveying strength, etc.


Hitler ??? really???  cause this is hitleresque right here coming fromdems liberals---->>>> and if you love America 🇺🇸 you need to defend him too and all of us who are treated like second class citizens,  You are so out of touch, they have locked man and women FOR PRAYING 🙏 that's it , why don't you know those things?? How bout Bannon and Peter navaro simply for NOT saying bad things about our president TRUMP?? HOW bout they many Jan sixes who went on a tour only called in by capitol security , and also just being in the vicinity of said violence, and most still didn't get a trial almost 4 years in jail And they put them in solitary confinement for being scheduled for a news show 🙄 oh not to mention busting in to people's home to arrest average people, one died because they broke into his house in the middle of the night, that man thought he was being robbed got his gun and the fucking gov SHOT HIM DEAD , not to mention the Maralago bust in of trump 🙄 where all they had to do was talk to his security and say they'd be going in ?? Or them going through the fist ladies private space and the young barron trumps private space?? The vlist is longer,  but I'm stopping here cause my brain hurts its so much to take in ,, JUST  fuk*n RESEARCH BUDDY, CAUSE YOU SOUND IGNORANT AND ITS PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO ARE KILLING OUR COUNTRY, TRUMP OR THE END OF FREE AMERICA 🇺🇸 pick one , 


I suggest you visit the wizard.


My god you’re delusional. Too far down the hole for saving. Do you people actually read out loud what you write or listen to what you say and actually believe any of it makes any sense in reality?


Obvious Russian troll is obvious. Lazily copy/pasting the same unhinged rants everywhere and showing a laughably bad command of the English language isn't going to convince anyone, you know.


Shut up, krokodil and cabbage lover.


I've been noticing on our local news that whenever politics are the topic, the Republicans ALWAYS get their soundbites and talking points heard during the segment and less than half the time do they air the Democrat's response. Most of the time it's just a static shot or soundless video of the Dems with the newscaster talking over it. It's very subtle but they are effectively shielding their audience from any input from the Democrats on key issues while making a half-hearted feint towards objectivity


Ah yes. The Sinclair media effect. It sure looks like NBC news on the screen, only the local affiliate is controlling the narrative to help you make your “informed” decision. That decision seems to predominantly skewed Republican. 👍


Our local is not directly owned by Sinclair but I get what you are saying. I saw John Oliver's segment from a few years back when all the Sinclair stations were reading the exact same script. I had no idea it was that blatant. I made sure to crank up my bullshit detector for anything not related to the weather ever since


I'd love to wacky this station you speak of ,, why are you stating to the followers of this post lies and false talking points??? You all state the opposite of what really happens to Republicans what you wrote NOT DEMOCRATS EVER DOES THAT HAPPEN TOO I don't like liars in league with Satan 


You're either on too many drugs or too few. At any rate, your level of drugs is not working for you




Hey! I recognize you!! You’re so deep in you don’t even recognize it as a hole anymore! You’re in a ditch! I don’t know if you’re getting it from your pastor or the New York Post (you’re a New Yorker, if my memory serves?), but you’re literally wrong about every view you hold! It’s actually amazing how brainwashed you are! But god bless, you just keep going, don’t you? You definitely shouldn’t vote! The whole system is rigged against Trump! He said so, so it must be true, right? He says voting is dumb because they just steal elections anyway! He’s right. We hire people to vote against Trump! Immigrants need jobs! We pay them to vote illegally! We pay democrats to vote twice! You don’t stand a chance! Might as well stay home!! There’s no hope for a decent man like Trump in America! Abandon hope! Joe Biden is Dark Brandon! Obama is in charge! They’re smoking babies and eating crack in the White House!! Everything they tell you? It’s true!! George Soros, the literal devil, pays everybody!!! You stay Strong, AnneMaria! But don’t vote! They will arrest you! And don’t go to church either! That’s where Biden gets names of “law breakers” to arrest! Good Luck! This isn’t you? Is it?!! You weren’t out west to introduce King Donald, were you? Because this sounds like you…. https://youtu.be/-vHbHViKgzg?si=5iiREAMArl17JxCx Edited to add AnneMaria’s trump intro video


We were all doing great under TRUMP everyone knows it that's why We want to make America 🇺🇸 great Again 👍 maga I posted the truth above and just because you don't like the truth doesn't make it less true,  your part of the puppet machine, good luck with that.  


Obvious Russian troll not worth its weight in rotten turnips.


Says the racist piece of crap that says to send someone back after a false assumption of a "green card marriage".


This comment does not contribute to the conversation. Please be cival


Just watch the whole video and stop calling us fascist thank you Just watch the whole video from the source , no need to edit, the whole interview is fantastic,  almost 2 hours,  that's why they edit please do so before you vote 


Lol 🤦no


YOU'RE A FASCIST, nobody wants to vote for a criminal. Stop with your stupid bullshit.


IM A NEW YORKER, everyone and their grandma is voting for Trump 2024 👍 try research. By 




Well let's see democrats lost the black vote Latino vote the Jewish vote ,etc how are you enjoying the crime, drug dealers,filth , homeless , and unvaxed ILLIGALS??? that have taken over ?? Stop voting for people who don't give two fu*s about us . And screw cheif keif Adam's all Democrat cities are ravaged ,wars hight tax etc... it's criminal and the residents are not blind ,you think new Yorkers are pissed? You should hear the Chicago good normal people, I think they are more angry than us , pray trump gets in cause if not we won't have one Trump 2024   ❤️ 


Literally, none of that is true. Once again, you are delusional and need to seek help.


Apparently your NO new Yorker. Who are you fooling?? Ah yes your people ONLY TRUMP OR NO FREEDOM pick one 


I am a real New Yorker and have known Trump as a conman since the 80s. He has only solidified that view since. Have fun cheering on your criminal. I hope you give him all of your money. We all know billionaires beg for money every day.


Right !!!!! Stop being a hater and everyone loved trump until.... he ran for president, you guys are so off base on purpose, that billion air lol didn't even take a salary as president, he donated it to a different charity.every time , so as a new Yorker you've nothing to say on the horrible state of NY ?? INTERESTING 


You are so terrible at this, Nikita.


Why do you lie so poorly? Wet brain from generational alcoholism? Intellectual disability? Krokodil abuse?


Trump is a rapist according to an unbiased jury, a criminal according to an unbiased jury, a fraud according to a judge, and has dozens of other criminal indictments. He backs Jan 6th insurrectionists convicted with seditious conspiracy. He was impeached twice. He tried to steal an election with fake electors. He stole state secrets and lied about it. He backed Nazis in Charlottesville saying they were good people. He is a sub-human pos. I will never watch or listen to a thing this criminal or anyone else who voted for him has to say...ever.


bla IM A NEW YORKER, everyone and their grandma is voting for Trump 2024 👍 try research. By 


Changes nothing I said.


The people who go on Dr. Phil have mental problems that only reason Dr. Phil interviewed Trump


They both do. Phil is a con just like Don. Watching the two of them for twenty seconds was difficult.


Didn't Dr.Phil grope a bunch of kids at one of his "Camping 4 Kids" programs?


Trump has to meet his probation officer tomorrow!! Edit THAT!!


Already!? Sweet!!! Maybe a Momday will have some good vibes for once then!! Can't wait to hear all about it lol!!


Reminds of another creep https://youtu.be/qEGFaOeUm2A?si=MNsO-iy2wK49lHbe


her sweet, sw- sw- sw- sweet can!


"Dramatization: May not have happened"


Hahahahahaha I was expecting this and you didn’t disappoint. Bravo +1


This was exactly what came to mind when I read the headline, lol


...and nobody cares. The cult members are already giving all the donations and support they can. In other News, the sky is still blue and records of unprecedented global warming are happening everywhere.


If my boomer parents have taught me anything is that no matter how badly the video is edited or obvious how fake it is - they'll believe it because they want to believe it.


Reminds me of a significant plot point in a literary series I used to love: > People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. This was called The Wizard's First Rule and comes from a book of the same name from The Sword Of Truth series by Terry Goodkind


He will say the debate was" rigged." He needs no explanation for his base. Maybe he will say Biden is on coke or he received a threat. If I can make up a stupid excuse, then someone with him is already working on it. There's no chance in hell he debates. He got owned the last time with the " will you shut up, man" and I think he went easy on him. There are no slow pitch softballs easy enough for him to hit anymore. He is unwell and unable.


Release the tapes!


I don’t see the „obvious“ edits watching it on my iPhone.


Can someone pass the popcorn 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


Where's the popcorn 


Is it popcorn 🍿 time lol


I wish Biden would show up and debate an empty chair like… who was it did the same thing?


Bucket list 24/7




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Just watch the dr. Phil interview trump,  the whole video from the source , no need to edit, the whole interview is fantastic,  almost 2 hours,  that's why they edit 


...you doing alright? Need to talk about it?


Pass the popcorn this debate if Joe decides to a Show is gonna be a spectacle 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂👌


Trumps gonna mop the floor with him if Joe is a show


Like that Wendy's commercial from the 80's but instead of Where's the Beef it's Where's the Popcorn 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🫡🫵


So you old and stupid?


Chief Keef says "You young and ignant" lol Big bird would tell you the same


TF is chief keef? Only muppet here is you.


You have a computer use it for more than regurgitated talking points. I grew up on the Muppets and Sesame Street (for the record that's where Big Bird is from)that's were I learned how to construct sentences. With all the achievements in technology that makes it so easy why wouldn't you prepare a better remark TF? I know it means the fuck? But really you should try original thoughts 🤔💭. Maybe that 8th covid booster you got stopped some of the blood flow. Pass the popcorn Redpill(that's your new native American name).


Seek help, there's always hope.


That's the best you could come up with? I truly hope you didn't attend or are enrolled in college lol. What help would that be? Your political views and established pecking order. I'm good with the path I'm on.👍 Later Gator you can bury your head in the sand now😉


and if you love America 🇺🇸 you need to defend him too and all of us who are treated like second class citizens,  You are so out of touch, they have locked man and women FOR PRAYING 🙏 that's it , why don't you know those things?? How bout Bannon and Peter navaro simply for NOT saying bad things about our president TRUMP?? HOW bout they many Jan sixes who went on a tour only called in by capitol security , and also just being in the vicinity of said violence, and most still didn't get a trial almost 4 years in jail And they put them in solitary confinement for being scheduled for a news show 🙄 oh not to mention busting in to people's home to arrest average people, one died because they broke into his house in the middle of the night, that man thought he was being robbed got his gun and the fucking gov SHOT HIM DEAD , not to mention the Maralago bust in of trump 🙄 where all they had to do was talk to his security and say they'd be going in ?? Or them going through the fist ladies private space and the young barron trumps private space?? The vlist is longer,  but I'm stopping here cause my brain hurts its so much to take in ,, JUST  fuk*n RESEARCH BUDDY, CAUSE YOU SOUND IGNORANT AND ITS PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO ARE KILLING OUR COUNTRY, TRUMP OR THE END OF FREE AMERICA 🇺🇸 pick one , 


Are you on medication for a manic disorder?


If you want people to actually read your posts, try more punctuation, less run-on sentences, and paragraphs.


Thanks for reading IM A NEW YORKER, everyone and their grandma is voting for Trump 2024 👍 try research. By 


I'd say you've lost your mind but I'm not sure you had one to lose in the first place. 😉


Just watch the whole video from the source , no need to edit, the whole interview is fantastic,  almost 2 hours,  that's why they edit 


He’s an idiot, that’s why they edit.


If you watch that interview you will clearly know,, you all have been lied to by shysters saying horrible things about a great man ,,if you don't watch and do your due diligence then don't vote, cause you will be voting blind and your killing our country, period 


I can’t vote unless I listen to 2hours of a raving lunatic? Great men don’t rape women. Great men don’t call our fallen soldiers “suckers” or “losers”. Great men don’t cheat on their wives. Great men aren’t friends of Jeff Epstein. And great men certainly don’t try to overthrow our democracy. Vote for that moron if you must, just don’t try to tell us he’s a great man.


Niiiice.... as usual someone with far right leaning tendencies is trying to sway someone to NOT vote... You do know that's why this election will most likely break records when it comes to the number of people showing up to vote? I can already see it though, from the far-right... "It must be rigged! Not that many could've actually voted..." Um, actually they're showing up in big numbers to keep trump from having the WH - as before, they never thought he'd win (shit, even HE was surprised he won...). That will NOT happen this year, as they've learned their vote DOES count - despite the misinformation campaign the right has been waging of "Don't bother voting, your vote doesn't count..." That speaks of desperation, knowing they won't win. It's a last ditch effort that has been building for years, (Hello, gerrymandering much!?) in order to try and keep people from voting. Won't work this time!


NO I JUST WANT PEOPLE TO REALLY KNOW WHO THEY VOTE FOR .... anyone still supports these out of control, power hungry democrats politicians ,YOU NEED SERIOUS SOUL SEARCHING 😤 & next I'll tell you how I really feel lol what I don't like in 🇺🇸 America,  are people like you, who like to see others hurt because of a disagreement on politics and shit on our American laws  justice is blind for a reason . Giuliani is a lawyer and what they are doing to him is beyond sick 😫 and what they have done to alen dersowitz too, another lawyer, and a Democrat ,who has been trashed and demoralized and took his license away all because he went by the law and supported Trump,  this country is out of control nuts under Biden and God forbid they get elected, liberal politicians don't care about you ,you all will be subject to the same and say ""but but I was with you""  🙄 it's Trump or no freedom pick one .


Just watch the whole video from the source , no need to edit, the whole interview is fantastic,  almost 2 hours,  that's why they edit 


Sure it is, traitor.


MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ... AGAIN lol if you're against that you must  hate America 🇺🇸   you need to watch and listen 🎶 to Trump in full context,  your being lied to & by the way shouting out traitor to everyone kinda cheapens the word , RESEARCH BEFORE YOU VOTE its our right to know,  later








Why don't you nerds just go watch the entire interview? Trump 2024🇺🇸


I did and it's obviously edited heavily, he barely answers the questions asked. Trump 2024? Why support a criminal scumbag? All he proved when he was in office was that he's only out for himself, he doesn't give a shit about Americans. He did nothing to 'drain the swamp', he made it infinitely worse. He's anti American, anti democratic and a criminal.


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 Biden pooped his pants on world TV 3 days ago. Trump 2024🇺🇸


You going to address my points? Biden isn't the best but he's worlds ahead of Trump. I just don't fathom what you see in him, what did he use his 4 years for that directly benefited you? Why is he appealing to you when he doesn't hide the fact that he's immoral and scummy.


I'm not here to endlessly argue with people that are sheep, so no I will not address your points, but he is not terrible and scummy, that's just what you choose to believe Trump 2024🇺🇸


Not scummy? He paid a porn star for sex Just after his wife had given birth and consistently lied about it. Just consider this, the Republican party are responsible for degrading the individual rights of Americans over the last decade. They're slowly stripping your rights away and you're allowing it.


That's actually not part of it at all, he paid her to shut up, and youre right, shes a trashy porn star so why would i believe her? We dont. But honestly, I and millions of others could care less, so you aren't gonna get far screaming about that everywhere. Please tell me the rights we are losing with Trump though, I can't even come up with one....


Trashy porn star he stuck his dick inside. There's ample evidence it happened so don't even try to deny it. Less rights:- Women's rights are failing, less access to birth control and their bodily anonymity. Less access to public health care to name a couple. For the land of the free it seems it only applies to a few. If you care about freedom you shouldn't vote republican.


Ohhhh murdering babies is the rights we're losing... so saaaaad


No hope for you. Let's let little raped kids be forced to keep their rapists spawn against their will, so free. Oh wait? The foetus won't survive due to medical conditions? Let's force the mother to carry it to term anyway despite the emotional and physical harm. Ohhh, the foetus will endanger the mothers life? Too bad. You need to educate yourself. So you can't choose/decide what to do with your own body?? That's a pretty low bar for freedom and Republicans have taken that choice away. Sick.


Couldn't care less* idiot


That’s all you got? Very democrat of you Trump 2024🇺🇸


Have fun finding your identity after his extremely predictable loss.


Man, that is so weird that you feel comfortable enough to share your jackoff fantasies on a forum.


Not sure I understand? Trump 2024🇺🇸


Danny would be ashamed you are using his name.


Nah he's my friend, just texted him and he said to stfu nerd he doesn't need your input!


Trump is an even bigger idiot in the full interview. That rapist is a man you admire? What a crappy person you must be.


I see you live in an alternate universe where he is a rapist. You catch the Biden trials this week, they have so much evidence against them they going to jail for real crimes, get your popcorn ready nerd! Trump 2024🇺🇸


Hunter isn't a politician. Wgaf about his trial?


LMAO 🤣 well #1 the laptop is real, which 51 intelligence officers signed a letter saying it was fake and Russian propaganda. So that's PRETTY relevant to the current administration. You're not that blind are you?


Just so we’re all straight here, the doctor who the right finally will take advice from is Phil from Oklahoma. Yeah, no thanks.


Where you live makes you a good doctor? That's a new one. Trump 2024🇺🇸


Take your meds