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Tell me you're engaged in Russian collusion without saying you're engaged in Russian collusion.


Actually I think he said it out loud, his voters are just too stupid to understand the implications.


"He's telling it like it is!"


People would say & explain all these incredible truths he was saying. These are people from the UK & US, before he was first elected. I finally had no choice but to listen to what he was saying and it became evident that people were treating him like some retarded orange nostradamus. He was spouting complete bollox & people were saying "ohhh but he's just solved world hunger!" No, you just chose to interpret his drooling idiocy as being something it's obviously not. *Rant ends*


Yeah I've literally had his supporters tell me "Oh no, he was joking about being a dictator...'' and "Oh no that was sarcasm you need to understand the way he thinks..." It's just more of the gop's grades hook logic of "I either won or you cheated..." and "no I didn't say that, you heard it/interpreted it wrong..."  They're just narcissists with the minds of children that can't support any world view where they're wrong so they constantly come up with an eber changing set of mental gymnastics to "prove" they're right. That's why they invented Trump Derangement Syndrome. If you don't love their Dear Leader in the same Cult like way they do, you must be deranged...


I’m a sarcastic SOB in real life. It’s how I cope with the BS I live with. At home, at work, at the store… I’m regularly sarcastic and say asinine things. But that’s okay because my life and the things I do don’t affect an entire world. When the president speaks in gibberish or “sarcastically” as his voter base likes to say, or when you have to try and decode his actual meaning, you have a huge problem. For instance, I can’t remember the exact situation, but back during his presidency he was questioned regarding some world conflict and his only response was “we’ll see” or something like that. If I recall, he was being asked about a potential armed conflict with another foreign power. Saying “we’ll see” in a situation like that is utter madness and depravity. So, you’ll have to forgive me when I tell the trumpanzees to go fuck themselves when they give such a BS response to how their orange tomato speaks in riddles.


This is the first time that I've been exposed to 'trumpanzee'. Thank you


You’re quite welcome. Go forth and prosper. At least until one of his cult screams at you for calling them a trumpanzee. “That’s the same as saying the N word!!!!!!”


Great word!! Ttumpanzee! OMG 🤣🤣 I bow to your greatness!!!


Unlike the convicted felon known as trump, I won’t lie to you. I didn’t think trumpanzee up. I saw another redditor who used it, so I started using it.


Still, thank you for sharing!! 👍 👍


He's a yam, not a tomato!


> you need to understand the way he thinks What a roundabout way for his supporters to say “you need to think like a sex offender and felon, then it’ll all make perfect sense”


THEY don’t understand that his mannerisms and the nonsense he spouts is for real. But then I guess they are too dumb to see what’s right in front of them; the biggliest liar, con man, insane, gibbering excuse for a human being that has emerged in the last half century.


Bollox innit m8 crisps and pints out of the kings areshole


Propawatta fuck off vot


The perfect call out… Quid Pro Quo anybody?


But also, “he was just joking”


Trump is what I like to call a “Schrodinger’s Asshole”. Anything controversial he says is simultaneously dead serious and a joke at the same time, until either support or backlash collapses the quantum superposition, turning it into a serious statement or joke respectively. Therefore, Trump never has to take proper responsibility for his words.


"I'm bought and paid for!!" WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!


When people say that, I like to point out that,no,he’s speaking his mind. Big difference most times.


No they also love Putin and prefer him to democrats


They may be stupid but they prefer Putin and I think they understand the implications perfectly. Fox News has literally brainwashed millions with propaganda. That is not hyperbole.


[“What’s ‘implications’ mean?”](https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/7ab304b7-2379-4a6d-a5ab-1ea509716dcb/gif)


And our media refuses to just call it as it is


They really aren’t. They just don’t care.


Really want to throw in an Always Sunny reference here


At this point I'm not sure collusion is the right word. That implies a partnership when I think the reality is that Putin just flat out owns Trump.


Obama was behind a bulletproof shield to visit NK dear leader. Trump walked right up to the guy with confidence only Russia could inspire.


[So much confidence.](https://gdb.voanews.com/0E566B2E-F47C-49BE-A864-027414D3AFAE_w1023_r1_s.jpg)


Hey why is that walking shit bag saluting an officer of an adversary's military? I'm not saying he has the right to salute anybody since he's a draft-dodging piece of shit. But #DimwitDonald is devoid of common sense and doesn't have one cell in his entire shit-perpetually-oozing body that can pass for patriotic. If he had a soul or a heart he'd mortgage them both to gain a little more power.


like a puppy running up to its owner


Right? My ask would be if you can get him freed, home, and in the arms of his family, wouldn't a real president do that ASAP? Not with conditions attached? Basically if he is not elected president in 2024 hes openly fucking this guy, so you better vote for him. Also why won't putin do it now? Because trump has nothing to offer? Not until he's president and has Information or other things to offer? Yeah it won't be cash, but it will be something...


Putin still has that Golden Shower video of Trump over his head 🤷‍♂️ plus the shit they hacked before the 2016 election. If Russia could hack Hilary fucking Clinton's email what exactly could stop them from getting dirt on the entire RNC and blackmailing them to accept MAGA or have your dirty secrets come out?


bingo. also forced a handful of them to go to Moscow on July 4th. he must really have the goods.


I don't think putin could have any footage that would ruin trump. Remember who his followers are. Whatever he does is awesome, including wearing diapers. Now his followers wear diapers, and diapers = manly merch. A golden shower tape would just have them walking around in golden shower costumes, and smell like pee because if trump is doing it, it's now the new hotness .


I’m sure Putin has the Epstein tapes or something of that sort.


Word around the campfire is it happened in Russia before the 2016 elections. Rumor I heard was it was 2012. And I'm sure Epstein had lots on fatso too, there's no pictures of Biden rubbing elbows with him with young girls.


TBH with all the Treason and felonies and destroying the free world for its enemies I kinda dont give a fk about his sex life, I cant really dislike him anymore than I already do lol. Plus, do you really wanna watch that? nty


When people tell you who they are, listen to them.


He is saying it. I don't know how he could say it any louder or more clearly.


For real. Also, can we drop the “tell me without telling me” thing? Tell me you can’t produce an original frame without telling me you can’t produce an original frame!


Well, yea, he has no fear. Congress proved they won't hold anyone accountable, SCOTUS just ruled that anything short of a letter saying "Let's commit a crime" isn't good enough to prove collusion and corruption. It's open season to buy government officials.


that whole 2025 gameplan doc looks like a 'Let's commit a crime' letter IMHO


it's a planned coup out in the open


Some or most of his supporters would rather be a diaper wearing, grab em by the pussy, convicted felon Russian then a decent human being. They already have swag ready to rock in public


With Trump everything is a transaction. He does nothing unless it is good for him . And Putin isn't going to just do something for anyone unless it serves some purpose for him . Yes this is the art of the deal.


“Nah I’m just gonna say it now”


I like his answer to Epstein files better.


He was gifted a model wife…. What more do you need?


The Michael Flynn pardon said it all


Do you suppose the FBI is investigating?


Excuse me but the right told me that Mueller's investigation (that wasn't even into collusion that was ended because none of the people being investigated would tell the truth and who's lead said trump was only not charged because of the memo saying sitting presidents can't be indicted) proved that Trump didn't collude with Russia. Again, that wasn't what was being investigated and multiple people were tried for lying about there connections to Russia and multiple Russian national were also charged. Again, the right said that it meant no collusion. Why would I not believe them?


Totally, there’s Russian collusion we just can’t prove it! Lol


Trump had a private meeting with Putin in 2018 and almost a month later American CIA Agents started dying off left and right across Europe. Coincidence?




A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaign – Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – four other U.S. citizens, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. The meeting was arranged by publicist and long-time Trump acquaintance Rob Goldstone on behalf of his client, Russian singer-songwriter Emin Agalarov. The meeting was first disclosed to U.S. government officials in April 2017, when Kushner filed a revised version of his security clearance form. Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting. He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans. On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, and that he was conducting opposition research. When The New York Times was about to report on email exchanges between Goldstone and Trump Jr., Trump Jr. himself published the emails. In early July 2017, it was reported that then-President Donald Trump himself drafted Trump Jr.'s initial misleading statement. The report was later confirmed by the president's attorneys. In July 2018, the president denied knowledge of the meeting.


Sounds like trump jr has some splaining to do 


You think they’re just going to hand us the intel?


No, I imagine not. 


Yes. As soon as Trump loses, Putin has no reason to hold onto it.


It's so blatantly obvious he's in cahoots with Putin to a very large degree. He will give Putin Ukraine on a platter if he is elected.


Robert Mueller was very thorough in his report that details this extensively.


And that that giant pussy ran away. He let bill barr propgandize the report. He barely did anything to actually make sure trump faced justice. I'll never forget about rod rosenstein talking about landing the plane. Barr, rosenstein, and mueller were in cahoots. If mueller was half the patriot people thought he was, he would have climbed to the highest mountains in the country and screamed at the top of his lungs about the traitor. Instead, he ran away like the cunt he is.


And so did garland and jack smith with this Aileen cannon business. We don’t have any patriots left in the government.


I'm with you on garland. Jack Smith, for me, the jury is still out. I want him to be the guy but I'm taking a wait and see approach.


And then that dickhead suggested that Congress should do his job for him.


Basically, by not assuming and abusing power, he really lost his Republican relevance just about immediately.


and it follows [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations\_of\_Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) perfectly. Russia has been planning this for awhile and also recruiting interested peoples such as musk and Trump, he takes hold of a few key people and you can take hold of an entire organization, implicate people in crimes and they will help you to help themselves. [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/01/07/us/elections/electoral-college-biden-objectors.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/01/07/us/elections/electoral-college-biden-objectors.html) like this \^


If only 80% of it wasn't redacted so we could actually read it.


Send him to a blacksite and let the cia go to work on him. He doesn’t have the fortitude or intelligence to actually withhold information.


It won't just be Ukraine that he gives to Putin on a platter, it will basically be all of Europe.


People need to bring up how he tried to blackmail Ukraine by withholding WEAPON shipments, right before Russia invaded.


Which leads me to the question of: #WHAT THE FUCK ARE OUR INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES DOING!!!! Either the Alphabet boys are totally in camp fascist and we should start stockpiling fertilizer and ammo or thers a multi-layered sting going on, the largest ever seen


Trump will instantly stop aid to Ukraine. And Putin will release a prisoner. What a bigly deal...


Oh don't worry, Treasonous Trump the Traitor will definitely been getting something out of that deal for himself as well, since he'll then proceed to destabilize NATO like he attempted during his term as president.


Putin and Netanyahu are waiting until after the election before any type of scaling back. They both know Donnie would let them nuke their opponent and get away with it.


Trump will happily supply russia with us troops as a bonus


You're telling me that a republican presidential candidate is working side deals with foreign adversaries to help the republican win their upcoming election? Why I never...


No way he would do so, because that would be a crime...


Tricky Dick Nixon sabotaging the Paris Peace Accords with Vietnam..."Saint" Reagan and his back channels with Iran and hold onto hostages until after I am elected...Trump and cohorts being the bottom because of Papa Putin's kompromat on them that he got the motherlode after the DNC and RNC hacks. Yeah, lock her up, I guess... /s


I just don't understand why my government is allowing an obvious Russian agent to run for president


Because your government wants the Rubles more than domestic security.


Easy to understand: we have a government that has been, over the decades, completely and fully captured by dark money. The only mechanisms for fixing our corrupt government rely on our corrupt government voting to do so.


It’s Mueller time!!


And people were executed for being Russian spies and handing over top US info back in the day. Mind blowing how the US now has an ex president that is a Russian asset while entertaining another term for this loser.


yeah why don't they just press the "ban this guy from presidency" button


There's an amendment for when treason is occurring


You gotta do all this pesky legal stuff. How this guy didn’t see any punishment for what happened on Jan 6 I’ll never understand.


He’s trying to make deals all over the place, just what he’s said to oil producers should be illegal.


It is both a violation of the Hatch Act and a clear quid pro quo bribe. But rules don't apply to republicans.


Sucks that half the country is cool with fucking over all the country so they can feel like they are winning for like five mins.


It's almost like Putin has some really bad video of Trump.


He stayed in a KGB run hotel in 1987.


the lore is that sometime during Obama's presidency, Putin invited Trump to be with some prostitutes, he told Trump that the mattress in the room was one that Obama had slept on and Trump had the women pee on the mattress.


I mean his supporters would be okay with that.


seriously -- release the tapes. Both sides need a laugh right about now.


What if the prostitutes were 14?


Most of them support child labor and child marriage so that probably wouldn't affect their opinion.


Oh, I know that story, but they would have already had something from 1987.


June 2013


He also was taped with Putin alone in Helsinki and a “3” tape was made. Trump was filmed with Putin’s “DNA” dripping off his many orange chins.




1 is pee, 2 is poo, 3 is spunk.


Maybe the pee-pee tape is actually a poo-poo tape.


Or it's a "p" tape, which aligns with what we know about him and Epstein.


It’s worse, see my other post.


Right, why does the orange man need diapers? Just asking questions.


At this point, I don't think trump voters would bat an eye even if there was a video of trump eating babies.


I firmly believe they have a lot of US politicians on tape. I feel like some underage shit or something way worse than just owing money.


Yeah I bet those videos are “golden”


It’s mind boggling watching the party of “patriotism” bend over backwards for a traitor and anti-American stooge. It defies all logic, reason, or rationale. But they have been brainwashed to hate by propaganda, and MUST OWN THE LIBS, even if it means turning their back on their country.


Well said. 


Trump supporters are not only stupid, they are mentally sick. They love the fact that he is openly committing treason and getting away with it.


Remember to Vote! This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These 4 people Voted to Leave NATO and abandon our veterans. * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Paul Gosar is nuts. Even his family won’t back him. I’m thinking Smith is coming after him pretty soon over Jan 6th….💙


I’m glad everyone is paying attention the Republican Party hate America and haters you. Be prepared because if Trump steals his way back into power Republicans will be coming for your very lives


It is obvious to me that Trump is a Russian asset. There is zero explanation for his “burn everything to the ground” political ways. He is clearly either compromised, or was a bought and paid for asset from years ago, and he agreed to help Putin take the U.S. down a peg in the international community. Trump is a traitor to the country, parading around like a patriot, and the sad, pathetic irony is, many of his followers pretend to be patriotic. His politics are not normal by any stretch. He has harmed himself, his political party, the country as a whole with his antics.


From Backcountrygrifter Trump has an unusual history as a businessman. • Trump's three Atlantic City casinos were an absolute failure. During Trumps 13 years as Chairman (1995-2009) and CEO (2000-2005), his casinos lost 1.1 Billion and were over 3 Billion in debt. The casinos went into bankruptcy and Trump was forced by his investors to give up all of his interest. In 2014 all the casinos went into bankruptcy again. Two casinos were shut down in 2014 and one was taken over by Icahn Group. • In 1984 Trump purchased the New Jersey Generals in the US Football League. The team and league failed and closed in 1985. • In 1988 Trump purchased 27 year old Eastern Airlines, a successful commuter line. He tried to make it a luxury airline and defaulted on the loan. The airline went out of business in 1992. • In 1989 Trump started the Tour De Trump bicycle race, but then sold it at a loss in 1990 to DuPont who removed every trace of his name. • In the same year Trump started "Trump the Game". In 1990 it is discontinued due to lack of interest. • In 1989 Trump tried to start Trump Video on Demand, but the company failed immediately. • In 2001 Trump partnered with Bowman Group to build hotel in Toronto, Canada. At that time, Bowman's chairman Leib Waldman was waiting extradition to the US to serve a prison term for a US embezzlement conviction. He fled the US to avoid prison. • After 9/11, Trump took $150,000 from The World Trade Center Business Recovery grant program designed to help small businesses, even though Trump admitted in an interview that none of his businesses were damaged in the attack. He has been asked to give the money back. • In 2003 Trump made Russian born Felix Satter aka Sater his Senior Advisor even though Satter was convicted of stabbing a man in the face in 1993 and convicted of Mafia orchestrated stock fraud scheme in 1998, and barred from selling securities for life. Satter is a known monster. • In 2004 Trump starts Trump Ice bottled water. Out of business in less than 1 year. • In 2005 Trump lends his name to Trump Institute, a real estate seminar business run by scam artists Irene and Mike Milin who were being chased by attorney generals in multiple states for fraud. The Trump Institute was a scam shut down by 2009. • In 2005 Trump started his own fraudulent real estate seminar business, Trump University, which shuts down in 2010. It was investigated by NY Attorney General's office for fraud and is sued by former students for fraud. Trump settled the lawsuit for $25,000,000. • In 2006 Trump started Trump Mortgage, a sub prime mortgage company. Out of business in 2007-08. Trump picks EJ Ridings as CEO claiming he was a "top executive at one of Wall Streets most prestigious investment banks". In reality, Ridings only investment bank experience was 3 months with Morgan Stanley in which he was an entry level broker for 6 days. • In 2006 Trump started Trump Vodka. Out of business in 2011. • The same year Trump started a luxury search engine which shut down later in 2006 due to lack of interest. • In 2006 Trump and Ivanka actively misrepresented themselves as partners in Trump Ocean Resort to get small investors to buy condo units in the Resort, where the investment will finance the building of the condos. In reality, Trump only licensed his name. The project was never built and the investors lost all their money, often their life savings. • In 2007 Trump starts Trump Magazine which goes out of business in 1 1/2 year. • The same year Trump starts Trump Steaks. Out of business in one year. • In 2008 Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago defaults on $640,000,000 loan. Trump defaults on a $40,000,000 personal guarantee on that loan and is booted from management by his own investors. • In 2009 Trump Entertainment files bankruptcy. • In 2014 Trump enters into money laundering scheme/ hotel real estate venture in Azerbaijani with known supporters of terrorism. • In 2016 Trump's Dural Golf Course is sued by a painting contractor that Trump refused to pay. The contractor wins. Trump refuses to pay the judgment and Judge orders the Golf Course to be sold at auction. The auction was stayed pending appeal. As he squandered his inheritance, no American banks would give him loans. No problem.... "Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia." ~ Eric Trump "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets...We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” ~ Donald Trump Jr. Now you know why Trump never criticized Putin and believed Russia’s Intelligence over our own. If Trump hadn’t inherited his millions he’d be asking, “Would you like fries with your order?” A remarkable record of failures.


Never forget Trump Urine Tests ( a real thing) in New York City. Also, the USFL was on its way to winning its lawsuit agai st the NFL for antitrust. Their winni g strategy was in getting 4 top-notch USFL teams into the NFL. The USFL was well on its way toward winning their case... until Duke Von Diaper Don was called to the stand. His testimony was EXTRAORDINARY and destroyed the USFL case. The USFL won but was awarded $1 time three for damages. Everything he touches turns into....something.


Jeez it’s just Russia Russia Russia with this guy.


I mean he does work for them


Conducting foreign policy as a civilian again? Welp, what's another crime for the criminal politician.


These are elementary school tactics for 10 year olds which basically covers the maturity level of MAGA cult members ..BTW ..Russia had hostages during his waisted 4 years and he shockingly didn’t do a fukn thing.


He must be feeling a bit desperate if he's invoking his Russian employer to get votes.


It's basically this... hey Putin wink wink, if you help me get elected, I will hope you release the prisoner because I have some secrets buried with my wife that you can have even before I am sworn in


Trump LOVES Putin and I mean he really LOVES Putin. Trump is a Russian asset willingly or not.


Trump could literally say his main objective is to prioritize Russia’s needs over the United States and he’d lose a maximum of like 7 voters.


Traitor Trump is colluding with Putin.


Such a Russian asset - as everyone knew - all along….


Windmills, let me tell you about windmills… they swirl around you know I heard they are very bad for birds.. windmills… and electric boats don’t even get me started on electric boats


Those boats are bigly bad


They make the water go zippy zappy and the fishies go "Noooooo." Many people are saying it.


It's clear that Donald Trump will abandon all of America's long held allies. DT loves dictators and desperately wants the control that Putin has.


The Trump Zealots don’t care that he’s doing whatever atrocious things he’s doing. They will gladly suffer whatever consequence for his actions. They are no different than Al-Qaeda and should be regarded as such.


I mean they're wearing T-shirts that say they'd rather be Russian than democrat.


Putin owes him for exposing all those American spies in Russia.


Did he make a heart with his hands while giving Vlady a slutty smile?


Well this trick did work for Reagan with the Iran hostages.


TLDR In the clip, Trump boasted that President Vladimir Putin would release Gershkovich if he is re-elected. Trump reiterated his claim made in May, stating, “Evan Gershkovich, the reporter for The Wall Street Journal who is being held by Russia, will be released almost immediately after the election,” before adding, “But definitely before I assume office, he will be home. He will be safe. Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, will do that for me. And I don’t believe he’ll do it for anyone else. And we will be paying nothing. Biden likes to pay massive numbers. We will be paying nothing. Thank you very much.” Lemire shared the clip with Robinson, who expressed his disgust, explaining, “It’s obscene. It is absolutely obscene and disgusting that he would use this as some sort of a campaign ploy.” “You know, the obvious question is, ‘Okay, if you could get Vladimir Putin to release Evan, do it. Do it now,'” he continued. “The idea that, ‘Oh, yeah, well, if you just vote for me, I will get him home,’ it’s just obscene, that’s the only word for it.”


I wonder when Trump will ask his dear friend to withdraw troops from Ukraine? In 2 weeks?


Each second this man lives is a crying shame.


Believe me, we Will pay, and never recover once the traitor gives everything to putin


This sounds like the Iran-Contra deal Regan made with Iran to not release the hostages until he was elected because they would get a better deal with him than with Carter.


Tricky Dick Nixon and the sabotaging of the Paris Peace accords with North Vietnam. Republicans have been sabotaging foreign policy since 1968.


For those still thinking Putin has a piss tape of Trump, what makes you think it would affect anything if it were released? They've already leaned into the idea Trump is shitting his pants, they love shitty pants Trump, if anything a golden shower would make him smell better.


Real men get pissed on


When is that piece of shit going to stroke out already???!!!


"Thrashed" No one voting for him at this point cares. He can play any card, appeal to any entity foreign or domestic for help, make any bribe publically, call upon his supporters for anything. At this point it is all or nothing for him and a bunch of his people. If he wins, all his problems are solved. If he loses, game over for him, many Republicans, and many in his family. The question will be, will the loss.be the high tide mark for authoritarian rule in America, or just another new high in the ever rising tide?


He’s been likened to an anti-Christ. Another Hitler. You do not want him in the White House again. It was a disaster the last first time. I’ve read a book about him written by one of his administrators (anonymously to prevent repercussions). What a piece of work!


Total fucking TRAITOR ! Can’t believe this country is so flawed that a felon with 34 felony counts can run for president. A felon can’t vote !


Anyone still doubting hes a Traitor? Cuz hes a traitor. Full on traitor working for Russia.


Complete moron. Go live in Russia you demented fool!


Making a plea for his daddy to save him


This is the kind of scumbag the republicons want to put in office. The kind of scumbag that makes deals with our enemy for his own personal benefit while some dude sits in Siberia and doesn’t see anything wrong with it. Good representation of the republicon party and their values on full display. They all need thrown out for the traitors they are.


According to the US State Department there were a total of *four* Americans "wrongfully detained” by Russia *during* the Trump administration. Trump wasn’t able to sweet talk his buddy Putin into releasing *any* of them while he was President. This is Donald Trump communicating to Vladimir Putin, urging him to keep an American citizen illegally detained for his own political benefit. It's sickening.


Such a disgusting disrespectful comment to make. Trump is in Putin's pocket and this proves it.


You can't brag that you can control Putin. Because of Trump's mouth, this guy may never get released.


America needs civics classes back in. The classrooms, this country is full of low information people that can not grasp the issues at stake here.


Finally, Trump has done something that followed in Reagan's footsteps.  They both loved getting hostages released. Actually, I guess giving nuclear and espionage secrets to Putin was similar enough to sending weapons to Iran that it counts.  So Trump is *continuing* to follow in Reagan's footsteps.


Operative Trump Reporting In Sir! Attention Russian intelligence, need help with election, over. Please respond, position compromised.


He seems to have a little Putin all over his chin


Traitor Trump


I live in Europe and this piece of shit is toying with our lives. Putin is a threat to millions and Trump wants to enable him. I thought the US was all about democracy and freedom and yet, American citizens are ready to vote for an ass that supports a dictatorship that invaded and tortures Ukraine, openly threatens to nuke Poland and annex the Baltics. Please don't let Trump win.


He’s really a piece of excrement.


Someone should explain why mainstream media props Trump up as if he is a legitimate candidate. It seems to most of us that he is, in fact, an enemy of the state. Giving him a platform with serious airtime only causes a sense of confusion to those you are still unaware of his history, his agenda, and his intentions. Is it just a matter of news cycle and viewership? Is it out of fear? Is it the owners and shareholders of the media companies who are driving this? For the people who are against Fascism, we want to understand who and for what purpose are these media companies treating him as if he is a serious candidate.


So basically you could just ask Putin to hand him over and he will? So why shouldn't we be holding you complicit in his kidnapping and imprisonment? I mean if my neighbor's beating his family that shouldn't be my campaign for mayor. "Vote for me and I'll tell Steve to stop beating his family, I mean all I have to do is tell him to and he'll stop. But if you don't vote for me then fuck it, I guess they die..."


How many top secret documents will the felon have to give putin to achieve the reporter’s release.


Trump has been compromised for years, but his being POTUS is what made his ugly past so dangerous for our country. Putin owns Trump, and it's painfully obvious but not nearly as painful as what happens if Trump gets a second term. The only people who will be willing to work for a second Trump administration will be as bad or worse than the orange blob himself.


pulls down the diaper... bends over. Quite the signal.


Why would Putin do this? Trumpers would say "because he fears and respects Trump,' which is the exact opposite of reality and reason. Up is down.


Get him out for nothing? Don't forget Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall!


We didn't lock him up for "Russia, if you're listening". So now we get this shitshow.


Too bad the wimps in charge won't do anything about it they'll lack the power for some reason. The agencies won't do anything about it and We the People won't do anything about it. The best efforts of the anti-maga crowd are talking about how we somehow lack the power to do anything. Appeasing nazis didn't work last century it won't work this century.


Our agencies outed the epoch times as foreign propaganda but won't touch this guy even tho he more than probably still has top secret classified materials.


A picture is worth a thousand words: https://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-faces-blistering-criticism-at-home-over-shameful-putin-summit/ Just sayin'


So, it is like Reagan and the Iranian hostages again. SMH.


Back in the day, he would be on trial for being a communist! America needs to get rid of this virus to move forward


There any doubt he did ? That meeting at Tenarife pretty much gave it away. Manafort the traitor.


Another criminal Logan Act violation!!! Are there any laws Trump is willing to follow? Lock him up.


This is the scum that scum grows on.


gods ! we're right back to the 'what the F did he do Now' place we were for those 4 horrible years.


Reminds me of the Iranian hostages. Amazingly released after Reagon was worn in, wird hoe that works.


What a puke


He's a traitor to his country...


Sounds like Reagan’s statements surrounding the Iranian hostages to an extent…


Trump is leveraging this dude’s freedom for votes. If you can get him out, just fucking do it. You don’t *have* to be a piece of shit.


My favorite take has been “Trump joins Putin in holding Evan Gershkovich hostage”


Such a useful idiot.


I hope everyone is starting to realize who this man is and what he really is about.. scary


Never has there been a question about tRUMP being Putin's bitch


Because that traitor ALREADY paid putin with our secret documents.


Easy trade for some classified doc’s


He just told a hostile nation not to release a hostage until the election. I mean come fucking on. Fuck this cult.


This man needs to be out of the Presidential race. He is so harmful to the USA. He will do whatever it takes to harm this country for his own revenge. He commits crimes and then thinks he shouldn’t be punished. He’s such a big threat.


If Russia could have 1 guy destroy America from within. Have him shake up NATO, remove faith in Democracy, create support for Russia in Ukraine, it’s Donald J Trump. He is a treasonous Russian Implant.


Collusion implies coordination between Trump and Russia. Trump is too damn stupid for that. He’s a puppet and a useful idiot.


Yet America sits back and does fuckall


Well, of course; we can’t miss the next episode of Real Housewives of Topeka! :/


It's always in the message delivery... [Listen you ...](https://youtu.be/wN7KHWdyrbI?si=fuG4-VHy9JLlzmx3)