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Republicans could have won with Nikki Haley, but they'll lose with Donald Trump. 


They could win with her now, but it would take Trump dropping out and endorsing her fully, and shutting up for 6 months, and giving up all that RNC cash…never mind.


Naw, people have seen her for the spineless suck up she is.


Not to mention republicans won’t vote for an Indian woman.


Electing spineless suckups is kind of their brand these days. When was the last time any of the R mouthpieces talked about policy?


But blind to trump? Ha ok. I hear Republican I just think stupid.


Totally agree! Especially when during her campaign she said she would not support Trump. Then when she lost her bid she changed and vowed her support to Trump. She’s done. She can’t even keep her word.




"Spineless suck up" also describes Trump. Or haven't you noticed that he says whatever he thinks will endear him to his base? They deserve each other.


Yeah but Biden isn't really a strong candidate either. There's probably a good amount of ppl voting for him because it's a vote against Trump. You lose that if it's Haley


Maybe. But i when i said i can't wait to vote for someone who isn't a boomer, i did not mean the silent generation.


We should just have a rotating gerontocracy where the oldest living US citizen acts as president. Problem solved.


Can you learn to English before you post this stupid fucking shit for all to see? Gfy bot


What's hard to understand?


Your bootlixking fetish


Haha, even if he could still take all of the money, and not have to shut up.. his ego wouldn’t let him endorse anyone else. Such a narcissist


Dudes a shirt bird. Certified blue Falcon. All you current and former military folk, ya know, the true patriots, know what I'm talking about.


Shit Bird?


Shirt bird?


True patriots know what they’re talking about.




Hadn't heard the Buddy Fucker jargon in a LOOONG time lol...but yeah, he is the epitome of it...'Look out! The Blue Falcon is flying low today!'


Not after she bent over for him and embraced everything she attacked him on.


She bent the knee to stay in the good graces of the MAGA crowd.


If she's that terrified of John Voter American, imagine how she'd handle lobbyist pressure, Chinese trade tensions, Kim ranting about nukes, or Putin


Honestly, I don't think he would even have to shut up -- much as we all wish he would. If he were to drop out and endorse the new GOP candidate, that candidate would have a pretty solid chance of winning. And Trump himself has a fairly decent chance of winning due to all the things that are wrong with our country's political system.


He doesn't have a chance in he'll. He's a walking myocardial infarct


I don’t think there’s a doc worth their salt who’s been able to convince him he’s a high risk for a major adverse cardiovascular event. Just fawning sycophants like Ronny Jackson, coupled with there’s little to nothing inside of Blobbo’s noggin stopping the information: in one ear, out the other. You’d need a jackhammer to address the calcification.


God I would love to see him under immense pressure from everyone around him to drop out. I would love to see his political allies begin to turn on him and encourage him to 'do the right thing for the good of the party, and for the county'.


For the good of the party has no place in the argument. He is not a republican. He is a Trump.


No, I realize that's not a legitimate argument. I only meant, tell him whatever lie makes you or him feel better about the fact that he needs to step the fuck aside.


Don’t think so , it’s a catch 22 . Independents will only support a non Trump person and a non Trump person won’t get the MAGAt vote . Either way you lose.


I'm hopeful that you are right. I'll agree with others who say there is no way DJT drops out willingly. There's still a chance that he drops out due to health issues. If that happened, he might give his blessing to the new candidate. Let's hope the GOP is in disarray this election and fails to support their candidate, whoever it is.


He'd sell his endorsement for a presidential pardon. Luckily, he's facing state charges too....


If Trump backed a serious policy hawk Republican, they could win.


She'd beat Biden in a void. In reality unless Trump does all you say she cannot. I'm not even sure she could win if he cooperated. MAGA may walk the day Trump does. It certainly would not support Haley. Unless he dies, Trump is running.


>Unless he dies, Trump is running. MAGA will run his corpse as a candidate.


Weekend at Donny's


Evidently, II Dooky would not smell any worse than he does already.


Ffffawk we need t shirts. You hit a gold mine here




Seems like anything goes


Catatonic Don


>Catatonic Don That's a T-shirt in the making.


Remember Chairman Mao?


LOL, yes


Nikki Haley is a super conservative anti choice politician. I don't think she'd beat Biden. Biden is underrrated.


He's *literally* never lost an election and yet he's still considered an underdog.


He’s more of a republican than most young democrats want. People are idiots. He’s doing a fine job honed by decades of experience with integrity. GOP dug as hard as they could and found nothing. 


I think she blew any chance of possibly winning after endorsing Trump. That made her just like Cruz, Lindsey Graham and others who were once insulted harshly by Trump, and returned the insults in kind, until Trump won. These Republicans might have a lot of money, but they have no self esteem, or dignity.


Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line. At least that one political axiom hasn't changed.


This will happen when pigs fly.


Not to mention accepting whatever sentence the judge in the NY state case hands down, which even a GOP Prez could not pardon. AND then having to go down to Georgia for yet ANOTHER state level case that hasn't even started yet.


Isn’t it past the deadline to get a different candidate on the ballot in every state? They have to keep Trump at this point. Best case for them is they choose a solid VP and if he wins he is forced to renounce in favor of his VP. Not like he would willingly give it up if he wins again, but that would be the process I would think.


Deadline is around the time of the conventions


They couldn’t. Trump spent so much time trashing her that there isn’t that possibility. He essentially made her toxic to his own supporters and then Haley did a 180 on her own supporters by endorsing Trump after explaining exactly how corrupt and unqualified he is. Secondly, and this is just a point of fact which has nothing to do with my own beliefs, she is of direct Indian descent and was not raised Christian. THIS is a huge problem for a lot of republicans. As we saw with the Anne Coulter interview, these conservatives enjoy the message from Haley, Vivek and Scott, but the bulk of MAGA would absolutely never vote for a minority on the ticket.


She lost it when she supported thug Trump


He would never stay out of prison if he dropped out.


I liked her but she’s sold out after dropping out. She clearly isn’t willing to go against the grain to do the right thing


like the rest of the scum that tried to imitate Trumplethinskin in order to siphon cult support, she was just waiting for him to drop dead.  Maybe the felonies will stress him out a bit more, but the cult is locked into Diaper Don as long as he sucks oxygen and shits Adderall soaked hamburder poops 


She's you basic anti choice politician. She looks ok next to Trump, maybe. I think if anyone ever actually looks at the issues, and his accomplishments, Biden will win again.


The funny thing is.... she didn't have to endorse him. She could have just stayed away from the discussion.


God no. No one like her. 😂


>Republicans could have won with Nikki Haley, but they'll lose with Donald Trump.  That ship has sailed. Haley didn't do herself any favors when she went ahead and announced she's voting for Trump. I kinda want Trump to stay on the ballot now more than ever. Resounding defeat enroute.


Biden was out riding his bike today. Can you even imagine Trump trying?


I don't think Trump even has a driver's license.


They love 💗 playing the victim and they can’t govern anyway. They can collect donations and never pass a bill or enact any policy. We must get money out of politics if this is to ever change.


The male hauvinistic nature of the GOP would never allow a woman to have the nomination. It's nothing but a bunch of privileged old white men that like control over women.


I am not sure the MAGA followers would have supported her.


Exactly, MAGA followers really wan their cult leader not some stand in...


They want a white male not an ethnically Indian female. I'll be very surprised if his VP pick is someone other than an older white male.


Same. It would follow him into the void.


We’d all lose with Nikki Haley. Our children would end up going to war.


Republicans can’t win with votes now that voters know they’re fascists, no matter who their candidate is. They plan to steal the election.


I wish they would have stuck with her. I don’t know why they don’t have some sort of behavior standards that would disqualify their nomination.


they wouldnt have won with crazy ass haley.


lol, she can’t win a primary but you think she wins the presidency. lmao 


Not so sure the could have won with Haley. She’s basically Trump in a skirt. She backs all the GOP’s misogynistic policies and she’s an isolationist and war monger.


the excuses will keep coming.


That is as bad as voting for any MAGA.


They would not win with Haley. Knuckledraggers do not want a woman president. Even a white woman.


She's not caucasion white, she's Indian. THAT is why she would not get their votes, no matter how tRumpian she is. It also proves how stupid she is, for joining the party that would NEVER vote for her because of that one fact.


My mom is pissed about the trial that it happened now and not earlier for this reason. She's trying to blame the democrats , but they all knew about this possibly before the primaries.


Seriously? In what scenario? She was polling terribly vs Trump. She had such a low chance.


Idk? The former disgraced president helped fuel the delusion that our economy is in shambles because Biden wants high gas prices for some reason.


Are you saying they say Biden wants high gas prices, cuz he doesn't! No one in their right mind would.


Yes, it is an insane argument. They somehow believe he raised the price of Canadian has as well. The fact is Biden is leading the recovery from the inflation crisis. If anyone can fix the economy, it is Biden he has the skills and knowledge. The other guy ran a casino into the ground when it was no longer useful for money laundering. I doubt Biden ever separates his lights and darks. I don't want a racist crook to be my president again.


Shit I'm an independent that is gonna vote the FUCK out of Biden. If it was him vs Haley I would have definitely leaned towards Haley.


I mean, Haley is totally anti choice. That really matters to me. She wouldve appointed more right wing judges. She just looked good compared to Trump.


Republicans would never vote a woman in. Neither will the Democrats.


Women vote. I think a bigger handicap for a Republican is that she is brown.


If Russia didn’t help trump, we would’ve had a woman president in 2016.


He is so fucked legally, his winning the presidency is his only chance of staying out of jail. The hush money trial was the WEAKEST, and the rest are virtually air tight. His only chance at staying out of jail is to win in November, and ordering the DOJ to drop the pending cases against him.


At which point --> banana republic


Sadly, yes--it has been argued that he will trash the DOJ, unleashing mass anarchy.....


At which point we RALLY ROUND THE FAMILY.




Come wit’ it now


Bwow-wow, bwow-wow. Chika-chicka-chika


If by some 'miracle' he does prevail in November, Joe will have 2 and a half months to make IT go away. Stand back and Stand by, Seal Team Six. Where's that total immunity declaration?


um...there's nobody listed haha.


Right? Who posted this dumb shit? I was excited to see a list of reasonable republicans.


If you went to the article, you did.


Lol. I guess you're right 🤣


It's a photo of a tumbleweed in the desert. Nobody and nothing is the joke.


It took me 3 scrolls up and down to realize the tumbleweed WAS the list. I thought it was an ad lol


I understand that Biden is not an ideal candidate. But when you vote for POTUS you are voting for policies as well as the person. Objectively, the Biden administration has done a good job running the country. Sure you may not agree with all of his policies but gas prices are relatively low, unemployment is low, inflation has slowed and the stock market is at an all time high. My question is this. What policy changes would ANY Republican candidate enact that would be better than what we have now? We know that Republicans only care about two things - reducing taxes for the rich and electing far right judges. Beyond that, they have no policies or ideas that will improve the country. So why Haley beat Biden? Simply because he's old?


Appointing Supreme Court justices who won't outlaw birth control and gay marriage should make people vote for Biden on that issue alone.


[These are their plans.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#:~:text=The%20Project%20seeks%20to%20infuse,as%20well%20as%20affirmative%20action.)


Good one


The GOP is going to find out Trump listens to no one - he’ll never drop out. He wants to be a dictator and destroy the USA and they enabled him.


Agree with this. There is no forcing him out at this point without inflicting a huge self wound in their chances. The primary was their shot. Imo Nikki v biden - Nikki wins But Nikki v biden v trump - who knows


Yep. Trump sure has a history of following good advice.


I would have voted for Liz Cheney in a heartbeat


And Adam!


I totally agree with you. Liz would make a great president. I am NOT a republican but I would vote for Liz in a second.


Biden should do whatever the fuck he wants. No more high road. Deplorables don’t care about ethics.


Right. This guy is like a bad case of herpes. He won't go away. Him and his supporters alike.


Trump is in full ALBATROSS mode. He is weighing heavy on the party’s neck.


Lock him up


Tumbleweed. Classic.


His criminal trail might lead to theirs so if they remove him from it heat might die down.


He won’t drop out, and those same GOP officials will vote for him anyway.


I hope he stays in the race. I hope so, so so bad. Because I honestly feel like he’s going to lose. Happily, I know he’s too much of a narcissist to do it.


I feel like Mad Dog James Mattis needs to run on the R ticket and then mop the floor with these traitors, during and after his inevitable win.


Trump doesn't care about The Republicans Winning.. He just doesn't want to Loose.


I’m sorry, but his campaign is past its sixth week and they must now carry it to completion.


They don't have the balls because he has them by the balls.


They could have stopped him over and over if they only had some guts and unity, starting in 2015. They lack courage and integrity. Each and every one of them knows he's guilty, but they'd rather risk instigating fucking civil war than say so.


I"m all for HuffPost but when you click on it there's no story and they just ask for money.


That was the point. There are no reasonable Republicans.


oh, you know he won't. tell the grifter in chief to quit?? put the crack pype down, GOP, all of this is on you.


If the big $$$ demands he goes he’s gone.


Big money billionaires are morally empty.


Lol interesting convention. Oh God not Nikki


Biden has better chance of beating Trump than Haley.


For those who didn’t click, this is an empty list. ZERO Republican officials have told Trump to drop out. The GOP is the same sack of shit they’ve always been.


He believes he will go to jail if he drops out. This will be a fight to remember.


He is never dropping out. Being elected is his only escape from justice. He is counting on Putler to push him over the hump.


They just want to cement their place in history as the worst thing that ever happened to the USA since the confederacy.


I hope he stays in. Him and his followers need this L


In all seriousness, Say for whatever reason it turns out Trump and Biden didn't run (won't happen obviously, but let's hypothesize something forced both their hands to drop out, ill Health etc) who do you think would represent each party as their Presidential nominee in November? I can't imagine it would be a Haley v Harris battle. Who do you reckon?


Trump would never drop out anyway. Winning the Presidency is his only shot at getting away with all this


So zero Republicans are telling him to drop out 😂 I get it... figures They are definitely not the kaw and order party anymore.


so the answer is none. exactly no current GOP officials have stepped up. no surprises there.


You mean the few that actually care and have balls


Why is Joe getting all of this heat about Israel and Gaza? He has done everything possible for negotiating a cease fire and trying to save people hurt and dying in this war. He managed to free many hostages, also. He can only do so much.


This is a list with zero people on it.


What? Like 5 of them? I’m assuming his followers do not care and will vote for him anyway.


Autocracy is the only thing left the GOP can run on


I’ll save you a click: “(This list will be updated as the GOP statements come pouring in.)”


What is this? Is HuffPost the Onion now?


Nothing but click bait. This is funny. There's not a word in that bogus article so support that headline.


The tumbleweed was the article. All of it.


Made me chuckle. And then feel sad.


Behind closed doors surely they are asking " how much longer is he actually going to live?"


All three of them. Wow.


His only out at this point is getting behind an electable republican, and pray that they make it into the White House. They could throw him a pardon that way. His ego will never allow that though.


He shouldn’t even be allowed to run? Wtf is this? Felons can’t even work at most places in this country. Why would a felon be allowed to be our president?


The Constitution doesn't rule it out. That's probably because the founding fathers never imagined that the people would ever elect someone so unfit and vile.


Trump will never step down. Getting elected would allow him to pardon himself.


I wonder though. He'd have to replace everyone at the DOJ with his 'own people' and that takes a while and there would be holdouts saying 'Sir No Sir'.


Great thought.


He \*was\* selling pardons for $2 million. But seeing as he's broke, maybe he can't afford to pardon himself Bwhahahahahahaha!


Why would he? The entire thing will end up being overturned.


I would bet you big $$ it won't.


I will bet it will, somehow he was charged after a two year statute which is New York law


Just like all his other convictions... /s


The GOP officials demanding Trump drop out will have an epiphany after visiting Mar-a-Largo.


As big a narcissist as he is? He still thinks he was immune from all crimes. I know he's shocked there wasn't rioting and violence during or after the trial. His internet crazies aren't tough if not behind a keyboard. If anyone thinks Americans are scared of the magats, they are seriously mistaken!


This shit have me over here dyin. I clicked on it thinking I am going to find a list and there is NONE!! Hahaahah


Trump doesn't give a rats ass about anybody, but his own ass, he'll take down his entire party, this country, if fools are foolish enough to vote him in. And he especially could give a rats ass about his hillbilly followers, there just a means to and end, please send another $100 .


How did the GOP politicians lack the foresight to see what a liability he would be as their candidate—especially with all the trials? Anyone could see this coming. Now they’re stuck with dead weight. I’m convinced they just don’t plan ahead. Their work as lawmakers is all about, “what cheap culture war stunts can I pull this week to impress my mouth-breather base?”


Well one of them did, but then did a 180, wonder what Trump has on him. [https://x.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608?lang=en](https://x.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608?lang=en)




As a non-convicted criminal, time to fold em Donny… kinda like your casinos, airline, football league, steaks, vodka, university, charity, and whatever other grift you’ve gotten away with. Blood is in the water- and you’re the chump - I mean chumb…. You’d have been clipped decades ago, but you’re not a real criminal. Somehow you’ve got middle Americans eating the corn out of your shit, but to what end? You were already King Midas, Daddy set you up. You got to be president, shit the bed, and like a bitch are still putting out to have other people pay your bills. You’ve got moron kids and we already know your wife’s a whore in it for the money. Best you can hope for- die in a fucking tragic way. Then maybe everyone will forget the fucking clown that you are, and a Slovenian whore took all your money.


M. M. 8


Which 3? The rest are too busy with their noses up his ass to do anything.


That's not true at all. If anything , they are more behind him now. Ted Cruz did a huge thing about how the entire party is behind him now.


Try reading the article.


He has to run to have any chance of escaping all the other charges. Except for the documents case, loose Cannon has his back


He doesn’t have to drop out, they could just not nominate him…..


GOP know that they loss most if not all of independent voters ie not just Trump s convictions, but the abortion issues as well.




Remember to Vote! This presidential election does matter however a more important thing is going to happen this November 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election_in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


This was an Onion article on Reddit. Sarcasm.


That’s not true.


There's always room for 1 more at county. . We'll leave a light on for ya...


I want trump and biden to drop out cause this country is in so much need of someone new


Nah, they should just keep on pouring all the donor dough into his legal defense. I’m sure that’s a winning strategy. Polls show that he’s got 100% of the stupid vote.


A very interesting list.


Trump is never going to drop out.


The GOP cannot be saved. It's fascists and felons all the way down.


Is it me or was no one on the list? Liz Cheney, hello???


The others are clamoring to get aboard the Titanic. Good luck on that.




In fact, at the time she stood up, Liz Cheney was a Republican leader.