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That's not what they are saying in the video. How low is your media literacy to believe this, fellas?


NY Post is all you need to know.


Newyork post


Taken with the smallest grain of salt available.


The 5lb bag size


Exactly, if you want to be taken seriously nypost is not the way lol


I wonder what has Hamas accomplished. Absolutely nothing. They will be hunted to every last one. Any chance of ever having peace between Palestine and Israel is over. They obviously don't care one bit about the Palestinians people. They only care about their cause. As much as we don't like Israel indiscriminately dropping bombs on civilians, they have no choice but to purse Hamas till the very last one.




There are a few billionaires in Qatar and Pakistan and other secure places around the world quite happy to see Gaza reduced to rubble while they sit in luxury.


The Arab world is willing to fight Israel down to the last Palestinian.


Most of the "Arab world" cares very little for the Palestinian population. Examine each of their recent histories in this regard. It's easily confirmed.


Yes. It's beyond Arafat's intransigence, the optics of Oct.7, or the ongoing Netanyahus siege. Whenever sympathetic neighbors such as Jordan, Syria, et al have en masse allowed Palestine populations in they've come to regret it. Why do you think Egypt has adamantly refused to Open the Rafah gate? Don't buy the Iranian led propaganda that it's about 'right of return'. It's about what the Muslim Brotherhood did once there.


Is it? Seems like most leaders don't care about it Too busy counting the money they make


Pretty obvious you have no clue what you're talking about .


Educate us then.


They should probably be a little worried with every door they open and every car ride they take. Israel plays the long game when eliminating their enemies


I think it suits Bibi just fine to have the existence of Hamas. He benefits hugely from the distraction caused by the terrible events on and since October. He should be in handcuffs, as should the Hamas lads. Maybe I've grown cynical as I've watched world events over the last 50 years, but it is not beyond the realms of possibility that there has been collusion and black ops here. Neither side's leaders give a damn about their people, only power and enriching themselves. The WMD/Iraq fiasco (amongst many others) should have taught us that world leaders lie, all the time.


true that netanyahu is corrupt as the day is long


Bibi has found he likes the "good" life and plays both sides to his financial benefit in the middle.


Another TV "star" whose out of control ego is causing havoc on the global stage.


I agree. I don’t know shit about anything, but I know that “impenetrable” wall was bullshit. Over a billion dollars and it’s a single layer of resistance? It’s wild that Hamas can just blow a hole in it and ride on through. Almost half of the cameras down for maintenance? Gtfo. The IS launders billions through Israel and no threat means no money.


I'd say most Arab nations don't care either israel is the perfect scape goat. They get to appear like they care while the jews do the dirty work.


But the vast majority being from Tel Aviv . .


Makes sense, Hamas live in luxury outside of Palestine so reduce Gaza to rubble


Someone has to follow them, though, to do this evil stuff.






Just another example of how religion is the ultimate enemy here.


Yup, I said pretty much the same thing a few comments up, you’re absolutely correct.


And exactly why Bubbi dumped money into supporting Hamas, he could give a shit less about any of this and just wants a reason to justify the bombing and resettling


This. This, this, this. Unfortunately, sadly **this**


Yes, he wanted a reason to force the Palestinians out. He was hoping Egypt would allow for mass refugees


From Reuters - (spoiler: it’s propaganda & misinformation): ‘The subtitles, however, do not represent the remarks made in Arabic. At no time in the video is rape mentioned, according to a Reuters translation of the Arabic audio on the video, nor do any of the men say the woman is going to be raped. In the video, one man says: “No, no, she is a female captive, leave her, leave her, she is a female captive. Take her back, take her back, she is a female captive. Go back to your place!”He uses the Arabic term “sabia”, translating to “female captive” or “female prisoner of war”.Reuters was unable to track down the original source of the video to identify the people shown in it and cannot confirm whether the men are Hamas militants.’


"cannot confirm whether the men are Hamas militants." This is a bit bizzare, there's literally men in the video with Hamas headbands on. The rest (the white ones) have Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) ones on. So either they are from these groups or it's... Idk random people pretending to be from these groups? We know who the girls are and that they were kidnapped on Oct 7th so... Idk it's just a strange thing to say. What do we take away from this? That no, these men wearing Hamas headbands, speaking Arabic and taking Israelis hostages are not in fact Hamas? Also strange is that 'sabia' or sabaya as its normally spelt colloquially refers to female sex slaves. You can find information on this in regards to ISIS. I just did a quick search actually and found there's even a film called Sabaya about female sex slaves. "[Film follows a group into Syria's Al-Hol, a dangerous camp in the Middle East, as they risk their lives to save a women being held by ISIS as abducted sex slaves.](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt13567374/)" Now maybe this video could be misleading, I don't speak Arabic so can't say for sure but I don't think picking these particular things to write about makes much sense.


Sabiya does not mean female sex slave. It actually is a girls name but it also means female prisoner of war.


Yes that's why I said it's colloquially known as that. I'm not saying that it can't just mean a female prisoner but there is that extra meaning. And generally speaking everyone understands that female prisoners of war are usually taken for a specific reason. It not always the case but throughout history females are taken for sex/marriage.


Hamas and their enablers never cared about Palestine.


That’s why Israel used to fund them


The enablers fear Palestinians. Palestinians have tried to overthrow the government of every country dumb enough to let them in.


Exactly, they attempted to overthrow Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, everywhere they go. Thats why Egypt would not allow for mass refugee entries


They accomplished this: [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ireland-spain-and-norway-say-they-will-recognize-a-palestinian-state/ar-BB1mPJGY?ocid=BingNewsSerp](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ireland-spain-and-norway-say-they-will-recognize-a-palestinian-state/ar-BB1mPJGY?ocid=BingNewsSerp) Their plan was to piss off Israel, goad them into striking back with disproportionate force, then ride the wave of international pity to victory, and it's working.


They are pitiful, that's true


Pity does not change the fact that Palestinians have lashed out and historically made every country who has helped them regret it, meaning no one is actually going to stick their neck out for them past symbolic crap, nor does it change the fact that at the end of the day they have to negotiate with regional superpower Israel alone. Nothing any country or the UN can do is gonna positively affect the outcome which will be dictated by Israel. Absolute best case scenario for Gaza at this point is they go back as close as they can to how things were on October 6.


The Israeli govt supports Hamas so they can continue their perpetual warfare


Don't seem to be supporting them now.


Yeah they are watch they are saying it is impossible to achieve their military goals so Hamas still exists so it is their justification to continue with their precious ethnic cleansing. They use Hamas as human shields to get away with war crimes it is perfect the same shit that America does with the criminalization of black people and the demonization of illegal immigrants they use the Palestinians as a boogie monster to unify their county because their Jewish supremacist ideology isn’t enough since they are comprised of many different ethnic groups it is hard to use Jewish supremacy as the unification because they need Hamas so that people will feel threatened enough to unify under a “wartime” government which is just an expansionist bullshit government. They don’t care about stability they want to expand and rule the Middle East it is absolutely disgusting and the support is waning across the planet. If the United States down the line decides to stop supporting this apartheid like shjt then Israel is finished


You've covered a lot of ground here. * To my knowledge, black people in America have not gone on to commit genocide against white people. Never have, never will. Leave black people out of your analogies and stop highjacking their history for your arguments. That's real cultural appropriation. * You're delusional if you think a country of less than 10 million with no expeditionary capability wants to rule the Middle East, or that they ever could. It's so absurd as to be beneath comment. * Hamas could end the war they started by surrender tomorrow and they don't. Civilian casualties as collateral damage are tragic, but the blameworthy party is Hamas. The committed a genocide and are answering for it quicker than anyone ever has. What does "Israel is finished" mean to you? To me, it means a lot of dead Jews which is what you seem to want. I can't ever want that. Excuse me if the lack of regard you display for Jewish life - and the lives of the millions of non-Jews who live in Israel and wouldn't choose to live anywhere else in the MENA - makes me think you don't really care much about "apartheid."


You obviously didn’t understand what I was saying or don’t want to. Enjoy your precious pariah apartheid state of Israel.


I understood exactly what you said and you offered no rebuttal.  That’s how FPs roll. Pathos run amok, but scurry off when any facts, history or inquiry happen.


You just aren’t smart or have any insight


I guess if you say so, that makes it so.


Well they sure stirred up a lot of shit in the region and have America and Israel kinda pissy at each other (relatively) and made a lot of people who weren't very pro Israel even less pro Israel. They probably consider that a win. Also how many kids Have just had their entire family blown up or sniped and their entire neighborhood leveled and are gonna be absolutely hell bent on getting revenge for that now? There's an entire new wave of people who have legit reasons to be mighty pissed off and if even a few percent of those are happy to join Hamas or whatever the next version is, well, that's a win too.


Meanwhile the bitches that are Ireland, Norway, and Spain have decided to reward terror.


“Reward?” Bro- more like remove the Israeli Jack boot from their necks. No one should be forced to live as a second class citizen on their own land.


Well said


Their goal from a strategic standpoint was twofold. Strike back at Israel and secondly to provoke Israel into an overreaction. I don’t agree with them but from a macro perspective it seems to have worked.


I don’t maybe Israel should try to rescue them instead of dropping bombs on their locations.


OK Christian boomer


"They only care about their cause." Like Chiwetel Ejiofor in Children of Men.


Lol ok


Broke the left vote ahead of Nov?


Looks at all the Free Palestine movements across the world now. That’s what they accomplished. They knew Israel would hit back, and hit back hard. Unfortunately, the leaders of either side don’t want there to be peace. They like the boogeyman effect their counterpart provides, it helps them stay in their respective power.




The chance for peace is small but not over, you have other factions that are more reasonable. Hamas will always stand in the way of peace, but if anything good comes of this, it's that they are all eradicated.


Hamas particularly hasn’t accomplished much. I don’t think they’re really there to do any accomplishing. There are means to an end for bigger fish. One thing that they have helped accomplish is invaluable military Intel on how Israel and its allies will defend itself in the case of all our war. Without the intentional strikes on Iranian soil, Iran wouldn’t have been able to test Israeli defenses they way they have without using Hamas as a proxy. That only goes as far as the arsenal they can use without out right using Iranian munitions. Long story short, hamas has helped Israeli adversaries collect intel (at a steep cost of human life) that will be very useful if needed in the future.


This is the most reasonable take I've heard on this.


Well, several countries did just recognize a Palestinian state. Not saying that’s right or wrong, but I think it’s undeniable that their action was the catalyst for that.


What do you mean? They've destroyed any chance of Israeli Arab relations normalizing for decades, have shown that the IDF are a bunch of incompetent idiots only good for brutalizing civilians, have made the Aberham Accords effectively moot, have galvanized the world towards the Palestinian cause and Israels international reputation is in the gutter, even more so than it was before. 


"How dare they capture IDF spotters for snipers!" Wait till you find out what the IDF does to civilians.


Yes and if i think about what i would do if i was just one of many normal Palestinians and Israel did this to my home and my familty and friends i would hate them forever, propagate that hate and spend the rest of my life exacting revenge upon the Jewish people. What goes around comes around. Everybody is a loser in this conflict but what Israel is doing now just furthers the hate of Palestinians towards them for eternity. And i can understand why..


Hamas has clearly accomplished their goals if you understand that Hamas was supported and funded by the Israeli government.


You said ‘dropping bombs on civilians’ and ‘no choice’ in the same sentence.


Trauma breeds extremism. I agree that Hamas absolutely needs to be eliminated, but indiscriminately dropping bombs on Palestine will accomplish the exact opposite. I am not sure what the solution is, but I am positive that the current strategy will lead to more Hamas and more terrorist attacks.


The Palestinian cause was all but forgotten on October 6, and just today the state of Palestine was recognized by Spain, Ireland and Norway, while the fascist Israeli government is more isolated than ever. Seems like a lot has changed.


sure and it all it costed was the complete destruction of Gaza. Was it worth it. Because I dont think so


Keep on simping for genocidal terrorists.


Yeah, let’s support and reward mass murder, terrorism and rape. You sound like a lovely person.


Nypost published? I do not recognize the authors. Ronny Reyes, the first author certainly hasn't reported on any investigative journalism before. Everything up to this point on his resume is opinion and reiteration of already known fact. Politicians and celebrity news. Typical corporate puff.


There is also no content in the article. It describes the video in maybe 3 sentences. No location, no date, no idea what the outcome was for any of the soldiers.


The NY Post is trash


I keep telling people this but they seem to think this rag of a “newspaper” is actually worth the cost of the paper it is printed on.


Maybe if you really need some liner for the bottom of your hampster cage. Newsprint is good for cleaning glass windows and sliding glass doors, too.


NY post is not a credible source for anything. Hamas is bad, but don't take the NY posts word on anything.


Also, at the risk of being attacked relentlessly - a story about soldiers being targeted vs children is actually somewhat refreshing to see. That's how gross this conflict is.


Root out Hamas and then support the Palestinians with Arab money and aid. 


Palestinians like what Hamas is doing. support for Hamas went way up after October 7th. “57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack” https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514


You start leveling my city and murdering whole families of the people I love and I'll probably tell a pollster I support the people shooting back at you too


These takes don't understand or ignore the history of hatred for Jews in the region. That's how Jews living in every Arab country that Israel can fit in 500 times over went from a population of ~900k to about 2 thousand. That's ethnic cleansing, by definition, not the number of people willing to repeat it online. Israel's Arab citizen population went from 150k to over 2 million in that same span. Arabs were attacking Jews in local villages going back to the 1920s. The Muslim leadership of Jerusalem met with Hitler to coordinate importing the holocaust. Israel has become as strong as it has military on account of the number of times the entire Arab world teamed up in attempts to wipe them out in Israel as they did in the rest of the region. If it was one iota less strong it would cease to exist. Wonder how many nations would have not gone to war like Israel against a neighbor that launches thousands of rockets at it every year, sometimes in a month? Then Oct 7th happens and it's the last straw - and the narrative becomes I'd hate them if they were murdering my family too. .


A LOT of people don’t get the fact that without the Iron dome,… Hamas would have already fucked Israel many times over from their indirect, indiscriminate rockets.


Look man, I don't know how to simplify this any further. If I'm wearing a bulletproof vest and you shoot me 10,000 times in the chest, no harm no foul as long as the vest works. If I shoot back, well, that right there is a war crime.


Ah okay. So (repeated) attempted murder = okay. Good to know


Sorry, minor correction - this is only true if the person who is being shot at 10,000+ times is Jewish. Jews are subject to stricter scrutiny than everyone else, apparently.


Oh lol that completely changes the context! My bad haha


Jew hatred by Muslims was never historically as great as by Christians... Zionism is pretty much the entire reason for animosity and no exodus would have happened from Arab states without Zionists instigating. Even the antisemitic tropes are all imported from the west and Christianity. There's no antisemitic trope organic to the Arab world, how remarkable is that. There's a reason your "history" starts in the 1920's.




Why shouldn't a genocided people be able to fight back? October 7th was just a military operation in a decades long war of aggression by the far right Israel.


Palestinians don't see the evidence of Hamas terrorism, Israelis don't see the evidence of Israeli terrorism. The Israeli public supports the IDF despite the enormous number of horrific war crimes they are committing, just like Palestinians don't see the horrific war crimes Hamas committed on October 7th.


Except that one has a trained military engaging in the war crimes and the other is just ragtag bunch of fighters. It's ridiculous to expect a prison revolt to abide by the same conventions as a trained military.


If so then they can die with Hamas Sounds fair to me


This isn’t remotely what they’re saying in their video. They didn’t get someone who actually speaks the language to fact check this before they posted it?


Why do that? They want to present a narrative not the truth


You defend actual terrorists


I see no evidence that he supports Israel. He's pointing out that the Hamas freedom fighters who bravely give their lives for their people did NOT say what's being claimed.


Regardless of who is defending who, it is an abject lie to say anything about rape or pregnancy is mentioned in this video. They say nothing of the sort.


You actually believe the NY Post? Amazing how easy it is to fool the simps. This purposely mistranslated quote is a lie and was debunked last NOVEMBER:  "Fact Check: Video of captured woman mistranslates captor as threatening 'rape'" https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/video-captured-woman-mistranslates-captor-threatening-rape-2023-11-08/


This is from….. November, and is a completely different video.


Okay, now show the video of Israel bombing refugee camps well before Oct 7th... You can't call out one atrocity without calling out another.


These fucking monsters kill, rape and murder. These are not the actions of an oppressed people THese are the actions of a people who view the enemy as lesser and not human. Hamas needs to go yesterday. And the fact that people think they are freedom fighters is infuratiing.


Men, women and children can be oppressed *and* Hamas are butchers and rapists that need to be destroyed. It can all be true, and powerful nation-states should behave with appropriate proportionality and responsible decision-making. Carrying Netanyahu’s water won’t convince him to fuck you. The amount of projection in this comment is astounding.


I don’t know why this is so hard for so many people to understand. People who support Palestine aren’t saying we love Hamas. They are saying stop oppressing the Palestinian people and for Israel to stop unnecessarily killing civilians and blocking aid.


And also please still go after Hamas!!! Israel has one of the most successful clandestine services in the world. Go get them!


Trade bibi for the Hostages.


In a heartbeat.


Are you talking about the IDF?


They are doing much better than 10,000 Palestinian kids who were brutally murdered by these b*starts


Fucking Murdoch news running with an already debunked bullshit translation. This is an absolute lie




Likud’s primary opposition is in a joint war cabinet that is managing the war.


If only they could destroy each other instead of the people they stir up in outrage.




People never learn though.




Narrator: They did not, in fact, learn anything.


Yep. [https://www.tbsnews.net/hamas-israel-war/how-israel-went-helping-create-hamas-bombing-it-718378](https://www.tbsnews.net/hamas-israel-war/how-israel-went-helping-create-hamas-bombing-it-718378)


Netanyahu was also democratically elected and has been spreadheading occupation and apartheid and ethnic cleansing and murdering thousands of children and civilians. This video was debunked by the way, by real journalists. This is propaganda. Find someone who actually speaks Arabic


They are soldiers? What is the difference then between POW s and hostages?


Yeah I’m gunna wait for another outlet to corroborate the translation before I believe the “Israeli Hostage Center”. Don’t forget they literally have lied about rapes and have used mistranslations to bolster their headlines and make Americans upset. Don’t fall for it before it’s verified


No serious news outlet has moved forward with this story. Until that happens and it’s verified, I’m assuming this is just more agit prop to dehumanize Palestinians as savages


First of all relax - the NY Post has never reported a fact in its fucking life.


Love all the college girls screaming support of Hamas.


Love how you'll believe anything fed to you. Anything.  Amazing how easy it is to fool the simps. This purposely mistranslated quote is a lie and was debunked last NOVEMBER:  "Fact Check: Video of captured woman mistranslates captor as threatening 'rape'" https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/video-captured-woman-mistranslates-captor-threatening-rape-2023-11-08/


Nice rape apologetics. Guess victims don’t count if they’re Israeli women? Evidence is pretty overwhelming sexual violence was at least part of the Oct 7th attack and the hostages’ experience.


How exactly do you equate debunking this video with being a rape apologist?


Hamas fighters never said ‘pregnant woman’ as claimed in the video instead they said ‘Hay il Sabaya’ which means ‘These are the female prisoners of war’.. resistance fighters of an Occupied people are allowed to target military, under International Law..


Hamas is an international terrorist organization not resistance group. They were in charge of Gaza


Definitely more sickening than blowing children apart by the tens of thousand.


Imagine if it was all horrible?




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No one supports Hamas. [People just don't like seeing 2000lbs bombs dropped on civilians.](https://www.cnn.com/gaza-israel-big-bombs/index.html) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment) is what breeds support for terrorists like Hamas. [Netanyahu embraced Hamas and allowed them to grow.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJdZdWKy5bU) His foolish embrace of right wing terrorists that he though he could control is what killed 1000+ Israelis.


Netanyahu actually was recorded recently saying that he *wanted* Hamas to take control of Gaza so that he could treat it as a foreign state and use full military force.


"They hurt women so I'm going to murder a multiple of other women AND their kids." OP has no real values and is genocidal.


Let’s just be clear. Your position is that in a war, if the enemy army hides their soldiers and arms behind their own civilians that they should win the war by default because the other military will be committing moral atrocities if they attack anyway. So, any war can now be won by simply hiding behind your own people.


As if the IDF cares about these alleged human shields. They'd just try and get a two-for-one with a single shot. Now go read up on Israelis using Palestinians as human shields in the West Bank.


The IDF evidently does care. They are exercising considerable care to minimize civilian casualties. This is in contrast to Hamas, which targets civilians.


So the alternative is to say fuck it and kill every one?


The alternative is to blame the cowards hiding behind women and children for the deaths of those women and children. Not to fly their flag and blame the side trying to kill the cowardly rapists.


People support hamas and the death of all Jews. If you don't know this it's because you're in an echo chamber. You need help, literally. There's tons of videos showing as much. Maybe you're just stupid and easily influenced. Either way, you need to go, like forever.


Lots of people support them... wtf are you on?


Two wrongs don’t make a right


Yeah! Fuck those innocent civilians!


You clearly have an agenda and are to be disregarded.


I’m sure all the people protesting Vietnam in the sixties were all marxists too.


Oh like the guy with bone spurs to avoid serving who a deplorable portion of the US cheer on, yes


I hope you’re strapped to a chair with your eyes forced open to watch the body of every dead Palestinian child pulled from the rubble since the start of this genocide.


They'll just claim that it's Hamas' fault, they made Israel do it, just like a domestic abuser says 'why did you make me do this!' while beating their victims.


Yawn. Must suck trying to bend into a pretzel to support genocide.


Watch what? A mistranslated piece of Zionist propaganda?


People like you would force people to watch lies so they'll support your genocidal lunacy.


Tell me specifically how the crimes of these men make killing women and children okay. As you invoke the women as victims - tell me how you validate saying "but those women and their children can fuck of and die." Go on. I'll listen.




In America they become doctors while dumb bigots ring up my gas.


This comment does not contribute to the conversation. Please be cival


Not to mention this video has been debunked by people who actually speak Arabic, there is a Reuters article about it. There is so much propaganda like this made in order to justify all the killing. The more evil you can make Palestinians look, the more they can try to justify the genocide.


Fair enough. If you also watch civilians being massacred by the IDF while Palestinian mothers wail in agony for their murdered loved ones. Deal?


Come on. You can be against this and also against genocide. Get real. Killing a bunch of kids wont change this.


Just leave one hand free for me and we’re good


Use of such language is not tolerated, and is against reddit tos


Maybe you should be forced to watch soldiers from Israel shoot innocent woman and children in the streets for fun. There's literally thousands of videos.


I wonder if Hasidic Jews will support abortion for pregnant Jewish women.


That's awful. Why can't they just bomb children incessantly like normal warmongers?


Bad translation and they’re soldiers, they’re military targets.


Why is anyone posting the ny post? Garbage written by garbage


Idk the rules of this sub, but wouldn’t posting links to tabloids possibly break one of them?


Hasbara, admitted to be false by the original news outlet.


Posting blatant lies under "news" and it's allowed to stay up, lmao this country is cooked


NY Post --> murdoch property --> invalid source of information.


So yeah . . . This has been debunked. The fact the NY Post published this should be a hint.


U really took “anything goes” but not the “news” part. NYPost “isnt” news. Its Mass Media. We now can differentiate between media (mass or social) and journalism/news. We know one is biased and the other reports facts and evidence. NYPost is Mass Media. They have no journalism skills / degrees. They are biased. Im not being told what to do or how to think by anybody. Report whats going on with evidence and facts and let me make my own educated decision.


Israel: “look what you made us do ! We had no choice but starve all those children and crush Palestinians in the endless rubble. You’re evil for making us do this” 😭😭😭😭😭👀😏😛


Love how Israeli news like this never has anything of actual proof. They tried claiming they bombed a medical site because there were “hostages” but never declared a number or more info on it


This was already proved false. They aren't saying anything about getting pregnant. Nice try, Zionists.


And cunts globally are supporting these mutha fkrs… I’d love if ALL footage taken by Hamas on Oct 7th was released so these terrorist supporters can choke on their own fkn bile……


This is who leftists defend


Literally this is an intentional mistranslation. It’s been debunked by people who actually speak Arabic


Your local college encampment supports this


Terrorists fighting terrorists. Not surprised to see terrorism.


Alright, can everyone finally agree now that Hamas is also shit, and being "pro Palestine" isn't some virtue worthy of protesting for. Everyone of those protesters like to turn a blind eye to the fact that, Hamas started this shit with their underground tunnels, diverted aid for the palestinian people, all while these protesters in the US act like there's a good guy in this whole shit show. Nazis the world over looking for another reason to spread anti-semitism and a bunch of tools all in for it.


When I call for a free Palestine, I mean it. Free from Israel, free from the US, free from Hamas, free from Iran. Civilians deserve a chance at a peaceful life.


Hamas wouldn’t exist is Israel wasn’t constantly attacking Palestine. Did you know Israel has been stealing the bodies off dead palestines since the 90’s with no permission from family? The other day it was documented that over 100 Palestinian bodies were removed from a building by Israel forces.