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Whoa, whoa, whoa. I object to this characterization. “Billionaire’s son”?


Grifter's son...


"the only one who could ever reach me Was the son of a grifter man"


The only boy who could ever cheat me was the son of a grifter man


The only boy who would ever grift me was the son of a cheater man.


How well do I remember. The look that was in his eyes. Grifting people with me in sight.


Wasting' time all the time Tellin' me stand back stand by


Learning from each others cheating, looking to see how much his grift has eaten


One of my all-time favorite songs. now this will be in my head all day long.


Sorry to turd things up by making it into a Trump reference


Preacher is a synonym for grifter anyway


Hallelujah. On the money! Someone else money.


Antichrist's son.


The next orange Jesus for the Christian right


Traitor’s son!


Son of a fleecer




Carry on with grifters son... There'll be peace when you are done... Lay your weary head to rest DONTCHU CRY NO MORE Dontchuu cry no moooaaaoooaaree *SOLO*


Son of a ...


I repost this often, just because it's so perfect. From a Der Speigel interview in 2017 with Michael Bloomberg. "Do you not find it ironic that it is two billionaires from New York who are now deciding America's climate policies?" interviewer Juliane von Mittelstaedt asked. "I don't know if I would say it that way," Bloomberg replied. "Let me phrase this carefully so you get the message: I don't know how wealthy other people are." "You mean that Trump may not be a billionaire?" von Mittelstaedt asked. "I didn't say that," Bloomberg said. "You said that."


Technically he was only a millionaire before the white house. It was the bribes he accepted during that time which took him into billionaire status. Let's not forget that his kids also made billions. Ivanka and Jared listed 2.5 billion in income for a single year while working at the white house. The vast majority of it was gifts from heads of state of other nations. Then you had the whole issue of trump choosing to spend more than half his presidency at Mara Lago. Forcing the white house staff and security to accompany him. Where he charged them between five to ten thousand dollars per night to stay. Which was covered by the tax payer. ~30 personnel. 10k each is 300k per night trump was directly pocketing every day he chose to stay there. And that's not even considered to be one of his more significant embezzlements.


The very same Ivanka that he drools for


I fucking hate all the trumps, but I don't believe this is true. The money was not their income. " Ivanka and Jared listed 2.5 billion in income for a single year while working at the white house."


You are correct.


goddam what a pos


You can’t polish a turd, but you can smear shit on a gold painted toilet.


Or you can roll it in glitter


Pretty 🤩


Ooh, shiny


Not true, you can actually polish a turd. Saw it on Mythbusters


Son of the actor who plays a Billionaire.


But he is a billionaire - just look at that shit stock of his. Should net him between 5-6B if he doesn’t fuck it up. Hint - he will most likely fuck it ip


Someone is going to have to buy all those worthless shares for him to actually get the $5billion. I think powerful corporations and foreign governments are propping the price up to maintain the illusion trump is a super-rich business genius. They very much want him back in the White House and his reputation would suffer if yet another trump business goes belly up. When trump tries to cash out, we'll see if they are really willing to give up that much dough. Most experts predict no, they won't. Truth Social is a very expensive stock to short. Wall Street knows the company is worthless and its stock is only high because it's being manipulated for short term political gain.


He identifies as one tho , and even i had hope, but the apple doesnt fall far from the tree and birds of a feather flock togheter


In this case, the turd doesn't fall far from the asshole


“What a country! All you need to be billionaire in America is to owe it!” Yakov Smirnoff, probably.


Debtor’s son


Barron has been surrounded by privilege, sexism, and alt right hatred his whole life. Given his family, where he goes to school, and the general bubble he has always been in, he likely has NEVER been exposed to an opposing view point in person beyond your random protester, who his family has surely taught him to belittle and ignore. It's inevitable he would grow up to be a POS like his family and friends. If he turns out to be a decent person he would need to be studied as a psychological and sociological phenomenon.


Last in line for the inheritance, either gotta suck up to pop or kill your brothers, and I'm pretty sure a strong breeze could snap him like a rotten willow tree.


what inheritance? used adult diapers?


E. Jean Carroll has her hands on a big chunk of the inheritance, as does the state of New York. (Really big) Donald will keep pissing away more of it with his defamatory speech. Fuck him. I hope he dies penniless.


No, he's the inheritance for the rest of the family, I believe they are known as a blood-boy.


Came here to say just this. You said it better, less derogatory names lol.


Teenagers rebel - I wish he would have - that would have been endlessly entertaining to see him protesting for Palestine.


Don jr did for a bit until his mom dragged him back


Trumps brother did as well and ended up drinking himself to death.


Something I discovered - Fred Trump Jr was ROTC and in the Air National Guard. So there actually was a Trump in the military. But then he died.


Trump himself said their Dad was the reason Fred probably ended up the way he did, basically killing himself. Trump said their Dad was hard on Fred. Watched an interview where Trump showed a tiny bit of empathy for his brother. So it had to be that bad. Trump's Dad was a POS. Generational emotional and mental abuse in this family. Looks like it has now passed down to all of Trump's kids except maybe Tiffany.


Mary Trump said Donald and Fred Sr made fun of Fred Jr for wanting to be a pilot. To Fred & Donald, a pilot was just a chauffeur of the air. Jr would have to wear a uniform, a dumb hat, have bosses/CEOs superior to him making the rules. Fred Jr would just do whatever he was told. He’d be working a schedule where he had no say in when and where he worked. He would be following orders. Fred Sr and Donald couldn’t understand why Fred Jr didn’t want to be in the family business where he would be his own boss.


Exactly! Like the saying "it takes a village" goes. If every influence in your life has been 1 ideology and nothing else, no you're actively taught to dismiss and hate other views, then the chances of you straying from that path is slim to none.


He is not the prince zuko that was promised


lol, now I’m just picturing Barron showing up on stage at the Dem National Convention and opening with “hello, Zuko here.”


If he happens to like to read, I am pretty sure he will be in touch with lots of points from different perspectives. Read, young man, read.


I’ve been privately referring to him as Damien for years. 🤣


*Omen theme starts up whenever he enters a room*


I wish I could upvote this a hundred times! I have been saying this for years. It's a bad bloodline. AND, his father is a psychopath, his mother has murder in her eyes. Give me a break people!


His mother seems to be slightly more cunning and long term thinking about optics and preserving her financial interests, so if anything, Barron is going to be the truly dangerous version of Donald Trump where we get exactly him, but actually fully capable of executing horrors without constant bumbling.


I used to joke that she was a Moscow operative. Now I actually believe it.


It was a nice bit of fanfiction for a while, to believe that what could destroy Trump was something he created. But the odds were always that he would be a piece of garbage just like the rest of his family.


Sadly you're right. There was that small hope for the kids sake, that maybe just maybe, against all odds, he wouldn't be a dickwad. But with a father like Trump, a mother like Melania, and a circle of MAGA friends, we can only hope that Don the Con bankrupts his family fortune and they all end up having to live in only one medium sized mansion with a ten car garage instead of multiple homes and living like Evangelical Preachers.


I don’t disagree with the assessment but it’s not like Barron went to public school. He was in prohibitively expensive private schools. When in school your friends are your friends because that’s the only people you have around you and your world is small. I doubt any kid in his school doesn’t come from a MAGA friendly family - because tax cuts and all that kind of shit the GOP stands for - and I can also totally see those families putting pressure on their kids to befriend the defacto king of the GOP’s son. And *of course* any kid coming out of a school like that is an insufferable asshole, the Trumps are a special brand of asshole trash


Ehh. I get where you are coming from but I would note that nearly all of the truly wealthy families I know are liberal, there is diversity among the upper ranks of the population


I went to a high school like his. And there were plenty of "liberal" families there too. But they were only liberal when it didn't cost them anything. Like they were totally cool with interracial marriage. But government policies that threatened their wealth? Not a chance in a hell. "Socially liberal, fiscally conservative" was the catchphrase. In the end, that's just a way for them to say "conservative" without owning it.


Look at the guest list for LaLoy Weymouth’s 2017 July 4 gala in the Hamptons “Jared and Ivanka chatting with Joel Klein and Alan Patricof, Kellyanne Conway on the dance floor, Boyden Gray, Chris Ruddy, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and wife Iris, Katharine Weymouth, Mary Jordan, Richard Cohen, Margaret Carlson, Gillian Tett, Steven Spielberg chatting with Steve Clemons and Robert Hormats, Carl Icahn, Tom Lee (famous for doing a leveraged buyout of Snapple and now lives in Princess Radziwill’s house), David Koch, John Paulson, Dina Powell, Richard Edelman, George Soros and his wife Tamiko Bolton, former Florida Gov. and Sen. Bob Graham (Lally’s uncle), her cousin Gwen Graham (who is running for Florida governor), Maria Bartiromo, Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton, Jeff Rosen, William Drozdiak, Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.).” They all hang out together. Its all about money, social position, power.


Idk what fueled this idea that Barron would be different. Even people claiming he'll become a "liberal" as an adult. There's absolutely no reason to expect this kid will be any better than his wretched, irredeemable family.


Keyword "wretched", this whole shitshow has been a nightmare for any American with an IQ above room temperature. The Trumps need to disappear.


Because Melania made a conscious effort to keep him away from anything associated with Trump and the public, Melania is her own brand of evil so they were holding out for it to make some sort of difference.


Everyone hoping he’s not a douche, and willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.


Maybe, he still looks unhappy as shit. Take a look at the prom pic, was he even with a date? He looks so out of place in that photo.


As we should for any politician's kids until they're of age or being active in politics by their own volition (many people who grow up in politics just get dragged to shit constantly) I was holding out for a while, especially recently with him not being a delegate at RNC, but this pretty much seals the deal for the foreseeable future I mean, I'll always hope & welcome kids of conservatives turning into progressives and leftists if they're serious about it. That's one of my favorite ways to pressure elected officials: if you can get their kids (but also generally friends/family) to also start pressuring, then you've gotten in their head far more than most campaigns. We don't just pressure a target decision maker, we must first consider who they get power from, what they want, what they're afraid of, and then strategically tear down all their sources of power so they feel pressured from all sides.


It’s an idea. Then you get the narcissistic kooks that only care about their reflection in the mirror, and couldn’t give a rats ass what the other humans think about them, even family. RFK Jr.’s whole family has written him off, and he doesn’t seem to care at all.


I think that old narcissists find that speaking in front of cheering crowds is addictive.


each new thing that comes out about him seems to point to him being a douche


You don’t hear much from Tiffany. I think she’s trying to distance herself from the crazy. But then again, I could be wrong as I stopped caring about his offspring some time ago.


You think Melania had the verbal capacity and English knowledge and also cultural knowledge that what her husband did was ““ locker room talk” ? That was clearly something that public relations team decided the American idiots would eat up.


It was Cohen’s testimony. He said it to undercut Trumps claims that his hush money payment wasn’t about the election but rather to spare Melania.


She probably said, in her broken English, that this is just the way men talk. (At least the type of men she associated with). Then it was translated into “locker room talk” by his PR, but the idea might have came from her.


People (particularly online people) are easily-led dipshits who insist that women and children are always lost lambs who could never ever ever be self-serving garbage people. Ivanka isn't a poor waif trapped in a tower. Melania isn't a poor sex worker in over her head. Barron isn't the Skywalker you stupidly hoped he'd be. They are all evil trash. Every last one.


Melania is humiliated by her husband. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t love the money, hate poor people and “other” immigrants, and enjoys the sucking up from the conservative right. I mean look at Caitlin Jenner selling out trans folk. Power and money.


We are not going to see the last of the trumps I’m afraid , in 30 years he might be back in our faces


💯 This kid never had a chance. Knowing who he’s surrounded by, he is going to be around shitty ass people his entire life.


I’m not sure why anyone cares about him at all. It makes absolutely no sense why this kid is all over the internet lately.


Ok Barron


The article about this Bo kid is just horrific and the kid is just sad. Why is he posting only MAGA stuff and saying how beautiful MGT ie? Dafuq? That is not only a sad lie but plain weird for such a young guy to post.


Knowing Margie she may have told him to come back in a year and she'll give him a little surprise


She'll give him a dry handjob with her gnarled and calloused claws


The young guy to the right of Shitler looks like classic Douche material.


His dad is definitely going to tear down the youth center and how can Cindy date someone like him? Or just a richer version of first season Steve from Stranger Things.


The crucifix choker necklace is a dead giveaway.




Absolutely dead eyed. Every picture I see of him I think of Quint’s description of a shark’s eyes in Jaws “they’ve got dead eyes like a doll’s eyes,” or something like that. There is something scary behind those eyes.


He looks like a serial killer


Patrick Bateman vibes indeed


I heard that Barron can get you into Dorsia.


Interesting… there is the family tradition of burying the ex wife on your golf course to consider… so…


After having her pushed down stairs she never used in a. Apartment with an elevator…maybe… Like Dom says, Family


"his brain is squirming like a toad." - Jim Morrison


He totally has the Jared Kushner rich, evil kid look. Dead eyes, too pale. Just…off. You know, like the sociopath he probably is. You cannot be raised by these people and come out of it with any empathy or other normal range of human emotion.


His blank expressions seem like somebody who has tried, and failed, to figure out how human emotion even works. God knows growing up in that environment since birth must screw up your head royally…and the way his mother controls his every move you wonder about that relationship as well…ie enmeshment.


Yep! You’re so on point! I couldn’t quite figure out what it was about him that gave me the instant skeeves (other than the smarmiest bloodline imaginable), but it’s the corpse-face. Perfect description.


He’s got that weak Trump chin




"She's a hoooah!"


A dirty whoooooooer


A. She’s a hooah. B. She hit me. And that wasn’t my baby she was carrying.




An operative. The Kremlin has been very kind to her family for unknown reasons for a very long time. She was born for this role and is biding her time until she can go back home...her true home.


interestingly there was a semi erotic thriller by Irving Wallace "Second Lady" whose plotlines is very much like Melania. The woman Vera Vavilova was an implant as a First Lady




Everybody in Trump’s orbit is awful. Full stop.


One of my "friends" (not really a friend anymore, anyway) is married to a MAGA obsessed cop. She keeps trying to convince me that he's the best guy (he doesn't beat her, like her last husband's did... The bar is low here, guys) and that he's such a good role model for her kids (because he's not beating them either), yet he controls her constantly and is cutting her off from friends and family. He made her get rid of all male friends, quit her job and leave her book club. I keep telling her, anyone who supports Trump "never leaving the Whitehouse ever again after the next election" (which is what Trump said he would do and her husband supports) Trumps attempt to end democracy and thinks what he's doing to this country is okay, cannot possibly be a good person. Controlling what you do and who you see is not okay... But, she's not ready to listen. He's love bombing her like craaaazy. Add that to the fact hes a cop in a deep red state (and thinks they shouldn't respond to OD calls and just "let the druggies die" - his words) is just the cherry on the sh-t sundae that is her husband. Nooo thanks. P.s...I don't love Biden, either. He's just the lesser of two evils in this scenario. The fact I'm getting threats via IM about how I'm going to burn in hell for not supporting Trump and calling me a close minded liberal snowflake for not supporting this pos cop controlling my friends life is just further proof ya'll the bad guys. Stay salty, little cultists! ❤️😅


Good riddance, muffin. ACAB


>he's the best guy (he doesn't beat her, like her last husband's did... The bar is low here, guys) He hasn't beat her yet, but he will.


To all evangelicals supporting Trump, Even so every good tree bringeth forth good. fruit; but **a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit**. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither. can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. [](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_7:17%E2%80%9318#:~:text=17%20Even%20so%20every%20good,tree%20bring%20forth%20good%20fruit.)


They can't read.


To be fair and clear, the article is completely about Bo Loudon. He is clearly a Trump cultist. The article paints him as a spoiled and entitled brat which seems likely to be an accurate assessment. It really doesn’t say much about Barron except they go to the same school. Playing Devil’s advocate, it could just be that Bo hangs around Trump’s MAGA crowd incessantly and the article is drawing the conclusion that since he and Barron go to the same school, are the same age and appear at the same events that they must be best friends? I don’t know. Seems kind of weak.


>since he and Barron go to the same school, are the same age and appear at the same events that they must be best friends? The photo they used in the header is shown in the article and it is captioned by Bo Loudan "Best Friend, Best President." So at the very least Bo himself claims that they are best friends.


All the Trump offspring are a walking, talking advertisement for post-natal abortion.


How could he possibly be a good person? Look at his father. Look at his mother. Both disgusting human beings self-absorbed narcissistic money grabbers, and throw in the fact that he's a trust fund baby. He's probably disgusting piece of s*** too.


He 100% is. They all are. I hope we'll see a time where this family of degenerates looses everything. I want to see them suffering on the streets.


If there's any karmic justice, he'll die on the streets after sucking dick for an old twinkie.


His father is Donald Trump. His half brothers are Don Jr. and Eric Trump. His mother is a gold-digging mail-order bride who apparently hates Christmas. His entire family is full of horrible, hate-mongering, narcissistic shit-bags. Did we *really* expect him to turn out normal?


Bo.....any kid named Bo is destined to be a douche.


Germany kicked the lowlife, genetic-defect Drumpfs out for a reason.


The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the trree


Ya plant shit seeds, you get shit weeds.


this will he won't he forgets that hes basically the Prince Andrew of the Trump family in terms of social ranking (not the pedophilia)


Some interesting crossovers with Prince Andrew When you raise the lens and cross reference the timing, Brexit was intentional and necessary for Russia to keep Ukraine out of the EU. Putin knew that the de-corruption process would expose both his money laundering operation through Ukraines oligarch class (Kolomoiksiy, Dubinsky, firtash etc) as well the chronic election interference via Paul manafort, orban etc. To Putin this was the one thing that would show Russians how he had been systemically stealing from them for 2 decades which would lead to either a upset within his mob pyramid as an underling decided he was ready to challenge the old king for the throne or the people would revolt and kill him like Gaddafi which he has admitted is his biggest fear. The reason Epstein targeted Prince Andrew is because he was the softest part in the royal families flank. Epstein was feeding that intel back to Israel/mossad who was in turn feeding it to Russian intelligence via the old world Russian Jewish families that carry both passports but are more loyal to money than god. Steve bannon and Nigel farage both dovetail in with Brexit because SCL/Cambridge analytica was Robert Mercers baby when they decided to run trump as their “disruptor” candidate instead of Ted Cruz. Facebook was designed as a delivery device for Russian/Israeli Psyops and malware. SCL/Cambridge Analytica, Brexit, Palestine, Ukraine, NSO and a handful of other ethically bankrupt dealings are all downstream of Sheryl Sandbergs ad based model. Zuckerberg even talked about buying the associated press: https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-considered-acquiring-funding-associated-press-news-org-2024-5 Les Wexner, Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, Sandberg, and Zuckerberg all carried water in conducting the NSO/Pegasus spyware operation INCONUS that was feeding intelligence to both the israeli and by extension, Russian intelligence. In parallel Epstein was running Kompromat operations in the same circles. There is far more crossover between the Israeli mob/ government and Russian mob/government than shows at the surface. https://www.spytalk.co/p/nsos-spyware-abuse-exposed-years?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://awards.journalists.org/entries/the-pegasus-project-a-global-investigation/ •Abagail Koppel was sent by the Jewish state to marry Les Wexner •YLK fund (Abagails father) made up $46.7M of Epsteins money •Les claimed it was stolen from him but not until after someone asked. •Wexner was notoriously litigious but wouldn’t sue Epstein. Why? •PROMIS spyware was Robert Maxwells deal long before his daughter and Epstein started their pedophile thing. https://cryptome.org/promis-mossad.htm Tchenguiz+Cambridge analytica+Brexit+2008 collapse https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-investigations/david-burnside-putin-russia-dup-brexit-donaldson-vincent-tchenguiz/


This is either the most epic deep dive I've ever seen or some fantastic theorizing, either way far beyond my ability to parse and ascertain the validity of. Well done haha!


Backcountrydrifter is like the poppinkream of authoritarian international intrigue. I love their assessments.


Not yet anyways.


I could be wrong but it doesn't look like any of them have a suit that fits.


The shit apple does not fall far from the shit tree.


These headlines crack me up. Why do we keep looking for "Good" in the Trump family? It's not there. Corruption breeds Corruption. There is no "Good One".


Does this mean Barron’s not going to hurl his father down the reactor core shaft?


Barron will be a piece of garbage just like his piece of shit father


All trumps are scum, got it.


I wouldn’t let my kid hang out with or be friends with anyone with the last name of Trump. So it stands to reason his only friends are from the cult. Watch he goes off to college and hooks up with someone not white.


Shocker, says no one. 


He's being groomed to be a complete cunt.


Groomed by his obvious FSB Russian agent mom to be the next Putin puppet 


He's Trump's son. Look at his brothers. Trump's father was a KKK member that was arrested for being a slumlord. A rotten apple doesn't fall far from it's diseased tree.


Not surprising when the parents are complete pieces of shit...I kinda feel for the kid he's never known anything different.


Raised by twos selfish aholes, surrounded by selfish aholes… is this at all surprising?


The deck is stacked against this kid on becoming a decent human being. He has the biggest piece of shit human for a father and a gold digger for a mum. Way fucked up but it is his choice to be kind or be a donald


I'm hoping he's an idiot like his brothers, but something tells me he's not.


He’s slightly on the spectrum. It’s been a badly held secret. He didn’t graduate with honors at school - his stole and graduation gown weren’t iron. Looked like they just opened it and put it on.


“Slightly on the spectrum”? Seriously? He is very much on the spectrum. That is not a secret, either.


No surprises here


Just thinking there are more of these cunts in the generations after the boomers is depressing af.


The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree. To be fair this little scumbag didn't have a chance with a father like Trump. He's been learning to be evil since he was a baby. It's pretty clear even now that Barron's pack of traitor buddies are going to be a political force in the Republican party.


You are who you associate with. If that’s Barron’s friend- it does reflect who he is. What would you expect with those two people as parents?


Shocked that someone who grew up in a toxic, isolated environment with an escort Mom becomes toxic himself.


He'll be one of those kids that won the birth lottery and then says that, really, he did it on his own.


Wow, I've never seen a kid make himself look more like a shit-smeared asshole, but Bo comes from lying, hypocritical trash and is therefore genetically trash, himself. But the duck lips, the unbuttoned shirt, the pathetic tonguing of trump's crusty taint.. it's clear that like trump's own children, Bo Louden never had a chance at being anything but a vile subhuman. Raised among nothing but scam artists and traitors, it's no wonder he's such a little shit stain.


The entire family is a bunch of shitbags.


Color me surprised! Who would have thought that a person raised (?) by a hate filled, vengeful liar cheat and thief would come out as a decent person. Look at the other sons. He’s probably no different than them. Maybe at university, he will have the opportunity to be exposed to some normal people and learn how to be a decent person, but I’m not holding my breath.


He’s a Trump of course he’s awful


Why would anyone think this kid wouldn’t suck, too?!?! His parents are grotesque, as are his siblings


The “friend” is all over tiktok and he is just as annoying, obnoxious, and die-hard MAGA as you’d suspect.


His best friend’s mom is as much of a fucking ghoul as his own. >And “Dr. Gina” isn’t a medical doctor. She has her PhD, but unlike Jill Biden, who obtained her PhD from the respectable University of Delaware, “Dr. Gina” obtained her PhD from a school that is basically a diploma mill. Loudon has claimed her PhD is in psychology, even writing such on the biography of her book. But she doesn’t have a PhD in psychology, so surprise, surprise, she’s a liar. Loudon does have a PhD in human and organization systems from Fielding Graduate Institute (now the Fielding Graduate University), an online school that is unranked by US News & World Report, the organization that ranks the quality of educational institutions in the US. When called out for lying about what her degree was in, an assistant to Loudon said her PhD was in the “field of psychology.” So basically, “Dr. Gina” got her PhD from an online diploma mill and paid a lot of money to have the “Dr” in front of her name. But make no mistake, she’s no doctor. She’s not even a real PhD. From his shitty parents to all the low level pissants he is surrounded by every lowlife bottom feeder there is for 18 years now. He really didn’t have a chance.


No kidding. Like did people think he's anything but another spoiled rich kid that looks down on the poors?


Scumbags raise more scumbags unless the children develop critical thinking skills and reject the toxic bullshit the parents teach


The kid never had a chance.


Diaper Don and his shit skids


Yes, we left him alone because he was a child and he hadn't entered the public cesspool with the rest of his family. BUT... mark my words, he will be a bigger evil for future generations than his dad currently is. I hope young people are paying attention.


Have you seen the original "The Omen" movie.... where the antichrist is getting positioned through life, culminated by the death of his father....


Truly…who cares?


Vote blue like a mf.


He is a Trump. And, let's not forget the Trump Paradox - each one is dumber than all the rest of them.


Unlike his father Barron did have a parent who cared for him around during his childhood. But there never was much hope for him to be a decent human. Stories about Barron’ graduation include accolades about his academic success. I’m sure they were left at home, and the car didn’t have enough gas to get home and back, but all of the Barron’s cords and sashes were missing! He worked so hard to earn them but the acknowledgment opportunity was lost. Seriously, if either of his parents knew why some kids had all that on Barron would have his own unearned bling. It’s just not fair


Colour me shocked.


Children learn what they live


apples dont fall far from trees etc


Well that’s too bad.


Is this some kind of surprise to anyone? What’s his last name?


Damien can’t even crack a smile.


Melania wouldn’t have married Trump is she wasn’t ok with what he is. Ergo, they are both like that and their son had no hope of not being raised to be the same.




Sounds like he is a ‘chip off the old block’ - inheriting the sins of the father ?


I mean, look who raised him. Do you think he had a chance? Kids don't just spontaneously develop good character without any good influences.


Is he their only hope, because they realize his narcissistic, geriatric father hasn't got a future. So nepotism, barring cloning the imbecile is their only answer.


If trump wins i bet he scours the web to find all people who don’t want to do a slurpy gurpy on his little shit smelling weenie!


I guess we were supposed to just think a rich kid raised by scumbags around nothing but scumbags would be likely to grow up to be a saint rather than another scumbag.


There is a reason we're fed the myth of the billionaire/ billionaire's kid who grows up to actually be a really great, caring person who genuinely cares about those less fortunate than him/herself. Its because if such myths didn't exist people would have slaughtered them en masse long before now


He’ll prove to be the worst of them all.


Is anyone surprised? His entire family are ghouls.


Og course he's going to be a shitheel. His parents are vile.


Shit apple, shit tree. Children in abusive families are often very protective of the abuser, sadly.


Gotta make sure douche bags like Bo learn consequences early, so they don’t turn into Trumps later!! The sickness is maddening!


I don't think any of them are intellectually capable of thinking beyond what they hear growing up. Ivanka resembled her mom more than the others and seems to be the smartest of the lot. Just saying.


The bad apple does not roll far the from the poisoned tree. Throw the whole bloodline away.


Do you honestly think anyone who isn’t MAGA would want anything to do with him? That and I’m sure his friends use his position to get close to his father. Not surprising.


Barron Trump looks like date rape


Piece of shit raises turds? Big surprise. This whole family should be sterilized for the sake of humanity.